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Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait by DarkWizardKiller

Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait


Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - (Part Two)

Standard Disclaimers Apply...

Chapter Twenty-Three; Return

The flight back from Tahiti was long but seemed to pass quickly. Both Harry and Hermione slept for the most part.

The jump from Paris to London was quick but tedious and they wasted no time apparating from Heathrow to St. Mungo's.

Even thought they had both slept jet lag and the severe time change seemed to be pulling at their edges as Harry followed a rather anxious Hermione into the Spell Damage Ward.

When they turned the corner of the hallway leading to her parent's room they pulled up short.

The hallway was filled with people. They recognized a few of the Healers who were assigned to look after the Grangers. They also recognized some of the Oblivators and Hermione had seen a few of the Unspeakables but huddled in a tight group were several odd looking, very oddly dressed men who seemed to be carrying on a rather lively and animated conversation. They were talking a bit loudly with much gesticulation of hands, arms and heads.

Minerva McGonagall was right in the midst of them trying to shush them as best she could. When the Headmistress spotted Harry and Hermione at the end of the hall she broke rank with the strange group and made her way toward them.

Harry and Hermione moved forward to meet her half way but when they came together the old Professor didn't seem the least bit concerned. Quite the contrary, she looked elated.

"I'm so glad you're here," she said in a rush of excitement, her hands clasped in front of her. (It was completely out of her character.) "I have the most wonderful news."

Hermione was about to burst if she wasn't allowed to ask the questions plaguing her mind the entire trip home. McGonagall picked up on her angst at once.

"You have questions Ms. Granger, I'm sure?"

"Yes…Sorry Headmistress…"

"Quite alright," McGonagall replied with a weary smile, "Perfectly understandable. Go right ahead young lady."

"Did you understand what I wrote in my letter explaining what my theory was?"

"Certainly," McGonagall nodded with a slight grin, "You were quite explicit and detailed as always Ms. Granger."

"And did you apply the test I recommended?"

"Indeed," McGonagall was still grinning, "And the subsequent reintroduction of the test memories back into the Pensive revealed absolutely no results…" she paused to take a breath.

In that moment Hermione's face fell and it looked to Harry like someone had suddenly set a full grown Mountain Troll on her shoulders, but to their surprise McGonagall was still grinning. She continued…

"However, one of the…erm…Specialists," McGonagall waved a hand toward the strange group of men still huddled in a circle talking, "decided to attach a simple repairing charm to the memory and after a few moments the most incredible thing occurred. We watched as what could only be described as small fragments of thought re-attach themselves to the fragmented memory stream," McGonagall was beaming now, "You're suggestions and theories were spot on young lady, with a slight creative adjustment!"

The pride in McGonagall's face made even Harry smile.

Cleverest Witch of her Age doesn't even begin to describe this girl!

Hermione looked a bit surprised but there was still worry in her eyes. McGonagall kept speaking.

"The most amazing coincidence occurred while you were away and I discovered it completely by accident."

"I was glancing at the latest edition of the Prophet when I came across an article describing a Conference that was to take place here in London over a week's time beginning two day ago. I must say I was absolutely stunned to discover it was to be a Healer's Conference and Healers from all over the world would be attending."

"Needless to say I knew I must find a way to attend the Conference and attempt to gain an interview with the Board of Healers as quickly as possible. I was absolutely convinced they would be able to assist us with the problem with your parents."

"Much to my dismay, however, I discovered the location of the Conference was a closely guarded secret, for reasons I do not even begin to fathom but as it was, I was forced to…erm, how does the saying go…pull a few strings to get the information I needed."

"Well, really all that was required was a meeting with the Minister and that was that! After I managed to convince the Board to allow me to speak on your parent's behalf let's just say they were only too eager to assist."

McGonagall's pointed stare was meant to be part light-hearted and part mischievous. They had never seen the Headmistress so casually animated and excited.

"The gentlemen behind me are a few representatives from the Conference of Healers and they have been assisting us ever since my rather…insistent request, however they also were at a loss for an explanation or solution until we received your remarkable letter Ms. Granger. We were all impressed with what you were able to ascertain while you were away."

"Well, actually," Hermione looked at the Headmistress a bit sheepishly, "Harry was the one who figured it out."

Both McGonagall's and Harry's eyebrows all but disappeared as they gapped at her.

"Is that so?" McGonagall asked shifting her surprised gaze to Harry's bewildered face.

"What?" Harry asked, "How do you figure it Hermione? How did I…"

She cut across him.

"It was your suggestion you would need a Pensive to collect all your thoughts in when we were discussing the possibility of you writing your own book, remember?"

"Yes…b…but…" He spluttered.

"It was your comment that got my mind working in the right direction. If it wasn't for that…" She didn't want to finish her thought. Harry just smiled at her.

"Well, maybe the luck we were wishing for is coming true."

"All things happen for a reason Mr. Potter." McGonagall said a bit flatly, "I'm not so sure I subscribe to the fortunes of blind chance but…at this juncture, I'm also not willing to hedge my best if you understand what I'm saying?"

Hermione did. She smirked. Harry laughed amused by their old Transfiguration Professor's less-than-prim behavior.

"There's an old Muggle saying my father used to use all the time," Hermione said fondly, "It went something like, `Never look a gift horse in the mouth.' I'm not really sure what that means exactly but it seems to apply here."

"I think," Harry said grinning himself now, "it's nothing more mysterious than some very smart people doing really smart things and making very smart decisions."

Both McGonagall and Hermione turned a bit pink but the Headmistresses mouth pursed slightly at his cheek.

"Well said, Mr. Potter," she turned to Hermione, "The Specialists are eager to meet you Ms. Granger," she gestured over her shoulder again toward the knot of odd men.

When they moved to join them the group all stopped talking and turned to regard the two younger people as if they were examining a rather interesting exhibit or specimen. The Headmistress made the introductions quickly.

Healer Rabani al-Zipdup was a skinny, bald man with huge round glasses that gave him the strange appearance of a bug with bulging eyes. He was wearing a tight turban, sandals and what appeared to be nothing more than a large diaper. His legs looked like two toothpicks stuck in a large ball of cotton.

Healer Heimlich Glockenspiel looked ancient. He had an amazing shock of white hair that stuck out of his head in all directions. He wore a pair of hip waders as trousers complete with rubber boot but the rest of his ensemble was a formal black tuxedo coat complete with tails, cummerbund and four-in-hand tie.

Healer John Smith, from the United States, was rather young-looking and positively handsome next to this strange lot with blond hair and blue eyes but he was wearing a full-length night shirt over a pair of bright green checked pattern trousers and a pair of red cowboy boots.

Healer Alto Arpeggio was tall, dark, jet black hair slicked back over his head with a hawk-like nose. He looked like a Spanish flamenco dancer complete with a red sash and white shirt with huge puffy sleeves. Hermione, chuckling slightly, thought he looked a bit like an older version of Viktor Crum.

The last was a tiny Siamese man named Healer Hung Dong Lo. He was the least oddly dressed of them all. He wore what looked like a finely tailored business suit and looked quite normal until you looked down at his feet. He was wearing what appeared to be multi-colored bowling shoes. His eyes seemed perpetually closed.

They stood in a semi-circle eyeing Harry and Hermione with great interest when Healer Hung Dong Lo moved forward and looked up at Hermione with his squinty eyes.

"You are de young lady who sent de letter yes?" Healer Lo asked in a squeaky elfin voice.

"Erm…yes, I am," Hermione replied.

"Brilliant!" Healer Lo said loud enough to make them jump slightly.

The rest of the Healers all nodded fervently in agreement mumbling the same word, some with hands to chin looking quite severe. It was most comical-looking.

Hermione began looking perplexed when she glanced at McGonagall who simply grinned slyly at her protégé.

"The Healers were just discussing how to apply your theory to facilitate a complete repair to your parent's memories Ms. Granger."

"Yes," the American Healer stepped forward, "With the success of the individual memory test brilliantly modified by Healer Glockenspiel," he waved to the old white-haired gent who bowed slightly in response, his rubber boots making a squeaking sound on the tiled floor, "we are attempting to discern the best way to apply a similar technique to make a complete restoration."

"Do you think it's possible?" Hermione asked expectantly wringing her hands.

"Not only is it possible young lady…" Healer Alto Arpeggio interjected.

"There is a good chance for complete success…" The Healer named Rabani al-Zipdup finished with finger pointing up in the air.

"So there's a chance it might not work," Harry asked. He had been mostly silent until then.

Everyone turned to look at him with eyebrows raised. He wasn't going to be intimidated by a bunch of oddball Healers no matter how `brilliant' they seemed. He knew what it would do to Hermione if something else happened to her parents. It wasn't long ago she had been a different person and Harry had no desire to see her like that again.

"I'm not trying to be a `stick in the mud' mind you but it's just…I think you should be certain about this before you go mucking about with her parents memories, that's all."

McGonagall gave Harry a stern look but there was also a twinkle in her eyes. She realized Harry was doing what came natural to him - he was protecting his best friend. She moved forward and placed a hand lightly on his shoulder.

"I assure you Mr. Potter these gentlemen have only Hermione's parent's best interest in mind, however, you must understand with any procedure such as this there is always an element of risk involved especially when you consider we are operating in completely uncharted territory."

"We must concur with Ms. McGonagall," Healer Lo added, "but we are most certain we shall be able to find an effective application that will be successful." He bowed toward Harry looking who started feeling a bit sheepish.

Hermione placed a hand softly on his arm giving him such an endearing look it made his face turn bright red. He could only nod after that.

Hermione then turned her attention back to the group of Healers.

"So how do you plan on implementing repairs?" She asked, "I'm not certain removing their memories and placing them back into the Pensive is the best course of action or at least I'm not sure I'm prepared to take that kind of risk. If placing their memories in the Pensive caused the problem to begin with then it seems to me it would only exacerbate the situation."

"Yes Ms. Granger," Healer Smith said, hand on chin, "I must admit it was one of the options discussed but we are in the process of determining what other possibilities might be available to us."

"Conference gentlemen!" Healer al-Zipdup shouted with finger pointed toward the ceiling again. With that they all moved back into a huddle with heads bowed toward the center resuming their animated conversation as they were when Harry and Hermione first approached.

They gawked for a moment at the group of Healer's odd behavior.

McGonagall turned toward Harry and Hermione with another weary smile.

"Ms. Granger," she asked, "I realize this is most likely an inappropriate time to be asking such a question but I feel compelled to inquire if you have given any further thought to returning to Hogwarts to finish your studies?"

Hermione hesitated but then made to answer when McGonagall held up a hand to stall her reply.

"I would like to offer you an incentive to return. I am prepared to offer, with the full approval of the Ministry mind you, complete freedom in course selection for your final term. You may select your own courses and set your own schedule. I am also prepared to offer you the position of Head Girl and all the rights and responsibilities that go along with such an appointment. You will have complete access to all common rooms and dormitories as well as full use of the private Head dormitory and common space."

Hermione's mouth fell open with a look of utter shock on her face. She instantly realized that never before, in the history of Hogwarts has any student ever been offered such a thing. Not even the great Albus Dumbledore!

"Headmistress…I…I," Hermione stammered. McGonagall held up her hand again.

"I would rather you not respond immediately. I merely ask that you give this offer fair consideration and will expect your reply before the term starts in a few weeks, is that acceptable?"

Hermione could only nod her agreement looking like she had just been confunded. McGonagall turned to Harry looking at him pointedly.

"I would bid you return as well Mr. Potter, however, Mr. Shacklebolt has enlightened me to the offer he extended to you to join his staff."

The look on the old Headmistresses face made it very clear to Harry what she thought of that idea.

"Why don't you two go in and visit with your mother and father for a while. I'll fetch you if there is any sort of breakthrough."

They both nodded and made their way to Hermione's parent's room. When they reached the door Hermione put a hand on Harry's arm as he reached for the door knob.

"I don't think McGonagall approves of your decision Harry and I must admit I have my reservations. Just exactly what will be involved in the program?"

He briefly told her some of the details of what Kingsley had offered him that night at Grimmuald Place. He had told her about Kingsley's proposal but had not offered details.

The look she gave him mirrored the Headmistresses but only for a brief moment then shifted to that same blank unreadable expression she had worn for the past several months.

Harry didn't know which was worse.

"I'm not going lecture Harry. I think it's time I move past all that silly nonsense," Hermione said a bit flatly, "You're 18 now and you've earned the right to make your own decisions regarding your future. I just want you to know I love you and I'll stand behind whatever you decide."

Harry suddenly felt his knees go weak as he looked into her eyes. He could tell without question what she had told him was the truth. He leaned close kissing her softly on the lips then whispered.

"This is why I love you back and you mean everything to me Hermione."

Hermione's heart fluttered at those words but then gave him a playful look meant to be serious. She had to be snarky or she would break down crying.

"Oh, don't think we're done talking about this mister," she quipped, "I want more details about this so-called special program before I put my stamp of approval on it." She was grinning now.

Harry couldn't help but grin right back.

"Well," he said, "I look at it this way Hermione. I've practically been doing the job of an Auror over the past seven years anyway. I might as well get paid for it…and who knows, I just might learn something." He chuckled.

Hermione only gave him her notorious, sarcastic What-an-idiot look.

"You thinking about taking McGonagall up on her offer? Sounds spot on for you if you ask me," Harry said.

"Oh does it?" She glared at him with a smirk crossing her arms under her chest. Harry couldn't help but look down and gaze in wonder at those two perfect mounds of… He mentally smacked himself.

Merlin's beard - I'm turning into Ron! She's made me a complete randy little…

"I must admit her offer is quite unprecedented," Hermione said just in time, thankfully not picking up on Harry's train of thought.

"I think you should take it," Harry said without hesitation, "I mean really Hermione, how many students do you know get to pick their own classes and have free run of the school?"

"Well," Hermione responded by staring blankly at the door chewing on her thumb for a moment, "when you put it that way," but then she dropped her arms looking up at him seriously, "I've got time to consider it. I've got more important things to think about at present."

Harry nodded in understanding. They pushed through the door and went in to visit with her parents for a while.

Hermione's mother Daphne seemed quite a bit more like herself since they left for holiday (at least, according to Hermione) and it eased some of her anxiety a little. Her father still seemed a bit befuddled by many things but they hoped the Healers could help find a solution.

Several hours later McGonagall came into the room and asked to speak to Hermione. She left Harry with her mother who was becoming very familiar with him. He was much more comfortable with them now.

Hermione found herself in a room sitting at a rather large table with the Healers on one side and her with the Headmistress on the other. It was the ancient looking Healer Heimlich Glockenspiel who did most of the talking this time.

"We have come to the determination Ms. Granger we see no reason an effective solution to your parent's problem should not be forthcoming, however, at present we are unable to determine the best course of action to facilitate a complete repair."

"We have devised several possible courses of action but I'm afraid none are without a certain element of risk."

"One such method of approach is to remove another fragmented memory stream from each of your parent's minds and applying an as-of-yet modified charm use it to attempt to attract all remaining pieces of fragmented memory to this single strand."

"Another method discussed is to create a charm to collect all like memory fragments together while still in the Pensive then using an individual memory from each of your parents try and attach them to that stream to pull them out as a single block of memory."

"A third possibility is to create a spell or charm to collect all remaining fragments of memory from your mother and father while still in the Pensive and store them in a vial or some other independent receptacle until the memory fragments can be identified as either your mothers or fathers, separated somehow and then placed back into your parent's minds."

"Is any one method better than the others?" Hermione asked considering the options for a moment, "It seems to me the first and second methods are quite similar in nature but the first having less steps involved. Seems to me it would be the best course of action simply based on that criteria alone."

"While we tend to agree…it will be necessary to create the needed charm and that may take some time due to the need for careful and limited testing. We don't want to make matters worse Ms. Granger. We want to make certain we have your approval before we move forward with our diagnosis."

"Do you honestly think this can work?"

"We are more than confident Ms. Granger," Healer Glockenspiel replied.

"To retain such confidence Ms. Granger one must possess knowledge of the Pensive and how such a device works," it was Rabani al-Zipdup who spoke up. Hermione couldn't seem to make it past his huge bugged out eyes but she listened intently.

"The concept of such a device is to contain and preserve bits and pieces of memory. It uses a combination of ancient magic, properties of the correct type of crystalline impregnated stone from which the Pensive in constructed as well as the specific ancient Runes that adorn the exterior surface of the Pensive itself. The specific location of the Runes is critical to the retention ability of the device."

"There are counterfeit and cheap imitations of these remarkable devices out there and unless you are absolutely certain of its provenance usage of such questionable devices should be limited to short term memory storage if used at all but it is not recommended. Memories fade rather quickly and if the Pensive is not constructed properly it will do nothing to contain the integrity of the individual or collective memory streams."

"Each memory fragment is stored using what is theoretically known as a Unique Electrolytic-Magnetheric Frequency or U.E.M.F. It is also often referred to as a unique individual memory `signature' to those in the scientific community. Each copy of a selected memory fragment would in theory possess the exact same U.E.M.F. when extracted from the same source but the same memory taken from a different source should possess a different U.E.M.F. altogether, having said that, it should be possible to separate your mother and father's individual memories based on their unique signatures."

"We are hoping," added Alto Arpeggio, "that we will succeed in constructing a charm to collect or contain the specific memory fragments using these individual U.E.M.F. signatures and place them successfully back into your parent's minds. It will take time and a bit of research but I, as well as my colleagues, believe it can be done but you must understand this theory is untested and has never been applied in such a manner."

"It's really nothing more complicated than finding the right U.E.M.F. to attach to the correctly modified charm and implementing the procedure," added Healer John Smith glancing a bit annoyed at Healer Arpeggio, "but I think it would be prudent to move ahead slowly to be certain our theory of application in this case is sound, hence it involved this round table discussion."

"I understand completely gentlemen," Hermione sighed looking at her hands for a moment. She then looked at her mentor, "What do you think Headmistress? Do you think it conceivable?"

"Conceivable, of course Ms. Granger," McGonagall replied evenly, "Successful…that remains to be seen but I am nothing if not utterly determined to see this through to the very end no matter what the outcome."

Hermione nodded.

"You have my full consent to move forward gentlemen and I thank you for all your wisdom and assistance. I will assist you in any way I can."

"Brilliant!" The Siamese Healer piped up. All the others nodded in consent, "Ms. Granger, would it be permissible to bring dis most unusual case to present before da board of Healers at our Conference to obtain a wider general consensus of our prognosis?"

"Of course," Hermione replied a bit baffled why they would be asking her permission, "In fact, I encourage it. The more minds working on this solution the better as far as I'm concerned. All I ask gentlemen is that you keep in mind these are my parents…not laboratory experiments."

Again all heads bobbed up and down with murmurs of agreement. With that the Healers excused themselves to begin working on the charm needed to collect the memory fragments.

Hermione sat back, her head spinning at all the information she was processing.

"Headmistress?" Hermione asked.

"Yes Ms. Granger?"

"The next time I attempt to be cleverer than my peers would you please just stupefy me instead!"

McGonagall laughed loudly at that patting Hermione on her shoulder.

"You did what you thought was right at the time Ms. Granger. Don't throttle yourself over it. Regret resolves nothing, yes?"

"Indeed," Hermione replied. The weight of the unknown was pressing down on her like a building but she knew she had to move forward.

Nothing ventured - nothing gained. Please forgive me mom and dad! If this all blows up in my face it will be nothing less than what I deserve!

It was that thought she carried with her back to her parent's house to await word from the Healers. It would either be a success or back to the beginning. She was hoping for the former because she didn't know how much more resolve she had left.

When they reached her parent's house they were both so exhausted they fell asleep on the couch in the sitting room again like they had that first night she practically begged Harry to stay.

The next morning Hermione was so distracted she had squirted antibiotic ointment on her toothbrush instead of toothpaste. With much grumbling and cursing under her breath she cleaned her toothbrush with a wave of her wand.

It was while they were in the middle of breakfast at about 8:15 a.m. when McGonagall's owl arrived. With a scream and a rather impressive leap in the air Hermione dashed to her room to dress, not caring she put on two different socks and her tee shirt was on inside out.

When she and Harry arrived at the Spell Damage Ward of St. Mungo's she was crying. When they walked into her parent's room to find both her mother and father standing looking quite normal if not a bit bewildered by their strange surroundings she broke down, a mass of blubbering goo.

Her mother was a bit taken aback by her daughter's unusual behavior so it was left to Headmistress McGonagall and Harry to try and explain.

When all was said and done Hermione, finally able to reign in her emotions, found the Healers and embraced each one of them thanking them profusely through her tears of utter relief and joy.

She especially thanked Headmistress McGonagall for all her concern and effort and committed to her mentor her plan to finish her education at Hogwarts. McGonagall quietly told Hermione that was thanks enough for her.

…After all her appreciation Hermione Granger, along with a very relieved and thankful Harry Potter, escorted her completely repaired and healed mother and father home.

Later that evening after her parents had time to settle back in she began making plans to re-integrate them back into their dental practice as soon as possible.

After her parents had gone to bed she applied a silencing charm to her room and made very passionate love to Harry. Hermione knew she would be very busy over the next few weeks before the term started at Hogwarts and she had so much to do so she had no idea when they might be able to find a quiet moment to spend together.

She poured her heart and soul into him that night giving all of herself to him without reservation and he gave back to her just as intensely.

After the roaring flames of their incredibly heated love making they both lay panting and sweaty completely exhausted but very, very happy and content.

Hermione found herself lying on top of him again. She looked into his dreamy drowsy eyes and couldn't help but chuckle at his completely befuddled look.

"I love you Harry," she whispered, "and I'm sorry…" she added cryptically.

"Sorry?" Harry asked confused.

"Yes," Hermione said shifting to wrap her arms about his body holding on to him tightly, "I'm sorry for not letting you in just after I returned from Australia. I'm sorry for keeping so many secrets from you over the years but what I'm most sorry for is not realizing that I've loved you practically my whole life and completely denied it. I don't deserve your love or your kindness…" She turned her head to kiss him softly, "but I'm so very glad I have them."

"You've nothing to be sorry for Hermione," Harry reassured her, "It's just as McGonagall said - There's a reason for everything. Besides, I think I'm the lucky one here. I'm just thankful we've learned to control our magic so we don't set half of London ablaze while making love."

They both chuckled. Hermione burrowed deeper into him as they both drifted off into a blissful dreamless slumber.
