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The Potter Vs. Granger Rivalry by lillyfan16

The Potter Vs. Granger Rivalry


Hi there everyone. I know I said I wanted to post before the end of March…well, I'm close, eh? However, I do have bad news. I've recently watched a movie that I would like to do a HP crossover with-great movie though I won't spoil what it is quite yet!-so I will be taking a pause on this story because I have such a high adrenaline to start this next one, plus I don't feel like many people even like this one much. I'm sorry. The next one should be better.


Haha, just kidding. I'm not pausing this one. However, I did watch a movie I want to do a crossover on, but I'm not going to post it until I have more done. It should be quite entertaining.

Anyway, enjoy!

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: A Past Concealed, A Past Revealed

The first thing Hermione noticed when she woke up was the sun shining into her room brighter than usual, as if it was later in the morning. Next, she was aware of just how tired she still felt, more than the usual wake-up-tired-before-you-really-wake-up kind of tired. Only after the time of day and how tired she was all registered did she notice it. It being the dead weight of something on her back. Confused, she shifted her body so she could look behind her, pushing the unknown weight from her body in the process.

She gasped. Her noisy awakening had caused Harry to stir from his slumber. He peered up at Hermione tiredly before wiping the sleep from his emerald eyes and ruffling his jet-black hair. "Good morning, Hermione. What are you doing in here?" He yawned. As he stretched his arms to the Heavens, he suddenly stopped as he took in his surroundings. He looked from the left to the right before giving the still-shocked Hermione an impish grin. "Or I suppose I should be asking what I'm doing here."

Hermione hopped out of her bed as if she had just realized they were still in it together. "I-I…What are you doing in here?" She asked, feeling embarrassed.

Harry shrugged. "Oops. Must have fallen asleep sometime this morning while we were talking." He explained.

"Well, this is entirely inappropriate. You should go." Hermione responded hotly, unsure why she was suddenly so angry.

Harry frowned. "Hermione, what's wrong?" He asked, standing up himself.

"This!" She replied, gesturing to the air between them dramatically. "You shouldn't be sleeping in my bed. It's inappropriate." She repeated.

"Hermione, it's fine. No one will find out." Hermione tried to console her.

Hermione couldn't believe he wasn't even perturbed by any of this at all. It was inappropriate, wasn't it? If a professor were to find out...

Harry moved to slip on his shoes.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked anxiously.

Harry looked up at her. "I believe you asked me to leave. You can't have it both ways." He chuckled.

"Right." Hermione nodded as she watched Harry gather his things. He walked over to the window and cast a look back at Hermione. "I'm sorry if this has made you uncomfortable, Hermione. But I assure you, it's not a big deal." He smiled. "I'll see you at lunch." He finished before hopping on his broom and flying out the window.

Hermione stood there for a few minutes, unmoving. Perhaps it wasn't that big of deal. She shrugged and tried to fight the smile that worked its way onto her face. She dropped down onto her bed unceremoniously with her face hitting the pillows. Harry's familiar scent filled her nostrils. Her smile widened for a moment as she pulled her blankets closer before she realized what she was doing. She groaned in defeat. What had she gotten herself into?


Harry wasn't bothered in the slightest with the situation that the morning had brought. So they woke up together. Big deal. It was with Hermione. He didn't mind, but he could tell Hermione had been a little freaked out. However, could also tell she would get over it quick. This was just how she dealt with new occurrences.

With those thoughts in mind, Harry headed for the shower.


By the time they had met for a late lunch, the awkwardness from the morning had vanished. Hermione had even agreed to watch a pick-up Quidditch game in the stands. While sitting alone in the stands, Hermione mulled over in her mind what had happened. It really wasn't that big of a deal, she knew. Instead she tried to figure out why things were happening like that. For example, the sleigh ride the night before. Harry had obviously gone through a great deal of trouble to make that happen. But why? Her friendship with Harry thus far had been a rather odd one. Of the two of them, Hermione knew Harry had always given the extra effort. His input in their friendship rivaled Hermione's work ethic for homework.

But sometimes Hermione didn't understand why. Or where it was going. From what the headmaster had said, the pair of them would be in this War together-which meant the "temporary" friendship she had (at first) thought she would have wouldn't be so temporary.

With the prospect of long-lasting now, Hermione tried to examine the then-and-now aspect of their friendship, "then" being the beginning of their time together. It had been a rough start, but a start nonetheless. And being together every day, almost all day usually, had definitely helped rid the awkwardness and anxiety of their friendship. It had allowed them to escalate to a point of relaxed contentment. Relaxed enough to even fall asleep together in the same bed obviously. He knew most of her secrets at this point, and she his-as well as other things such as hopes, dreams, fears, etc. There was no doubt they had indeed become best mates in just the span of a few months. But the line stopped there at best friends. Ron and Draco were also best mates of Harry's, but Hermione couldn't see Harry going out of his way for them like he did for her. What did that mean? Were they-as in Harry and her-closer than he was with his other friends? Somehow, she doubted that. Perhaps she just had a different relationship with him. Hermione could remember a time when she could have sworn he preferred his male friends' company over hers. Now, she wasn't so sure. Wasn't she the one who he spent most of his free time with? And the one he spent time with on Christmas vacation? Didn't he call her every night during most of break?

So what did all this mean?

A big headache for Hermione. She sighed as she watched the boys continue to play their Quidditch game.

As Hermione sat alone in the stands lost in thought, she heard a small cough behind her. Luna Lovegood smiled at her as Hermione turned around to see the source of the noise.

"May I join you?" She asked politely, though already taking the seat beside Hermione before she could reply.

"Of course." Hermione said awkwardly.

"How's the game?" The blonde asked, staring out at the boys on the Pitch.

Hermione shrugged. "It's alright."

Luna grinned. "It's an odd thing, Quidditch."

Hermione didn't reply. Of all things that came out of the Ravenclaw's mouth, Hermione couldn't see how Quidditch would be weird.

The trousers are quite nice though. I rather like the way Ronald's fit bum looks in them." She said lightly before winking at Hermione.

"Um, alright." Hermione spoke, not really wanting to think about how Ron's bum looked in any trousers.

Luna smiled. "I imagine you like Harry's bum in them. He is quite fit as well." Ther was a hint of laughter in her voice.

Hermione felt herself blush. "Not really." She stammered embarrassedly as a wee bit of annoyance bubbled within her. Why was Luna looking at Harry at all? Honestly! How many blokes did she need to fancy at once, the slag?!

Luna gave her a knowing look. "You'd rather think about his fit bum without Quidditch trouser then?" She suggested.

Hermione felt her face redden even further. "Luna!" She shrieked quietly with an incredulous grin. "Keep your mind out of the gutter!"

Luna smiled, not deterred in the slightest by Hermione's uncomfortable disposition. "You probably wonder if he wears boxers or briefs. Ronald is a boxer bloke. I've seen them." She spoke quietly with a voice full of mirth. "I'm going to send him Valentine's boxers, perhaps to get his attention."

Hermione was feeling entirely too distressed with where this was going. She didn't want to sit here and discuss Ron or Harry's underpants-especially Ron's. Not that she wanted to talk about Harry's either-because she didn't sit and wonder about such things as boxers or briefs on him. He was her friend-though she had an inkling that they were boxers because she had seen them peeking out from under his waistband on more than one occasion. Not as if she had been looking, but rather it was just one of those things that are noticeable. Nothing to dwell on. And most certainly nothing to dwell on here with Luna Lovegood.

"That's very nice, Luna." Hermione managed to express apprehensively, looking around her and trying to focus on anything besides the strange love-struck girl in front of her.

Luna laughed, oblivious to Hermione's uneasiness. "I fancy Ronald." Luna entrusted dreamily. "And his fit bum."

"That's great." Hermione replied, finally feeling somewhat relieved they were talking about something a little less embarrassing. "I'll, um…put in a good word for you!" She promised.

Luna nodded. "I'd like that. Perhaps we can go to Hogsmeade together on Valentine's Day and search for the famous Eros Love Bug." She sighed. "They said if you find one with your love on Valentine's Day during sunset, then you are destined to be soul-mates. They only come out in the presence of true love." She informed a very disinterested Hermione.

She had never heard of such a thing. And she had seen this girl on numerous occasions reading a certain magazine-the Quibbler-upside down. Honestly, how legit could what she says be? Concerning animals no one else had ever heard of, anyhow.

Hermione remembered the chat she and Luna had had after she had been cornered by Avery. That had been a whole other Luna Lovegood. Hermione stared numbly as the younger Ravenclaw continued to ramble on about the Eros Love Bug. She almost felt sorry for her because she made it so difficult for anyone to take her seriously. Yes, at the same time, Luna seemed perfectly okay with it, which made it difficult to have any pity for the girl at all. It made her feel bad to think of this as a negative thing, when Luna clearly embraced her oddness.

Harry suddenly swooped in the stands. "Hello there, ladies." He greeted cheerfully, taking the spot beside Hermione.

"Hi" They replied in unison.

Ron and Draco landed beside them in the stands after Harry.

"Ronald, there are dozens of stairs on the way down-perhaps you can give me a tiny broom ride to the ground?" Luna asked innocently, staring up at the Gryffindor with her large, light blue eyes.

"Um...sure, why not?" Ron replied with a friendly smile.

Luna giggled softly and eagerly hopped onto Ron's Cleansweep, wasting no time before wrapping her arms around his middle giddily.

Hermione smirked at her antics. Ron was pretty thick and clueless, however. She would have to speak to him later. From what she has seen, he couldn't take a hint unless the girl all but got naked in front of him. Hermione didn't fancy herself a matchmaker by any means, but the thought of Ron and Luna was quite interesting.

"Earth to Hermione." Harry chuckled, waving his hand in front of Hermione's face to get her attention.

"Oh, er...what?" Hermione offered, slightly dazed.

Hermione realized she had been lost in her thoughts for so long, she hadn't noticed only she and Harry remained in the Quidditch stands.

"I was just asking if you wanted a ride down to the ground." Harry said slowly, gesturing towards his Firebolt.

Hermione looked up to meet Harry's eyes. Her conversation with Luna crept into her mind, causing her to smile softly and almost laugh inside with the sheer ridiculousness of it.

"What?" Harry said, confused. "Is there something on my face?" He asked, bringing his empty hand up to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Hermione shook her head. "I'm allowed to smile, aren't I? Perhaps I find you dashing, and was thinking about it." She said swiftly.

Harry grinned. "Dashing? Is that a step up for down from absolutely gorgeous?" He asked quizzically.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Too bad that's not what I was thinking. That Luna...she's a bit of an odd one. She certainly fancies Ron Weasley." She said with a laugh.

Harry nodded in agreement. "Definitely. Didn't get the Looney name for nothing. So, how about that ride?" He asked, brandishing his broomstick once again.

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "You realize this won't be a regular thing, right?" She asked.

Harry smirked. "Once I gave you that first ride, Hermione, you know you won't be able to resist my broomstick now."

Hermione's eyes widened as she blushed and sputtered a very loud, "What?!"

Harry's smirk did falter. "I said-"

Hermione raised a hand to stop him. "I heard what you said…I, uh…" Hermione didn't know what to say.

Harry raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "What? You seemed to like the last ride of my Firebolt quite a bit…I figured I'd give you another. Maybe you can even fly it." He said with confusion.

Hermione nodded in understanding. She had heard him but she took it a different way. A way that she shouldn't have been taking it. She mentally scolded herself for her inappropriate thought process. She blamed Luna.

"I'll let you fly me to the ground." Hermione agreed as she stepped forward, praying her flushed face would calm.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, slightly concerned.

"Of course. Ready?" She replied as she stepped one leg over the broom and scooting closer as her arms encircled his middle.

Harry disentangled himself from her and moved behind her. "How about you fly it this time?" He asked with a trusting smile.

Hermione's eyebrows rose. "I don't think that's such a good idea. I'm not a very good flyer. And I've certainly never had a passenger before." She quickly said.

Harry would have none of it. Instead, he only wrapped his arms around her strongly and pulled himself close to her. "I'm sure you'll do great. Just pay attention and guide us around. Just do what comes natural." He said with a laugh.

Hermione took a deep breath, feeling nervous. Not only because she was flying, but she was flying a very expensive broomstick that wasn't hers. She tried to push the nerves away, but found it rather difficult, especially has Harry snuggled-did she just think snuggled?-close to her.

"Okay," Harry said, "Now just grip the handle tight enough to hold on, but not too tightly." He instructed, bringing his arms from her waist to her arms, holding his arms on hers. Hermione looked behind her and stared at into his eyes. There were a few moments of silence as they stared at each other.

"Do you feel anything?" Hermione asked softly.

Harry swallowed slowly. "I think so." He breathed in response.

"You do?" She asked, louder this time with a furrowed brow.

Harry quickly broke contact. "Er…what?" He asked.

"Any pain. When you touched me. Did it hurt?" Hermione asked, feeling foolish now. What just happened?

Harry shook his head. "No, I thought…um, yeah, no pain. I haven't since we talked to Dumbledore."

Somewhat confused by his behavior-as well as her own-Hermione nodded. "That's good. Um…shall we go on with the lesson? How's my grip?" She asked lightly, trying to rid the air of this sudden awkwardness.

Harry shook his head to clear his foggy mind. Focus. He replaced his hands on hers. "Maybe loosen it up just a little bit." He coached. "And now, just kick off the ground." He said, helping her and giving a small kick himself. Hermione gasped.

The two hovered a few feet from the ground. "Alright, now just lift your end slightly, and , well…just guide us." Harry said, gently lifting over Hermione's hands.

Soon, the pair was slowly flying through the air. Harry's hands returned to Hermione's waist as she leisurely led them in a wide circle over the Pitch.

"This is fun!" Hermione yelled behind her, causing Harry to laugh.

"I told you!" He replied.

Hermione made a few more lazy circles before she felt Harry's grip over her hands and felt his breath on her neck. "Do you trust me?" He breathed in her ear.

Hermione nodded without a second thought.

"Are you sure?" He whispered.

A knot of nervousness began to ball in her stomach, as well as something else. Hermione could feel the hairs on her neck spike. "Yes." She murmured as she felt Harry's grip tighten. Before she could say anything else, she suddenly felt as if her stomach was in her throat as Harry guided them into an exhilarating loop in the air.

Once Harry righted them and Hermione was able to catch her breath, she shrieked, " I can't believe you just didn't that!" She could feel Harry smile behind her.

"You said you trust me." He countered. "Was that fun?"

Hermione didn't say anything, partly because she thought she might get sick; partly because she didn't want to admit that she liked the rush.

Harry took her silence as a yes. "I'm going to do it again unless if you have any objection." He informed her.

Hermione shook her head.

Harry led them through a second loop, causing Hermione to shriek this time with exuberance.

The first broom ride with Harry the night before had been amazing. Despite her fear of heights, Harry had somehow made her feel safe. Today's, however, was very different. She still felt safe, but it was much more daring. She was in front. She didn't have his back to cling to nor did she have the option of hiding her head in the crook of Harry's neck when things got too scary. No, she had to face it head-on.

Even though Harry was behind her, he had taking control of the shaft of the broomstick and was guiding them thought all sorts of looks and dives-for beginners of course. This ride was frighteningly exciting.

Finally, as the air grew chillier, Harry finding managed to help Hermione fly them to a rather bumpy landing.

"What a result!" Harry exclaimed.

"That was bloody brilliant!" She proclaimed. "I can't believe I just flew us around the Quidditch Pitch on your Firebolt. Me!" Hermione continued to squeal with excitement.

Harry laughed at her enthusiasm. "I saw! Who knows? You many very well be taking my place on the team if you keep showing skills like that!"

Hermione scoffed. "No need to make fun!"

Harry grinned. "I'm not! You did brilliantly. Honest." His voice grew more serious. "I'm proud of you. I know you don't even like to stand close to a broomstick. And now, well, you're well on your way to flying one like a pro!" He complimented, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to squeeze her close affectionately.

Hermione knew he was exaggerating, "I know you're talking absolute rubbish foolishness…but I'll take it!" She replied with a grin.

Harry shook his head and led them back to the Castle. Result indeed.


"You know, Ronald, Luna really fancies you." Hermione informed him as the four mates began to eat their dinner that evening.

"What are you going on about?" Ron asked, piling potatoes onto his plate.

"Luna!" Hermione repeated. "She fancies you. Couldn't keep her eyes off you during Quidditch." She said, eyeing his Neanderthal table manners as he shoveled three spoonfuls into his mouth before chewing. "Though personally, I don't see why." She remarked with distaste.

"Really?" Ron sputtered as bits of carrots flew from his open mouth. He swallowed before continuing, "Like what she saw, huh?" He asked, flexing his muscles. "Dug my action, did she? Checking out the Ron Bomb!" He noted victoriously, causing Hermione, Harry, and Draco to pause in their eating, look at each other in disbelief before bursting out laughing.

"Ron Bomb?" Draco repeated, snickering.

"I think you may be thinking of Won-Won." Harry inputted with a serious face.

"Oh, I wuv you so much, Won-Won." Draco mocked, making kissy faces.

Ron blushed as he tried to act nonchalant. Pointing at each of this two male friends, he said slowly, "And fuck you blokes. Hermione, you are my only friend tonight." He said, moving closer to her.

"Are you sure Lav-Lav isn't a friend as well?" She teased.

Ron moved back away from her. "And now my beef is with all three of you." He said.

The three laughed loudly, feeling no remorse at all over taking the mickey out on their friend and his past history with Lavender Brown, a fellow Gryffindor.

"But honestly, Luna does fancy you. Only Merlin knows why-" Hermione said with a laugh.

"Hey!" Ron said. "I don't see anyone fancying you." He joked defensively.

Hermione knew he was kidding, but the cheap shot still stung. Before she could retaliate, Harry quickly cute in. "No reason to start bickering. Hermione happens to be a very fanciable girl. And Ron…well, it's obvious any girl would be…er…lucky to have him." Harry said as the three stared at Ron in slight disgust, as he had barbeque sauce smeared all over his mouth.

"Why thank you, Harry. You are now my friend again." Said Ron, missing everyone's amused looks at his eating habits. "We all know you find Hermione attractive and fanciable-at least some bloke does." Ron joked. "Kidding., of course. And now that I've been recognized as a bloody crackerjack catch, let's call it settled for the night and break some cake." Ron declared lightly, pulling the closest pastry towards his plate with a hungry gleam in his blue eyes.

During Ron's foolish speech, both Hermione and Harry's eyebrows flew towards the enchanted ceiling as Draco choked on his pumpkin juice, an amused twinkle in his eye.

Hermione looked over at Harry, but he wouldn't meet her eye. Had he told them he found her attractive? Sure, he had complimented her on her outward appearance before, but to hear that he had told other people…Hermione couldn't stop the grin that fought its way onto her face even if she wanted to.

Meanwhile, Harry rolled his eyes. `Ron…you're such a prat.' He thought, half-embarrassed. He didn't know why. Perhaps he just didn't want to her hear it come from Ron's mouth.



Hermione dreaded Potions. It was the first day back since she had delved into Snape's memories, and she had managed to avoid him until now. She and the three boys took their seats at their usual table in the back-the very same table they had tried to bully Hermione from that first day so long ago. Surprisingly, Snape ignored Hermione all class long as they concocted a Shrinking Potion.

"Bottle your potion and bring it to the front with your name on it." Snape instructed.

Hermione bottled hers and headed for the front of the room. She handed Snape her potion. As she turned around, the sharp sound of shattering glass met her ears as she turned to see potion-her perfect potion-spilled all over the floor, and a now-very small desk.

"Oops." Snape said with no remorse.

Hermione had already cleared her potion from her cauldron. She gave him a hard stare, determined not to let her anger get the better of her. "It worked correctly, did it not?" She asked innocently.

Snape sneered at her before righting the size of his desk and ignoring her.

Hermione fumed silently.

For the rest of the day, Ron, Draco, and Harry were forced to hear about what a total asshole the Potions Master was.


Hermione decided her best option would be to profusely apologize yet make a case clear that she must be progressing at her Occlumency lesson that night.

However, before she could make her case, her mid had already been attacked and her defenses were weak. Flashes of the past rushed through her mind.

She was talking to Dumbledore in his office. She and Harry were on a sleigh ride. Luna was talking to her about the Eros Love Bug. Harry looped them on his Firebolt.

Before he could go any further, Hermione stopped the raid on her mind, panting.

"Professor-" She began, but was interrupted by another surprise attack.

She was alone at lunch at her Muggle primary school, with only a book to keep her company. She was at her Grandma's, watching a television documentary. A group of Slytherins were physically hurting her for trying to play the hero.

Humiliated, Hermione cast a Shielding Charm to make it stop, and once again, she felt her mind being assaulted with memories that weren't hers.

A skinny dark-haired boy and a red-headed girl about the age of ten sat at a park, laughing. Fast-forward years later, same boy reading alone under a tree as four boys came to taunt him as they levitated him upside down suddenly, calling him names. A young Snape calling an auburn-haired girl a Mudblood. A boy looking into the yellow eyes of a werewolf.

Suddenly, Hermione felt her body being hurled back and landing on the floor. Snape, face flushed, glared daggers at her from a few feet away.

"Professor-I'm sorry." Hermione began, trying to stand.

Snape raised his wand to reach into her mind again. Before she could think of anything else, Hermione quickly guarded her mind and attempted to black the attack with nothing but the strength of her mind.

No memories played before her eyes. Hermione could feel his probing, but was able to keep it at bay-barely.

Her head began to fill with a dull pain as she felt her defenses wane and her will-power start to weaken and slip away from her control. Sweat had broken out on both their foreheads as their minds dueled for power over the other. Finally, Hermione couldn't withstand it any long and blacked out.

She came-to after a few minutes. As she began to stir, she found herself lying on the cold stone floor, with Snape's back to her, his eyes on a small fire roaring under the mantle. Her first thought was just how feeble the green flames of the fire were.

She cleared her throat. "Sir?" She addressed him uncertainly, standing and walking towards her professor.

She came up behind him to see what he was looking at, but saw nothing but the flickering flames of the fire.

Finally, he turned to look at her. "Good enough for tonight. Go." He dismissed her before turning back around.

Hermione nodded to his back and headed for the door. Just as her hand grabbed the handle, she stopped and turned back around and said nervously before she could stop herself. "Is that why you hate Harry Potter so much?" She asked softly. She had easily recognized one of the young men who had been levitating him in his memory. And she had an inkling of who the other two were.

Without turning around, he replied coldly, "I believe I dismissed you."

Despite her professor's instructions, Hermione walked over and took the seat in front of his desk. "I know no one has probably apologized for it, but I'm sorry on their behalf." Hermione said sympathetically.

Snape finally turned around and sat down at his desk. He looked her in the eye. "Leave." He harshly commanded.

Her professor's demands did not deter her as she continued, "I know-obviously-what it feels like. But being angry…it doesn't help matters." She told him.

Snape sneered. "I don't need a therapy lesson, Miss Granger."

Hermione chuckled nervously. "That's good because I know I'm very under qualified for such extensive help. I just want to talk."

Snape's lip curled. "I don't."

"You know, it's really not fair for you to be angry with me for seeing your memories. Merlin knows you've raided mine like Ron Weasley would raid a refrigerator for a midnight snack."

"I don't believe I asked you about fairness. I also don't recall caring about what an insufferable Mudblood know-it-all like yourself has to say." He said ruthlessly with a nasty gleam in his eye.

His words cut deep, but Hermione refused to show it. Her mind went to the memory of his she had seen, where he had called an auburn-haired girl the same thing. And she knew exactly who that had been.

"That was rather unnecessary, professor." She said coldly.

Snape stared at her silently. "Get out."

"You said the same thing to Lily Potter." She went on, ignoring his comments. "But really, is that why you hate Harry? Because his father and his friends were jackasses in school, and his mother was a Muggleborn witch?" She continued, trying to shield the fear in her voice. What was she doing?

Her professor seethed. "GET OUT!" He roared angrily.

Hermione raised her voice in retaliation. "That's not fair. You can't hate him because of his parents. It's just as ridiculous as people hating me because of Voldemort. I'm not linked to him at all, yet people already make their minds up about be before even getting the chance to know who I am." She stopped and quickly questioned if she was getting ready to cross the line by saying it, but just as she had thought of it as a bad idea, it came out like word vomit. "You would think that you would like me more, being the spawn of a man you clearly once served." Her voice was cold as her memory flashed to one of his, of him on his knees and bowing to Voldemort.

Before she could comprehend anything, jars started shattering all around her, and the feeble fire roared to life and flickered with flames the color of blood. To shield herself from the glass, Hermione threw herself to the floor while her professor stood behind his desk, fuming.

Once the shattered stopped and the fire calmed itself, Hermione gingerly stood, wide-eyed.

"You have no business to make any assumptions." He said angrily. "Now I will tell you one last time before I physically make you, get out and do not come back. Our lessons are over." His voice was oddly calmed.

Most of Hermione wanted to run out the door, and never come back to these Dungeons. Terror ripped through her. Another part-another tiny part-wanted to stay and finish whatever this confrontation was.

Unfortunately, the smaller part won. She had to push herself towards the chair in front of him and sit. "If I'm making assumptions, then tell me the truth." She said evenly, fearful.

Snape sneered. "You couldn't handle the truth. You're shielded from the world in your little safety bubble your parents and Dumbledore created for you. "

Hermione laughed a sharp, hallow laugh. "You think I don't know harsh reality is?" She asked.

"You've been teased, so what?" He asked. "That's not the end of the world."

"It certainly pushed you into becoming a miserable old bat." Hermione said defensively.

For the first time that night, Hermione thought she saw maybe a hint of Snape's smirk.

"Is that why you joined Voldemort? To get back at people who made your life miserable?" Hermione asked seriously.

Snape didn't say anything for a moment before replying evenly, "People don't join the Dark Lord for such trivial and foolish reasons."

Hermione nodded. "Were your parents divorced?"

A faraway look reached Snape's eyes. "No. They should have been." He said softly.

"So by staying together and fighting all the time, unhappy, it just made your life worse."

Snape had finally managed to sit down at some point, and his hard, external shell seemed to finally give way.

"What about Harry's parents? And Professor Black? And was that Remus Lupin as a werewolf?" Hermione coaxed. She could tell he did not want to talk about this, and was very private about his past. At the same time, this was probably one of his first opportunities to pour out his heart and soul to someone who bothered to listen, and after years and years of pent-up anger, perhaps it was a release he needed.

"Harry's father was always stuck up. Thought he was better than everyone-him and his little gang. They were the bullies, not me. Even tried to get me bitten by their werewolf friend. Always ganged up on me, especially Potter and Black. He even though it impressed Lily. It never did. I never will understand how he finally managed to get her. He never deserved her." Snape said softly with a bite of anger in his voice.

Hermione furrowed her brow. Did Snape…the way he was talking about her, and even called her by her name rather than her surname…"Did you love Lily Potter?" Hermione asked cautiously.

Snape gave a hallow laugh. "Lily Evans, not Potter. We used to be great friends-even before Hogwarts. She always thought she needed to stick up for me. She hated Potter. I didn't need for her to try to play the hero all the time though, made me look bad. Potter always thought I was jealous of him and his good looks and Quidditch skills…no, he was the jealous one because I was closer to Lily than he was. And he hated me for it."

Hermione was confused. "Then why did you call her a Mudblood?"

Snape's almost amused persona evaporated. "It was one of the biggest mistakes I'd ever made. I effectively ruined my friendship with her-pushed her towards Potter even. I was sick of her sticking up for me. I didn't need it. After I said it, she had nothing to do with me."

Hermione nodded. "Why did you join Voldemort then?" Hermione asked uncertainly.

Snape was quiet for a moment. "I'd always has a fascination with the Dark Arts, even in school."

Hermione waited for more, but nothing came. She was about to ask more, but decided not to press the issue.

"Did you reform or something?" Hermione asked.

Snape nodded. "Once I almost got Lily killed by telling the Dark Lord about the prophecy…I switch sides and became a double agent and worked for Dumbledore, while the Dark Lord still thought I was working as a spy for him. However, I'm a skilled at Occlumency and was able to keep my true intentions a secret."

A few minutes of silence passed as neither said anything. Hermione felt an odd sense of accomplishment. She could see a small difference in the wretched man before her. Perhaps he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"So is this why you hate Harry?" Hermione asked again.

Snape smirked. "He is so extraordinary like his father. He swaggers around school and thinks of no one but himself."

Hermione shook her head. "No, he's very kind actually. And really is a great bloke. I think you see him as James because he had tormented you so much."

Snape scoffed. "Tell me, Miss Granger…when you first arrived to the school, how did he treat you?"

Hermione didn't say anything for a minute. "But then he changed. He was only like that because of how his parents raised him. Now, he's much different." She tried to persuade him.

Snape stood. "Think what you want. You're dismissed. I have homework to grade."

Hermione nodded and finally stood and walked towards the door. "And I trust, Miss Granger, that what I had shared with you tonight was in confidentiality."

"Of course. Good night professor." She walked out before turning around real quick as a thought occurred to her. She popped her head in his office. "Professor?" She called softly.

Snape looked up from his desk expectantly.

"Today in class, my potion…" She trailed off.

"It did what it was supposed to do. Ninety." He replied, looking down at an essay on his desk.

"Why only a ninety, sir?" Hermione asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Because your butterfingers dropped it and did not allow me to have a sample." He said, not looking up.

Hermione rolled her eyes before saying loud enough to hear, "Miserable old bat," As she walked out.

Snape almost smiled.


Hermione had decided to-for the time being anyway-keep her word to Snape and keep their conversation confidential. When asked by Harry about the lesson, her respond had been that it wasn't too bad, and she thought things were actually looking up. She only hoped classes with Snape would be a bit more pleasant now. Their conversation had also not allowed to her too at her Defense Against The Dark Arts professor the same at first. He had been a right bully, which was a shame because she he was her favorite teacher-it didn't hurt that she was a good friend of Harry's. However, the more she thought about it, she tried to almost see him as Harry. Sure, Harry had been a right asshole at first…but now, that's changed. In Professor Black's case-he just grew up.

Now, however, she had other things to think about, like the Hogsmeade trip only a week away, conveniently on Valentine's Day. Her first thought had been what if Harry found a date for the day-but that thought (along with the sheer annoyance of the thought of it) quickly vanished. It was absurd. Harry would not have a date for the day, she knew. However, just to make sure, she always kept her ears perked whenever the trip was mentioned. Hermione sighed as she looked down at her essay for Transfiguration before glancing at her watch. She was sitting alone in the Library and had been up since early this morning. She wondered if Harry had even woken up yet.


Harry managed to finally stumble down the stairs from his dormitory-showered and dressed for the day yet still tired. He had had a terrible night's sleep. He kept having some odd dream, yet now, couldn't remember for the life of him what it was.

Brushing it off, he walked over to where Draco and Ron were sitting in the Common Room.

"Ah, he did decide to wake up this morning." Draco greeted him.

"We had a wager going actually." Ron said lightly.

"Wankers." Harry said with a roll of his eyes.

"She's in the Library, pouring over an essay I imagine." Draco informed him, not looking up from the magazine he was looking at. "Why she must do that on a bloody Saturday is beyond me."

"Okay. I'm probably gonna go haul her out of the Library and," He glanced at his watch, "Find some food." Harry said, looking over at the Portrait Hole, though not missing the look his two best mates shared. "What?" He asked, confused as Ron dug into his pocket and flipped a Galleon in Draco's direction, who caught it easily.

"Nothing." Draco said, shaking his head. "Run along."

"What was that about?" He repeated.

Ron snickered. "Just had a wager on whether or not you'd even sit down or even go to the Great Hall before you went off and tried to find Hermione like the lost puppy that you are, that's all." He said lightly.

Harry furrowed his brow and sat down. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Draco shrugged. "Nothing really. We just think it's a bit funny that you're all consumed by her, especially lately."

Harry shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous. I was just going to go see if she was hungry or anything."

"She already ate. We ate with her." Ron informed him.

Harry was slightly irritated now. "Well, I didn't know that." He said defensively.

There was a few beats of silence as the three boys sat there. Finally, Ron said what he knew Harry was all but dying to hear, "Go ahead. We won't judge you."

Harry stood, trying to take his time. "I'm not leaving because you're dismissing me. I just…like her company is all."

Draco smirked. "I think you like her company a little more than you let on."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous."

Ron nodded. "Are you two going to Hogsmeade together on Valentine's Day?" He asked.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Not because it's Valentine's Day…we're just going like we always do."

Draco and Ron both stood. "And I have a date, and Ron here…well, with Merlin's help, just might find one as well. So you two will be on a date yourselves." He said, leading them from the Common Room.

Harry scoffed. "That's mad. Just because we'll be alone doesn't mean we're on a date."

Ron shrugged. "I dunno mate. When you fancy her, it might. I wonder if she knows it will be a date."

Harry rolled his eyes. "You two are talking mad. I'm going to go find Hermione, not because I'm a lost puppy, but rather, she is probably the only one who isn't going nutters like two of you." Harry said, detouring in the direction of the Library.

He quickly walked down the corridor, ignoring the snickers coming from behind him.

He found Hermione just as Draco had predicted. "Hey there." He greeted cheerfully, trying to push his morning conversation aside.

"Hi Harry!" Hermione greeted, shutting her book and with a wave of her wand, all of her things packed themselves up neatly in her book big.

Harry laughed, "And here I thought it was going to be difficult to get you to put the books away."

Hermione smiled sheepishly, "I really don't fancy doing this essay right now…and I'm way ahead anyway." She said defensively.

Harry smiled. "I think you just prefer my company over the company of your textbooks and essays." He teased.

Hermione smiled. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Okay, I'll try not to. How about some food?"

Hermione shrugged. "I could eat something."

And with that, the two Gryffindors headed for the Great Hall. Hermione walked towards Ron and Draco, who were seated at the table as an unsettling feeling found its way into his stomach as he remembered his conversation with them earlier.

"Aw, fancy meeting both of you here." Ron said, greeting his two friends.

Harry ignored his friend's comment, and Hermione didn't notice. "Hi. Lunch looks great." She said, grabbing a sandwich.

As lunch pressed on, Ron cleared his voice noisily. "Hermione, you said the Looney Lovegood fancied me, right?" He asked.

"Should be a decent shag." Draco said easily.

Hermione's eyebrows flew up. "She is most certainly not just a shag, and Ronald Weasley, I swear if you treat her so…well, let's just say you won't be shagging anyone ever again." She warned, bringing her wand up and laying it on the table top with a forewarning purpose.

Draco smirked. "A little testy, are we?"

Hermione ignored him and just cast Ron a warning look.

Ron laughed. "Then I'm certainly not going to treat her so. But really, I wouldn't mind maybe taking her out, I dunno. I don't know her too well and she isn't my type, so I'm a little nervous. What do you suggest, Hermione? Should I ask her to study?" Ron asked, concerned.

Hermione stared at him for a moment, calculating before smiling and finally replying, "I think you should ask her to Hogsmeade on Valentine's Day. And just be yourself…or maybe a little less of yourself."

Draco raised a hand to interrupt. "Wait. It's Valentine's Day. Now mate, you do realize how much pressure that puts on you, right? Instant relationship in her mind. You'll need to bring something to the table to make sure you keep things…not so romantic." Draco advised.

Ron nodded and snapped his fingers. "That's a good idea, Draco. But what? What would make this one-on-one date more casual so neither party will feel any obligation?" He asked thoughtfully.

Both Ron and Draco scratched their chins with consideration.

Harry watched the scene unfold before him with slight apprehension. He had known Ron and Draco for years. Draco had always been suave with the ladies, while Ron had done well enough without asking other girls for advice. Now, all of a sudden, he was asking Hermione for guidance.

Meanwhile, Hermione shrugged. "I dunno. I can see how you may want to make it more casual. Um…" She looked at Harry for help, but he seemed far away and unaware of the dilemma before them. "Perhaps you can avoid lovey-dovey places?"

Draco shook his head. "No, I don't think that would be enough. Actually…I would be willing…wait never mind. I know my date won't go for it." He said, shaking is head again.

Hermione furrowed her brow. "What?"

Draco sighed. "Well, I was going to say me and Amanda could double date, take some of the pressure off-"

Bam. Harry saw right through their plan. He glared at his friends in disbelief.

"But like I said, Amanda has being going on and on about how romantic the day was going to be and such. And unlike you, Weasley, I don't have issues with the opposite sex." Draco said smoothly.

Hermione nodded. "That probably would have helped; a double date of sorts. Maybe she has a friend and date that can go with you?" She offered.

Ron sighed. "I dunno. That might be awkward, with me not knowing them. I think I'd feel a bit better if the extra couple was kind of on my side, I suppose, you know? If only Amanda didn't have issues…" He said wistfully. "Plus, how awful would I sound if I asked her to bring a couple? Talk about rude…" He said, blowing out a puff of air helplessly. "Unless…" He rounded on Harry with an innocent smile.

Harry was still shooting daggers. "Unless?" He repeated tightly.

Draco's eyes widened with mock realization. "That's a brilliant idea, Ron. Harry, you don't have plans for the Hogsmeade trip, do you?" He asked with a grin.

"Actually-" Harry began quickly.

"I mean, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Perhaps you can just ask a girl for kicks to go on a double date with you-it doesn't have to mean anything. Oh, but that would leave…" His eyes fell on Hermione, whose expression was unreadable.

"Both of you could go with us, then." Ron summed up. "Me and Luna know both of you rather well, so it wouldn't feel uncomfortable. And it wouldn't have to mean anything, just a simple meaningless double date, to ease off the pressure. You two wouldn't have to stay with us all day or anything…just hang out for a bit to make it comfortable. So how about it then? Double date with me and the nutter?" Ron asked hopefully, looking from Harry to Hermione.

Hermione looked over at Harry, alarmed. She noted Harry had an almost upset look on his face. The small bit of-what?-excitement maybe vanished. Before he could say anything, Hermione quickly responded, "Don't be daft, Ronald. That's ridiculous. I'm sure Harry doesn't want to spend his day on a fake date he doesn't want to be on," She said evenly, not meeting anyone's eyes, "And nor do I. Um…I've got to go. I'll catch you guys later." Hermione quickly said before standing and grabbing her bag before starting toward the doors. She suddenly stopped short and turned to look at Ron. "And by the way, Ronald Weasley, it's Luna and I, not me and Luna." She corrected before exiting the Great Hall in a rush.

Harry looked over at his sneaking friends with fury. Ron and Draco looked at each other guiltily. "Hm, hopefully it's not feminine problems." Draco said casually.

"What do you two think you are doing?!" Harry hissed, irritation etched all over his face.

"What are you talking about?" Ron asked innocently. "Personally, I don't see the big deal in doing a mate a favor. I'm not asking you two to snog or anything…just pretend to be on a date to boost some confidence is all." Ron said in a wounded voice.

"Bull shit." Harry called, crossing his arms. "Look, I realize you two think it's funny to fuck around with me and Hermione-with Hermione's and my relationship, but it's not funny. It's not funny at all. And instead, you're just pissing people off. Look what you've done. Did you see the look on her face? Don't you think she's been rejected enough, and now she thinks it's happening again-worst of all by me?" He raged.

"Why do you think that bothers her so much?" Draco pointed out.

Harry was silent.

"She thought you were ashamed of pretending to go on a date with her or something, and look how she took it. What does that say for her feelings?" Ron asked, looking towards the doors of the Great Hall.

Harry fumed. "She feels rejected, when that's the last thing she should feel from me." He said slowly, putting an annoyed emphasis on each word. "My relationship with Hermione is none of your business. It's already been a difficult road for us-this isn't helping matters." His eyes narrowed. "Stay out of it." And with that, he huffed out.

Ron and Draco shared a look. "So much for helping out a mate." Ron said wistfully.

Draco nodded. "I don't think we helped…and he's right pissed, he is."

Harry found Hermione sitting outside under a tree, staring out at the lake.

"Hey." He said softly, causing her to jump. She smiled at her tightly.


Harry didn't know what to say. "Rushed out of there to come stare at some ice?" He said with a laugh.

Hermione shrugged. "Felt like some fresh air."

Harry nodded. "So how about that Ron, eh? Got some crazy ideas."

Hermione forced a laugh. "Yeah, you'd think he'd be able to handle things himself by now."

Harry took a seat beside her. "You'd think. He's not used to girls like Luna though. Makes him nervous." Harry said, which was technically half true.

"Probably. I wish we could help, but I don't think we can. He should be fine though." Hermione said easily.

"He probably will be fine. I'm sure he'll muck it up, in typical Ron Weasley fashion. But he always rights things in the end." Harry pointed out before casually saying, "But a little help is always a nice thing. His idea…I mean, if you're up for it…I think we could pull it off." He said, giving her a friendly fake punch in the arm.

Hermione looked at him with a tight smile that didn't meet her eyes. "Pull it off?" She asked, tilting her head confusedly.

Harry realized he sounded like a prat. "I didn't mean it like it would be a chore. I mean…I don't think it would be that difficult to pretend. Merlin knows we have some…odd...experience in that field. And I know if I had to pick a fake date for Valentine's Day, my best girl would be at the top of the list." He explained with a wink.

Hermione laughed. "Well, when you oh-so-charmingly put it that way…how can a girl say no to a fake date proposal to make their friend's disastrous date-you know it's going to be-dreadfully more comfortable?" She responded cheekily, feeling better now for some unknown reason.

Harry smiled. "It's a fake date then."

With a voice of almost disconsolate cheerfulness, she shot back, "It's a fake date."


Despite the fact that her "date" to Hogsmeade was a façade, Hermione was still excited-perhaps for the challenge of pulling it off-as she refused to realize it wasn't much of a challenge. There had to be some sort of reason behind her excitement.

Hermione was walking down the corridor with Harry, Ron, and Draco. As the passed the girls' lavatory, Hermione stopped. "You guys go ahead; I'll catch up." She said. "Gotta stop at the loo."

"It's okay. We'll wait." Draco said with a shrug.

Hermione went into the restroom and headed for an empty stall. After doing her business, and as she washed her hands, she heard a sniffle coming from the only closed stall. Furrowing her brow, Hermione stepped closer. "Hello?" She called, concerned. The sniffling stopped suddenly. "Are you okay?" She asked, stopping right in front of the door. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Hermione slowly raised her hand and pushed on the door. Locked.

"Go away!" A disembodied voice demanded from the other side of the door, sounding upset.

Hermione frowned and took a few steps back as she headed for the door. Like they promised, the three Gryffindor boys were waiting outside casually. She smiled softly. "Um, you guys go ahead. Someone in here sounds really upset…I'm going to see if I can help." She said.

The three blokes looked at each other then at their female friend. "Are you sure?" Harry asked, feeling slightly worried about leaving Hermione alone with someone like this, knowing past events.

Hermione nodded. "It'll be fine. How about I catch up with you guys in the Common Room?" She asked before heading back into the lavatory.

As she entered, the sound of crying reached her ears. She walked to the stall she had used and stood on the toilet seat so she could peer over the wall and into the locked stall. Sitting, levitating herself in the air with her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs, was Ginny Weasley.

"Ginny?" She asked uncertainly, causing the redhead's head to whip up and meet Hermione's eyes with her bloodshot blue ones.

"Go away, Granger." She said angrily.

Hermione bit her lip and stepped off the toilet and walked over to the sinks. Why would Ginny Weasley being crying in a stall. Her feelings of concern slowly began to vanish as she walked over to the door, deciding such a mean girl wasn't worth her time. Just as her hand touched the handle, she heard another pathetic sniffle. Sighing, she felt bad, despite how this particular Weasley had treated her in the past. The soft side got the better of her, and she turned back around and stood outside the stall.

"What's wrong?" She asked awkwardly.

"Go away!"

This wasn't going to be easy. "Did someone hurt your?" She asked, clueless.

"Mind your own business, bitch!"

"For Merlin's sake, I'm trying to help you!" Hermione said hatefully before whispering more to herself, "Though I'm clueless why."


"You're not making this any easier, you know." Hermione pointed out bluntly, not bothering to candy-coat the annoyance in her voice.

"GET OUT!" Ginny cried angrily.

Hermione gritted her teeth as impatience overtook her. Honestly, why was she even bothering?

"Go away!" Ginny said again, heated with Hermione's intrusion on her privacy.

Hermione had had enough.

"You are a complete brat, Ginny Weasley." She ranted with a cross voice. "You are so self-absorbed and you care about no one's feelings but your own. Acting like this is only going to lead you to one place-alone. You go flaunting yourself to all these blokes-eventually your body is going to be too oversexed and used up for anyone to want." Hermione spat bitterly.

The stall door suddenly burst open and a shaking Ginny Weasley stood with a trembling wand and bloodshot eyes.

Hermione didn't go for her wand, instead, she just sneered at the younger Gryffindor. "You're pathetic. You've shamed your family-"

"Shut up!" Ginny's quivering voice spoke venomously.

"You all but gave them up. And for what? No respect, no-"

"Stop!" Ginny cried, louder this time.

She knew she was being cruel, but she also knew it was the only way she would get anything out of her. Perhaps she could help. Perhaps not. "I'm surprised you can muster up enough dignity to even look at yourself in the mirror." Hermione said with a low voice, eyes staring daggers at the shuddering girl.

BOOM! Ginny had thrown a curse in Hermione's direction, but missed and hit the sink and caused it to blow up. Hermione didn't even flinch, and gave a satisfying smirk.

"What's wrong, Ginny? The truth hurt much?" She asked.

Still trembling from her toes to the tip of her raised wand as rage and shame coursed through her, Ginny fumed and finally slumped to the ground as sobs shook through her body.

Satisfied that Ginny was ready to open up, Hermione went and sat Indian-style in front of her. She slipped Ginny's wand from her limp grasp and set it aside.

"What's wrong?" She asked directly.

Ginny could only shrug in response. She opened her mouth to speak, but a strangled cry was the only sound she could make.

Hermione decided she would have to take a softer approach. Despite how gratifying it was to see someone who had tormented her go to pieces-especially when she was always so proud and confident-Hermione still held compassion for those who suffer. Clearly, Ginny was suffering.

"Ginny," She said gently, pushing a hair from the girl's face. "I need you to tell me what's wrong."

Suddenly, Ginny jerked away and gave a hollow laugh. "You would never understand." She insisted miserably.

With a determined look in her brown eyes, Hermione replied, "Try me."

And so there it is. I hope you enjoyed it. And please, let me know. If I get quite a few people to tell me what they think, I'll try to have the next chapter out asap!!!!!! Which is what I will try to do anyway…but still…it helps.

Good night.

