Unofficial Portkey Archive

Mr. & Mrs. Evans by i found nemo

Mr. & Mrs. Evans

i found nemo

Disclaimer: Don't own HP or M&MS

Mr. & Mrs. Evans

Chapter 13: One Year Later Part II

[AN] Long wait- I know, I know…


"I spy, with my little eye something… grey!"

"My socks."

"Damn- that's eleven times in a row! This isn't even fair anymore…"

Harry let out a bored breath as he and Ron sat under the invisibility cloak on a cold, hard bench sitting across the street from the house they were watching.

They had been waiting for well over two hours for Carter Horne, the muggle bloke they were targeting, and Harry was starting to get angry.

Ron had suggested to pass the time that they should play the game "I spy". And of course, Ron being the daft bloke he is chose to pick all of the colours on Harry's outfit. His socks were the last article left.

"This is getting ridiculous," Harry muttered bitterly, "How many more petty muggle missions do we have to do before we get one concerning our world?"

For about the past nine months, the only missions the Order was getting was from their muggle contacts. And frankly, he was sick of getting stuck with missions that a trainee at the local police academy should be dealing with. Within a few months, Harry became fed up with the tedious work, but out of respect for Sirius and the agency he stayed on- hoping and praying that something thrilling would come along. Even now, they were on a mission concerning this Horne bloke stealing secret incriminating files from the British Prime Minister's office. Harry could really care less about the muggle government and it's lies and secrets but hey- he needed the paycheque.

Ron shrugged basely, "I don't know, but we need to start getting more jobs or my mum's going to make me get a real one."

Harry snorted at Ron's attitude, "Don't you think it's time to move out of the Burrow, Ron? I mean, your 28 years old…"

The red head scowled, "Why would I ever want to move out? I get home cooked food whenever I want," he finished, as if that was the most important thing in the whole world.

"How does Luna put up with you?" asked Harry, shaking his head in bemusement. If one thing was true, he was glad that he had Ron to accompany him on these sorts of missions. He always had a way to take Harry's mind off his looming temper.

"I don't know man, but she hasn't complained yet about my lifestyle, so don't say anything that might make her start questioning my maturity. Okay?"

Harry smirked, "I have a feeling you're taking advantage of Luna's blithe and airy personality."

"She's my Loony for a reason, mate. She's the only girl that doesn't mind shagging on my twin bed. I'm telling you- you can only get so far with other chicks. You gotta find the one who loves you for you…"

Harry stiffened at Ron's choice of words, "Right."

Ron cringed and glanced at Harry nervously when he realised the context of what he said, "Mate, I didn't mean it like that-"

Harry shrugged, "Whatever."


"Look, it's him," Harry said in a rushed whisper, his eyes focusing on a man walking up the front path to the house.

Ron followed his gaze to the bloke who had stopped at the front door to pull a set of keys out of his pocket.

"About bloody time he gets home…"

"Come on," Harry said, grabbing on to the cloak and getting off the bench. As they crossed the street and approached the front door they could hear the beeps of the alarm system being disabled by Horne.

Harry tugged the invisibility cloak off them both as they stepped onto the porch and stared at Horne through the door he left open.

"You Carter Horne?"

Horne looked up startled, "Um, yeah. Who're you?"

Harry glared at him like he was an idiot while Ron rolled his eyes in an uninterested fashion.

"Batman and fucking Robin," he said sarcastically, taking a step inside before Carter could throw the door close.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, you tossers?" Carter asked aggressively, not moving back as Harry and Ron got closer.

The two wizards shared an annoyed look before pulling identical guns from their back pockets.

Clearly that seemed to have the desired effect.

Carter's eyes widened and he held both hands up as he took a few steps back, "Whoa, mates- look, I don't know why you're here, but I'm sure we can work out some sort of deal-"

"No, we can't make a fucking deal," Harry snapped rudely, "I've been waiting outside for your dumb ass to get home for two fucking hours!" Carter squirmed as Harry gestured wildly with the gun, "My ass hurts, I'm dead fucking tired, and I intend on doing what I'm being paid to do!"

Carter swallowed, "What's that?"

Ron smirked, "The Minister's files."

"I don't-" he tried to say anxiously before Harry cut him off.

"Don't try and fucking deny it, or I swear to fucking god I will shoot you in the foot," Harry pointed the gun threateningly at Carter's foot.

He stumbled backwards frantically, "No, no, no!"

"Alright, as you can see my friend is in quite the mood- he hasn't had a decent shag in ages-" Ron muttered as an after thought.

"Ron," hissed Harry, now pointing the gun at his friend while Carter watched helplessly from against the wall.

"Anyways, if you could just give us the files please, then we'll be on our way," Ron finished politely, looking expectantly at the cowering man.

"You don't understand, I don't-"

"Okay, I'll give you some options: option one, you can either go fetch the files and let this process go smoothly, or option two, I can tear your house apart bit by bit and find them myself. Have no doubt that I will find them though," he added thoughtfully.

Harry sighed impatiently, wishing that the bloke would just cooperate so he could go home already.

Carter started stuttering again, "But I-I, it- see-"

"Also if you choose option two then Harry gets to shoot you."

"NO!" Carter shouted automatically, pressing himself farther against the wall. He held up his hands as if about to reason with them, "Look, if the wrong people found out that I have these papers, then I'd be in a lot of trouble…"

Harry scoffed, "Are you daft? The wrong people already bloody know! That's why were fucking here!"

"Mate, I'm getting a lot of money for them, a-and I'll be willing to split it three ways," Carter attempted again, "The minister's reputation has already gone to the dogs, okay? Releasing these documents-"

"Violates national laws," Harry said with irritation, cocking the gun back menacingly.

"You should get them now," Ron advised with an amused look.

Carter sat against the wall sweating profusely and breathing heavily. If Harry didn't know any better, he would have thought he was about to have a panic attack.

Finally he gulped and nodded feebly before standing slowly, "I'll go get them."

"I'll come with you," Harry answered, motioning with the gun for Carter to lead off down the hall.

"Great," Ron said happily, scratching the side of his head with the gun, "Hey mate, do you have any cookies or anything?" he called after them after he caught a glimpse of the kitchen. Harry shot him a dirty look from down the hall but Ron merely shrugged and walked towards Carter's refrigerator.

A few moments later, Ron came out of the kitchen with a mouthful of biscuits as Harry and Carter walked back from down the hall. Carter was holding a few folders of papers in his hands.

Begrudgingly, he handed them to Harry.

"I trust you didn't make any copies?" Harry inquired stonily.

"I didn't have the time," he replied, watching with disgust as bits of cookies dribbled from Ron's mouth.

"Mmm, these are good," Ron muttered, wiping his mouth.

"Is that all?" he asked stupidly, acting like a child who was just put through a scolding. It was clear that Carter wanted the two strangers out of his home as soon as possible.

"Oh, and now we have to take you to jail," Ron said in an innocent voice like it must've slipped his mind.

Carter looked outraged, "What?! You said-"

"Yeah, we lied," Ron told him with a shrug.

"No, I can't go to fucking jail!" Carter shouted, searching for a way of escape.

Harry noticing his looks grabbed his arm and stared him straight in the eye, "Look, why don't you just go to sleep?"

"What?" he asked vulnerably, entranced by Harry's gaze.

"Go to sleep," Harry said more sternly.

A second later, Carter Horne's eyes drifted shut and he started falling back.

Ron caught him easily and looked up to Harry, "That was very Dumbledore-ish of you."

Harry snorted and stowed the gun in the back of his trousers, "Let's get going."

"Okay, but you have to apparate the prat- I hate side along apparation…"

"I can't," Harry said.

"Why not?"

Harry held up the papers, "Because I'm holding the V.I.P.'s."

"Well, why can't I hold the very important papers?"

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Remember what happened last time you held the papers?"

Ron scowled, "Oh come on, that was one time and I had to go to the bathroom really bad!"

"I'm not even going to dignify that with a response."


"See ya," Harry smirked, apparating away to the location they were to meet with the Minister's agents.

"Wanker," Ron muttered, pulling the sleeping bloke closer to his chest before apparating after his mate.


Harry let out an exhausted breath as he dropped down on his couch with an ice cold beer in his hand. After taking a swig, he flipped on the telly and settled into watching the evening news report.

Nothing much had changed over the past year- he still lived in the home he and Hermione had shared, was still irritated to no end by Bob Finkle, and still enjoyed coming home after work and having a quiet night.

A few months ago the Weasleys had started requesting that he come to dinner at least once a week. Harry had obliged since they were his adopted family and since Mrs. Weasley's cooking was so good. Though, it seemed like Molly had an ulterior motive since every time Harry did come, she would make it a habit to practically sing Ginny's praises to him.

It was a lot of mumbo jumbo about Harry needing a good wife to finally settle down with and Ginny being the perfect one for him. After a lot of blushing and uncomfortable moments, Ginny finally spoke up and told her mum that she was already dating someone. Of course, she avoided divulging that her new boyfriend was Draco Malfoy- that bit would have probably sent both her parents into cardiac arrest.

Since then though, Mrs. Weasley had taken up inviting near strangers over to the house to meet Harry. Molly would pass the strange women off as friends she new when usually the girls where something like second cousins twice removed of the grocer down the street. Harry figured they were pretty enough and didn't condemn Mrs. Weasley for doing it since he knew she was doing it for Fred and George as well, since they too were still bachelors. It made him feel nice that she regarded him like as much of a son as the others that needed to get pawned off and hitched.

Though, he knew that however much he flirted with the women for Molly's sake (they were usually just stoked that they were talking to the Harry Potter), he really wasn't ready for the responsibility of a relationship.

Harry sighed again and sank down deeper into the sofa, trying to find a comfortable position. Within a matter of minutes, he drifted off into a light slumber.


Harry's eyes snapped open at a loud thump from the second floor. Before he could even register the crash of something breaking, he was standing with his wand in hand and creeping towards the staircase. His heart was pounding in his chest as he edged his way up the stairs and peered out into the hallway, looking for any signs of movement.

He registered the sound of muttered cursing and shuffling feet from inside the loo. Quietly tiptoeing over, he waited a few seconds before kicking the door open and blinding the person with a beam a white light.

"For fucksake!" shouted a familiar handsome voice. Harry lowered his wand just enough to get a glimpse of the person holding two hands in front of his eyes.


"Uh yeah, do you mind lowering the bloody searchlight? My nose is already sunburned…"

Harry quickly pocketed his wand and stepped aside so Sirius could come out of the bathroom.

"Sorry, Harry- I apparated a little off target," his godfather grinned at him as he walked out. By the grin and the way he was strutting, Harry could tell that Sirius had had a few drinks.

Harry gave him a strange look, "Sirius, what the hell are you doing here- and more importantly, why aren't you wearing pants?"

Sirius stopped and looked down at himself, clad in only his white briefs, "Oh, well the situation in Cancun got a little out of hand."

"And what, you had to sacrifice your pants in a vicious battle?"

Sirius thought over Harry's sarcastic statement and then nodded, "Something like that, yes…"

"I thought you were going to meet with a client?" said Harry with an eye roll as he led the way back down the stairs and into his kitchen.

"I did. Her name was Maria and she barely spoke English," Sirius replied with a smug grin as Harry handed him a beer from the fridge.

"You've got to be kidding me," Harry scoffed.

"What? The woman was practically groping me as a hello, what was I supposed to say? Please stop? Let's be professional? Do you think I'm an idiot, Harry?"

Harry rolled his eyes and smirked as he brought his own beer to his lips, "So what happened? She wanted to keep your pants as some sort of trophy?"

"Uh no," Sirius started with a light laugh, "Actually Maria's husband came home a little early and I think my trousers hand been thrown over the bed canopy…"

"Unbelievable," Harry muttered scrubbing a hand over his tired eyes. Sirius was the closest thing to a father Harry had, and even considered him one of his best mates, but Harry sometimes got sick of his godfather's immature ways. And lately, his frustration was getting the best of him.

"I know," Sirius continued, oblivious to Harry's irritation, "Those two story houses can be a bitch to make a quick getaway out of. But, it was a life or death situation and I chose to flee trouser-less with my life."

"So you didn't take care of any business down there at all?" Harry asked with a slight edge to his tone.

Sirius tilted his head to the side, "I think Maria would tell you otherwise…"

Harry finally snapped and slammed his hand down on the counter, "This is getting ridiculous!"

"What are you on about?"

"I mean I'm sick of doing muggles' bitch work while your off having a jolly good time bedding some big titted slag in Central America! Now, I know that magical crime hasn't just ceased to exist! For some reason we aren't getting brought in on the missions anymore. Am I the only one who fucking sees that?" Harry ended in a shout.

"Can you stop whining so I can talk?" Sirius asked immaturely as Harry started pacing back in forth.


"I came back early for a reason you know-"

"You came back early because you were about to be obliterated by some large angry Mexican's fist."

"Well there was that and," Sirius paused for a dramatic effect which only annoyed Harry further, "because of the little thing I'd like to call a new mission."

Harry looked at him, "Seriously?"

"Seriously," he mimicked, reaching inside his blazer and pulling out a small tan square. He waved his hand over it, making the folder return to it's original size before sliding it over to Harry. "Now can we end this tea party and get down to business?"

Harry shot him a glare before reaching for the folder, "When did you get this?"

"Remus got an urgent owl and then apparated over to my hotel before I left for Maria's."

Harry frowned as he opened the folder and was met with a picture of a familiar face.

"Viktor Krum?"

"Yep," Sirius grinned, taking a drink from his beer.

Harry looked at him with a probing gaze, "I swear if you're telling me we're going on a mission to stop some crazy fan girl from trying to rape him I'll be pissed."

"Well I guess you can sit this one out then," Sirius replied with a shrug.

Harry's hands tightened as Sirius held his hands up defensively.

"Relax, it was a joke. Christ, since when did you get so hormonal?"

Harry sent another burning glare at Sirius before looking back down into Krum's folder, a familiar sense of thrill and adrenaline starting to creep up his spine.


All this chapter was meant for was to give you guys a sense to what Harry's been up to (or really what he hasn't been up to) and the introduction to the fact that him and Hermione will be starting the same case. Hopefully you got a few giggles out of the relatively light heartedness.

Next chapter we're back to Hermione and what this new mission's really about. It should be up fairly shortly; maybe even tomorrow if enough of you are interested 8]

*PS- To show me that you're interested, you could leave a review telling me so ; )