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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


I just realized that I changed the title of the story, but didn't for each chapter! ><;;; Oh my! *so embarrassed*

So this is it… the chapter you've been waiting for… It ties much of the story up… well the HHr…. I'm thinking of adding an epilogue to fully tie everything together… Thank you for all those who have been consistently reading and reviewing….

When Life Goes On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

"Oh congratulations, Harry!" Mrs. Weasley cried, as she pulled me in for one of her famous hugs.

She quickly let me go to brush off any dust or lint from my new uniform.

"You look so handsome!" Mrs. Weasley said, smiling.

I blushed, while the twins laughed.

"Mum! Dad's going to get jealous!" Fred said, jokingly.

Mr. Weasley just patted me on the back and congratulated me.

"Well done, Harry," Mr. Weasley said, smiling, "Three years of hard work and you finally got your badge!"

"Harry's an Auror!" Mrs. Weasley cried, her eyes shining, "Oh my!"

I blushed as Mrs. Weasley gave me another hug and started crying.

"Oh we're so proud!" Mrs. Weasley cried, still suffocating me.

"Mum!" cried George, "He can't breathe!"

The twins laughed at their mother as she finally let me go, still sniffling.

"We should get going!" Mr. Weasley said, pulling his wife away.

"Oh yes!" Mrs. Weasley said, "Good bye, Harry!"

The twins waved goodbye and they all left for the train station. They were going to pick up Ron and Lavender. Their family was going to meet with Lavender's family and sit down for dinner. I was invited, but I declined.

Not because I didn't want to see Ron, but because it seemed like a family moment for them.

Besides, I had other plans.


I walked into St. Mungo's and saw Hermione at the front desk helping a visitor.

"Mr. Laurence is in the first room on your right." Hermione said with a smile.

The lady thanked her.

Hermione noticed me and her smile grew bigger.

"You're late again!" Hermione said with a frown.

I gave a pleading look. "Mrs. Weasley wouldn't let me go."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You look nice." Hermione said, shyly.

I gave her a cheeky grin.

"You know I look hot in anything!" I said jokingly.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Give me ten minutes so I can change!" Hermione said.

I just nodded and sat down in a chair. I waited as Hermione left to go change out of her uniform.

She had been working here for almost a year. She was one of the top Healers-in-Training. She'll take her license exam next year. I know she'll undoubtedly pass with flying colors.

"I'm ready, Harry." Hermione said as she came out, wearing a nice casual dress and sweater.

I grinned as she took my arm and we apparated a nice restaurant.

We had a nice dinner there, talking about our days and lives. Hermione oohed and ahhed over my new badge. She kept smiling at it.

After dinner, Hermione suggested we leave.

"Let's go for a walk. Hermione said as she got up to leave. I paid the bill and we left the restaurant.

Hermione suddenly, grabbed my hand to hold it. I just looked at her in surprise, but she ignored my look.

"Come on," Hermione said, "Let's go walk in the park."

We walked around. It was pretty dark, so there was really no view. We just sat on a park bench, while Hermione kept snuggling with me. Hermione finally suggested that we go to my place.

"Alright." I said, awkwardly, as we apparated.


I went to the kitchen to get some refreshments. I felt kind of nervous as I peeked into the living room and saw Hermione sitting on the sofa, waiting comfortably for me.

I thought it was odd that she wanted to come to my place. We never really stay at my place. We usually go out and meet up.

This past year we've also been very busy, so we don't meet up very much. We always try to hang out at least once a week.

I nervously poured our drinks into the glasses as I thought of how strangely Hermione was acting tonight. She was a bit more touchy-feely and more assertive. A bit flirtatious.

I felt my stomach do flip flops at the thought. 'Hermione flirting with me.'

I ignored the feeling as I served the drinks to her. She gave me a coy smile as she took the drink. I gave her an uneasy grin.

There was a bit of an awkward silence between us. Hermione didn't seem to notice as she drank. I kept shooting her side glances, while finishing my drink.

Hermione just finally put her glass down.

"I got you a present." Hermione said, with a twinkle in her eyes.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach multiply.

"Really?" I manage to blurt out.

Hermione just gave me a grin as she lean towards me. My eyes widen as she moved closer. 'What is she doing?' I thought. Hermione leaned over me to get her purse. I let out a breath I'd been holding as I saw her fish through her bag.

'Oh' I thought, feeling a bit foolish.

Hermione pulled out a long, small box. She handed it to me with a smile.

"Thanks." I said, as I opened the box.

Inside was a watch. A nice, plain wrist watch. She got me a wrist watch.

I tried to hide my disappointment as I gave her a smile.

"Thanks." I said again, as I closed the box.

I was hoping for something else. I mean not 'something else' but something else. I'm a dirty minded person. (I think).

I was just hoping for something else. Maybe a change or a sign that she might be ready or want to change things between us. It has been almost a year. Technically 10 months, but still!

'Maybe that was still not enough time.' I thought, grumbling inwardly.

Hermione noticed my look.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing." I said, trying to cover up my disappointment, "Thanks for the watch."

'Even though I already have one.' I thought.

"I figured you needed a new one," Hermione said, smiling, "You seem to be late every time we meet."

"Well… er…" I said, blushing.

I guess I can be a little late sometimes. But I have been busy. It was my last year of training.

She must have read my thoughts.

"I know you were busy with training and all. Seeing that it had been your last year. You couldn't help it." Hermione said, smiling.

"But I figured it wouldn't hurt to get you a new one," Hermione said, "Hopefully you'll use it. Especially now you're an Auror. You'll be even busier."

I smiled at her thoughtfulness.

"Thanks," I said, sincerely.

Hermione took the box and pulled out the watch. She took my old watch off and put the new one on my wrist.

"There." She said, "Looks much better."

I gave her a smile.

"You're probably going to be even busier," Hermione said with a sad smile, "And I will too seeing I have to prepare for my license exam."

"It'll be harder for us to hang out each week." Hermione said, sadly.

"We'll make time," I said, holding her hand, "I can always make time for you!"

Hermione frowned. "See this is what I don't like!"

"What?" I asked.

"You skirting away from your duties for me!" Hermione said, a bit annoyed.

"I don't!" I protested.

Hermione gave me a look.

Ok, so maybe she's right. I would skirt my duties for her. Heck, I missed a lot of training last year, just to spend time with her.

Hermione gave a fake sigh and exasperated look.

"Maybe we should wait a little more." Hermione said, smiling.

"Wait for what?" I asked, curiously, turning to face her.

Hermione didn't look at me.

She just gave another sigh.

"You just got your badge and I still have a year left!" Hermione said dramatically, "We'll be so busy. I don't think we'll be ready to move in together!"

"What?!" I said incredulously.

Hermione wanted to move in with me?!

"We probably won't spend much time with each other," Hermione continued, "And so if I move in with you and start something, it'll distract you from work. And it'll distract me from studying for my exams!"

My eyes widen.

I grabbed her hands.

"No it wouldn't!" I said to her, "I swear it won't!"

Hermione just sighed and gave me a look. She pushed my hands away.

"It will!" Hermione said, "Remember last year? You kept missing training for me!"

"Well," I sputtered, "I have my badge now! I'm an Auror now! It won't matter!"

Hermione glared at me. "I still don't have MY license!"

I grabbed Hermione's arms and made her face me.

"Come on Hermione!" I pleaded with her, "I wouldn't distract you! I promise!"

Hermione just sighed and turned from me. "I don't know."

I let out a groan of frustration and ran my hand through my hair.

I needed to convince her that it was time. That I was ready and I wouldn't distract her from her studies. I wouldn't!

Maybe I would a bit, but still!

I suddenly heard a snort from Hermione.

I turned to look at her and saw she her body was shaking.

She was trying to muffle her laughs.

"Hermione?" I asked, confused.

Hermione bursted out laughing as she held her stomach.

I looked at her in confusion.

Was it was all a joke?

Hermione kept laughing.

Was she joking?

Did she just say that to fool around.

I frowned.

'It was a crummy joke.' I thought darkly.

Hermione finally stopped laughing as she patted my arm.

"Oh Harry!" Hermione cried, "You can be so cute!"

She started laughing again.

I glared at her.

She had been joking.

I stood up.

"Harry?" Hermione said, still laughing.

I just ignored her.

"I think you should leave." I said firmly.

That stopped Hermione's laughs.

"Harry?" Hermione asked, looking confused, "What's wrong?"

I just ignored her and went to the kitchen. I needed a drink.

"Harry!" Hermione called out as she followed me, "What's wrong?"

I just ignored her and looked for a glass.

"Harry!" Hermione grabbed my arm.

I just glared at her.

"Harry?" Hermione said, looking at me a bit confused and worried.

I just shook off her arm.

"Harry, are you alright?" she asked.

I didn't say anything but just pour myself a glass.

Hermione was quiet for a moment.

"It was just a joke." She finally said.

I just grunted.

"Do you want me to leave?" Hermione asked me timidly.

I didn't say anything.

Hermione turned to leave.

"You shouldn't joke about things like that." I muttered bitterly.

Hermione stopped and turned around.

"It's not funny." I said, frowning.

Hermione looked at me.

"You know I've been waiting patiently," I grumbled, "For almost a year."

"So it stinks that you can go make a joke like that and get my hopes up about you wanting to move in with me." I finished, frowning into my glass.

Hermione gave me a relieved look and started laughing again.

I glared at her.

She tried to stifle her laughs at my glare.

"Harry!.." Hermione said, trying to control her laughs, "Harry!"

I stood up to get away from her. She grabbed my arm.

"Oh Harry!" Hermione said, "I wasn't joking about that!"

I glared at her.

"Harry!" Hermione said, "I do want to move in with you!"

I gave her a skeptical look.

"I do!" Hermione said again at my look, "I was just joking about not wanting to move in now!"

I didn't say anything.

"I do want to move in with you." Hermione said, trying to reassure me, "Really! I do!"

"Really?" I mumbled.


"Ok." I said, feeling a bit foolish.

Hermione just sighed and gave me a hug.

"You're so silly," she said into my chest, "You're too cute."

I blushed at her comment.

"So you think I'm cute?" I asked, pulling her back to face her.

"Very." She said with a shy grin.

"Not handsome?' I asked, playfully.

"Hmm." Hermione pretended to think it over. I tickled her to get her to answer.

"Yes! Yes!" Hermione cried, laughing.

I grinned.

"So you'll move in with me?" I asked her hopefully.

Hermione pretended to think it over. I tickled her again.

"Yes! Yes!" Hermione cried.

"Really?" I asked her, stopping my playful antics.

Hermione gave me a smile. She looked at me and nodded.

"You want to move in?"

She nodded.


She nodded again.

"Do you want to move in and have things change between us?"

I waited for her response.

"Yes." She said, with a smile.

"You want things to change between us?"

She nodded, smiling.

"And I don't mean just being friendly roommates!" I added, "You want there to be an us?"

Hermione took a deep breath.

I saw tears forming in her eyes.


I didn't say anything. I just kissed her.

After I pulled back I said, "You can't take this back!"

Hermione just laughed and nodded.


Hermione and I sat by the Great Lake. We watched the Giant Squid wiggle one of his tentacles before diving for his prey. I saw her turn around to look at the stump that was once our tree.

"You know I thought that tree was the only thing that was with me those three years." Hermione said, "I didn't think even that would change!"

I gave her a small smile as I held her hand.

"But I was wrong." Hermione said, "It did change just like everything else."

I squeezed her hand. Hermione gave me a smile and leaned in to give me a kiss.

"You know," Hermione said, "The only thing that didn't change was you."

I grinned at her words.

"Even through those three years, I heard you and you never left." Hermione said, smiling, "I mean Ron left. The tree's gone. And Hogwarts, A History was revised into a new edition!"

"I think we changed now." I said thoughtfully, as I pulled her to me, to snuggle.

"Yeah." Hermione said, "But you waited for me. You didn't leave me behind."

I just smelled her hair.

"I couldn't leave you behind." I said, her hair tickling my nose, "Who's going to keep me in line and tell me off when I'm wrong?"

"Who's going to scold me when I try to miss work or slack off?" I said, pulling on one of her curls.

"Crookshanks would." Hermione offered playfully, "He's a great disciplinarian."

"He learned from the best." I said as I nuzzled her neck, "Besides he's not my type. His hair isn't bushy enough."

Hermione smacked my arm.


"Do you think we would have been together if I wasn't gone for three years?" Hermione asked me.

I pondered about it for a moment.

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

"I don't think we would have." Hermione said.

I scoffed. "Oh that's a nice answer."

Hermione gave me a look. "You know I'm right."

"Perhaps." I said, "Perhaps not."

"But after everything we been through," Hermione asked, "Do you regret it?"


Hermione smiled. "Neither do I."

I gave her a peck on the cheek.

"It's just hurt a lot getting through everything." Hermione said, sadly, "It hurt a lot to adjust."

I just held her tight.

"But I'm glad I made it through." Hermione said, smiling.

"Sleeping Beauty." I said, smiling.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You retold the story." I insisted, "You filled in the part about how Sleeping Beauty adjusted and how she lived happily ever after."

"I guess." Hermione said, smiling.

"Like I said before," I added, "I prefer Sleeping Beauty to some old man."

Hermione laughed.

"And I can be the handsome Prince Charming." I added with an impish grin.

Hermione snorted.

"You know you can't withstand my handsome, princely looks," I said, dramatically.

"You can't resist me." I said, wagging my eyebrows.

Hermione smacked my arm.

I pretended to be in pain.

"Sleeping Beauty, you are too violent!" I cried.

Hermione just rolled her eyes.


Part 11 Finished.

Story complete.

AN: I'd like to thank everyone who has been encouraging me and supporting since I started the story. It definitely was not what it turned out to be. It turned out much better. I still might do an epilogue, but technically the story is finished.

I know a few of you are insisting that I continue, but I don't know what else to add…. ><;;;

This was my first completed series fic. *sniffle* and I'm proud to have completed it. Thank you for those who have continuously stuck with me and offered their advices and opinions. You guys made me feel like a writer…