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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


Originally I was going to make this chapter longer, but I decided to break it down into two parts…It's almost done… I have one more chapter left ! and maybe and extra one… just to tie things up…

Wow…. The end is almost near…. I guess there's a teeny bit of fluffiness… I can't really rush it….

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

"Isn't this nice?" Harry asked, brightly, as we climbed out of the rental car into the snow.

I looked around. It was a nice winter cabin, up the mountains. Everything was covered in snow. The view was beautiful.

I nodded as Harry dragged me up the cabin steps.

"Come on!" Harry said, as he pushed open the door.

The cabin was nice and cozy and held a warm atmosphere. There was a large fireplace and a huge Christmas tree that had yet to be decorated. Harry dashed into the bathroom and slammed the door.

I got the bags out of the car and put them on the sofa. Afterwards, I decided to explore the rooms.

There were two bedrooms up the stairs and a balcony. The bathroom was occupied by Harry. The kitchen was painted a nice golden yellow color with flowery curtains. I peered inside the refrigerator and noticed it was empty.

"We need to go grocery shopping!" I yelled to Harry, from the kitchen.

Harry shouted back, agreeing and we soon left to go shopping.

"We should get Christmas decorations as well!" Harry said, grinning. He reminded me an excited, young boy. Too cute.

I smiled at the thought.

"What?" Harry asked me curiously, noticing my gaze.

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head, hoping that Harry will think it's the cold that was making my cheeks flush.


I laughed as Harry made a mess with the Christmas lights. He grumbled as I laughed, watching him struggle.

"You can help, you know." Harry grumbled, frustrated with the lights.

I just chuckled and with a flick of my wand, untangled them. I pushed Harry aside.

"I'll put them on," I said, still laughing.

"You'll just make a mess again!" I teased. Harry just stuck his tongue out at me and moved to tickle me.

I squealed as I ran away from him.

Harry just laughed as he chased me through the cabin.

I scrambled out of the cabin and hid behind some bushes. Harry came bounding out and was looking around to see where I'd gone.

I quickly scooped some snow into a ball and threw it at him. It landed on his back with a 'plop'.

I laughed as Harry furiously turned around.

Then I screamed and went running away as I saw him scoop up some snow.


"So you were supposed to come here with Ginny?" I asked.

We were sitting on the sofa, and admiring the Christmas tree when I asked him. Harry stiffened.

"Yes." Harry said quietly.

I felt a little pang in my stomach.

"So what happened?" I asked, facing him.

Harry averted my gaze. "Things just changed."

I didn't say anything.

I knew exactly what he meant. I knew too well.

"You know, right now we'd be at one of the famous Weasley Christmas bashes." I said, breaking the silence.

Harry nodded. "And Mrs. Weasley would be cooking up storm!"

I smiled. "And Mr. Weasley would be asking my parents about airplanes and computers!"

"And the twins would be playing some kind of prank!" Harry added, chuckling.

I smiled too, at the thought.

"And you and Ron will get in trouble from Mrs. Weasley for trying sneak some food before dinner." I added quietly.


"And the twins would put up those silly mistletoe inventions of theirs that freezes people until they kiss." I thought, reminiscing.

"It was funny when Fred got caught under with Ron!" Harry said, laughing at the thought, "Ron was so mad!"

I giggled at the memory.

We both sighed.

"Things aren't the same." I said quietly, staring into the fire.

Harry shook his head, "No, they are not."

"We all changed so much." I said, thinking, "We're different people."

"I don't think you've changed that much." Harry said, looking at me.

I gave a sad smile.

"Well it was because time basically stood still for me." I said.

I thought about it a bit more.

"No." I said sadly, after awhile, "Time just went on without me."

"Not everyone did." Harry said to me, seriously, "I mean, I'm still here."

I smiled at the thought.

"Yeah you are." I said softly, looking at him.

"Why are you?" I asked him, quietly.

Harry just gave me an unreadable look.

"I just couldn't leave you behind." He said, after awhile.

I looked away from him to break away from his intense gaze and the feelings they were causing inside of me.

"You should have." I said quietly, looking back into the fire, "It would have been so much easier."

Harry shook his head.

"No, it wouldn't have," Harry insisted, grabbing my hand, "I don't regret it."

I smiled at his words and closed my eyes.

"You're a good friend, Harry." I said, my eyes still closed, "Too good."

I felt Harry's body stiffen.

I tried to ignore it.

I felt Harry squeeze my hand.

"Hermione?" Harry said, in an odd tone, "Can we talk?"

I took a deep breath. Preparing myself.

"Maybe we shouldn't." I said quietly, ignoring his gaze.

Harry squeezed my hand tighter.

"I think we should." Harry insisted, more seriously.

I shook my head. "No."

"Let's just not say anything, Harry." I said calmly. "I don't want to ruin things between us."

I felt Harry stiffened.

"What makes you so certain things would go wrong between us?" Harry asked tightly, looking angry.

I tried not to cry.

"I just know." I said, strongly. Even though I was unsure of myself. I just didn't want to try.

Harry just glared at me. "You do?"

I nodded, trying to be steady and calm.

Harry laughed bitterly. "Hermione Granger always knows everything!"

"I do."

Harry glared at me as he turned me to face him. "No, you don't."

I glared back at him.

"I do."

Harry gave me a dark look.

"You're a horrible liar." He said, "You can't lie for shit."

I glared at him. "You don't know me too well."

"I think I know you pretty damn well!" Harry snapped.

"Well if you know me so well, then you should know how I feel about this!" I snapped back.

"I do!" Harry said angrily, "I know exactly what you're thinking and I know exactly how you feel! I know why you're doing this, and frankly it's just stupid!"

"No, it's not!" I shouted, "I'm just being-

"Cautious? Safe? You're trying not to ruin things between us?" Harry interrupted. "It's pretty damn obvious!"

I glared at him as I stood up to leave the room.

"You know I've been there for you!" Harry said, as he grabbed my arm, "I've been there for you when everything changed and fell apart! When everyone changed and left, I STAYED!"

I tried to pull my arm away from him.

"Everything's already changed so much, Hermione!" Harry continued, shouting, "WHAT'S SO WRONG IF THINGS CHANGE BETWEEN US?!"

"I DON'T WANT THINGS TO CHANGE BETWEEN US!" I shouted at him angrily, "Everyone's so different! Everything fell apart! I DON'T WANT US TO EITHER!"


Harry didn't say anything.

"AND I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU NOW!" I shouted angrily as I started to cry, "I'VE LOST RON ALREADY, I DON'T NEED TO LOSE YOU TOO!"

I fell on the floor, sobbing and shaking.

Harry kneeled in front of me and held me as I cried.

He stroked my hair and just held me. I held him back, tightly.

I didn't want to lose him. Everything else was gone, and I could somehow take it.

But I couldn't take losing him. I couldn't allow it.


"Where do you want me to move this stuff?" Harry asked, carrying a box.

Harry was helping me move into my new apartment. With a bit of reluctance.

"Just put it on the counter!" I said, as I struggled with my bed sheets.

Harry grumbled and just dumped the stuff on the floor. Crookshanks meowed angrily as some of the stuff landed near his tail.

"Sorry Crookshanks!" I heard Harry say, "Ow! I said I was sorry!"

I rolled my eyes as I told Crookshanks to come to me.

"Just avoid him, "I told Crookshanks, "You know how accident-prone he gets!"

"I heard that!" Harry shouted from the kitchen.

"I wasn't whispering!" I shouted back, laughing.

I heard Harry grumble something about ungrateful witches.

I just rolled my eyes.

After a couple hours, I had finally moved everything and settled in. Thank goodness for magic! The best way to minimize stress from moving.

I went to Harry who was lying on the couch, pooped out and handed him a glass of juice.

Harry thanked me as he sat up to let me sit down next to him.

We drank in silence, admiring our hard work. I looked around the room.

It looked like my place.

"It's perfect." I said, still admiring the room.

"Yeah, it's nice." Harry said reluctantly, glancing suspiciously at the room.

"Are you sure you want to live alone?" Harry asked, for the umpteenth time, "I mean, I have plenty of space at my house!"

Harry quieted down as I shot him one of my looks. I softened my gaze and patted him on the hand.

"I'll be fine." I said, reassuring him, "I just need my own place for awhile."

Harry just grumbled.

I gave him a smile. "Thanks for helping me move in."

Harry gave me a small smile. "What are friends for."

I woke up the next morning on the couch with Harry. I guess I had fallen asleep on him sometime after I had stopped crying. I looked at the clock on the mantel above the fireplace. It was still pretty early. The morning rays bounced off the shiny ornaments on the Christmas tree making it sparkle and shine.

I noticed Harry was still sleeping and so I tried to get up without disturbing him.

No such luck.

Harry tightened his grip around my waist as I tried to get up. Harry grumbled and moaned as I tried to move from him.

"5 more minutes." Harry pleaded, giving me a puppy dog look, "Please?"

I sighed and gave in, snuggling back in his arms. It felt nice and warm. I decided to relax for a couple more minutes.

I listened to Harry's heartbeat and even breathing as I thought about us.

There were feelings between us. There was no doubt about that, but I didn't know if it was the right thing.

Or if I was ready. This is new territory that we would be venturing out in.

And I don't want to lose him.

'What if you do by not taking a chance?' I thought.

Did I want to risk it? Were we strong enough?

I couldn't bear losing him.

"Harry?" I said, after while, still lying down.

Harry mumbled as he tightened his embrace.

"Can you wait?" I asked him quietly.

Harry stiffened as I moved my head to face him.

"Can you?" I repeated, seriously, staring at him.

Harry had an unreadable look on his face.

"I guess it would be too soon for us." Harry grumbled looking disappointed.

I gave him a small smile.

"But you understand?" I asked him, hopefully.

Harry gave me an intense look and sighed.

"Yeah." He muttered.

I gave him a small smile and relaxed my head on his chest.

"You know, when you said 'wait', did you mean there's still a chance?" Harry asked, after awhile.

I turned to face him.

He gave me a serious look.

"I'm not making any promises." I said, quietly, as I stared at his chest. "I'm just asking if you can wait."

Harry didn't say anything, but he grazed my cheek with his thumb.

"Well I've waited three years," Harry said after awhile, "I guess I can wait a little more!"

I smiled at his answer. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"But." Harry said, suddenly, "I think I need some incentive!"

I looked at him, confused. "Incentive?"

"Yes, incentive, for waiting!" Harry said, his eyes twinkling.

I gave him a small frown.

"What kind of incentive?" I asked, suspiciously.

Harry wagged his eyebrows.

I smacked him on the arm.

"Oww!" Harry said in mock-pain, "Not that kind of incentive!"

I laughed.

"What kind?" I asked, still chuckling.

"This." Harry said and suddenly looked at me seriously.

He put pull my head down towards his and gave me a soft kiss.

His lips felt nice and warm as he deepened the kiss.

I let a breath I didn't know I had been holding when he suddenly stopped the kiss. I stared at him, feeling a bit lightheaded as he grinned and pulled me off to get up.

"That ought to last me another three years!" He said as he got up to go to the bathroom.

I just stared at his back as he went.

I gave Harry a smile.

"Now I guess since you helped me move in, I should treat you to dinner!" I said getting up.

Harry grinned, "Oh definitely!"

"How about I cook?" I said, with a twinkle in my eye, knowing he wouldn't go for it.

Harry paled as he dragged me away from the kitchen.

"How about we go out?" Harry offered nervously.

"Are you saying I'm a bad cook?" I asked him, putting my hands on my waist.

I glared at him as I waited for his answer.

"Umm… no" Harry said, nervously, "We just worked so hard!.. I think we should go out and eat!"

"My treat!" Harry offered to appease me.

I relaxed my stance, inwardly grinning.

"Alright." I said with a smile, "Let me go get my coat!"

Harry nodded and sighed in relief as I went to my bedroom.

I noticed Crookshanks glowering at me, disapproving of my manipulation.

I just winked at him.

"Oh come on, Crookshanks!" I said chuckling, trying to appease him, "I'll bring leftovers!"

Crookshanks just sniffed and trotted out in the living room to Harry.

I just laughed and opened the closet to get my coat.

"She tried to poison me." I heard Harry say to Crookshanks.

I just rolled my eyes.


Part 10 Finished

AN: *sigh* I think this chapter ended on a happier note than the rest… stay tuned for the next chapter which will be the last full chapter… I'm thinking about adding a little epilogue…hmmm

Thank you for all those who have been reading and consistently reviewing… What was originally a short, simple piece has now become a little more complicated… all because of the encouragement and attack of the plot bunnies! Hopefully it'll be better than what I originally had in mind….(With what I had in mind, I probably would have been done by now, though -_-;;;)

But I realized the story was more complicated…

Anyways, thank you! And as always, comments and constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome!