Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Part 3
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter 43 - A Fight for Survival
Hermione, Ron and Ginny landed on the path just outside Hogsmead. Without another thought they sprinted toward the castle.
Panic was welling up inside Hermione until she thought she would burst.
"Why did you send out your patronus before we left?" Ron asked breathlessly.
"To ask for help," Hermione answered still running at full tilt, "We need to get to the transfiguration class!"
When they finally reach the classroom Draco was there with a rather confused Neville, Luna and a few others trying to get the door to open.
Ron glowered at Draco just about to pull his wand.
"What in the bloody hell is he doing here?"
"Leave him alone Ron," Hermione hollered, "He was the one I sent my patronus to. I asked him to round up as many D.A. members as he could find."
"But!" Ron stammered looking at Hermione as if she had lost her mind.
"Shut it Ron," it was Ginny who spoke up this time, "We don't have time for this."
"Stand clear everyone!" Hermione lifts her wand to perform a spell on the door to open it.
"No, wait…" Draco tried to stop her but was a bit too late.
Hermione's spell hit the door, ricocheted off just missing Neville's head as it careened around the hallway knocking complaining portraits off the walls and chased a suit of armor into the next hallway over, its metal arm flailing above his helmet.
"Sorry everyone, sorry," Hermione winced as the rest came out from under arms they'd flung over their heads.
Draco gave her a cool look.
"Don't mean to sound flip but I assumed you would have realized we'd have tried that already."
"Don't be snarky Draco," the corner of Hermione's mouth twitched into a slight grin.
They all watched this exchange with great interest. Luna just smiled her empty-headed dreamy smile looking at them both.
"How are we going to get in then?" Ron asked in alarm.
Hermione's mind started working trying to figure out how to get through the obviously impervious door to the classroom. It was hard for her to focus not knowing what could possibly be happening to Harry in there. As panic slowly began to tighten her chest Draco's expression suddenly came alive.
"I've got it," he said with a smirk, "It's a long shot but it's all I can think of at the moment."
Hermione was about to ask what he was going to do when he turned and walked to the middle of the hallway. He held out his mother's wand.
"Accio broom!"
Somewhere in the bowls of Hogwarts a Firebolt was zipping through the halls and corridors, rounding corners, taking stairways, blasting through doors.
Students and faculty alike dodged and dove out of the brooms speeding path. On the floor below the broom took a sharp corner bouncing off the bust of Higbey the Hapless and careened right into an unsuspecting Peeves. The poltergeist went spinning straight up with a howl bouncing off the ceiling and ended up wedged in the urn of the statue of Wynona the Water Barer.
Peeves dizzy voice echoed out of the bottom of the urn…
"Zoom…zoom what a mad…mad broom!"
When the broom finally landed in Draco's hand he turned immediately back to the others. With another swipe of his wand he cast a silencing charm on the group.
"Ok, here's the plan. I'm going to fly around the outside of the castle and come in through the window. I'm hoping whoever's in there didn't think to fortify those. I mean we're several stories off the ground for Merlin's sake."
"That's a brilliant idea Draco," Neville said looking a bit surprised, "Wish I would of thought of it."
"You can't go in there alone Draco," Hermione protested, "There's no telling what Professor Star is up to and I think Professor Dervish might be involved."
Draco was about to argue they didn't have time to argue when Ron piped up.
"I'll go with you Draco." Ron stepped forward pulling his wand out.
Hermione's eyebrows all but disappeared.
"Well…" Ron shrugged, "I take it you trust him now so…I suppose there's no reason for me not to…I think."
Draco looked between him and Hermione. He didn't want to say that he thought if he was going to be saddled with a passenger Granger would have been the better choice because of her skill but he kept his opinions to himself.
"Alright then," Draco mounted his broom and slid as far forward as he could, "Let's go! Something tells me we don't have much time. You better hold on. I won't have time to save you if you fall off."
Ron slid behind the Slytherin Prefect and took two hands full of his shirt.
"Just pay attention to your flying and don't worry about me."
Hermione looked at them with trepidation.
"You two be careful," she said as they lifted off, "and try to distract them long enough for me to get through this door!" she hollered after them as they zipped down the hallway.
When they reached the end of the hall Draco flicked his wand at the large stain-glass window. It flew open and they zoomed out high above the Hogwarts grounds below.
Draco felt Ron's grip tighten on his shirt. He couldn't help but smirk to himself.
"Now listen Weasley," Draco yelled above the rushing wind, "When we approach the window of the Transfiguration room wait till the very last possible second before you open it with your wand, got it? We need as much surprise as we can get!"
"Got it," Ron said in a rather shaky voice.
"We're going in fast so be prepared. I have no idea what's going to be on the other side. Once we get in there stun anything that moves!"
"Right!" Ron replied.
"Here we go!" Draco pushed his broom forward as fast as it would go with the combined weight of both boys. He made a wide arc around the last corner of the building, turned back and headed straight for the last window in the line for the Transfiguration room toward the rear of the class.
Just before the tip of the handle of his Nimbus touched the glass he yelled "NOW!"
Ron hit the window with a spell and it exploded into a million shards. That wasn't exactly what Draco had in mind.
As they careened into the room Draco yelled "Stop!" at his broom. The Firebolt did indeed stop however the boys didn't.
Draco flew forward and having the presence of mind to twist sideways, so Ron didn't land on top of him, fell hard on his back on the stone floor and slid all the way to the other side of the room, the landing knocked him breathless but had wand out and ready just the same.
Ron, on the other hand, was not quite so quick on the uptake. He landed sprawled on a desk, glanced off the top and crashed into several others as he slid to a stop under a pile of debris. His right knee hit hard on the stone floor and he heard a loud crack. Pain unlike anything he had ever felt exploded from his right leg. Even though, he managed to turn and push the pile of broken and mangled desks off him in time to get a clear path to the front of the room.
Their diversion worked. The calamity in the back of the room distracted Professor Star's concentration just enough for her sealing charm on the door to weaken ever so slightly.
The next sound was the classroom door exploding completely off its hinges as it flew across the room and smashed into the far wall shattering a few more windows!
As the dust and debris settled an angry and dangerous looking Muggle-born witch stormed into the room with her wand pointing at Professor Star spitting angry red sparks.
The scene that greeted Hermione almost made her heart stop…
Professor Star stood with one hand on Harry's forehead and the other resting on the frame of Tom Riddle's painting. His likeness in the picture was glaring evilly at Hermione as it began to fade.
A swirling grey-black mist began to emanate from the canvas and drift toward Harry.
"NO!" Hermione screamed as she raised her wand but the Professor was faster on the draw.
With blinding speed Professor Star flipped a reducto at Hermione. She deftly deflected it but then the Professor caught her with an underhanded body-bind right before Ron threw an expliermus.
Professor Star deflected that easily but Draco got her with his own reducto.
Professor Star flew back against the back wall of the classroom crashing through the blackboard beside her desk. She lost contact with both Harry and the painting.
"Nooooooo!" She shrieked, "The ritual must be completed!"
As they watch the smoky entity seemed confused at first about which direction it should go. With others in the room it detected several life forces and it was confused for a moment.
It was long enough for Hermione to think. She cast a shield charm between Harry and the mist.
"Ron," Hermione cried out, "Cast a lumos solem! Hurry!"
"Lumos Solem!" Ron shouted performing a perfect swish and flick movement and the whole room was filled with a blinding white light.
When the pure white light hit the black mist it quivered, roiled, twisted and rolled. It seemed to compress in on itself. Suddenly it fled back into the painting.
"Noooo," they heard Tom Riddle's image scream, "You disgusting little mudblood whore!"
It was Draco still covering a howling Professor Star that threw a charm at the canvas and Tom Riddle was thrown back into his chair, bound tightly with heavy rope and a red cloth wound around his mouth tightly in a gag.
Draco turned back to Professor Star and cast a body-bind curse on her.
Professor Star stirred slightly then peered wide-eyed at Draco.
"But you're a pure blood! Why have you aligned yourself with these sub-human scum?"
Draco snarled at the woman looking dark and dangerous himself.
"I've had enough of all that stupid pure blood nonsense! I'm SICK OF IT! Voldemort ruined my life! He tore my family apart and now you want to bring that sick, twisted bastard BACK!"
He threw a wicked curse at her and the Professor's wand flew across the room like an arrow shot out of a crossbow. When it hit the opposite wall it exploded in a shower of sparks. She shrieked and Harry, still unconscious, jerked like he'd been touched with electricity.
Wow! That was one amped-up hex! Yikes!
"Draco," Hermione said warningly. She could almost see the waves of hatred coming off the Slytherin like heat. She had to do something to distract him to calm him down, "Please release me!"
Draco reluctantly turned back to Hermione and with a flick undid the body bind Professor Star had hit her with.
"Thanks," she said looking up into his eyes dark with seething anger, "Can you check Professor Dervish please?"
Professor Dervish lay in a heap in front of Professor Star's desk. Draco moved to check the Dark Arts teacher. Leaning down he put a hand on the unconscious man's wrist.
"He's alive," Draco reported, "I think he's just knocked out."
She moved toward Harry quickly as the others tentatively entered the room looking around with wide eyes. She glanced down at Ron as she passed him, his wand now on the painting.
"You ok?" she asked as she went by.
"Think my knee is shattered but not to worry," he said through gritted teeth, "I've got the painting. He so much as moves a finger I'll incinerate the bloody thing!"
"Best wait Ron," she warned, "We may need it. Well done Weasley." Hermione said smiling at him.
"Moments…Granger," Ron winced. His knee was starting to swell.
She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.
"Yes, you most certainly do have them Mr. Weasley," she said, "Thank you."
He nodded. Hermione then moved to Harry and laid her hand on his forehead. His skin was as cold as death but she could see the rise and fall of his chest and felt the weak pulse in the artery in his neck. He was alive but something was terribly wrong.
Something inside Hermione's mind snapped. For the first time in her life she finally came face to face with the true possibility of real loss. When they were younger she had been all but insulated from the possibility of loosing those she loved due to nothing more than being a Muggle and her family all but removed from the wizard world. There were times when it had come close but she had been spared the worst of it.
As she stood there seeing Harry looking like a corpse it was as if the years of tension and anger had reached its limit. She could take no more!
Hermione stomped her way over to the corner where the Professor Star lay. Draco was still standing over Professor Dervish trying to enervate him.
She bent down and grabbed a hand full of the beautiful witch's long silky black tresses and jerked up hard.
"TELL ME WHAT YOU"VE DONE TO HIM!" Hermione screamed in the woman's face.
Professor Star just laughed at her.
"Ooh, that was not very intelligent," they heard Ron mutter from the middle of the room.
At first she shoved her wand under the grinning Professor's nose but then with gritted teeth Hermione coiled her right arm and punched the Professor right in the mouth. Blood exploded from the woman's split lip and nose. Hermione shook the woman's head hard and glared at her with pure unadulterated rage.
She wound up for another punch but suddenly Draco was there. He caught her arm as it swung back. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear.
"I'd love to stand here and watch you pound the snot out of her, really, because I know what it feels like but…"
"Miss Granger!" A voice of authority came from behind them. A voice she knew all too well, "What is the meaning of this?"
Hermione's head snapped toward the destroyed entrance. Headmistress McGonagall stood there flanked by…everyone!
Kingsley and Bridgett shot across the room and took control of Professor Star along with a few other Auror Specialists. A few others went to Harry and tried to enervate him to no avail.
Madam Pomfrey went immediately to see to Ron and Professor Dervish. With help from some students, (mostly girls for Ron which made him grin like a confunded idiot), they transported the two to the hospital wing.
Hermione suddenly lost control of her emotions. Much to everyone's shock Draco put his arm around her shoulder and led her away from Professor Star.
They first went to Harry. Several Ministry Oblivators were there along with several Healers. They began to examine Harry's condition when a rather blustering Madam Pomfrey shooed them all away.
"Excuse me," she said matter-of-factly, "Out of the way if you please! I was patching this lad up long before he knew what an unforgivable curse was!"
She looked him over then pronounced he was safe to move to the infirmary.
Professor Star was taken to an enclosed room along with the painting of Tom Riddle in the same wing as the hospital.
Everyone was shocked when they saw the portrait and could not believe something like that was left behind.
The Minister for Magic, Arthur Weasley came flying into the Infirmary with Percy in tow and went directly to Kingsley to find out what was going on.
As Kingsley explained the strange chain of events Arthur's mouth kept opening wider and wider.
"A painting you say," Arthur asked incredulously, "How extraordinary! And this Professor Star was attempting to extract the essence of Voldemort from the painting and plant it inside Harry? Can that even be done?"
"Apparently she thought so," Kingsley replied darkly, "According to what Ms. Granger told me she was very close to succeeding or at the very least it appeared that way.
"Merlin's ghost!" Percy commented looking as white as a sheet.
They moved into the room that contained the painting and Professor Star. McGonagall found it necessary to place a silencing charm on the woman to stifle the demeaning and vitriolic diatribe spewing forth from the beautiful woman's mouth.
Some of Harry's team members bound Professor Star to a chair and Bridgett was none too subtle with the woman. It was Kinsley who began the interrogation but Professor Star would prove to be wholly uncooperative. He gives her a chance to speak freely but just laughed.
"You think you've saved your precious Golden Boy don't you…but you haven't. You're just prolonging the inevitable you pathetic vermin!"
Hermione lurched forward to smack the woman again but luckily Bridgett was within reach. She shot her a dark look but the Auror merely shook her head.
"Ms. Granger," McGonagall said, "Restrain yourself, please! This is going to be difficult enough without you loosing your temper. If you cannot control yourself I'm going to have you removed, is that clear?"
Hermione nodded but said nothing, her eyes boring holes into the sneering Professor Star.
McGonagall pursed her lips and turned back to Zalina.
Kingsley loomed over the trussed up woman like a mountain.
"So I suppose this means you are not going to co-operate and answer our questions?"
"So, I suppose this means you're the head-nitwit in charge?" Zalina snarled.
Kingsley glances at the Headmistress and they move away from Zalina. The others follow and they put a silencing charm between them and the Professor and the painting.
"So what do you propose we do Kingsley?" McGonagall asked.
"Well, the first order of business should be to see to Harry. We must find out what she's done to him so we can try and reverse the spell."
"I'm certain she'll not reveal her secrets," McGonagall replied looking worried, "It's the only thing she has to bargain with."
"Vertiserum?" Neville Longbottom interjected.
They all looked at him with eyebrows raised. He blushed hot under their gazes.
"She may have anticipated that but it's worth a try," Kingsley stated.
"Oh I think Horace has exactly what we need for this particular occasion," McGonagall smirked looking at the tied-up woman leering at them, "Neville if you would be so kind to fetch Professor Slughorn. Tell him to bring his special Vertelixir.
"I'll go," Draco said. They all looked at him for a moment. He just shrugged, "I know a short cut to the dungeons."
The Headmistress raised her eyebrows even further but said nothing, "Very well, Neville if you will fetch Madam Pomfrey then, if you please."
Neville nodded then both he and Draco slipped out of the room. Hermione followed and went to Harry's bedside. She could see the nurse had put Ron in the bed right beside him.
"Any change?" she asked Ron wearily.
"Sorry," he said glumly, "afraid not."
"How are you?" She asked glancing over at him. His leg was trussed up in a levitated sling.
"Ah," he waved his hand, "Just a broken bone. Child's play for old Poppy I'd say."
"Ronald, be respectful," Hermione scolded, "Madam Pomfrey is old enough to be your Grandmother."
They sat in silence for a long moment. Ron saw that Hermione looked on the verge of tears as she scooped up one of Harry's limp, cold hands and kissed it gently.
"Don't worry Hermione," Ron whispered, "He'll make it…He always does. Seems like he's got more lives then that mangy kneazle of yours."
"Crookshanks is not mangy and Harry isn't a kneazle." She said tersely.
"Come on," he relented, "You know what I mean. If there's a way back…he'll find it. You know he will."
There was something comforting in Ron's words despite the fear that gripped her like the cold hand of death. Harry did have a habit of finding his way back to them. She just hoped this time was no different but as he lay there as cold as a corpse his condition seemed to be getting worse.
She racked her brain trying to think of anything that she might remember or anything she might have heard when Draco reappeared through the Infirmary doors with a rather flustered Slughorn huffing and puffing in his wake.
The potions professor was carrying what appeared to be a medical bag like the ones her parents used to take their tools and implements with them when they worked in the free clinics in and around London providing dental work for the poor.
She leaped to her feet and leaned down to place a quick kiss on Harry's forehead when she noticed it.
His scar!
Harry's lightning bolt shaped scar looked different then it had in the months since Voldemort's second demise. It looked almost raw and puffy.
Then it clicked. She suddenly recalled a memory about Horcruxes…about the objects used in creating them being vessels to contain the pieces of one's soul.
Then the pieces of a larger picture all started falling into place in her brilliantly organized mind. She dashed to the interrogation room.
As she piled in behind Draco and Professor Slughorn she was about to announce her revelation when Neville asked a question.
"Professor what is Vertelixir?"
Slughorn stopped short looking at Neville as if he had grown a third eye.
"V…Verte…" he sputtered, "Where did you hear about that my boy? That's supposed to be a secret."
"Secret Professor?" Neville asked a bit surprised.
"Well, of course young man," Slughorn said annoyed as he made his way to where the others were with the prisoner, "you don't think we professors teach our students all the secrets of the wizarding world, do you?"
A soft groan came from somewhere near Headmistress McGonagall just before…
"WHAT?" Hermione shouted, "You mean to tell me you've been holding out on us Professor?"
She was standing behind them looking every bit as dangerous and dark as Zalina, her hands opening and closing into fists.
"Wha…," Slughorn spun to gape at her, "well of course young lady. Do you really think we professors would teach expert-level magic to mere students? Don't be silly. It takes age and experience to handle much of the advanced or, what is often referred to as clinical level magic. Can't have inexperienced youngsters mucking about with that level of sorcery now, can we?"
Horace gave her a bewildered smile then turned back to the others and began removing items from his bag.
Hermione was turning purple with rage. She was about to fly off into a torrential hurricane of hissy fit when she felt a hand land softly on her shoulder.
"Now's not the time for this Granger," Draco whispered into her ear, "I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to hex all the professors into Doxy droppings later if you like but I think we better stay focused yes?"
He was right of course…but this wasn't over by a long shot. She tried to relax.
"Besides," he continued with a chuckle in his voice, "you're the only witch I know that would get angry at the staff for what they'd left out of your lessons."
"Ha, ha," she growled under her breath, "Very amusing! It's just that some of that stuff may have been useful to dispatch Voldemort sooner that's all!"
"Face it Granger," Draco quipped, "You just don't like being left out…"
"Oh, enough," Hermione waved a hand irritatingly at him, "`I've got more important things to worry about…Headmistress," she said out loud, "I think I know what's going on?"
Hermione stepped forward just as they administered several drops of a light green viscous liquid into Professor Star's mouth that Kingsley had forced open with his wand. When she was released he pinched her nose until she swallowed.
The effects of the potion were almost instantaneous. Professor Star sagged against her restraints and looked almost blank.
McGonagall looked pointedly at Hermione, "What are you referring to Ms. Granger?"
"I think I know what Professor Star was trying to do."
"I believe that was quite obvious to all Ms. Granger."
"True, Headmistress," Hermione said, "but I think I also know the how and why. Do you mind if I ask the questions?"
McGonagall looked at Kingsley who lifted a shoulder.
"Very well," McGonagall gave her a pointed look, "But keep your hands to yourself if you please."
Hermione raised both hands in resignation and moved forward. Zalina's head lolled to the side as she gazed at Hermione with pure unadulterated hate.
Hermione had a million questions all rushing at her at once but mentally brushed them all aside. She was only interested in what had been done to Harry at this point. She was almost certain she already knew but she had to find out how.
Even under the influence of a truth potion one had to ask the right questions in order to get the right answers. Even though the person that had been given the potion was incapable of lying, they were not compelled to answer unless asked a specific question. It could be tricky if you didn't know what you were looking for.
Hermione knew what she was looking for. That was why she requested to be the one to interrogate the woman. She thought for a moment trying to decide the best way to pose the question so the woman could not be evasive or vague in her answer.
"Professor Star," Hermione asked evenly, "What did you do to prepare Harry Potter to receive Tom Riddle's entity from the portrait?"
In a slurring, drawling voice Professor Star began to answer as if it was painful to do so.
"It was a difficult and painful procedure. I had to enter his body to capture his soul. It wasn't easy. I lured him to me using erotic visions planted in his head and when I was certain I had his attention I used the ritual to create a Horcrux."
Hermione shuddered. She knew the spell needed to create a Horcrux. She also knew there was no reversing it. Once a Horcrux was created there was only one way to get rid of it. Its vessel had to be destroyed or at least that was the common school of thought.
She felt sick. She wanted to scream and beat the woman to a pulp but she forced herself to remain calm. There had to be an answer. She just needed to be clever enough to find it. Her brain worked like it had never before.
"Who did you kill?" Hermione asked. She knew it wasn't Professor Dervish because he was still breathing. She was almost afraid to hear the answer.
"That stupid drunken sot of a pathetic Seer…" Professor Star grimaced, "She would have ruined everything."
Gasps and moans were heard all around. Even though most thought Sybille Trelawney was a strange and eccentric goof ball no-one wanted to see her come to harm.
"Where is she Professor Star," McGonagall asked looking like she could do some serious damage to the younger witch herself at the moment, "Where did you leave Sybille's remains!"
"Why I transfigured her corpse into the thing she loved the best," the woman slurred as if she was drunk, "One of her stupid crystal balls!" She laughed loudly.
Kingsley nodded to a few of his team and they were off in a shot. They were dispatched to find her body.
Hermione had to really stamp down on her urge to kill this woman with her bare hands. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Her next questions were vital in finding a way to save Harry.
"Professor Star. Is Harry Potter's soul contained in a Horcrux?"
"Yes." The woman replied.
"Is his Horcrux inside him?" Hermione asked.
"Yes." Professor Star replied again.
The others standing around them were gawking and gasping, muttering in horror at what was being revealed. Hermione had to focus to tune them all out.
She didn't want to ask the next question because she was certain she already knew the answer but she had to be absolutely certain.
"Professor Star, is there a way to retrieve Harry Potter's soul from the Horcrux and place it whole and undamaged back into his body?"
Hermione held her breath praying to every deity she could think of she was wrong just this once.
"No…" the professor replied, "You cannot retrieve the soul from a Horcrux from outside its vessel. The vessel must be destroyed."
Hermione slumped. Even though she had prepared herself to hear the worst the actual confirmation of it was devastating. She lay her head in her hands trying desperately not to lose it.
As the murmurs and urgent discussions went on around her, Hermione knew that a human's body could not survive for long without its soul. She was about to come to terms with the fact that she couldn't save him this time. The only thing she could do now was to say goodbye before his body expired. The thought of it utterly crushed her.
She heard someone say something to her but it was as if the voice was coming from a great distance, then a hand touched her shoulder lightly and Hermione looked up to see Luna's smiling face. Hermione was about to get upset with her flighty friend when Luna repeated what she had said.
"Didn't you hear what Professor Star said Hermione? She said the soul could not be retrieved from outside the Horcruxes vessel…"
The implications of what Luna said pierced Hermione's beleaguered mind like someone had run the sword of Gryffindor right through her skull.
Of course! That had to be the answer she was looking for.
Hermione smiled at Luna and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.
"You're a genius Luna!"
"Yes, I am fairly intuitive," Luna replied matter-of-factly.
Hermione whipped back around to Professor Star. The rest of the group fell deathly silent.
"Professor Star," Hermione asked, her voice quavering slightly, "Is there a way to retrieve a soul from a Horcrux by getting inside the vessel with the soul fragment?"
Hermione stared at the woman willing her to answer with all her might. Professor Star seemed to hesitate, her face contorting with what could only be described as displeasure.
"It…" the woman paused, "It…may be possible…yes although it's never been attempted before. I'm not an expert on Horcruxes."
It was a chance. A slim one at best but it was the one chance they were looking for. Hermione had one final question to ask her.
"Would Tom Riddle's image in the painting know if this was possible?"
Again Professor Star hesitated not sure of herself.
"It's…possible," the Professor said slowly.
Hermione was already moving toward the painting before the woman had finished speaking.
Kingsley had levitated the portrait and stuck it to the wall.
"Draco," Hermione looked at him over her shoulder and without further inquiry he swirled his wand. Tom Riddle's image was released from his bindings and his gag.
He sat looking out his portrait at all the faces glaring at him, Hermione's being the closest.
"So," he said in his haughtiest voice, "decided to wise up and release me from my bondage did you?" He was straightening the wrinkles from his Hogwarts robe.
"SHUT UP…You foul, loathsome excuse for a work of art!" Hermione screamed. She put her wand right up against the canvas. A slight puff of smoke came from its tip drifting up the portrait making Tom Riddle cough.
Somewhere behind her Draco's eyebrows all but disappeared. He remembered hearing something a bit like that some years ago but couldn't exactly recall the details.
"I know you heard the question I asked Professor Star! Tell me if it's true! Is it possible?"
Tom Riddle said nothing but didn't take his eyes off the tip of her wand.
"TELL ME," Hermione screamed again. She was very close to loosing control, "Or I swear I'll incinerate you RIGHT THIS MOMENT!"
Tom Riddle raised both hands to fend off the sparks bouncing off the canvas.
"I don't know!" He answered angrily.
"Then there's no need to keep you hanging around is there!"
It was Draco who had spoken. He moved forward with wand raised and a small flame emanating from the tip. As he got close the image of Tom Riddle recoiled back, falling over the gilded chair. The miniature image fell back against the familiar painted and papered wall behind.
When some of the others, frozen by what they were witnessing moved forward to stop Draco, Hermione held up a hand to stall them. Something told her that Draco knew what he was doing or at least she hoped.
Indeed, Draco stopped just short of searing the canvas with his tiny flame. Tom Riddle peered at the face over his upheld hands shielding his own. When he recognized Draco he was stunned.
"Why…why you're one of us," Tom Riddle said, "You bare the Dark Mark. You owe your allegiance to me!" Riddle's handsome youthful image wrinkled into a horribly evil sneer, "How dare you take up your wand against me!"
"Your time is finished Voldemort," Draco spit, "My father lost his life because of you now tell her what she wants to know or I'll light this portrait myself!"
"Your father lost his life because he was weak and stupid!" Riddle spit back.
With that Draco touched the tip of his wand to the very bottom corner of the canvas. Everyone gasped as the flame slowly climbed up the corner of the painting toward a terrified Tom Riddle.
"No!" He screamed.
"Tell us what we need to know and I'll extinguish the flames!" Draco yelled.
"I told you I don't know!" Riddle moved to the farthest edge of the portrait but seemed to be trapped within it. That surprised Hermione but she didn't comment. This told her there were no other paintings of Tom Riddle. This must be the only one…thank the stars! She looked at Tom Riddle again.
"Is there a way to get into a Horcrux from outside?" She asked.
"I don't know! It's possible I suppose…" Riddle was staring at the climbing blue-green flame watching the oil paint bubble and blister as the canvas turned black.
"HOW?" Hermione bellowed.
"I…I don't…Legilimens I suppose! It would be the only way! There, I've told you now put out the flames!"
"Tell the truth..." Hermione said quite calmly.
For a brief moment the image of the teen-aged Slytherin stopped and glared wide-eyed at Hermione's face. It was as if what she had said sparked a deep-seated memory in him. His painted face paled to an almost colorless hue.
Hermione recognized the look in his wide eyes…Fear!
"Yes…Yes…It's all I know," he pleaded, "Now PUT OUT THE FLAMES. YOU PROMISED!"
Hermione and Draco looked at one another for a long moment when a small devious smile pulled at the corner of Hermione's mouth. They both spoke at the exact same time…
"We lied!"
They turned and left the room without looking back at the portrait. As the others stood they watched in silence as the flames engulfed the rest of the canvas. The oil painted image of Tom Riddle screamed as it bubbled and contorted, consumed by the fire that crawled over the canvas. It eventually spread to the gaudy gilded frame and in a frighteningly short time the painting was engulfed in flames, snapping and crackling as the fire devoured its meal like a living thing.
"Goodbye Tom Riddle."
Everyone turned to look at Luna Lovegood as she stood with her dreamy look and a sad smile. She gave the burning portrait a tiny wave of her small hand then she too turned and skipped out of the room.
Professor Star sagged as she sobbed uncontrollably.
As Hermione and Draco made their way into the infirmary she began speaking but mostly to herself. Headmistress McGonagall and most of the others filed out behind them.
"Even if it's possible to get into a Horcrux with Legilimens it still doesn't tell me how to get Harry's soul out."
"Perhaps the Horcrux vessel can be opened from the inside," Ginny said her face a mask of worry as she glanced over to where Harry lay white as a sheet.
"Maybe," Hermione responded still lost in thought, "but I know nothing about Legilimens. Do you know anyone who does Headmistress?"
Regretfully McGonagall shook her head.
"I'm afraid the only one here at Hogwarts with any experience was Professor Snape. It wasn't something we thought prudent to actually teach. Perhaps I can get someone from the Department of Mysteries to help…"
"I know someone," Draco spoke up, "and she's probably better than Snape."
They all looked at him with surprise. Hermione spoke first.
"Who, Draco?"
"My mother," he replied, "It was something she had kept from everyone…even my father. I don't know why. The only reason why I know is because I lied to her once about sneaking treacle tarts from the kitchen when I was younger and she caught me." He blushed red. "Needless to say I never dared lie to her after that nor did I try to keep secrets from her - Embarrassing, really."
Hermione looked at him expectantly.
"Do you think she would help us?"
"All I can do is ask," He said looking into Hermione's worried eyes.
McGonagall spoke up.
"You can use the flue in my office to contact her Draco and again to receive her if she wishes to join us."
"Please," Hermione whispered to Draco as she placed a hand on his arm. He looked down at her hand.
"I'll do my best Hermione." With that he turned and followed the Headmistress to her office leaving the rest behind to wait on pins and needles.
He was there again…in that place, laying on the same hard white surface naked just like before.
He slowly opened his eyes to the dense swirling mist that surrounded him and, like before wished for something to cover himself up with.
The same warm, soft light grey cloak and trousers appeared. He rose and slipped into the clothes as the bright white, chrome and glass rendition of King's Cross Station began to take shape around him just as it did when he had faced the killing curse from Voldemort that night in the Forbidden Forrest.
The only thing missing this time was the flayed and raw looking infantile creature stuffed under a chair in the corner.
As he stood looking around, the same familiar chairs appeared. He half expected to see Albus Dumbledore stroll casually out of the mist once again but as he could not seem to gauge the passage of time correctly nothing seemed to be happening.
Harry strode over to one of the seats and fell into it. Those same unmistakable feelings of peace and serenity washed over him.
He wondered if this time he was supposed to catch a train…
Nothing outside the station moved or made noise that he could hear. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what had happened to bring him to this place again. He couldn't seem to recall and for once it didn't seem to matter all that much but as he sat there in the still silence of the sparkling station a deep sense of emptiness washed over him.
He sat trying to analyze what was causing it when movement caught his eye at the edge of the mist that surrounded the vast open space of the station before him.
They were figures, quite a few of them, materializing out of the mist in front of him. He could not make them out at first but deep inside he knew who they were.
The first face he recognized was Sirius. He was the same youthful young man from the Resurrection Stone. Then came Dora, smiling as she stumbled on something he could not see. He couldn't help but laugh. Before he was aware of it - they were all there in front of him…
…Remus looking much younger slipped his arm around Dora, Ted Tonks, Cedric Diggory and his father, Mad-Eye Moody looking much less…mad with two good eyes and two good legs, Severus Snape still wearing his signature deprecating sneer, Rufus Scrimgeour, Fred Weasley. He could even see little Colin Creevey sneaking a peak around the same dark blue robes Albus Dumbledore had worn before.
They all stood smiling at him. He couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to believe they were real but didn't dare. He moved tentatively forward reaching out but stopped. Whatever magic or spell this was he didn't want to do anything to break it and make the vision go away.
It was Sirius who saw Harry's apprehension. With a smile Sirius strode forward reaching out. Hooking Harry behind his head he pulled him into a warm embrace.
"I've missed you - we've all missed you so very much Harry," Sirius whispered placing his head next to Harry's.
Harry clung to his Godfather with all his strength. He felt real and solid. Harry could feel the hard wiry muscles beneath the clothes.
Colin Creevey stepped in front of him with a huge grin.
"Thanks for all those nice things you said about me at my funeral Harry. You really helped my mum and dad to heal."
"Least I could do Collin," Harry smiled.
The next thing he knew they were all around him, holding him and touching him. As he reveled in their presence he looked past Severus' shoulder to see the beaming faces of his father and mother coming toward him out of the mist.
"I'm sure you are most anxious to see these two?" Severus said as he held out his arm in the direction of his parents coming up behind him. The corner of the old Potions Master's mouth twitched in what could only be described as his version of a smile.
His father came forward and grasped both his shoulders in his hands. He stood looking at Harry with unveiled pride. He saw his mother lay a gentle hand on Severus' cheek and offer him a blinding smile. They shared a warm embrace.
"It's so good to see you again son," then his father pulled Harry to him and held him for what could have been and hour or just a moment. He couldn't tell.
When his father finally released him he stepped aside and standing in front of him just behind his father James was the one he was most anxious to see.
"Oh Harry," his mother cried softly and fell forward into his arms. They held one another tightly as she kissed him softly on the cheek. She was warm and soft and smelled of lilac and lotus blossoms.
"Mum…" it was all he could choke out before tears blurred his vision. It was as if a dam had burst in his chest and eight years worth of stress, fear, sorrow and pain flowed from him like a tidal wave of grief. His body-wracking sobs shook him beyond his ability to control himself.
"Shhhh baby," his mother whispered in his ear stroking his hair trying to calm him, "it's all right. It's going to be all right now son. It's over…it's all over now."
Her words and her gentle rocking embrace lulled him back into a sense of peace once again. He had no idea how long he stood there but he would have been content to stay in his mother's arms forever.
It was as if she knew what he was thinking because she gently pulled away and held his hands smiling at him sadly.
"You cannot stay Harry," his mother whispered, "You know this to be true, don't you?"
"I want to stay Mum, please," Harry pleaded. What ever or where ever this place was he felt more at peace and more loved than he ever had in his short life. He had no desire to give it up.
Hadn't he earned this? Hadn't he done everything he was supposed to do and more? There was nothing he…
His thoughts hung as if suspended by magic. Harry turned to look at Albus Dumbledore and that same strange sense of emptiness filled him again.
Dumbledore just smiled and held his arm out gesturing to the mists beyond them. As his friends and family all began splitting apart to open a path in front of him Lilly let go of his hands and took a place at his side. His father appeared at his other side and laid a hand on his shoulder.
He could then hear a voice…faint at first but it grew steadily stronger. It was pleading, crying in anguish out of the mist. He knew that voice as it grew in strength.
He then realized his mother was right.
Hermione's likeness came out of the mist. She stood there looking around. It was if she could not see any of them. Her eyes were red and puffy from the tears that coursed down her cheeks. She let her head fall to her hands.
"Please Harry," she cried, "Please don't leave me! I love you so much. I've just found you - you can't leave me now. Please don't go where I can't follow…"
Harry hung his head and closed his eyes. He felt his mother's warm soft hand fall gently on the back of his neck.
"Go to her Harry," Lilly whispered, "The strength of what you two have is rare and precious and only comes once in a lifetime. We'll be here son. We'll be here waiting when you're ready to come home."
Harry looked at her beautiful smiling face and her deep green eyes sparkled. He turned to look at his father who nodded in agreement.
"This is not your time Harry," he said in a soft voice, "You still have so much left to accomplish."
Sirius stepped in front of him blocking Hermione's crying image from his view. He put his hand on the side of Harry's face.
"You know if I had a girl like that waiting for me I'd fight like the dickens to get out of this place? It's not every day a man gets to love the cleverest witch of his age." He winked at him flashing that famous roguish smile.
"No doubt about that Harry," he heard Remus say from behind him.
Harry closed his eyes. He was torn but he already knew what he had to do. When he next opened them Albus Dumbledore was standing before him smiling sadly looking out at him over his spectacles.
"You are about to be faced with the most difficult struggle you'll ever encounter in your life Harry. All I can tell you is don't give up. Fight for what you know is rightfully yours…"
With that cryptic statement Harry suddenly felt very tired. His eyes drooped closed and it was if all his bones had turned to dust.
The next thing he realized he was plunged into utter darkness. He was aware but could see nothing, touch nothing. It was as if his body had left him or…he left his body behind.
He seemed to hang somewhere suspended in emptiness but he felt compressed like he was stuck in the midst of apparating between two places. It was uncomfortable.
He had fully expected to return to himself as he had done before but this…this nothingness was completely disconcerting.
He heard her voice again, this time much closer. He could see Hermione's face in what he could only guess was his mind's eye.
"Harry!" Her voice said, "Come back to me. You have to want to break free. I can't help you. You must want to return. You must fight! You must fight with all your strength…"
He couldn't understand what she was talking about. There was nothing but blackness, compressing black emptiness all around him pressing in on all sides.
But then he let her words sink into his conscious thought…
`You have to want to break free…'
He did want to break free! He certainly didn't want to stay in this place - what ever - where ever this was…
It was then he realized he must be trapped. In something or someplace that he must break out of…but how?
It was then he began to realize he could feel his hands, or what he thought were his hands. He could see nothing in the utter encompassing blackness.
As he reached out into the darkness he thought he could feel something. It was solid, like a wall but flexible, giving ever so slightly against the pressure of his hands. He pressed harder but the wall resisted. It gave but did not part.
With a sudden realization he could feel whatever it was that surrounded him was closing in tighter, constricting him in a smaller space.
He began to panic. With that he heard Hermione's voice again.
"Harry, you have to hurry! There's not much time…PLEASE! I love you!"
She began to sob terribly. He couldn't take it. He couldn't reach her or call out to her to comfort her. He had to break free…
Harry began to fight. He pushed forward. At first the walls refused to give but then with a monumental effort of his mind he lunged forward with all his might. When he did he saw a faint sliver of light appear before what he thought might be his eyes but he wasn't sure.
Then he was punching, throwing blow after blow at the wall in front of him. It gave a little more with each blow, showing him that same sliver of light.
He began punching harder, his hands pounding the rigid but flexible surface again, the blows booming in his mind's ear, deafening as they thundered through him. The sliver of light seemed to grow larger with each bone shattering blow.
"That's it baby, FIGHT!" Her voice screamed.
Now he was kicking with legs as well. He was battering the wall of darkness with every last bit of strength inside of him but he was beginning to tire.
`No! Don't give up!' It was his own voice spurring him forward.
With what could only be described as a Herculean effort he threw his right fist at the blackness and this time his fist went through. He threw his left at the same spot and it to split the surface of the darkness. With the last bit of strength that remained inside him he pulled, tearing at the blackness.
When the blackness gave way and the sliver of light appeared again pain like nothing he had ever experienced in his lifetime hit him like a blow to the face. He jerked his hands back, the blackness once again all around him.
He suddenly remembered Dumbledore's words…
"You are about to be faced with the most difficult struggle you've ever encounter in your life Harry…"
He was exhausted. His arms, if they were arms, felt like lead.
"No…Oh Harry…" Hermione's voice was weak. It seemed to be growing more distant. He was loosing her…
The word echoed through his head like a gong.
He started fighting again, throwing bone-crushing blow after blow until he had both hands once again buried deep in the blackness. This time he pulled…hard.
The pain ripped through him as if he was being physically torn in half but he kept pulling.
He would NOT lose her!
When it felt as if he could simply take no more the wall finally gave way and bright light blasted through, piercing the darkness and flooding his consciousness with warmth. The crushing sensation of the darkness vanished and he fell forward onto something. It felt like two arms that carried him, laying him on something soft.
He still could not see but he knew, somehow he knew he was free…
It seemed like hours to Hermione but it had been less then 45 minutes since she and Narcissa had entered into Harry's mind.
She sat staring blankly off into space, her beautiful face covered in sweat, shaking and shuttering as a concerned Draco held his mother's hand.
When at last she came out of her trance like state she had almost fallen out of her chair. Draco and Minerva McGonagall were there to assist her. She looked completely haggard and worn but she cast Hermione a weary smile and a nod.
A few moments later Harry Potter's eyes fluttered open briefly, giving Hermione a pained smile then fell back into a peaceful sleep.
Everyone in the Infirmary cheered and laughed and cried and jumped for joy…that is until Madam Pomfrey ran them all from the hospital ward with a dire warning, all but Hermione, Draco, Narcissa and McGonagall, Ron and one Romilda Vane.
To the utter shock of…well…everyone it seems the sultry little Gryffindor had become rather attached to Ron over the past few weeks. She insisted on staying with Her Ronny as she called him. When Madam Pomfrey began to protest the girl simply pointed at Hermione with a defiant glare.
The Headmistress could do nothing more than shrug her tired shoulders and roll her eyes at that point.
Ron, with his knee now mostly mended, was still a bit sore so he decided to remain over night. Madam Pomfrey said it wouldn't hurt him to have another few shots of Skel-o-grow just for good measure.
Narcissa was given a sleeping drought. She had spent an enormous amount of energy to break through the spells to get to Harry's Horcrux and she was very weak.
Hermione cried tears of pure joy as she watched the color return to Harry as he lay sleeping peacefully. Madam Pomfrey said he would probably wake up with a dragon-sized headache.
Hermione made her way over to where Draco sat quietly watching his mother sleep. She kneeled down next to him, placing a hand gently on his arm and looking up at him with one of her thousand-watt smiles.
"Thank you Draco," she whispered, "for everything you've done for us today."
He gave her a sideways grin.
"I didn't just do it for all of you, you know," he replied, "I must admit watching that bastard's painting go up in flames was just what the Healer ordered."
"Yes, well," She said softly, "If it wasn't for you and your mum we would have lost him this time, I just know it." She couldn't help the tears that leaked from the corners of her eyes.
"I don't know Hermione," Draco whispered patting her hand, "I'm beginning to wonder if the bloke can be done in at all."
"Well I certainly don't want to find out ever again," she urged emphatically.
Draco looked off into the distance of the infirmary for a moment then glanced back down at Hermione who had laid a hand on his mother's arm.
"Do you think he's gone for good this time?"
"Gods, I certainly hope so!" Hermione choked, "I'm getting to bloody old for all this nonsense!"
Draco had to cover his mouth to keep from bursting out in uncontrollable laughter.
Later, as most of the rest left and Hermione sat dozing lightly in a chair next to Harry's bed holding his hand she felt him stir.
She was jerked back to sobriety and saw him looking at her with a pained smile. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot but he was alive!
"Hey you," he squeaked in a very raw voice.
It took every ounce of self control she possessed not to jump on top of him and snog him senseless. She leaned on the bed so she could stroke his cheek.
"I thought I'd lost you this time," Hermione had to swallow a serious melon-sized lump in her throat before she could speak.
"Thanks for coming to my rescue again…" Harry said but Hermione stopped him with a shake of her head. Her smile was full of warmth and undeniable love but it was also touched with a hint of sadness as well.
"Not this time Harry," she informed him, "It was Draco Malfoy and his mother who saved you…well, helped save you."
That stunned Harry but his only reaction Hermione could see was the raising of one eyebrow. His head was pounding like a huge bass drum.
She nodded.
"As strange as it may sound it's the truth. Draco was instrumental in getting inside the Transfiguration classroom with Ronald. They got control of that…that…" she couldn't find a nice enough description of the woman so she just moved on, "anyway, after we all got in we discovered how to get you out of your Horcrux by using Legilimens. Luna figured that out. It was Narcissa who had the skill to get it done."
"But I heard your voice in my head Hermione," Harry said looking very confused.
"That was a nifty little trick no-one knew about until Narcissa arrived. She figured it might be possible to get to you through me. She went into my mind first, then we both went in after you. I didn't even know something like that was possible. It was really rough on her though. She's still out of it."
"Is she here," Harry asked, "Will she be ok?"
"Yes Harry," she kissed his cheek gently, "Madam Pomfrey says shell be fine, she just very weak. I'll tell you everything when you get better. Sleep now love."
"Will you stay with me?" Harry asked as he closed his eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere without you Potter," she whispered as she settled on the bed next to him and snuggled into the crook of his arm, "better get used to that."
"I think I can manage that mischief…" he whispered as he yawned widely.
"I think we've both managed enough mischief to last several lifetimes don't you Mr. Potter?" Hermione whispered closing her own eyes.
"Indeed Ms. Granger," Harry mumbled drifting off to sleep once again.