Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Epilog
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter 46 - Epilog
Seven Years Later…
As Hermione made her way off the elevator she still had her head buried in the legal motions she was planning on presenting to the full Wizengamot later in the week. She had been working relentlessly on preparing her statements and developing her case for her promotion of Elfish rights. She was certain they could find no loopholes in her amendments this time.
Her original motion was defeated due to some very compelling arguments that House Elves would not be able to survive in the wizard world effectively without the support of their wizard employers and that their skills and general knowledge were limited to keep them in abject poverty.
With the support from some very influential officials and departments she had corrected that shortcoming. She was sure of it this time. Educational and vocational programs had been developed; funding pre-approved and was only awaiting final approval from the Wizengamot to put the programs on the fast track.
After years of research, development and continually pounding on some very influential doors to get those who mattered on board with her project she felt it was finally standing on the threshold of success.
The buzz throughout the Ministry was that this time there was no stopping the new Department for the Development of Magical Creature Independence. The D.D.M.C.I., the brainchild of Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and Kreacher (now a free elf) was at long last almost a reality.
The program also had the backing of some pretty strong names such as Harry Potter, the entire Weasley clan, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minerva McGonagall and the financial backing of such heavy hitters in the magical world as;
George Weasley (8 Weasley's Wizard Wheezes shops and counting)
Harry Potter (Acting Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts who, with Hermione finally created S.P.E.W. and had a world-wide registry of some very influential people!)
Seamus Finnegan (who now owned a Muggle pub franchise called…what else…Finnegan's Authentic Irish Pubs that covered most of Europe)
And even Draco Malfoy (who opened a very successful Racing Broom shop in Diagon Alley and was Chairman of the Malfoy Foundation - Founded in his father's name, the foundation promoted education in all magical institutions of the evils of Dark Magic and was very successful in several countries including the United States)
As she perused her notes she noticed someone she recognized bustle by when Hermione's head snapped up and she came to a dead stop in the middle of the hall. Her eyes narrowed to nothing more than slits.
"Well…well…well," Hermione said out loud gruffly, "If it isn't my old friend Dolores Jane Umbridge!"
They all knew Umbridge had been shunted sideways when Cornelius Fudge was voted out of office as Minister. He had taken her as his assistant when he was made Representative to the Prime Minister's office during the early tenure of Arthur's Ministry but had since been quietly shuffled back to the Department of Records since Fudge's retirement.
It had been years since any of them had seen or heard a word of Dolores Umbridge but the memories of what she had done to them at Hogwarts their 5th year had never faded…nor had the animosity.
The woman had dodged any retribution after the defeat of Voldemort by simply flying below the radar and existing on the periphery of official scrutiny but Hermione had known she was there. She just had better things to occupy her attention. But at the present moment the old battle ax had mistakenly wandered into Hermione Granger's laser-like field of perception.
Big effing mistake!
Hermione spun on her heel and glared at Umbridge with an evil glint in her eyes.
Dolores did a double-take at Hermione as if she didn't recognize her but Hermione clearly caught the slight tightening in her hefty, rounded shoulders.
"I'm sorry dear," Umbridge said in her sickly sweet voice and quizzical look on her toad-like face, "May I help you?"
Hermione had noticed at once Dolores still carried the same hideous and gigantic handbag she did when she was at Hogwarts. It occurred to her instantly that it could still be filled with the same vile instruments she possessed even back then. It was only a small chance but why not find out.
Oh…this is going to be so much fun!
"I was just wondering Ms. Umbridge if I might be permitted to search your handbag?" Hermione asked as she approached the older woman.
"I beg your pardon," Umbridge bridled but Hermione also detected she had paled slightly at the request, clutching her bag a bit tighter, "Why on earth…"
Hermione gladly cut across her.
"Ministry Decree Number 51," Hermione said loudly, "No Employee or visitor of the Ministry shall possess on their person at any time within the confines of these or any other premises under Ministry control or occupation, any item restricted, banned or deemed malicious or such items containing Dark Magic, registered or unregistered. Those suspected of carrying or concealing such item or items is subjected to search and seizure at any time under said Decree by any authorized Ministry representative."
Hermione held out her hand to Umbridge.
"N…now see here," Umbridge sputtered indignantly.
A small crowd of passing Ministry employees began gathering to see what the fuss was all about. Hermione inwardly grinned like the Cheshire Cat.
"Very well," Hermione said matter-of-factly, "We can make this official if you like. You there…"
Hermione had called to a young man making his way from the lifts. He was wearing an Aurors tunic. He spied Hermione, then after pointing to himself and her confirming nod made his way over to the now small crowd gathered near the new Fountain of Peace and Prosperity.
"Yes Undersecretary," the young man inquired, "What can I do for you?"
When the young Auror formally addressed Hermione Umbridge's face paled even further.
"Uh…Undersecretary?" She choked.
Hermione ignored her and spoke directly to the young Auror. This was playing out better than she had hoped.
"Are you still on duty?" She asked.
"No Ma'am," The young man said a bit nervously.
Everyone in the Ministry knew about Undersecretary Granger-Potter. She was nice enough but you dare not cross her. Not unless you wanted your bullocks detached from your groin…was the running joke.
"Do you have you're two-way mirror with you?" She asked as pleasantly as she could. Her eyes never left Umbridge's face. Beads of sweat were now breaking out at the older woman's graying hairline.
The young Auror nodded.
"Would you contact a senior Auror please? Ask them to bring detectors if you would be so kind." Hermione asked.
The young man quickly opened his two-way mirror and made the call. In moments there appeared two Senior Aurors, one carrying a Probity Probe and the other a Sneak-O-Scope. They made their way over to where the even larger crowd was now gathering around Hermione and Umbridge.
She handed the mirror back to the young Auror with her thanks and he made his way hastily toward the exit.
Hermione glanced over her shoulder to see Ginny coming up the hall with her own quizzical look on her face. Hermione turned back to the lead Auror.
"I've asked Ms. Umbridge to search her handbag for Dark Magical objects but she has refused…"
Dolores cut in.
"I most certainly did not refuse…" she said heatedly but Hermione continued as if she had not said a word.
"Let the record show I've obtained Official assistance in this matter. Auror, check the handbag for Dark Magical objects or contraband if you please."
The Auror carrying the Sneak-O-Scope placed the device on the floor at Umbridge's feet and turned it loose. The small globe started spinning in the center and began whistling softly as well. When it spun toward Dolores it stopped against one of her shoes.
"Seems there might be a dark or malevolent object on her person somewhere Undersecretary," the Auror said looking up at Hermione.
Ginny had come up to stand directly behind Hermione's shoulder.
"What's going on?" Ginny whispered in her ear leaning in close.
"One moment," Hermione replied glancing at Ginny's confused face.
The other Auror stepped in front of a now shaking Umbridge.
"I'm going to have to insist you turn over your handbag Madam," the Auror asked in a demanding and authoritative tone.
"THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS!" Umbridge shouted defiantly, "I have rights…"
"Refusal to an official inquiry is tantamount to an admission of guilt Ms. Umbridge." Hermione informed her, "I'm sure you may contact whomever you like after these gentlemen have taken you into custody."
With that Dolores reluctantly released her handbag to the Auror who in turn handed it to his partner who opened it up. He stuck the end of the Probity Probe into the bag. The thin rod went stiff and vibrated indicating there was indeed some type of contraband inside the handbag.
The two Aurors began pulling all manner of items out of the large bag and setting them on the floor. There were quills, pilfered inkwells with the Ministry seal on them, A small phial of what the label read as;
Got an upper lip you can sweep the floor with?
Healer Ascot Twiddle's Feminine Face Fur Remover
For even the most stubborn uni-brow!
And several other rather embarrassing personal items as well but they found nothing that would constitute illegal Dark Magic items.
Umbridge looked as if she was about to explode from anger. Her head had turned a horrid shade of purple that clashed terribly with her light green ensemble and the huge green bow on top of her head.
Hermione started to feel a bit disappointed but then she glanced down at the Sneak-O-Scope and it was still spinning but now it had moved over to the Auror holding the handbag.
"May I see that for a moment?" Hermione asked.
"Of course Ma'am but its empty," the Auror said shrugging his shoulders and handing her the bag.
As Hermione peered into the seemingly empty handbag she pulled her wand, stuck it inside the bag and murmured "Specialis Revelio" As she watched an almost invisible pocket appeared on one side of the inner lining of the bag.
"My…my, Dolores," Hermione grinned, "What have we here?"
Hermione reached inside and ran a fingernail along the almost invisible seam in the silken lining. She pulled out a long thin box with a shiny metal lid.
Hermione handed the bag back to the Auror as her eyes locked on a now terrified-looking Umbridge who stood there glaring back at Hermione with bottom lip quivering.
Hermione knew almost at once what the box contained. The memories of the device brought a surge of deep-seated hatred up from her core along with a mouth full of hideously tasting bile. She wanted to stab Umbridge in the forehead with the vile thing but instead she swallowed bitterly, took a deep breath and calmly opened the box lid.
Inside were two evil-looking black shiny quills without the plumage. The shanks and tips were of highly polished silver and adorned with fine intricately carved scroll work. Each tip was needle sharp with a tiny ball on each tip end. The handles were from human bone and lacquered to a shiny black surface.
The Auror holding the Probity Probe leaned the device close to the box and the long thin shaft almost bent double toward the case.
"Merlin's beard," the Auror asked in wonder, "What on earth are those?"
"Blood Quills," Hermione answered in a raspy voice. She swallowed again hard.
She then addressed the older woman in the most official tone she could manage.
"Ms. Dolores Jane Umbridge, by the authority granted me by my position with the Ministry of Magic I place you under arrest for the possession and concealment of contraband Dark artifacts as classified in Ministry Decree #47."
"What do you mean contraband?" Dolores spluttered, "Those aren't illegal! I won't stand for this ridiculous accusation! I'M AN EMPLOYEE OF THIS MINISTRY!"
Hermione's eyes narrowed dangerously again.
"Not any more," she said quietly, "Gentlemen?"
With that the Auror holding the probe squatted and unceremoniously scooped all the contents of the bag on the floor back inside as Hermione handed the small box to the other.
The Aurors grabbed Umbridge under each arm and started hauling her toward the lifts.
"I know what you're doing," Umbridge spit, "This is retribution over what happened at Hogwarts isn't it?"
Hermione looked at Umbridge over her shoulder and grinned evilly.
"I must not tell lies Dolores," she quipped.
"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Umbridge screamed flailing her captured arms about uselessly, "I'LL HAVE YOU UP ON COUNTER CHAR…"
Her diatribe was cut off by the clanging of the lift doors sliding closed.
Hermione turned to Ginny who was standing there looking at Hermione with mouth wide as the murmuring crowd slowly dispersed.
Hermione took in lungs full of cleansing air as she stood smiling at her best friend.
Well that was rather cathartic…
Ginny's face morphed into the same devious grin as the two women made their way toward the exit to enjoy a pleasant lunch at a nearby Muggle Bistro.
"You really enjoyed that didn't you, you devilish little imp?" Ginny chuckled.
"My dear Ginevra," Hermione grinned devilishly herself, glancing sideways, "It was positively orgasmic!"
They both laughed heartily as they pushed their way out of the ministry and into the bright afternoon sunlight of downtown London.
The End…really!
A.N. Thank you one and all who have taken the time out of their busy lives to stick with and read this rather hefty bunch of nonsense and a very special thanks to all those who left comments both positive and negative.
It's taken a long time to complete and every time I planned to sit down and write something always seemed to get in the way…you know…work, responsibilities, internet connection problems, minor disasters and…well…life in general.
There was so much more I wanted to do with this story but I feel I've been beating on it long enough. Since it was my first real attempt at writing fiction, all in all, I think it turned out ok. Of course, writers are always their own biggest fans…(and tend to be legends in their own minds too!)
Thank you again and maybe, if I'm fortunate enough or lucky enough to garner the interest hopefully some of my other ideas will end up on the shelves at a book store nearest you…or maybe it just takes a little magic…who knows…but I shall remain optimistic and keep writing!
This story was started in January of 2010 on an old second-hand IBM Lenovo Thinkpad built in 1999 with a P4 processor and a 14" LCD and Windows XP Home. It will be finished by April 2012 on a new Acer 5733Z-4851 with a P6100 and a 15.6" HD-LCD and Windows 7…My how time flies!
Although most women would disagree, writing a story in much like giving birth (without all the blood and screaming {unless you're Steven King…HA!})
There's the planned pregnancy stage, (Coming up with the idea of a story), then there's conception, (Creating a viable outline to work from), then there's incubation for a minimum of 9 long months, (The creation of the text, chapters and content), then there's the labor of delivery, (Proof-reading and editing), then there's growth, (Doing the final re-write to correct all your errors), and finally…there's the separation when the child comes of age and goes out on its own, (Detaching yourself from months and months of work to create a story just to let it go after its completion with a huge sigh of relief!)
Think I'm kidding? You should try it! It's not nearly as easy as it looks.
Dark Wizard Killer…