Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Part Three
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Dueling Club
Hermione had not seen much of any of her former not-so-close friends since the term had started a few days prior. Just getting settled into her classes and adjusting to the demanding duties as Head Girl was difficult and draining. The sad part about it was that she didn't even have all that much homework yet but she knew that was about to change very quickly.
Allowing some of her prefects to cover some of the rounds had been a stroke of genius and helped ease some of the pressure off herself and Neville.
She was a bit surprised to find that the Headmistress had made Ginny Weasley one of the Gryffindor prefects. After she had discovered this Hermione had expected there to be some friction between them but Ginny had, for the most part, not acknowledged there was anything untoward between them…in fact she had not said more than two words to Hermione during the meeting she and Neville had with the Prefects a few days before. Ginny had simply deferred to Neville and while it grated on Hermione's sense of vanity a bit she kept it to herself.
Ginny, it seemed, spent most of her time with Dean and Seamus and a few other Gryffindor and Ravenclaw girls. Most of the time she acted as if Hermione simply didn't exist.
Hermione realized that being disconnected from the rest of the student body due to her authoritative position had a way of finding one's self seated alone most times.
Ron and Neville, the latter with Luna of course, would join her on occasion but for the most part she was content to keep her own company during meals. Most of the time she only stayed in the great hall just long enough to eat then retreated to the sanctuary of the Hogwarts library.
Even though, she began to notice there were now, more than ever before, students from different Houses sitting together at mealtimes.
It was comforting to see the sharp lines of segregation that seemed to define each individual House were softening somewhat. There were now, more than ever before students crossing those lines to sit with friends or just chat one-another up for a while.
It seemed to give Hogwarts a much more casual and laid-back feel. Even though Hermione still felt a bit like an outcast she didn't seem to stand out like she used to. The students, especially those who knew her just seemed to regard her as the Head Girl, someone to avoid if you didn't want detention. That, to her was much better than being the bossy, insufferable know-it-all.
It might have been depressing to know she had to accept being the lesser of two evils if she really cared all that much about it any longer.
What surprised her was there also seemed to be an underlying begrudging respect for her. It wasn't something she could see or hear it was more the way most simply regarded her from a distance. Some of the younger students were a bit less subtle about their awe of the Amazing Hermione Granger - one of the Golden Trio but even that seemed to dwindle as time went on. When they realized she didn't levitate when she walked or shoot sparks out of her arse they just saw her as one of them…with the unfortunate ability to take House points.
As Ginny slid onto the bench across from her Hermione looked up from her Advanced Potions Essay surprised to see the gorgeous red-head sitting there.
"You're not going to hex me or anything are you?" Ginny asked with a smirk.
"What?" Hermione's brows came together, as she squinted at her. "No! Why the bloody hell would I do that?"
Ginny shifted a slender shoulder, "I don't know. I guess it's because we haven't had much of a chance to talk." Ginny reached across the table and stole some celery slices from Hermione's plate. She dipped them in the dressing and munched as she looked Hermione right in the eye, "I just figured you were still sore at me from Fred's funeral."
Hermione looked a bit puzzled but then quickly understood.
"Oh…well," She grimaced, "I'll admit I was a bit miffed at you on Harry's behalf but it was just he hadn't talked to you yet and he really didn't understand what was going on. It wasn't you I was sore at that night. I believe it was your gormless brother I was looking to change into a toad but even that wasn't the half of it."
"What do you mean?" Ginny asked.
Hermione gave her a brief synopsis of what had taken place in Australia and the memory problems with her parents. Having Ron running around like an escaped drunk circus chimp just added to the stress.
Ginny sat wide-eyed with her hand clamped firmly over her gaping mouth looking at Hermione with real horror.
"Oh, Hermione I…I'm so sorry," Ginny gasped, "I had no idea! Why didn't you tell us? We would have been glad to help you. All of us! Do mum and dad know about this?"
Hermione blanched.
"Erm…no…no they don't and I would just as soon it stay that way if you please. That's all been sorted out now…besides, we thought it best to keep it hushed up until we could figure it all out. Gods, I don't think I could have handled the bloody fallout from it. Things were bad enough when the Prophet tagged us as the bleeding Golden Trio!"
"I know," Ginny said darkly, "I knew you and Harry would just be thrilled about that." She flashed a glance at Hermione at the mention of Harry's name, "I suppose you've been wondering…"
Hermione threw up a hand to stop her.
"Ron and I have had a long talk," she said, "He explained everything."
Ginny's face flushed with anger.
"What do you mean explained everything?! Ron doesn't really know anything! I'll kill him for running his mouth again!"
"Calm down Ginny," Hermione said quietly, "I think he and Harry had a talk before we came to school. Harry was reluctant to talk to me about it but I think it was because he was one of the few who knew what I was going through. At least what Ron told me about the way Harry left things between you two at Dumbledore's funeral made sense. He told me you felt betrayed and left behind. To be honest I can't find any fault with that logic. I would have felt the same way. I also realize it didn't make things any easier for you knowing that he allowed me to tag along. Believe it or not I understand all that better than you think. I'm surprised you don't hate me."
Ginny sighed.
"I don't hate anyone Hermione, least of all you but I'm not going to pretend I wasn't angry. Yes, I felt left behind and I suppose I did feel a bit betrayed but I really did try to reason that it was for my own…protection he did it. I think I failed miserably on that score but even so, that's not why I got back together with Dean. I didn't do it to spite Harry or get back at him."
"I believe you," Hermione replied, "I know Dean was completely mad about you and I know you two had history. You sort-of tossed him over to be with Harry didn't you? Not hard to understand, really."
They sat in silence for a moment.
"I really thought I loved him Hermione," Ginny said softly.
"I know Ginny," Hermione said with a smile, "You've been crushing on Harry since our second year. I think I was gone on a certain Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at the time."
"Oh Merlin," Ginny laughed, "I remember that! I think we all were. Boy, were we ever off the mark with that git!" Ginny looked seriously at Hermione for a moment, "So are you and Ron…"
"Let's just say I've been able to put an enormous amount of anger and irritation for your brother aside at least for the duration of the term anyway."
Ginny nodded, "I heard about the fight he had with Draco on the train. I'm surprised you didn't toss them both off by the scruff while we were speeding through the Highlands."
"The thought did occur to me. I won't lie but apparently Ministry Decree #759 prevents that."
"Oh Merlin, that's right!" Ginny said, "Mum was so upset with him. Believe me, he got off easy. She was trying to convince Dad to get the Muggle Prime Minister to put him in the British Military. It was Percy who saved him. It was his idea to get him sent to Hogwarts."
"Turn's out that little girlfriend he's so gone on is twenty-two. She's a known prostitute and if that wasn't enough she's got nude pictures in a rag called The Sassy Sorcerer. Lee Jordon found her in an old copy he had."
Hermione couldn't believe what she was hearing. She sat there gaping at Ginny wide-eyed.
"Oh…oh, Ginny," Hermione said putting a hand over her mouth, "No wonder your mum wanted his head on a pig pole!"
"You didn't know about any of that?" Ginny asked.
"No," she replied, "Well, I knew the things the Prophet had written but not all that!"
"Well," Ginny added, "To be honest I don't think Ron knew either. I'm not really sure how it all came out."
"I did see a picture of him with a little blond trollop but," Hermione sighed, "I was immersed in my own world of troubles at the time and had no patience to peruse the Prophet much."
"I suppose I can understand that," Ginny said, "So why didn't Harry come back? Ron said he was doing something with Kingsley but he couldn't give me any details."
"That's because Ron doesn't have any details and neither do I. Some silly hush-hush training program for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is all I know."
Ginny's face fell, "You must be joking? You'd think he's had enough of all that by now!"
Hermione just shrugged her shoulders. She was becoming a bit uncomfortable talking about Harry. Part of her wanted to keep her and Harry's relationship to themselves but she knew Ginny would find out eventually. She was surprised Ron hadn't said anything about it to her already but she was tired of keeping secrets and tired of hiding things. She wanted to move forward with a clear conscience…besides Ginny had Dean now.
"Look Ginny, there's something you should know," Hermione paused to take a breath, "this past summer Harry and I…well…we kind of…found one-another. We spent some time on holiday together. I just needed to get out of the wizard world for a while. I felt I was being crushed by the weight of stress and guilt and…well Harry was there for me…and well…"
At first Ginny said nothing. Her face was completely unreadable but after a moment she broke out in a wide, knowing grin. What she said next almost floored Hermione.
"Well it's about bloody time!"
"Wha…what do you…," Hermione stammered.
"Oh come on Hermione!" Ginny chuckled, "It's about time you finally admitted you're crazy about Harry bloody Potter. I'll bet you've been crazy about him from the beginning haven't you?"
"Well how…I," Hermione's faced flushed hot.
"I knew it!" Ginny clapped her hands to her face laughing.
Hermione looked around. Luckily no-one was paying them much attention with the exception of a few second-year Gryffindor girls.
"You mean you're not angry?" Hermione looked at Ginny.
"Should I be?" Ginny asked quite unexpectedly, "Now if you would have figured it out when Harry and I were still together I would have hexed your ears off but that was just because I was possessive and spiteful then. I'd have done the same thing if you'd gone after Michael Corner when he and I were together but that would have been a bit strange. He was too young for you. Truthfully, no Hermione, I have nothing to be angry about. Not now. I've made my choice and everything inside tells me I've made the right one."
"Little fiery red-head grows up." Hermione laughed, "I'm happy for you Ginny. I really am."
"Hey, it had to happen sometime yes?" Ginny smiled, "I'm just glad Harry's found someone and I couldn't think of anyone better for him then you, Hermione. It's like Ron said. Who knows Harry better than you do? He bludgeoned me over the head with my own guilt when he made me realize by not getting back together with Harry he was going to be all alone. He had no one. It hurt a lot to realize that Hermione but I wasn't going to pretend and lie to him. I wouldn't do that. I couldn't even to spare him from being alone. I think it would have made things worse."
Hermione nodded, "He told me he had a lot of respect for you for being honest with him. That took real courage. I don't know if I could have. I couldn't imagine looking into those lost, lonely eyes of his and…well I think you know better then anyone."
Ginny smiled sadly.
"The only reason I told you Ginny is that I'm tired of carrying around secrets and hiding things. I'm so over all that. I just want to move forward and get on with my life. It's hard enough living in a bubble with the media and crazed well wishers hounding us every moment. It's one of the reasons I came here and it's the main reason Harry didn't."
"He would have been safe here, wouldn't he?" Ginny asked.
"I suppose," Hermione smirked, "From all the outside attention." She swept her hand around the Great Hall.
Ginny nodded in understanding, "I think I get the point. So he's going to be a big bad Auror huh? How do you feel about that?"
That question surprised Hermione. It's the first time anyone had asked her how she felt about Harry's decision.
"I don't know Gin. It's like Harry said before he left. He's been practically living the life of an Auror for the past six years anyway with everything that has happened so why not get paid for it."
Ginny burst out laughing loudly. It was a sound full of happiness and life. Hermione couldn't help but laugh along with her.
"A good a reason as any I suppose!" Ginny responded.
"At least he'll be with blokes who'll watch his back." Hermione added, "Wow, I feel much better now. Thanks for talking with me. That helped a lot."
Ginny got up and reached across the table and pulled Hermione into a tight embrace.
"You're not the only one who feels a bit lighter," Ginny said, "We've known one-another too long and have been through too much together not to be able to talk about anything, know what I mean?"
"You're absolutely right Ginny," Hermione beamed, "and I'll not forget that. It's amazing that the cleverest witch of her age can be taught a lesson in common sense by a cheeky little red-headed seeker who throws a wicked bat-bogey hex."
"Hey," Ginny was laughing again, "don't forget drop-dead gorgeous and quite modest as well!"
"Merlin forbid," Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Well, I better shove off. Speaking of seeker I think I might try out for the team this year." Ginny added.
"You'll probably make Captain," Hermione said as she packed away her things in her backpack.
"That would be fun, bossing around a bunch of blokes. I'd have to pinch a page from the Hermione Granger Guide to Lecturing Brainless Oafs," she grinned, "See you round Head Girl."
"Not if I see you first Weasley!" Hermione replied.
As Hermione sat watching the youngest Weasley head toward the entrance hall she couldn't help but feel a subtle warmth come over her as a result of their talk. Hermione also felt a slight sense of relief from the pressing stress and strain her position as Head Girl had thrust upon her.
It was good to know some of her classmates she had come to know over the years seemed to understand her situation much more than she had realized. She began entertaining the possibility this year just might not be as excruciating as she had first expected.
One can only hope!
Thoughts of Harry filled her mind for a moment. She was desperately trying to replace the scene when she left for King's Cross with a happier memory but it was a struggle. Part of her wanted to pop over to the Ministry and demand Kingsley Shacklebolt tell her where he was so she could see him but decided to settle for a compromise instead…
Later that evening she found herself in the library pouring her heart and feelings into one of her now infamous novella-length dissertations. It was the best she could do at present.
If that kept up she was going to single-handedly put every Hogwarts postal owl into traction before all was said and done.
The introduction to their new classes had been rather exciting. The possibility of gaining new magical skills and knowledge from fresh perspectives was one of the few things Hermione was excited about when classes began in earnest.
Everyone realized almost at once the Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts class was going to be the best D.A.D.A. yet. While all agreed Professor Lupin's classes had been very informative and fun, Professor Dervish promised to be even more hands-on and in depth.
Apparently after finding some notes about the previous (so called) Professor Lockhart's blundered attempt at forming a Dueling Club - of sorts - the ever exuberant Dervish had approached Headmistress McGonagall about trying to resurrect the idea. She had made it very clear what she thought of his predecessor's previous attempt - she commented that it had taken off about as well as an inebriated Erumpent.
She could not really find any reason not to approve other than the obvious concerns about student safety and the like but in the end she had even assisted Professor Dervish in putting together a controlled and relatively safe program with clear rules and regulations for competitors that she felt would be a fun and - as much as she was loath to admit it - exciting new organized competition.
It wasn't long until the students started seeing announcements put up - care of old Filch - all over the school as well as sign-up sheets posted in all the common rooms in the dorms.
The new Hogwarts Dueling Club was to meet every Thursday after classes were done for the day (in the beginning, any way) for entry and determining initial competitive placement into several different divisions based on age, magical skill level and other important criteria.
The different divisions of the club had been classified in the following manner;
Level 4 - All first through third year students with passing marks.
Level 3 - All fourth and fifth year students with passing marks as well as the entry level D.A.D.A. class completed.
Level 2 - All sixth and seventh year students with passing marks as well as the intermediate level D.A.D.A. class completed.
Level 1 - Any advanced-level student showing proficient skill and mastery of defensive magic with acceptable marks in all other subjects and enrolled in the advanced level D.A.D.A. class.
However, students in the lower levels could advance to higher ones by being victorious in their respective individual matches and could, if they were either very skilled or very lucky, find themselves in competition for the ultimate prize - The First Annual Hogwarts Dueling Club Championship.
The overall champion would be awarded a prize (to be determined) and a large gold cup trophy Professor Dervish had created using his own funds. The cup would be displayed in the winner's House trophy case and would bear the winners name for the whole following year until the next season's champion was crowned.
The rules were fairly straight forward and mostly common sense stuff.
No unforgivable curses. (Obviously)
No magic could be used that might cause permanent bodily injury.
No magic could be used to cause a competitor to expel any type of bodily fluids (That request came from Argus Filch. He flat refused to clean up any of those type messes!)
No magic could be used that might permanently alter a competitor's physical appearance or cellular structure.
No magic could be used to remove a competitor from the location of the competition. (Not that they would be very successful seeing how no-one can move in and out of Hogwarts by magical means but…stranger things have happened!)
No elemental magic could be employed (Air, fire, water or earth type manipulation spells allowed. The Headmistress felt the school had suffered enough damage and abuse to last a lifetime.)
No magic could be used to summon weapons or other objects that could be used to either inflict damage or shield a competitor during any duel.
For the most part, other than that, the competitor could use just about any other means at his or her disposal to outwit and outmaneuver the competition.
The winner of the match was the one that successfully captured their opponent's wand.
It didn't take long for a vast majority of the student body to queue up to get involved with the new and improved Dueling Club. It was the sole topic of discussion for days after the initial announcement.
Many of the other older and better established clubs that had existed at Hogwarts for centuries found their memberships dwindling in the wake of this new and exciting idea.
The poor Gobstones Club - for which Neville Longbottom had unwittingly found himself Captain of the Gryffindor team - had all but been disbanded due to lack of interest. A few diehard members remained but it found itself becoming not much more than a hobby club of sorts.
While the Quidditch Teams still began to organize for the year's upcoming battle for the House Cup, even they were struggling with filling all the necessary positions on all four teams.
Concessions had to be made by allowing those students who were now 18 years old into the competition due to the lack of underclass interest. That made the Headmistress a bit nervous but it wasn't that she had much choice. She secretly harbored a fond affection for Quidditch since seeing a half-Muggle first year bespectacled boy perform some rather incredible aerial feats to fetch a Remember-All even thought the lad had never been on a broom in his life. It still gave her the shivers to think about it knowing what he would grow up to accomplish in such an astoundingly short period of time.
Headmistress McGonagall also thought it prudent - after finding out the sheer volume of students interested in trying their hands in the competition - to enlist the assistance of a few other Professors to help Professor Dervish in maintaining order and fair play during the competitions.
She gave Assistant Headmaster Flitwick ultimate authority to administer over any disputes and the mysterious Professor Sinistra to help with keeping things in order.
When the sign-up scrolls had been collected from each House dorm common room most had to be magically lengthened to get all the names of would-be competitors on the lists.
Professor Sinistra was a bit skeptical about the whole concept of the Dueling club at first until she had made a comment to Professor Dervish one evening regarding student interest in the club. It was really nothing more than the memory of the incompetent oaf Gilderoy Lockhart's ridiculous and feeble attempt at doing something similar that caused hesitation in her mind.
"Do you think there will be many who will want to compete Professor Dervish," she asked feeling a bit bemused by the whole thing.
When Professor Dervish picked up the sign-up scroll from Ravenclaw House the roll slipped from his fingers, hit the stone floor of the D.A.D.A. class and rolled all the way to the door of the classroom.
All three Professors stood gawking at the parchment stretched clear across the room in silent astonishment. It was a stunned Professor Flitwick who finally broke the silence…
"I suppose that answers that question wouldn't you agree Professor Sinistra?"
"Indeed," she replied with hand covering her gaping mouth.
It would take several weeks to settle all the potential competitors into their respective classes so the actual competition could begin but one thing was absolutely certain - it was going to be fun to watch!
Most of the usual suspects queued up to get into the Dueling Club and Ronald B. Weasley was right out there front and center. He was boasting to anyone who would listen that one of the Golden Trio would take the prize the first go round.
Most of the original D.A. members also joined and in the first level of competition faired quite well. Most of them advanced to the second round…all but a rather stunned and disgruntled Ron.
In his first (and last) match he was matched up with a rather skilled and clever little Ravenclaw girl who dumped him on his backside and snatched his wand a mere 15 seconds into their match.
Needless to say Ron didn't have very many nice things to say about the Dueling Club after that. He went on to sign up for the Gryffindor Quidditch team instead.