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The Potter Vs. Granger Rivalry by lillyfan16

The Potter Vs. Granger Rivalry


Hey, I'm still here! I've had so much going on, BUT I finally finished this chapter. I hope it's not disappointing! I made notes for it in a notebook a long while back, and for the last half hour, I've been searching every notebook I have for those particular notes, but couldn't find them. So now, I've got a stack of notebooks sitting by my computer, notes on the whole story besides the ones I actually need right now, so I just had to make it up the best I could. Right, now I guess I'll go, and PLEASE tell me what you think of this chapter. A few opportunity doors get opened, a few characters play a more important role…what's not to love? Lol. Thanks for all the reviews!!!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. . .don't get me even started on about her. . . I'll rave on and on. . .


'You just don't want anyone to take the mickey out on you, Potter. You're afraid of what everyone will think. What's wrong? You can only try to be her friend in private, when no one else is watching?'

. She didn't put herself in the best predicament, and could either A, suffer consequences, or B, benefit from her actions. The Prophet would have a field day, and people may start to actually fear her now."

She could follow the footsteps her ancestors left behind, so no one is going to take the chance of making that even a possibility. The students are scared, and when they're scared, they're going to try to protect themselves. Who knows what measures they'll resort to?"

Yeah, it doesn't seem that significant, but it shows that she's willing to take on people who stand in her way. What do you think was His philosophy? Kill anyone who resisted."

Once students caught sight of her, their hushed conversations hastily trailed into silence, and everyone's eyes avoided her's.

"I-I-I'm so so so sorry. Please, please don't hex me!"

I was always the funny-looking kid that got beat up and teased mercilessly everyday. . ." Harry whispered softly, staring blankly at her back.

Hermione eyed his hand wearily, but came to the conclusion that this was the only way she was going to get up. She grasped his hand tightly, her eyes cast downward, missing the look of pain that crossed Harry's face.

"Oh, and Potter," a soft voice sounded behind him.

Harry stopped and turned around to face Hermione. "Yeah?"

"Um…thanks." Hermione said with a small smile.

It was as if it would just start stinging, then stop, then start again. He ran his palm along his forehead, but felt nothing but a thin line that was a scar he had gotten from a crash when he was a baby.

Chapter 11: Avery's Proposition and Introductions, Take Two

"Did Snape keep you late last night, mate? We tried to wait up, but fell asleep. It seemed as if you were even later than usual." Ron asked curiously as the trio made their way to the Great Hall.

Harry looked at his best mate's inquiring face, before replying nonchalantly, "Yeah, I swear that bastard doesn't sleep. He always keeps me late when I've got detention with him. He was exceptionally foul with me last night because I arrived early, can you believe him? First he threatens to take points off for being late, when I was actually early that night too, and then he keeps me late because I arrive even earlier! He is such a slimy git!"

Draco and Ron both nodded in agreement. 'You aren't lying,' Harry told himself, 'Just not telling all the truth.' Yet, Harry still felt bad. He seemed to be telling himself that a lot lately. He, Ron, and Draco hardly ever, only when necessary, lied to each other in all the years they've been friends, so Harry felt horrible for breaking that now. 'It's for the best,' Harry decided, shrugging it off, though the thought of how he couldn't keep up all this lying forever was nagging him in the back of his mind.

Once they made their way into the Great Hall, Harry's eyes automatically shifted to Hermione's spot, and widened in alarm when he saw that she wasn't there. He swallowed uncomfortably as a nervous and worried feeling began to settle in his stomach. Where was she? She was never not here. Not even once this year. Harry somehow managed to sit down at his usual spot at the Gryffindor House table, but his mind was still on why she might not be here. Was she just running a little late? Was she purposely avoiding him after what had happened last night? Was she feeling ill? Did something happen with her ankle? Did she get roughed up again? Harry tugged at his collar nervously at the very thought. 'No, she's fine, I'm sure she's just running a little late,' he tried to calm himself. He began to mechanically pile food on his plate, though he didn't pay any attention as to what it was, or how it tasted.

"Er. . . Mate, you alright?" A worried Draco asked, looking at him unease.

Harry, who was looking at the Great Hall doors, just nodded absently and continued to shove food in his mouth.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Harry asked distractedly.

"Um. . . Does your breakfast taste alright?"

"It's fine." Harry responded inattentively, still looking at the doors, waiting for her to come through.

"Funny, you don't like coffee, let alone have it in your cereal." Draco said in an amused voice.

"What?" Harry asked, breaking his gaze from the door and looked at his bowl of cereal that sat next to his plate of eggs. Instead of milk, he had used coffee. He stopped in mid-chew and finally registered the awful taste of his food. He made a look of disgust and quickly swallow before draining his glass of orange juice.

It was Ron's voice this time, "What's up, Harry? Something must be on your mind if you start mistaking coffee for milk. . ."

"I'm fine," Harry replied forcefully, still trying to rid his mouth of the awful taste.

There was a few minutes of silence before Draco asked again, "Harry, are you sure you're okay?"

Harry let out a loud sigh before making up his mind and hastily standing up, "Actually, I've just realized I've forgotten to finish my Potions essay. I think I'll go do that now," and with that, Harry rushed out of the Great Hall, leaving a very confused Draco and Ron.

Ron gave Draco a weird look before asking, "What Potions essay?"


Harry sprinted up staircase after staircase, checking every corridor on the way. He skidded to a halt in front of the Fat Lady and took a second to catch his breath before quickly telling her the password and rushing into the Common Room. His eyes darted among the almost-empty Common Room, searching for a bushy-haired brunette, but soon realized she wasn't in there either. "Where are you, dammit?" He asked under his breath, his eyes roaming over the students a second time but he came up with the same result. He looked at the stairs leading up to the Girls' Dormitories, before letting out a sigh of defeat and taking a seat in a plush chair facing the dormitories. He'd just have to wait for her to come down.


Hermione watched the curtains sway in the morning breeze through the hangings of her four-poster bed, last night's events playing like a film through her mind for what felt like the twentieth time since it happened. Why did he waste his time just to help her? Why didn't he just leave her alone? What did it mean? 'Absolutely nothing!' a voice in her head said instantly, reminding her that he was possibly still trying to trick her into trusting him. 'But. . .it didn't seem as if he was being false. . .' Hermione thought, still feeling confused as ever. 'It just shows he's human. You would help even Avery if he was in the same situation as you had been in. . .ok, maybe not Avery, but still! And who knows? He could have just felt obligated again because he's Head Boy. It. Means. Nothing.' Hermione sighed then looked at her alarm clock, before jumping out of bed in shock. She was running late!!! Usually she was already done eating breakfast in the Great Hall by now!

She tripped on her way down the stairs and landed with a loud thump at the bottom. She heard an amused, yet relieved voice from somewhere above her, "Trying to become best mates with the ground now, are we?" She looked up to see Harry Potter grinning at her and holding out an outstretched hand to help her up.

Hermione gave a huff and ignored his helping hand, "Gee, that was real clever, Potter."

Harry grinned again, "I know, I've just got that kind of talent," he said, winking at her.

Hermione dusted herself off and rolled her eyes, "Get over yourself." She had a small smile on her lips now. She bent over to pick up her book bag, only to find it no longer sitting on the ground from her fall. "Do you see-" she stopped when she saw her book bag dangling from Harry's hand. "Aren't you just quite the gentleman." Hermione said, still grinning slightly. Their playful banter suddenly dawned on her, and she immediately stopped grinning and snatched her book bag from Potter's hands. "Well, I'm, running late-"

"I've noticed, I didn't see you at breakfast."

"Yes, well, I got up late." Hermione replied, blushing slightly. Did he really notice that she wasn't there? Was actually looking for her? 'No, of course not!' she thought hastily. "Right, well, I've got to get to breakfast before it's over."

Harry smiled genuinely at her, "I'll walk you."

Hermione quickly shook her head, "That won't be necessary. I'm a big girl, I tie my own sandals and everything." Hermione replied, remembering a line from one of her favorite Disney movies.

Harry let out a small chuckle, "Right, Meg, I'm sure you can. But I don't mind, really. I want to."

His words rang though her mind: I want to. . . "Actually, I just remembered, I forgot something in my dorm-"

Harry seemed unconcerned, "I'll wait."

This bloke wasn't just going to give up was he? Thoughts of why he was being so persistent clouded her brain. The imaginary bet she had made up as an excuse as to why he was acting so friendly came to mind. Was it a bet, or was he being genuine? 'Maybe he's decided to grow up and stop being such an ass' Hermione smiled slightly at that thought. 'Or maybe he. . Just maybe he actually does want to be my friend. . .' she thought wistfully. 'No, absolutely not! He's just toying with you,' said another voice more forcefully. Hermione felt as if she had an angel on one shoulder, telling her to be unsuspecting, while a demon on the other, swearing him to be deceiving. She didn't know what to believe. "Um. . .I'm not very hungry, I think I'm just going to head to class. I had a big dinner last night." Hermione lied, and at that point, her stomach gave a loud growl, countering her last statement.

Harry gave her that amused grin again, "I thought you said you forgot something in your dorm. . .? And your stomach doesn't seem to agree with you on skiving off breakfast."

Hermione felt herself go red, "Er. . .yes, right, well I'll get that thing I forgot in my dorm later, and, well, I just don't fancy going to breakfast right now. I'm getting weird looks from students so I'll just wait 'til lunch. I don't feel like putting up with anyone right now." she stammered.

Harry gave a quick glance at his watch then gave her a nod, "Right, you're in luck that we've got time."

"Time for what?" she asked with trepidation.

Harry flashed her a mysterious grin, "That, Hermione, is what you'll just have to find out. Shall we?

Hermione eyed him uneasily, "Do you think I'm mad? I will not go. . .go. . .gallivanting around the school with some. . . git like yourself!"

"Gallivanting around the school? Surely you can't be serious! I would hardly call it that. And this git just happens to be getting you some breakfast." He looked at his watch again, "Well, maybe, but we have to go now or we won't have time!"


"Come on, think about it on the way, otherwise we won't have time, and I'm hungry!"

Hermione bit her lip, should she trust him? 'It's just to get some food. . .' said the logical part of her brain, but there was another voice telling her it was a wrong move to make. It may seem insignificant, but it's a sign of giving in. Also, he could just be having her on. This could just be some scheme to make her think he wants her to be his friend so he could humiliate her in front of everyone. 'He stood up for me when Cho was being nasty. . .' Hermione thought, defending Potter's intentions. Before she could think anymore on that subject, she felt someone grab her hand and pull her out of the Common Room. She looked ahead of her and saw that Harry was dragging her down the corridor.

"Harry Potter, let go of me this instant!" she almost yelled shrilly, looking appalled at his actions.

Harry immediately let go before rounding on her and saying, "Well, we can't wait for the grass to grow. I know you're wary of me, you have every right to be, but I swear to you I'm not dragging you into some twisted situation. You're hungry, you don't want to go to the Great Hall, so we're getting food, now please just trust me on this." He gave her a pleading look.

Hermione stood there for a second before feeling her hunger pains increase at the prospect of food, "Okay. . .," she said slowly, "Let's go, but you better not try and humiliate me or something stupid like that, Potter, or I swear I will hex you until you're unrecognizable." she warned him, giving him a slight glare.


I watched the proverbial sunrise
Coming up over the Pacific and
You might think I'm losing my mind,
But I will shy away from the specifics...

'Cause I don't want you to know where I am
'Cause then you'll see my heart
In the saddest state it's ever been.

This is no place to try and live my life.

I talk to absolutely no one.
Couldn't keep to myself enough.
And the things bottled inside have finally begun
To create so much pressure that I'll soon blow up.

I heard the reverberating footsteps
Sinking up to the beating of my heart,
And I was positive that unless I got myself together,
I would watch me fall apart.

"Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" RELIENT K


Harry looked into her glaring eyes, and saw something else. It took him a second to recognize what it was, but when he did, he immediately hated himself. It was pleading, something he didn't like to associate at all with Hermione. Underneath all the glaring, she was begging him to be trustworthy. And he felt a pang in his heart just knowing the fact that Hermione was suspecting, almost waiting, for him to do something scornful towards her. Shame filled his insides and his intestines felt as if they were being squeezed and knotted together.

"Hermione, I know I've been a right jerk to you, and please believe me when I say I'm sorry. I am so ashamed of my actions. You are such a great girl, and I had no right to treat you like that. I am so-"

Hermione cut him off saying, "Are we going to get something to eat or not?" Her eyes turned cold, and Harry saw the pleading was gone, hidden behind whatever it was she used to guard herself from getting hurt.

He sighed. He really needed to get this out. "Hermione, I really am sorry. I just want you to-"

"Forget it, it's too late anyway. See you in class, Potter," and before Harry could take in what was going on, he felt her shove passed him and out of sight.

He leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes while disappointment flooded his insides. Too late? Too late for what? Hopefully she was just talking about eating breakfast and not a friendship between them. He sighed, "Potter, you have been such a bloody asshole. . ."


Stop right there. That's exactly where I lost it.
See that line. Well I never should have crossed it.
Stop right there. Well I never should have said
That it's the very moment that
I wish that I could take back.

I'm sorry for the person I became.
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to try and never become that way again
'Cause who I am hates who I've been.
Who I am hates who I've been.

"Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" RELIENT K


Hermione knew Potter was trying to catch her eye during classes, but she ignored him. His words from earlier still repeated themselves in her mind, over and over. Was he really sorry? Did she want him to apologize? An apology wouldn't be enough. He'd need to prove it. And perhaps that is what he was trying to do. She supposed that may be why he was acting so differently. Maybe he did realize how much of a prat he had been. But even as these thought reverberated in her mind, she didn't want to believe them. She had grown accustomed to him acting like an ass, that she almost didn't want him to change. She didn't know how to accept it. She didn't know how to be a friend. It wasn't familiar to her. Having a friend that was her age was such a new concept, that she was slightly frightened at the very prospect of it.

Since when did she think of him as a friend? This morning she had completely blown him off, and now she's considering him as being a possible future friend? This was why she avoided thinking about this. It was so bloody confusing that she'd rather just be ignorant of him. It was much easier to think of him as a rival rather than a friend. She knew how to handle enemies, but not friends. Nevertheless she desperately wanted a friend, more than anything. A sudden thought struck her, what if she made a bad friend?

Hermione sighed, "Just ignore him, Hermione, and he might just give up." She closed her eyes and leaned against the cool stone of the wall. She was currently hiding from him, as well as everyone else, in an empty corridor. Things were still weird around everyone. No one would look at her. She was getting the same treatment she had gotten the day before. She seemed to be invisible to everyone, and when someone did acknowledge her, it was almost as if they actually feared her, which made Hermione laugh. She got up and dusted the seat of her robes off, before making her way down the corridor. She came to an intersection, and made a left, which would lead her to her next class, it was rather early, but she didn't mind. She could read over the lesson while waiting.

"Oy, Granger, why don't you come back here for a second? I fancy a nice chat with you."

Hermione immediately recognized the cold voice as John Avery's. She turned around to see him and his gang making their way in her direction. Her hand instantly went into the pocket of her robes and gripped her wand, ready to counter their attack if needed. She tried to keep a cool head because she was in dangerous waters already for hexing those two students.

"What do you want, Avery?" she asked harshly, her eyes flashing with anger as she remembered how they had beat her in that corridor weeks ago.

He gave her a smirk, but it wasn't his usual trademark arrogant one, but rather a sincere smirk, well as sincere as it could get anyway. His blue eyes held a gleam she had never seen before. He looked at his friends and commanded quietly, "Get lost." As soon as he spoke the words, they vanished from his side instantly, forming a group down the corridor. Hermione was slightly in awe at the command he had over people.

Hermione pulled her wand out slowly, her eyes showing no mercy, "I'll fight you, Avery. You won't get me like you did last time."

Avery held his hands up, showing he had no intention to harm her. "I'm not here to hurt you. See? No wand, no mates. I just want to talk."

Hermione gave a scathing laugh, "Right, and what next, going to tell me you're transferring into Hufflepuff House?!?!" Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

He smirked at her again, that same sincere smirk as before, "I have no inclination of joining those fools, what do you take me for? I just wanted to tell you well done for hexing your housemates, I didn't know you had it in you, otherwise, things would have turned out quite differently. In fact, they still can." His eyes flashed and his tone betrayed his heavy interest he was trying to conceal. He licked his lips in anticipation. "You could easily turn into the next Dark Lord. With your abilities and ancestry, I know you would make a great leader. You have the make of being the next Him. I can help you. I can help you be more powerful than you ever thought possible. My family would take you in and teach you things you could never even dream of."

Hermione looked at him incredulously, "What? Do you know what you're even saying? You do realize you're talking to me, right?" What was going on?

He chuckled, "Of course I know I'm talking to you." His face suddenly became serious, "Join me, Hermione, and you will be protected. I will personally make sure no one ever hurts you again. You will have so many loyal supporters." He closed his eyes in happiness at the very thought of it.

"Are you bloody mad? Why on earth would I join you? And the only person I need protection from is you and your posse, which I can provide myself." Hermione said hotly, not quite sure what he was talking about when he said loyal supporters, but she didn't like it too well. What was he even talking about?

He stepped forward, backing her up against a nearby wall. His face was merely inches from hers. She could smell the cologne he used and it fogged her sense. His eyes were gleaming with excitement. "I'm sorry about that, Hermione. I'm sorry for not seeing your potential before. But you could be so great. . ." He ran his hand along her cheek and she turned away from his cold touch, shivering from the chills it gave her. She could feel his hot breath on her ear, "Close your eyes." His voice was soft and commanding, and as if on their own accord, her eyes fluttered shut. He smiled at the power he had over her. "Think about it, Hermione. You would be loved by so many. Picture your loyal band of followers kneeling at your feet. Imagine your mark being branded on the very skin of others.

"Revenge is a gratifying, Hermione. Visualize having the power and advocates to do your bidding. They will torture all those that don't wield to your command. Bloodshed being the price for defying you. You. You would be able to mercilessly take control over the Wizarding World. Imagine destroying anyone that stood in your way to power." His hand rested under her chin, turning her head so she could look at him. Her eyes slowly opened, hypnotized by his blue pools. His hand came up to caress her cheek. Once again, she shivered at his cold touch. "Think about it, Hermione. Take my friendship; let me lead you. Hermione, you won't regret it," and with that, he was gone.

Hermione watched his retreating back, slightly breathless, as he made his way back to his gang. What was he talking about? What had even brought that on? She brought her hand up to her cheek, where he had touched her. She closed her eyes and leaned against the stone wall.

Her mind tried to process everything that had just happened. She had the make of the next Dark Lord? What did that mean? Why did she have that kind of charisma? What made her so special that made her next in line? Who was the last Dark Lord? How long had it been since him or her? And more importantly, what had happened to them? And what kind of followers was he talking about? Trading people's lives for power? Who would do that sort of thing?

A dreamy voice broke her from her thoughts, "What are you going to do?"

Hermione jumped and looked around until she spotted a girl with dirty blonde hair looking at her through misty blue eyes. She had a magazine in one hand, and the other was lifelessly at her side. Hermione recognized her as a Sixth Year Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood.

Hermione looked taken aback, "Er. . .excuse me?" She asked, slightly confused at what the girl was asking.

Luna came closer to peer at Hermione, her face expressionless, "What. Are. You. Going. To. Do." she repeated each word slowly.

"About what?" Hermione asked, still uncomprehending.

Luna finally showed a hint of emotion and said with slight exasperation, "About Jonathan! I overheard you two talking! Are. . . Are you going to join him?"

Hermione looked at the girl, her eyebrows raised. Join him? The idea was preposterous. Did he think she was mental? Her turn into a Dark Lord? He must have been mad! She didn't want people to love her. She didn't want loyal supporters to do her bidding. She didn't want to be feared.

Revenge. Revenge on those who hurt her. Retribution on the students that made fun of her. Her old Muggle classmates that made her days a Living Hell. Vengeance. . .it had such a terribly sweet and satisfying sound to it. A righteously cruel justice. A sudden desire to retaliate filled her whole being, leaving no room for logical thinking. Avery's words echoed in her brain, sounding innocently wicked t her raw mind. It would serve them all right; they asked for it.

Luna's voice pulled her from her wicked and evil thinking, "Hermione!" Her voice had an urgent tone to it. Hermione's eyes snapped open and looked at the younger girl, and evil glint in her eye, which made Luna look slightly fearful. "It. . .it's not worth it," she said softly, as if reading Hermione's very thoughts.

Hermione's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Not worth it?" Tears threatened to sting at the corners of her eyes. "You don't know what it's like to be so segregated and looked down upon! You don't know what it's like, so don't tell me it's not worth it!" Hermione said, her shaking voice barely above a whisper.

Luna's face was expressionless again. She took a step towards Hermione, her wide blue eyes holding Hermione's hate-filled gaze. After a long silence, the girl said in a soft, unhelpful voice, "You're crying."

Hermione hastily dried her eyes before retorting, "No, I'm not. Just. . . Bloody well leave me alone you silly girl."

Luna looked unconcerned and sympathetic, "You're a brave girl. It's okay to cry. Don't be ashamed of it." Hermione just looked away, not wanting to look into her blue eyes any longer. She heard Luna give a soft sigh and felt a feather light touch on her shoulder. "I cry sometimes; I use to cry all the time."

Hermione looked at the girl quizzically, "Why did you cry?"

Luna replied faintly, "My mum died when I was nine."

Hermione's anger towards the girl vanished instantly, "What happened?"

Luna looked away guiltily, "She was a brilliant witch; potion brewing was her specialty. One day, I had wanted to go to Diagon Alley to spend my birthday money and she said she would take me once her potion was done. She even let me help." Luna paused for a second, closing her eyes as the pain resurfaced in her heart, "There were so many different ingredients and viles with so many different concoctions in them. I. . .I didn't know. . .I was only nine. I was too short to reach the right one, the one she asked me to get from the shelf. I really wanted to go to Diagon Alley, so instead of getting a step ladder to reach it, I grabbed another vile that looked the same that was in my reach. . . I gave it to Mum, and not thirty seconds after it was added, the potion blew up. She got covered in it. . . It killed her. . ." A lone tear journeyed down Luna's cheek as she finished the story. She looked at Hermione, a mad gleam in her eye, "I loved her so much! I never meant for it to happen. . .I just. . ."

Hermione didn't know what to say. She never would have even guessed that Luna had such a tragic past. "How. . . How did your father take it?" she asked tentatively, hoping it was the right thing to say.

"He pushed himself towards his work. He tried to hide his feelings for my sake, but in the end, it caught up with him. He went through a devastating depression. We're both still sad about it, but together, we make an excellent team. I help him with The Quibbler during the summer. Things are smooth as ever since her death," Suddenly her tone changed from soft and far away to urgent again. "Keeping all this bottled up like me and my father will only end with something bad."

It took Hermione a second to realize she was talking about her. Shamefully, Hermione looked away.

"Dark Arts aren't an escape, Hermione." she gave a soft chuckle. "Dark Arts have the power to rope you in and bind you to wield their every whim. At first it may seem exciting and reckless. It feels good to cause others even a quarter of the despair that courses through your veins. . ." he eyes held a dreamy, far away gleam to them. Then, suddenly, her eyes narrowed and darkened with anger, "But it's a poison, Hermione! It's the sweetest poison one could take. Just a small dose is instantly addicting. It will end in despair." Guilt tinged her voice as she continued to speak, "The evilness corrupts you like venom and there isn't an easy antidote. The wicked addiction takes over you mind and controls your actions."

Hermione's eyes were wide in shock from Luna's words that now hung in the tense air. How did Luna know all this? She couldn't unless. . .comprehension dawned on Hermione. Luna refused to meet her gaze. "You resorted to Dark Arts, after you're mum died and you're father went into a depression," Hermione stated quietly, watching Luna's cheek tinge pink.

Luna raised her head, her eyes watery, "It's not something I'm proud of, Hermioe. I don't want you to make the same mistake. Jonathan is bad news, believe me when I say this. Please promise me you'll stay away from him."

Hermione stared at the girl, not sure if she should promise or not. His proposition sounded as tempting as a glass of ice water when in a desert.

"Hermione!" Luna said urgently, gripping her shoulder in earnest. "He could mold you into someone dangerous, Hermione, you must understand this."

Hermione heard a warning bell sound somewhere, telling them they needed to head to their class soon. Hermione looked at the begging girl one last time, "Thanks, Luna. I appreciate your concern. You've helped me a lot," and with that, Hermione turned around and left.

She heard Luna holler desperately after her, "Promise me, Hermione!" but instead, Hermione just kept walking.


Harry looked up to see Draco's gaze on him. Harry looked back down at his lunch. They hadn't spoken much since earlier this morning. Harry didn't mention anything more on the imaginary Potions essay, and they didn't ask. But Harry could tell they were restraining themselves from barging him with questions. He looked up again to see Draco still watching him. His eyes on him began to make Harry feel uncomfortable. Finally, he broke the silence, hoping it would make Draco look elsewhere, "So. . .how are those Quidditch teams?" He asked lamely, not sure what to even say.

Both Draco and Ron gave him pointed looks. Ron's raised an eyebrow, "Which Quidditch team?" His voice was skeptical.

Harry shrugged, "I dunno, pick one. I hear the Cannons won their last game."

Draco shook his head, "They've lost their last two games. We even talked about it for a whole week last time. . ."

Harry thought hard for a second before remembering the conversation they had had just two weeks ago. "Right, I must have forgotten, sorry about that."

"What's got you so distracted?" Draco asked, crossing his arms in front of his check.

Harry just gave a shrug and forced a scoff, "What are you talking about? I'm not distracted, I just forgot something, big deal."

Draco watched Harry with a stony gaze. Harry could tell that Draco was angry, but at the moment, so was he. He knew his friends wanted answers, but right now, he just wasn't read to give them.

Ron looked between the two and piped up, "Harry, we know something is definitely going on and you know we'll find out eventually, so you might as well jus stop wasting time an tell us!" Harry noticed his clipped tone.

Harry narrowed his eyes, "Look, if I had a problem and wanted you guys to know about it, I would have told you, ok? I don't have to let you guys know about everything that goes on in my life, dammit. For right now, please for fuck's sake, just lay off!" and with those last words, Harry angrily grabbed his bag and exited the Great Hall, leaving his friends fuming as well for a second time that day. Harry wasn't sure why he was angry. If the situation was in reverse, he knew he'd try to pry into what was making one of his mates act so edgy. But still, he wished they would just let him sort this out on his own for right now.

While Harry rushed aimlessly through the corridors, he knocked into another student.

He hastily began to apologize to the girl before hearing her saying his name in desperation.


Harry looked over at her and was met with a pair of big, misty blue eyes. "Luna, something wrong?" He asked slightly worriedly, noticing her eyes were slightly red. He wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone, but she was sort of a friend of his, and he didn't want to just blow her off. He began picking up his things, praying that things were fine so he could get away.

"It's Hermione!"

At the mention of Hermione's name, Harry instantly snapped to attention. "What? What's wrong with her? Is she hurt?" Worry immediately clouded his green eyes.

Luna shook her head, "No, but she could be heading for trouble. Jonathan Avery is interested in becoming friends with her, and is hoping to turn her on to Dark Arts." She said desperately, knowing that Harry would know what to do.

"What? How do you know this?" Harry asked, bewildered at the very prospect of it.

"I just heard them! Then I talked to her, but she wouldn't promise me that she wouldn't go down that path. I told her how dangerous it was, but she just said thanks and walked away. He asked her to join him and promised her that she'd have loyal supporters and would be loved. He mentioned the Mark, and her being a Dark Lord. . ." Luna trailed off, trying to recall everything that had been said.

Harry had heard enough. 'That damned John Avery' he thought furiously, knowing this was exactly something that bastard would do. He looked down at the girl's fearful eyes, feeling anger course though his veins like poison. "Thanks for telling me this, Luna. I've got detention with her tonight, I'll try and see what I can do. Don't. . . Don't worry, things will be fine. I'll take care of this."

Luna nodded her head numbly in response. Harry nodded back before quickly rushing off down the corridor.

Harry wasn't sure where to go, so he just found the nearest door, which happened to lead into the lavatory. He huffed his way in there, his temper still fuming. It was fortunately empty. He angrily tossed his book bag aside, not really caring where it landed, before pacing fiercely in front of the sinks. His mind was clouded with annoyance, though he wasn't sure why. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before stopping in front of the mirror, his hands gripping the sides of the sink until his knuckles were white. "Calm down," he said quietly to his reflection before closing his eyes. But suddenly, he felt a jolt of anger shoot through him and before he could stop to think about what he was doing, Harry slammed his fist into the mirror, making glass shatter in all directions.

"Fuck!" he cursed as a sharp pain shot through his hand. He leaned back against the nearest wall, and slowly slide to the ground, trying to control his breathing. "Calm down, Potter," he repeated breathlessly, slightly shocked at his outburst. He just sat there for a minute, trying to clear his head, until he was satisfied that he had calmed down. He slowly stood, feeling slightly disoriented at the head rush. His temper gave a nasty throb, which made him groan softly. Harry surveyed the mess he had made, slightly ashamed, before reaching for his wand and muttering, "Reparo." The glass suddenly flew back into the mirror frame, repaired. Next, he cleaned the blood off his hand, using water from the tap, before splaying water on the heated skin of his face a few times.

The bell sounded, letting him know he was late for his first afternoon class. He didn't care. Instead, he tried to piece together everything Luna had told him. He had faith in Hermione. She was too pure and innocent to turn to Dark Arts. But he also knew how persuasive Avery could be. "That bastard!" he muttered under his breath. Of course something like this had to happen just as we started making any headway with her. He really needed to sort all this out. Should he confront her and tell her how Avery was bad news? Would she even go for it? She loathed Avery with a passion, surely she would just brush him off. But the conversation he had had with Draco at lunch came to his head again.

He had told him that Hermione may have wanted revenge, that she had probably mapped out some secret fantasy about retribution. He took a deep breath. He had to talk to her tonight, that's all there was to it. He'd just have to add this to the list of things he needed to discuss with her. He had gotten so close this morning, but she wouldn't hear of it. He'd just have to get her to listen somehow. Harry glanced at his wristwatch then cursed under his breath, he was already fifteen minutes late for Double Defense Against The Dark Arts. He grabbed his book bag and sprinted to Sirius's classroom, thanking every God he could think of for not making this Double Potions he was this late for.

He skidded to a halt, smoothed out his appearance, then quietly opened the door. Everyone turned around to look at him. Sirius gave him a pointed look, "Mr. Potter, Moaning Myrtle keep you late again," he asked smoothly, his voice full of mirth. The class laughed at his joke, but Harry just rolled his eyes. "Sit down before I give you two months worth of detention." Once again, this earned a laugh. Everyone knew Professor Black never handed out detentions, and being a former troublemaker himself, he usually turned the other cheek, or even gave the troublemakers pointers, when mischief was being conducted.

Harry quickly sat down and got out his notes like the rest of the class had already done.


Harry speedily ate his dinner, not saying a word to Draco or Ron the whole time. He just wanted to get done so he could serve his detention for Snape, and more importantly, talk with Hermione. He said a quick goodbye and rushed out of the Great Hall.

He started down the corridor when he felt someone grab him from behind. He was spun around and came face to face with Draco. Draco gave him a hard look, "We're talking, Potter. How you're acting is bullshit. Now tell me what the fuck is going on."

Harry pushed him away and sighed, "Look, mate, I really-"

Draco's eyes flashed, "Don't you 'Look, mate' me, Potter. I'm sick of this charade. Tell me what's going on." Draco's voice softened in the end. Harry sighed again.

"Does. . . Does this have anything to do with Granger?" Draco asked, slightly wary.

Harry stood still for a second before running a nervous hand through his raven hair. "It has everything to do with her, mate."

Draco nodded as if he had already known the answer to that question. "So, what about her?" Draco asked.

Harry shrugged, "That's what I'm still trying to figure out. She has detention with me, or I have detention with her, I guess. I've been trying to get her to talk to me, so I went to Sirius for advice, so he purposely made sure I was in detention with her," Harry said tonelessly, looking at a spot above Draco's head.


"And what?"

"I want to know everything that's been going on. I know that isn't the whole story."

Harry laughed, "The whole story? I don't think I've got that kind of time right now," he said, looking down at his watch.

"Give me the short story then."

Harry thought for a second before nodding slowly. He knew he was going to get nagged until he told him anyway. Plus, if all went well, Hermione might become a new friend to both Draco and Ron.

Harry quickly summarized everything that had happened, not spending too much time in going into detail. He told Draco about detention and the night before. He even mentioned to him about Avery's proposition and everything Luna had told him.

Draco just listened the whole time, nodding every once in awhile.

"Look, if things go right tonight, I'm going to introduce her to you guys tomorrow as friends. Tell Ron that. We can go into detail about this later. That's all you need to know for now. I don't want to be late, that bastard will just keep us even later than usual.

Draco nodded, and Harry was about to turn away when Draco said icily, "Potter, I don't like this. I think you should just leave well enough alone. She's. . .she's a Granger. . ."

Harry retorted coldly, "She's a girl that needs a friend," and with that, he left.


Harry waited outside the Potions classroom for Hermione again, a little nervous about how he was going to bring anything up. He didn't have to wait long. Not even five minutes later did she grace him with her presence. "Hello, Hermione," he greeted her cheerfully.

Her cheeks tinged pink but she replied a soft, "Hi," in return, remembering the events from that morning.

They trudged into the classroom, letting Snape know they were there. They then went into the storeroom, the fumes immediately making them choke, but it wasn't as bad as before. Harry was about to close the door when Snape's hand stopped him, and he followed them in there. "I think I'll sit in on this one," he sneered.

Harry looked daggers at him. As long as he was in here, they wouldn't be able to talk. Harry noticed that Hermione almost looked relieved that Snape stayed.

Detention seemed to drag on, with Snape acting like a drill sergeant to them, especially towards Harry. He made Harry put in much more hard work than was necessary. Because of the heat, Harry had rolled his sleeves up, which turned out to be a bad idea because he slipped and got a nasty cut on his forearm from a large, jagged piece of broken glass. When Snape saw this, he just smirked and said he was not going to heal him and that he shouldn't be so clumsy. Harry just forced a tight smile and replied back a polite, "Of course, Sir," though he had a sneaking suspicion that he had something to do with Harry's fall. He was sure there wasn't spilled potion on that spot even five minutes before hand. So he lugged heavy crates and cauldrons around the room with a stream of scarlet blood oozing from his forearm, dying his white shirt and covering his hand. He pushed himself to vent all his confusion and anger into his work. Swear began to soak through his shirt, making it stick to his skin. His face and neck were also slick with perspiration. But he still kept working, acting as if wasn't nearly as sore as he really was. His sour mood was suddenly boosted when he thought he saw Hermione give him a look of pity.

After hours of silence, other than Snape's instructions, and hard work, he let them leave. Harry felt more sore than he had all year, and that was even counting conditioning for Quidditch. His arm throbbed and his head ached, but still, he tried to put up a cheerful front as he walked back to the Common Room with Hermione, glad that night of torture was finally over.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" Harry asked with a smile, pushing he sweaty black hair out of his face, thankful for the coolness of the corridors.

Hermione just gave him a look, "He hates you." she informed him, slightly alarmed.

Harry just grinned, "Yep, it's a hate/hate relationship, and I'm proud of it!"

Hermione just laughed. They were silent the rest of the way up to the Tower. Harry busied himself with trying to clean the dried blood from his harm, and more importantly, he planned out the basic layout of how he wanted their conversation to go.

All too soon they seemed to be telling the Fat Lady the password.

Hermione immediately made a beeline through the empty Common Room towards the Girls' Staircase, but Harry stopped her.

"Hermione, wait!"

She stopped for a second, keeping her back to him and asked in a voice that was barely audible, "Yes?"

Harry wet his lips before continuing in a soft voice, "Can. . . Can we talk? I mean really try and sort this out? Please?" He asked her pleadingly, hoping with baited breath that she'd say yes.

She sighed and turned around to face him, "Harry, it's late-"

But Harry cut her off, "Just give me a few minutes, Hermione. I really need to get this off my chest. Please?" He asked her desperately, heading towards the couch and waving his hand for her to join him.

Hermione looked as if she was fighting an internal battle.

"Please?" Harry asked softly again.

That must have won her over because she nodded in defeat. "Not. . . Just a few minutes, okay? It's already late."

Harry quickly nodded his head in agreement, happy that she would give him at least just a few minutes. She came closer and sat down on the couch, watching the dying embers in the fireplace. Harry could sense that she was nervous, Hell, he was nervous too!

Harry wasn't sure how to start. Everything he had planned to say rushed from his brain. He knew he must have looked stupid, just standing there. Finally, after a moment of silence, he began in a weak voice, "I. . .I know I've acted like a complete jerk to you, Hermione. I can't take that back. I wish I could though. I wish I could just redo everything since the moment I met you. You're a nice person, and I was just. . . blinded by what I thought others wanted of me to see that. I refused to see it. I wanted to hate you, to loath you. I wanted to be able to pick fights with you and not feel like a complete prick once it was over. . .

"But I couldn't, and I hated that. I hated that I felt so goddamn guilty, and then I began to ask myself why. Why do I feel this way. . .?" He was silent for a second before continuing, "Then I realized how wrong I was. I mean, from what I've seen, you are such a great girl. You study hard and are the top student of every class. I like how you take a First Year course, the Flying Lessons, despite what people say about it. You do it because you want to learn how to fly, even though you're terrified of heights. Oh! And how you help out the First Years in the Library with their homework. You take the time to make sure they understand it. Most of all, I like how you've got this. . .this. . . never wavering spirit and you're such a courageous person. . ."

Hermione was blushing now, ". . .You know I'm afraid of heights?" she asked in a small voice, slightly disbelieving at how he knew.

It took Harry a second to realized what she was talking about before giving her a small smile, "Yeah, I've seen your Flying Lessons." He let out a quiet chuckle, "You're a downright terrible flyer," he informed her with a slight smile.

She gave a tiny, wistful smile before looking down at her shoes and began playing with the hem of her robes with nimble fingers.

There was a moment of silence before Harry's face grew serious again. "I'm sorry, Hermione. I am so bloody fucking sorry for how I've treated you. I don't care about our families' history. I just. . .I just want us to be friends. I want us to walk down the corridor together and laugh and joke around. I want us to go to Hogsmeade together and act as immature as we can." He watched as Hermione smiled softly at that.

He slowly got off the couch and got down on his knees in front of her, taking her hands in his. He felt a sudden sting of his forehead from the contact, but brushed it off. "Hermione. . ." he whispered softly, "I want to be your friend so badly. I want to know your secrets and fears, what makes you happy and sad, your deepest desires. I want to celebrate your triumphs and laugh with you at your mistakes. I want us to be friends, Hermione. Please?" He watched a few tears leaked from her eyes, and slowly wiped them away with his thumb. He could feel that his face was wet as well from trying to prove to her how desperate and true he was.

He felt her hands shake slightly in his. "Harry. . .I. . .I don't know what to say," she said softly, and Harry could tell she was thinking things over.

"Say yes, Hermione," his voice was hoarse now from nervousness. "Say we can start things over and be friends."

"Do you know what people will think of you? Do you know how much people will hate you?" she asked seriously, trying to let him know what he was getting into.

Harry nodded, "I don't care about what they think of me, Hermione, don't you get that? I care about what you think of me, dammit!" He was pleading again.


When I made up my mind
And my heart along with that
To live not for myself
But yet for God, somebody said
Do you know what you are getting yourself into

When I finally ironed out
All of my priorities
And asked God to remove the doubt
That makes me so unsure of these
Things I ask myself, I ask myself
Do you know what you are getting yourself into

I'm getting into you
Because you got to me, in a way words can't describe
I'm getting into you
Because I've got to be
You're essential to survive
I'm going to love you with my life

"Getting Into You" RELIENT K


Hermione still eyed him uneasily.

"What do you say, Hermione, can we give this another go? Will you forgive me?

Can we restart this whole thing?" Harry asked.

There was a silence, and every second of it was killing Harry. Her face was unreadable. What if she said no? What if she could never forgive him? Finally, she pushed him aside and stood, making him fall backwards. His heart sunk as he quickly stood as well, nervously running a hand though his hair. He held his breath.

Hermione just stared at him, as if she was looking into his very soul.


Hermione bit her lip as his words echoed through her mind. Should she trust him? Should she take his friendship? What if he was just still having her on? He looked so desperate though. Why would someone want to know her so well? What could he possibly gain? He would be looked down upon, Hermione knew this.

She thought over the last day's events. It seemed as if so much had transpired over the last twenty-four hours. Last night, Harry had helped her out with her ankle, risking getting himself into even more trouble for being out after hours with her. Today, he was waiting for her when she came downstairs, offering to escort her to a private breakfast. Then there was Avery. What would Harry say if he found out what she and Avery had talked about? Hermione knew they couldn't stand each other. And Luna's warning. Hermione couldn't bring herself to promise Luna not to take Avery up on his offer, though she dreaded the very thought, there was a dangerous appeal to if for some odd reason. Did that make her a bad person? Would Harry still want to be her friend if he had known?

Hermione looked into his pleading, emerald eyes and felt herself soften. He looked so bloody convincing!

He spoke her name softly, questioningly, ". . .Hermione?"

"Harry, I. . ." she began, bust stopped.

His big eyes started at her, almost in tears.

She looked down shyly, then slowly stuck out her hand, making up her mind, "I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" she asked timidly, hoping he would catch on and not think she had gone mad.

Harry looked confused for a second before breaking out into a huge grin, "Pleasure to meet you, Hermione Granger. I'm Harry Potter." He said, shaking her hand lightly.


It has to start somewhere

It has to start sometime

What better place than here

What better time than now

All Hell can't stop us now


And so it begins!!! So once again, I'm so bloody sorry for the long wait. I have been working my ass off on this chapter this last week though, writing then revising and typing and more revising…BUT it's out, so I'm happy. Right, I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, so please tell me what you guys think, it would really mean a lot! I've got a new story out, Gone Away, if you're interested in checking it out. I just posted the first chapter last week or so, I'm not sure, lol. I hope not to wait TOO long before I update on this one. Thanks for reading and remember, REVIEW!

Oh, and Happy Saint Patrick's Day! It's my new favorite holiday, I wanna be IRISH!!! Lol!
