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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


I'm sorry I couldn't update yesterday! I was so busy with classes and laundry… -_-

Hopefully this chapter can make it up for you guys!!!

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

I watched as Lavender was helping Mrs. Mitchell with some new designs that came in last week. I saw Lavender manage a short laugh, while trying to hide her grimace as Mrs. Mitchell kept insisting that she come over for dinner this weekend and meet her lovely grandson.

"Ummm well, I really can't, Mrs. Mitchell!" Lavender said, all flustered as she shot a glance to me, for a millisecond, "I'm really busy with the shop and all!"

Mrs. Mitchell just smiled and waved her hand, "Oh! I'm sure you could spare an evening."

"You have a partner." Mrs. Mitchell said as she glanced towards me, "I'm sure you could spare a few hours."

Lavender sputtered for a minute. I knew she would cave into Mrs. Mitchell's insistence.

I came forward.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Mitchell," I said as I walked towards them.

"The thing is Lavender is dating one of my brother's, Ron," I said quietly, "They're very serious."

Lavender looked at me startled.

Mrs. Mitchell's hopeful face fell.

"Well, then I guess you shouldn't, Miss Brown." Mrs. Mitchell said, disappointed. She gathered her coat and bag.

"Well I must be leaving," Mrs. Mitchell said, coolly, "Good day to you both!"

Lavender looked nervously at me, as Mrs. Mitchell left in a huff.

I didn't say anything and just started cleaning up the shop. I could feel Lavender watching me, but I didn't say anything.

"Ginny?" Lavender said timidly, watching me fold some clothes.

"I know," I said, calmly, "I knew for awhile."

Lavender turned red and just nodded.

After awhile she asked me quietly, "Are you mad?"

My hands clenched around the shirt I was holding.

I didn't know how I wanted to answer that.

I was angry at her and Ron, but I also knew they didn't do it on purpose.

'But still' I thought bitterly, 'The couples have changed. With me as the sore thumb.'

Ron and Lavender and Harry and Hermione.

And poor old Ginny with no one.

I closed my eyes and sighed.


I waited nervously as I knocked on the door to Harry and Hermione's place.

I had heard about the fight after I left at the Burrow, a couple days ago. I would have met up with Hermione sooner, but I just needed some time.

To sort things out.

To sort feelings out.

Hermione opened the door and gave me a small smile. I gave a small smile back and walked into the living room.

I noticed a huge box on the coffee counter as Hermione went to get refreshments. I just sat down, awkwardly, on the couch.

I observed Hermione as she came back with the drinks. She looked a bit pale and tired, like she wasn't getting enough rest. Her frizzy hair was in a messy ponytail. And it looked like she had just gotten out of bed. She was wearing sweats. I noticed her hands.

The ring was gone.

She noticed my stare.

"I figured it would be the logical thing to do." Hermione said calmly, trying to smile, as she rubbed her bare finger.

I just nodded. Hermione started coughing as she reached in her pocket to get a small bottle.

Hermione gave a small grimace as she told me, "Cough medicine. I have to take it under the Healer's orders for a week."

I gave a small smile, "Harry must have been upset."

Hermione frowned. "Yes. He was. Being so overprotective as usual."

I gave a small chuckle. "He just cares about you."

Hermione blushed at my comment. She looked at me with an apologetic look on her face.

I just gave her a small smile and told her to take the medicine. Hermione frowned a little as she did.

I watched her gagged a bit as she took a sip of some juice.

"I'm sorry if it's a bit messy," Hermione apologized after she was done, "I just received my uniform from St Mungo's and had all this paperwork to fill out."

"Uniform?" I asked.

Hermione gave me a small smile. "I passed the exams. I will be a Healer-in-Training at St. Mungo's."

"That's terrific!" I exclaimed, "Congratulations!"

"Yes," Hermione said, "I found out on Sunday."

Her smile faded a bit.

"So umm," I said, trying to change the subject, "They give you a uniform."

Hermione nodded as she pointed to the box. I looked inside. There were two standard white shirts along with a pair of white pants and skirt. There was a white hat and white, regulation shoes. They even had a sweater and tan pantyhose.

I fingered the pantyhose. And gave Hermione a look.

"The might as well given you a matching white panty and bra set!" I joked.

Hermione blushed. She smiled and dug through the box to pull out a small black box.

"This is my favorite." Hermione said as she opened the box.

Inside was a gold nametag pin with 'Healer-in-Training H. Granger' on it. I watched Hermione's eyes brightened as she traced the letters of her name on the pin.

"It's perfect," I said quietly, smiling.

Hermione gave me a smile and sighed. "It feels weird that I'm going to be working at St. Mungo's"

"It just seems like yesterday that I graduated," Hermione continued quietly, "and now I'm an adult. With a job."

I watched Hermione as she closed her eyes.

"It seems like yesterday when it was just all four of us, students at Hogwarts," Hermione said.

"You and Ron." I said quietly.

Hermione nodded, "and you and Harry."

I froze at her words.

Hermione looked at me sadly.

"But things changed," Hermione said, "Didn't they?"

I felt tears forming in my eyes as I nodded.

I clutched onto my purse, trying hard not to cry.

"It's Ron and Lavender,.. " Hermione said quietly.

"And You and Harry." I finished softly.

Hermione looked at me with a slightly bewildered face. She shook her head furiously.

"No," Hermione said strongly, "You're wrong."

I gave her a small smile, as I stood up to leave.

Hermione stood up with me and followed me to the door.


"You better not come outside," I said quietly, interrupting her, "Harry wouldn't want you to go out in this weather."

Hermione didn't say anything as she watched me leave.


I waited patiently at the front desk of the Magical Law Enforcement Department. It was soon Harry's lunchtime. I was hoping I could see him.

I heard him joking with some colleagues as he came to the front. I stood up and waited for him to notice my presence.

His colleagues noticed me first and quickly excused themselves. Harry just stood, watching me with an unreadable expression.

"Are you busy?" I asked calmly, "Can we have lunch together?"

Harry looked like he wanted to refuse, but he relented. We quietly walked to a local diner.

We ordered our food and waited quietly for our food to come.

"How was your day?" I asked awkwardly, trying to start a conversation.

"It was fine."

He asked me about my day and I told him the same. Our orders then came and so we started eating.

I wanted to tell him and get it over with, but it so hard.

I didn't know how to start.

I had done a lot of thinking since our last conversation.

I had sorted out my feelings.

"I saw Hermione today." I said quietly. Harry stopped eating for a moment.

"She seems excited about her new job." I commented.

Harry nodded. "She wants to start soon, but I think she should wait until she recovers completely from her cold."

I felt a pang in my heart at his comment.

I watched him eat, quietly as I mustered up the courage to what I needed to say.

"About what we talked about last time.." I started, nervously.

Harry stiffened as he had a dark expression on his face.

"I've done a lot of thinking," I continued looking at my plate, "and I don't think we should refund our trip."

Harry looked like he was about to protest, but I cut him off.

"I don't mean we should go, Harry," I said firmly, as I prepared to tell him my decision.

"This isn't the time to be going on a trip, Ginny." Harry said sternly, as he prepared to walk back into the Burrow.

"But we've prepared for this trip for a year now!" I said, angrily, as I pulled on his arm, "Why can't we go?!"

Harry glared at me. "I can't just leave Hermione alone for Christmas! Who's she going to spend it with? Ron and Lavender?!"

Harry brushed off my arm as he prepared to go inside. I pulled him back.

"Hermione can go stay with her parents!" I said, frustrated; "Besides she should spend Christmas with her family!"

Harry glared at me. He stepped closer to me.

"There's a man on the loose that's trying to hurt Hermione," Harry said, fiercely, "I don't think it's safe!"

"You don't think she'll be safe without you?!" I snapped back.

Harry looked slightly taken aback, but he glared at me.

"No!" Harry snapped back.

I felt tears forming in my eyes at his answer and my realization.

It wasn't us anymore.

"Would you have gone on the trip with me, if Hermione's attacker was caught and she was safe?" I asked quietly, staring at him.

Harry didn't say anything. He refused to meet my gaze.

I knew the answer.

"Take Hermione." I said.

Harry was silent.

I reached into my purse and took out the trip tickets. I laid them in front of him.

"Take her." I said quietly.

Harry didn't move. I got up to leave. I grabbed my things and paid my half of the bill.

"Gin" Harry called out, as I prepared to walk out.

I just gave him a small smile then left.

The tears didn't come until after a few steps. I didn't even try to stop them. I just kept walking, even though my tears were blinding my vision.

I was just proud that I was able to hold them in for so long.


I fished for my keys in my bag. It wasn't there.


Was it at the diner?

It was two hours later and I needed to get my portfolio from my apartment. I swore then quickly apparated near the diner. I went inside and asked the manager if he found my keys.

"No." He said, shaking his head, looking puzzled.

'Darn,' I thought, 'Did Harry have them? Or did I leave them with Hermione?'

I knew I'd rather see Hermione than Harry so I went back to Harry and Hermione's place. Fortunately Harry was still at work.

I knocked on the door, but she didn't answer. It was strangely quiet.

I knocked a couple times. Still no answer. I figured that she went somewhere, but thought it was odd.

'It's too cold' I thought, 'she wouldn't be out in her condition.'

I walked towards the back of the house.

That's when I noticed the back door was open.

There was glass everywhere.


Harry, Remus and a couple other Aurors came as soon as I flooed them. Remus was trying to calm Harry down as I looked furiously at the mess of the kitchen and living room.

Hermione and Ron were quickly transported to St. Mungo's. They were both unconscious, but it looked like Ron had taken a tougher beating.

Harry was furious when he first saw them.

"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Harry shouted, shaking me.

Remus pulled him off me as the other Aurors contacted St. Mungo's. They were here in a flash. Thanks to the private connection Harry had built for St. Mungo's to his home.

I had stopped crying and was trying to clean up, when I noticed Crookshanks. He had something red on his paws. Blood.

"Harry!" I shouted. Harry and Remus quickly came as they both noticed Crookshanks.

"Blood." Stated Remus as he frowned.

"Was Hermione bleeding?!" Harry furiously asked us both.

"No." I said, vigorously shaking my head, "Neither was Ron."

"Then that means…" Remus started.

"It's the attacker's!" Harry finished, his jaws tightening.

Remus ordered the other Aurors to come and take Crooskahnks.

"We'll do a blood test at the ministry." Remus said.

I let out a sigh of relief. They could track down the attacker.

I noticed Harry frowning.

"Harry?" I asked quietly, touching his arm.

I noticed him staring at the mess. There were books and papers scattered everywhere. Hermione and Ron had put up a struggle. Her uniform clothes were rumpled and scattered in a heap, out side the box.

I went to pick up her nametag that was nearby.

Harry noticed the nametag.

"Her uniform." I said, trying not to cry.

Harry's jaw tightened, as he surveyed the nametag and her uniform. He had a dark look on his face.

He stalked back to Remus and the other Aurors.

"Let's go to St. Mungo's now!" Harry ordered, "Crookshanks too!"

They all looked startled, but Harry whispered something into Remus ear and he agreed.

"All right we'll go to St. Mungo's!" Remus said.

"But what about the blood test?" I asked, confused.

"We can do it there." Harry said sternly as he prepared to leave.


At St. Mungo's, I saw Bill trying to comfort Lavender. Harry stiffened at her sight.

He quickly strode past her to talk to the Head Healer. She listened to what he was saying, furiously and nodded her head.

Lavender saw me and quickly came rushing to me, bursting into tears.

"He's still unconscious!" Lavender said sobbing, "Who did this?!"

I just held her a reassured her.

We waited as the Aurors brought Crookshanks in. He hissed at the sight of Lavender. Lavender looked startled and shrieked in surprise.

Harry retrieved Crookshanks from the Aurors and whispered something into Crookshanks' ear. He seemed to calm down. Harry then stared at Lavender.

Lavender felt nervous under Harry's penetrating gaze as she started shaking. Her purse fell out of her lap onto her feet. She picked up the bag from her white shoes. Harry glared at her.

"What's that on your hand, Lavender?" Harry asked coolly


Part 8 Finished

AN: Sorry!!1 I should have posted this sooner, but I was exhausted…. I shall definitely update by tomorrow…

The MAIN REASON being that the next chapter WILL NOT be the last chapter… I know I said 8 or 9 but now I'm looking at 10 or 11…maybe 12… but I shall be done with the series, (hopefully) by Monday….

Thank you for all those who have been reading and consistently reviewing… What was originally a short, simple piece has now become a little more complicated… all because of the encouragement and attack of the plot bunnies! Hopefully it'll be better than what I originally had in mind….(With what I had in mind, I probably would have been done by now, though -_-;;;)

But I realized the story was more complicated…

Anyways, thank you! And as always, comments and constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome!