Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Part 3
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter 45 - The Final Piece
The Great Hall was filled with an air of excited anticipation as students, professors, officials from the Ministry, members of the Wizengamot and even the Hogwarts ghosts filed in to find a place to discover what this spectacle was supposed to be all about.
There had been rumors…of course.
Some minor details of the up-coming event had swept through the student body but no-one seemed to know just exactly what was going to take place. The only thing that everyone could agree on was…it was going to be special.
Many knew it had something to do with the new Dueling Club formed by the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and had become the most popular club at Hogwarts. Most all the students who were eligible entered the competition and to no-one's surprise the original members of Harry's old D.A. club faired better then most, with one surprising exception.
The seating placed around the perimeter of the Great Hall filled up quickly.
Hermione Granger knew what the pending event was all about. After all, it was her idea, of course but very few knew the real reason behind this exhibition. In her usual brilliant way she took a rather unusual problem and created a unique solution that would suit everyone's needs.
She sat on the edge of one of the many antique oak tables in the special room behind the Headmistresses table just off the Great Hall. She had been sequestered there along with Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy and the very special guest dueler Harry Potter.
Harry leaned back against Hermione captured between her knees with her arms draped casually over his shoulders. Since he had left the infirmary they had rarely been seen more than a few feet apart.
Ron had joked that Madam Pomfrey must have secretly put a sticking charm on them. Hermione hadn't thought that was remotely funny but had to reluctantly agree she was just a tad bit insecure at the moment. The prospect of loosing Harry had had a strange galvanizing effect of her so she was being a little more clingy and possessive than usual.
Harry didn't mind a bit. The nights spent in her dorm room undergoing what she called necessary physical rehabilitation was like heavenly bliss so who was he to complain.
Ron and Draco stood in front of them with arms folded engrossed in conversation about practical defensive spells.
They could hear the crowd filling the hall and could almost feel the energy building.
"So," Ron looked pointedly at Hermione, "Are you finally going to tell me what this is all about?"
Hermione looked at Ron with her trademark devious little grin. She sighed.
"Oh I suppose I can let you in on the secret now."
"I don't see why you had to keep me in the dark like everyone else anyway." Ron said glumly.
"Because you're terrible at keeping a secret Ron," Harry chuckled.
Ron scowled darkly at his best mate.
"I must admit," Draco said, "the whole thing is quite brilliant but I suppose it's to be expected from the likes of our resident know-it-all."
He smirked at Hermione, tossing her a sideways glance. Hermione just stuck her tongue out at him, grinning.
It amazed her how far they all had come. If Draco Malfoy would have made a comment like that to Hermione Granger in years past it would have incited at least an unpleasant verbal confrontation or at worst an out and out brawl.
This latest and hopefully last encounter with Tom Riddle had brought many ugly truths to the surface for them all. It was Draco who came out of it a completely changed person. He was finally able to see the truth without fear of reprisal from the Dark Lord and his minions.
With the help of some pragmatic common sense from Hermione Draco was able to look at life through a different set of eyes and discovered that hate, denial and fear solved nothing. So he moved forward now with an open mind and found acceptance from some very surprising and unlikely sources.
"Anyway, the problem…Draco's problem is that his wand no longer works properly for him and at the time I had no idea why. I was finally able to figure out how it all happened. I'm not sure I can even begin to understand it and I don't know if I can even explain it properly…"
"You know," Ron said a bit stiffly, "I'm not completely thick Hermione!"
Hermione held up her hand to stall his griping.
"It's fairly complicated stuff Ron! It goes all the way back to when we were captured by Fenrir Greyback and his lot and taken to Draco's house, do you remember?"
"How could I forget?" Ron replied darkly.
"Well," Hermione continued, "If you'll recall, when you escaped Harry managed to take Draco's wand from him in a round-a-bout sort of way as I discovered. Although none of us knew at the time, when a wand is taken by force it sometimes…switches allegiance to its new owner or at least it responds better to the person who captured the wand. If you recall our conversation with Ollivander at Shell Cottage that morning he said the very same thing."
"Does that happen every time a wand is taken by force?" Ron asked
Hermione shrugged one shoulder.
"I'm not really sure to be perfectly honest. It all has to do with wand lore," Hermione answered, "and I don't pretend to understand it all but my theory is when Harry took Draco's wand by force Draco's wand was…in a way…forced to do Harry's bidding. Conversely, even though Draco was given back his wand eventually its allegiance is still with Harry because of the way in which Harry acquired it…does that make sense?"
"Erm…I guess," Ron replied but still looked confused.
"It's rather difficult to explain in simple terms, I'm just reciting what Ollivander told me when I wrote him and asked him about it a few months back." Hermione bit her lip in thought but then an idea occurred to her, "I think it would help to consider the Elder Wand?"
"Erm…why?" Ron asked.
"Well this situation is basically the same," Hermione explained, "You see, the Elder Wand didn't work properly for Voldemort because he had not taken the wand from Dumbledore by force. He just broke into the Headmaster's tomb and took it. The last person to take that particular wand by force was…" Hermione held a hand out toward Draco.
"Right," Ron said, "I think I get it now. Draco took the wand from Dumbledore that night up on the astronomy tower so the Elder Wand's allegiance was transferred to Draco."
"Exactly," Hermione smiled but Ron still looked puzzled, "What?"
"Ok," Ron continued, "I understand that part and now I think I understand how Draco's wand shifted to Harry but what I don't understand is how Harry got the allegiance of the Elder Wand. It doesn't make sense. If the Elder Wand's allegiance was still with Draco when Voldy had it then how did it get transferred to Harry?"
Hermione smirked in her all-knowing - I can't believe you're this thick - way.
"It never did!" She said grinning smugly.
Ron's brows wrinkled.
"Now wait just a…"
It was Harry's turn to enlighten his best mate.
"It was the fact Voldemort didn't have the allegiance of the Elder wand that did him in. It was still with Draco when we faced one-another that night. It was how I was able to defeat him with a simple spell. He had been so weakened by splitting his soul it didn't take much to finish the job once all the Horcruxes were out of the way."
"That's exactly right," Hermione added, "and, if my theory about the Hallows is accurate, just the fact Harry had possessed all three gave him the power he needed to do the job. He was, at least for a short time, the true Master of Death."
Ron's face crumpled into a sneer. Draco looked completely stunned speechless.
"Well Harry," Ron scoffed, "There's another title you can add to that long list of yours!"
Hermione rolled her eyes.
Much to her surprise she found that, after the last few weeks she didn't want to think about any of those things anymore. She had spent half her life analyzing things, researching, studying clues and looking for answers. At present she just wanted to move forward without having to look over her shoulder to see who was in pursuit or trying to kill them.
She thought maybe it was why the changes in Draco seemed so prophetic and important. He was one of the few who remained to remind them of what had been. The fact she could now count him among one of them helped put all those dark days behind her and the fact that her boys accepted those changes in him was monumental in helping them all move forward.
If it took preparing an elaborate spectacle to help put some of the pieces back into place then she felt it was well worth the trouble.
"It's like what old Ollivander told me the day I got my wand," Harry added. "He said the wand chooses the wizard. I just thought he was being all mysterious and scary but…well, I was just a muggle then. What did I know?"
They all laughed.
"That's true," Hermione added, "but it doesn't always work that way. If you remember Bellatrix' wand didn't work all that well for me."
"True," Harry said, "But that's because you didn't take it from her. I did."
"Well," Hermione conceded, "That's right. I suppose I didn't take that into consideration."
"Yes…yes," Ron blustered, "That's all very well and good but why this whole big production? Why are these two dueling in front of the entire school?"
"Oh for Merlin's sake Ron," Hermione huffed, "Do we have to spell out every little detail for you?"
"Well excuse me for being the daft one!" Ron sneered.
"Hang on," Harry said, "Weren't you the one who just told Hermione you weren't that thick?"
"Oh, stuff it Potter!" Ron groused.
Draco burst out laughing.
"Well…use that barmy coconut of yours Ronald," Hermione quipped, "Draco wants his wand to work for him again. In order for that to happen he'll have to duel Harry for it and take it back by force. If I know either of them half as well as I think I do the thought of dueling one-another out of hate and anger no longer applies," she looked expectantly between Harry and Draco, "am I right?"
Harry and Draco both nodded in agreement.
"So what I came up with was this idea for a dueling exhibition with the new Hogwarts Dueling Club so they can battle one-another in a controlled setting, put on a really good show of defensive magic for the school and…well…have some fun doing it. The best part is no-one has to get hurt. At one point during the duel Harry will be distracted by… something and Draco will take his wand back. Since Harry won't actually allow Draco to take the wand its allegiance should return to Draco."
"You know," Ron laughed, "Sometimes you're so bloody brilliant it's absolutely terrifying Hermione."
Harry turned his head to look at her beautiful smiling face. He took her chin gently in his hand and kissed her softly.
"You're absolutely right Ron." Harry grinned.
Ron made a face like he was about to wretch.
Draco looked pointedly at Harry.
"I appreciate you doing this for me Harry."
"No problem," Harry smiled, "I appreciate what you did to help us. I think Hermione's spot on. It made all the difference this time."
"That was an easy choice to make. I think I'm just as sick of all the dark magic tripe as you are."
"That may be so Draco," Hermione added, "but you still didn't have to."
"Maybe," Draco's gaze dropped to his shoes, "but I still think it was the right decision. That doesn't mean I'm going to take it easy on you out there today Potter."
"I'd be disappointed if you did," Harry grinned.
Hermione blanched and went rigid.
"Now see here you two," Hermione said as she shoved Harry out of the way and launched herself off the table. She stood glaring at Harry and Draco, "You need to stick to the original script. That's why we spent all that time practicing and rehearsing remember? No improvisation or-I-swear…" Hermione stomped her foot pointing at both grinning boys with a deadly slit-eyed glare, "I'll curse the bullocks off both of you! There's going to be too many people out there to be careless with your magic. I don't want anyone getting hurt by stray curses or…"
"Oh Hermione…For Merlin's sake," Ron yelled, "Do shut up!"
Hermione froze, mid-lecture, finger pointing at Harry's nose.
Both Draco and Harry turned white and began backing away from her. They could see her head slowly begin to turn a horrid shade of dark purple.
When Hermione turned to look at Ron she had a look on her face that was almost demonic. His blood froze.
"Now…erm…I didn't…Don't you," Ron spluttered as he started backing away from her himself holding his hands up as if to prevent some invisible pending collision.
Hermione said nothing as she whipped out her wand and with a twisting flourish she conjured two hideous looking spiders the size of large dogs.
Ron saw the spiders and screamed like a girl. He spun on his heal and bolted.
"Sick him!" Hermione growled. The two spiders tore off after him.
Harry and Draco watched, howling with laughter as the spiders chased Ron all over the room. Just as he was tearing past the door that led out into the Great Hall it opened. Headmistress McGonagall was just stepping into the room when Ron whipped past her in a screaming blur.
"Help!" He screamed when he saw McGonagall.
The old professor jumped slightly as the two spiders ripped past her hot on Ron's heels.
"See here," McGonagall said with her hand over her heart, "What is the meaning of this?"
McGonagall produced her own wand and with a flick the two spiders exploded into puffs of dark grey smoke.
Ron collapsed at Hermione's feet gasping for breath. She looked down at Ron scowling fiercely.
"How fortuitous…FOR YOU!"
Headmistress McGonagall looked around at all of them with eyebrows raised.
Harry and Draco tried to hide their hysterical laughter but failed miserably. Hermione tried to look ashamed of herself but was still too irritated to pull it off. Ron looked pale like he was about to throw up as he pulled himself unsteadily to his feet.
"Does anyone care to explain?" McGonagall asked then seemed to change her mind, "Never mind. I'm not certain I care to know."
She moved into the room and closed the door behind her.
"I wish to speak to you for a moment regarding this…event that is about to take place. Specifically to you and you," she pointed at Harry and Draco in turn, "While I realize I issued my permission for you to undertake the pending exhibition I feel compelled to remind you both this is indeed nothing more than an exhibition of competent and reliable defensive magic. Are we clear on that distinction Mr. Potter…Mr. Malfoy?"
"Yes, Headmistress," they both said as one.
"While I am very pleased there has been a…reconciliation of sorts between you I want to also remind you I take the safety and security of this school and all who reside within very seriously. If I perceive there is any danger to those in attendance at any time I will put a stop to this exhibition at once, is that also quite clear?"
They all nodded.
"Very well," McGonagall looked at them sternly for a moment, "See that you remember."
As the Headmistress stood looking at the four of them her demeanor seemed to shift from one of rigid authority to something that struck them as detached fondness.
"On a more personal level," she said softly, "I don't believe I've taken the opportunity to thank you…all of you for what you have done, not only for this school but for our world as a whole. I don't think any of us could have foretold the events that have taken place in the last several weeks. You all have once again stepped forward with exceptional intelligence, valor and bravery."
"As you all know I've been a part of this institution for almost fifty years and I have seen many, many students come and go through these halls."
The look they saw in the Headmistresses eyes was one of both fond memory and pride.
"It has been my policy over the years to try not to get too…personally involved with my students but that is…quite difficult…if not completely impossible at times."
"As I stand here with you four I cannot help but be filled with a sense of unabashed pride. Albus was right in his assessment of you from the beginning."
That statement made all of them gape at the old Headmistress in wonder, glancing at one-another smiling.
"Yes," McGonagall said, "Albus Dumbledore knew long before any of us that you four would make the difference between, how did he put it?" She placed a finger to her lips in thought, "Ah yes, `doing what was right instead of what was easy.' He told me not long after he placed you, Harry into the care of your Aunt and Uncle you all would make the difference one day. He said you would shape the future of our world…" tears began to flow down the old transfiguration professor's withered cheeks, "and I must say…he was absolutely correct."
"It has been both an honor and a privilege to have had a hand in molding you into the fine young adults you have become. My only regret is that I will miss you terribly after the year is done. You have been a constant source of joy, inspiration, challenge and yes, even irritation at times throughout the years but I must say it has all been worth it."
As they all stood there speechless for a moment, it was Hermione who was compelled to act first. With her vision blurred by her own tears she moved forward and much to the surprise of the Headmistress took the seemingly frail old women in a warm, gentle embrace.
Before any more could be said the rest followed Hermione's lead. Before McGonagall knew it she was surrounded by her four brightest and most beloved charges.
"Thank you," she whispered as she laid a withered hand on each one's cheek gently, "thank you so much."
"It's us who should be thanking you professor," Hermione sniffed. The others agreed.
The headmistress slowly regained her composure as well as her authoritative, if not quite as rigid demeanor and stepped back, her hands clasped in front of her.
"Very well then," she eyed them over her tiny spectacles sniffling slightly, "They should be ready for you shortly. I'll leave you to your preparations. Professor Dervish will send for you when all is in order."
With that Headmistress McGonagall moved to exit the room. Before she crossed the threshold she stopped and looked back at the four of them.
"While I know we are all looking forward to the days of peace and prosperity ahead I must admit with some small amount of guilt that with all that has taken place in the recent past, the years ahead look rather…well, mundane."
Headmistress McGonagall gave them a mysterious little smirk…then she winked.
The door closed and she was gone.
They all stood speechless for a moment looking at one-another lost in their own thoughts about what had just taken place. They had seen a side of their old transfiguration professor they never thought they would and it was quite disconcerting. Finally Hermione was the one who broke the silence.
"Well that was…" She said looking around at the others.
"Yah…" Ron replied.
Just then a rather overly-excited Professor Dervish poked his head into the room.
"Five minutes everyone and I'm going to start the introductions," he beamed, "Are we ready?"
Harry looked at Draco who grinned and nodded. Harry turned to Professor Dervish, "I believe we're as ready as we'll ever be Professor."
"Excellent!" He practically hollered as he dashed off.
Hermione came up to Harry and enfolded him in her arms. They kissed deeply then she looked up at him with nothing but pure love in her sparkling brown eyes.
"I know you'll be brilliant," she whispered, then turned to look at Draco, "both of you."
"Yah mate," Ron clapped Draco on the shoulder, "if you two don't destroy the bloody school again in the process."
Out in the Great Hall the stage was set. All the spectators had found their seats. The Head table was full. V.I.P.'s and other dignitaries from the Ministry were all gathered around the low dueling platform set in the center of the hall.
The same platform was in place for the event. The entire room seemed to vibrate with anticipation filled with the buzz of excited conversations.
As everyone watched, the ever-flamboyant Professor Dervish sprang up onto the platform walking the length quickly with his arms raised high. A collective hush seemed to fall over the entire hall at his presence.
He looked toward the Headmistresses table where McGonagall was just taking her seat at the center of the table. She gave Professor Dervish a curt nod.
Grinning widely, he looked around at all the eager faces in the crowd. He knew this was going to be such a monumental event folks would be talking about it for years.
The Professor pulled his wand with a flourish, placed the tip to his throat and whispered "Sonorus." His magically amplified voice echoed throughout the hall.
"Ladies and gentlemen, students, professors, dignitaries, members of the Ministry…Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and a very special edition of the new Hogwarts Dueling Club!"
The entire hall went crazy with cheers and applause.
Again he raised his hands and the crowd quieted.
"Thank you…thank you," he boomed, "Now, it is my very great pleasure to introduce you to our first participant in today's event. He is the current Prefect of Slytherin House, he played a pivotal roll in dispatching the most recent dark threat to our world, he is the current reigning champion of the Dueling Club and having been victorious against all challengers throughout the year could only be described as a master at the art of defensive magic…Mr. Draco Malfoy!"
The reception for Draco could only be described as mixed. While the professors, dignitaries and members of the Ministry all applauded him with appropriate enthusiasm most of the students vaguely regarded him with a rather weak acknowledgement. Slytherin House, on the other hand went wild when they heard his name. Pansy was right down front leading the cheers.
As Draco made his way to the platform he glanced at Pansy as he passed. His heart pinched as he saw her mouth the unmistakable words `I love you Draco!' as he moved through the crowd.
He tried to recall briefly why he had pushed her aside. Things were quite different for him at the beginning of the term. He had been in a very dark place then, even darker than in previous years.
The events over the past several months had a profound effect on him. He felt he had shed much of the emotional guilt and burden of years past. As he spied Hermione and Ron edging their way toward the platform out of the corner of his eye he could see they were applauding and cheering just as loudly as the Slytherins. He thought about part of a conversation he had with Hermione back when the term had just begun. He marveled at the effect her words had on him then.
"I guess what I'm saying is we've all made choices that effected the outcome of this conflict. I've been stunned, cursed, tortured at the hands of your spell-damaged Aunt, ostracized, insulted, and run out of my world…but would do it all again if it was necessary to have a life of peace without fear. That's the difference between us Draco."
"I'm not going to pretend you and I could ever be friends. There's just too much that has happened between us that can easily be put aside. I'm not sure I could be quite that forgiving."
But somehow, even after all that had happened over the years, she had managed to do just that.
Now, stepping up onto the dueling platform in the midst of fellow students, peers and those he had come to count among his friends, he finally realized she had gotten it right, all of it. He couldn't help but smile.
He approached Professor Dervish who held out his hand in greeting. Draco took it in his and shook. The smiling Professor clapped Draco heartily on the back and raised his other hand to the crowd.
"Congratulations Draco, well done!"
Draco nodded thanks to the Professor.
"And now," The Professor said loudly as he stepped away from Draco's side slightly. The entire hall went almost completely silent.
"For what I know you've all been waiting for! The challenger for today's special event and grand finale of the Hogwarts Dueling Club, he's a former student, former Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and the youngest Seeker in a century, youngest competitor in the history of the prestigious Tri-Wizard Tournament and co-winner…"
It seemed everyone was sitting on the very edge of their seats.
"Team member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement's new E-Spec Division, the one Which Witch penned long ago as `The Boy who Lived' and the one who was instrumental in the destruction of the darkest wizard of all time…not once…but twice! It is with great pleasure and honor I have the privilege to introduce to you…"
Professor Dervish paused dramatically. He chuckled to himself as he watched almost everyone holding their breaths.
"The one…the only…Harry Potter!"
As expected the entire hall exploded. The noise was deafening. The din seemed to rattle the buttress rafters of the Great Hall itself. The Hogwarts portraits, ghosts, statues and suits of armor were cheering right along with everyone else.
Even Peeves got in on the celebration. He flew high above the roaring crowd towing a banner that read;
Potty…Potty he's our boy!
Potty will destroy Malfoy!
Harry was standing by the open door of the room behind the head table listening to his introduction. He could do nothing more than shake his head resigned to the fact that he could do nothing to stop it. He couldn't make them all understand that, while he may have done all those things Professor Dervish spoke of in the intro, Harry had never viewed them as accomplishment. The things he had done were because he had to or he had no choice or, as some might say, got really, really lucky.
But as he stood there listening to the roar of a thousand voices cheering for him he realized that no matter what Harry thought of himself or how he had seemingly fumbled through the last eight years of his hapless life those people, his friends, his peers and those he looked up to, believed in him.
Then the reality of what had happened over the past years finally set in.
He had done it. With the help and sacrifice of so many he had rid the world of a dangerous darkness and evil that promised to consume everything he had come to know and love.
His life before Hogwarts, before magic…before her…now seemed like someone else's faded memories.
Harry's eyes scanned the throng and finally found the one person who knew him better than any other.
She was watching him. Standing still, arms folded tightly under her wonderful breasts.
While the crowd that surrounded her celebrated him cheering, shouting and screaming, Hermione stood looking at him with that warm, loving smile he had come to know so well. The smile that filled him with so much warmth and love the likes he had never known before in his life.
She had survived. That was all that mattered to him at that moment. She had made it through the darkness with him and they would face a future filled with the promise of the unknown together.
As his eyes stayed locked with hers for that brief moment he realized an undeniable truth…
I'd do it all again if I had to…for her…
Hermione's smile widened and her head snapped sideway beckoning him.
Because…It was all worth it!
As soon as everyone saw Harry making his way around the Head table out into the hall the place exploded with even more noise and cheering.
He glanced up to see Peeves holding his big poltergeist ears making raspberries at them all far below.
As he passed a beaming Hermione at the edge of the platform he stole a quick kiss then leaped up onto the platform waving shyly to the roaring crowd. He felt awkward and completely out of place. If it wasn't for a good cause he would have never agreed to this spectacle.
Hermione watched some of the underclass girls swooning and crying at Harry's appearance. She just chuckled and rolled her eyes. She elbowed Ron.
"Would you look at them?" She huffed, "How ridiculous!"
Ron glanced at her with a smirk.
"Oh yah, you're right," he said loudly over the noise of the crowd, "You'd think Gilderoy Lockhart was here or something!"
Hermione blanched then her cheeks flushed bright red. She huffed at Ron then turned to face the platform glancing clandestinely at him out of the corner of her eye.
Ron just turned to watch the introductions with an exceedingly smug look on his face.
As Harry joined Draco and Professor Dervish on the platform Draco scowled and backed away a few paces. Harry eyed him suspiciously suddenly wondering what was going on.
Professor Dervish didn't seem to notice anything odd as he greeted Harry with a warm handshake and smile.
"Welcome Harry…welcome!" Professor dervish held up his hand once more and a profound silence fell over the hall. All eyes were glued to Harry and the Professor but Harry couldn't seem to tear his gaze away from Draco's now snarling face. He was tense, rigid with what looked to Harry like anger.
"It is an honor to have you here to partake in this competition," Professor Dervish said, Are you looking forward to dueling today?"
"Erm…Yes, thank you," Harry replied hesitantly.
The crowd exploded again at his response. When they quieted down again it was Draco who spoke.
"Yes," Draco said loudly, "I'm sure the famous Harry Potter is looking forward to being humiliated in front of everyone he knows!"
Professor Dervish glanced nervously at Draco for a moment.
"Y…yes, I'm sure we're all in for a fine exhibition of extremely advanced defensive magic. Are you ready to begin Harry?"
Harry nodded.
Professor Dervish backed away and stood between the two duelers.
"Very well then let the competition begi…"
Before the Professor could finish his statement Draco moved forward like lightning, his face a twisted mask of rage, wand whipping in a graceful arc. A blinding green flash sent Professor Dervish flying backwards over the crowd.
"Enough of this drivel," Draco growled, "Time for everyone to see what you're really made of Potter!"
Everyone seemed to gasp at once.
It was Hermione who caught a shocked and bewildered Professor Dervish with a cushioning charm. She gaped at the stage along with the rest of the crowd.
Draco sent a curse flying at Harry but his months of training took over instantly. Harry expertly deflected the curse sending it flying up into the rafters far above.
Everyone cheered. That seemed to cause Draco to darken even more.
"That all you got Malfoy?" Harry taunted.
"I've not even warmed up yet Wonder Boy!"
That comment made Harry's eyebrows rise.
Draco sent a stunning curse at Harry so fast that he had to fall flat on the platform to dodge it. He answered with a counter spell that caught Draco in the midsection.
The crowd gasped again. As they watched, Draco's trousers suddenly fell down in a crumpled heap around his ankles.
The whole place exploded in riotous laughter and squeals. Draco's face turned blood red as he quickly fumbled for his pants.
"No need to get your bloomers in a twist Malfoy!" Harry laughed.
In the blink of an eye Draco hit Harry with a well placed jinx. Harry's cloak came to life and grew two brawny arms that swept the cloak over his head, wrapped him up tightly and flipped him over forward and onto his back on the platform.
"You really need to get a hold of yourself Potter!" Draco sneered.
Back and forth the curses, jinxes, spells, hexes and witty verbal barbs flew back and forth.
Everyone was captivated and amazed at the skill and power of the two young men. There was no question in anyone's mind that Draco Malfoy was certainly capable of holding his own against one of the greatest young wizards of the day.
At one point Draco conjured a great golden flaming eagle and sent it soaring straight for Harry. Harry answered by conjuring a large net made of what looked like strands of thin silvery smoke. When the eagle hit the net it was cleaved into small squares as it passed through and dissipated into smoke just before it struck Harry.
The whole hall sat on the edges of their seats shouting Oooh's and Aaah's at every incredible feat.
Harry and Draco danced around one-another dodging and deflecting. They jumped into the crowd, moving all over the Great Hall trying to get inside each-other's defenses neither giving up anything.
At one point Draco hit Harry with a well placed Jelly-Leg jinx. As Harry's legs flopped wildly for a moment one of the younger Gryffindor girls stood up and hollered at Draco.
"You can't do that to the great Harry Potter!" She lifted her wand but before she could act Draco flicked his wand in her direction.
Suddenly the girl's long brown hair attacked her. It swirled around her until it twisted into a neat bow tied at the very top of her head.
The crowd went crazy with laughter and cheers.
Draco eyed the Headmistresses table to see if he had overstepped the boundaries of the rules but McGonagall just gave him a severe glare and nothing more.
As the duel dragged on the spells and curses became more serious, complicated and intense.
At one point Draco had Harry caged in what looked like an iron box but Harry got out of it by transfiguring it into a dozen sharply pointed paper airplanes and sent them screaming right at Draco.
In a most impressive display of wandless magic Draco hit the little projectiles with what appeared to be a concussive blast from his hand, the wave of energy also knocked Harry off the end of the platform.
With a flip and a twist Harry landed on his feet on the floor. He countered by slamming his open palm on the end of the wooden platform. The magic caused a large wave to roll the length of the surface of the platform toward Draco and before he could react was being tossed backward to the floor himself.
They both jumped back on the platform. They started moving slowly toward one-another throwing curse after curse, spell after spell, each dodging or deflecting or counter-acting each other with perfect timing.
The Great Hall was filled with the blinding flashes of red and green light. Energy seemed to sweep through the hall as it built up between the two dueling figures.
As they got closer to each other a vortex of smoky mist began to gather around them as they dueled fiercely. Both their faces sweating masks of concentration with deadly gazes locked together.
When they were about ten yards apart something suddenly appeared between them. It was a dark mass of black smoke that billowed and flowed, slowly taking shape.
When the smoke solidified it had taken on the form of a Dementor. Harry's eyes bulged. He jumped back reflexively loosing his balance. He landed flat on his back.
In that split second after the Dementor formed Harry froze with that ever-familiar sense of dreaded fear.
It was Draco who took advantage of Harry's sudden paralysis. With a flick of his wand he shouted "Expelliarmus!"
Harry's wand flew from his grasp and landed neatly in Draco's outstretched hand held high above his head so everyone could see it.
The entire Great Hall went a silent as a tomb.
The entity that appeared as a Dementor popped and disappeared. The swirling vortex of mist and energy dissipated.
There was nothing left but the two young men on the platform.
Draco stood in triumph for a moment glaring at Harry with an evil sneer. Suddenly he rushed forward and pinned Harry to the platform with his wand pointed right at Harry's nose.
The whole crowd gasped in fear, frozen right on the edge of their seats.
Draco's face was a mask of what could only be described as raw rage and malicious hate. His chest heaved and his teeth were clenched.
No-one moved. No-one dared blink or even breathe.
Harry's face remained impassive and neutral. He kept his gaze locked on Draco's haunted eyes. Harry raised his hands slightly.
"You won Draco," he said loud enough so everyone could hear, "You've defeated me fare and square."
They remained that way for a few more heartbeats.
Then, slowly but very perceptively Draco's face changed. His dark, sneering gaze morphed first into a look of mild amusement then broke out into a huge, wide grin.
He dropped his wand away from Harry's nose. As he did so he extended his free hand out, leaning down toward Harry.
Harry answered Draco's smile with one of his own as he clasped hands with his dueling partner and with a heave pulled Harry to his feet.
While Draco was leaning over Harry with his free hand extended he covertly slipped Harry's captured wand…His wand…into a secret pocket Hermione had sewn into the inner folds of his Hogwarts robe. Stashed inside the pocket was Harry's real wand. When Draco slipped his inside he pulled Harry's wand out.
Now the two young men were standing facing one-another on the platform with tired smiles on their faces.
They could hear the crowd whispering and murmuring to one-another in confusion.
"Well done Draco," Harry whispered, "That was some brilliant spell work."
"Thanks," Draco beamed, "You weren't so bad yourself! Just feels good to have my wand back."
Harry smiled and recalled what it felt like after he was able to repair his broken wand. He looked at Draco and nodded.
"I know exactly what you mean."
With that Draco flipped Harry's wand in the air and caught it tip-first.
The whole crowd gasped again not sure what to expect next.
He then extended the wand to Harry and Harry took it in his hand, looked at it for a second smiling, then shoved his beloved wand in his pocket.
What happened next would be talked about for generations. It was a simple gesture but looked upon by many as one of the most profound in recent Wizard history. It was a healing of a rift, of sorts. It was a bridging of a gap that had manifested itself by hate, prejudice and intolerance over the ages within the secret society of magic.
Draco held his hand out to Harry.
In front of everyone that mattered to them both. In front of many of the most important in their world…
Harry reached out and took Draco's hand in his and shook it warmly.
To say that the Great Hall erupted in a volcano of cheers, screams and applause would have been a gross understatement.
Everyone was on their feet.
They looked around as a mass of people rushed the stage.
Harry clapped Draco on the shoulder.
"That's for you, you know. You won the day. Congratulations!"
Draco laughed and looked around. Slytherin House started chanting DRACO…DRACO…DRACO!
It didn't take long until the rest of the crowd joined in. Harry stepped back applauding Draco as well.
Hermione and Ron were suddenly there. She stood in front of Draco smiling widely.
"You were brilliant," she hollered over the din.
"Thanks." He said. He held out his hand to her but she swatted it away and pulled him into a warm embrace.
"You have no idea how glad I am that I can now consider you a friend. I'm so proud of you Draco," she whispered in his ear. Hermione stepped back and let well-wishers and fans take him over in a crush of pressing bodies. Ron stepped forward giving him a high-five.
Professor Dervish fought his way through the throng to Draco's side. He grabbed his hand and hoisted it in the air. His still-magnified voice boomed all around them.
"The winner of the first annual Hogwarts Dueling Club finally…Draco Malfoy!"
He pressed a huge golden cup trophy into Draco's surprised hands. It had his name magically engraved on a plaque at the base. Draco hoisted it above his head and the crowd went wild.
As they watched Draco receive his much deserved glory for winning the tournament Harry and Hermione silently faded into the background. Harry wanted Draco to have this moment and not be there to draw attention away from it. As they made their way through the crowd toward the stairs to the hall people patted him on the back and stopped to chat them up a bit.
As they drifted away from the platform Harry felt a warm, soft hand fall lightly on the back of his neck. He turned abruptly to see Narcissa Malfoy staring at him with a sad smile on her beautiful face.
"Thank you Harry," she said softly, "This is a wonderful thing you did for my son."
"Your welcome Mrs. Malfoy but the truth is, it wasn't my idea," he glanced toward Hermione who was engaged in conversation with Hagrid and Professor Slughorn, "It was Hermione who put this all together."
Hermione heard her name and turned to see Narcissa standing with Harry. Narcissa smiled warmly at Hermione.
"I owe you a debt of gratitude, Ms. Granger. Draco told me you were responsible for many of his…changes over the past year. He admitted he was wrong about you. We all were."
"You owe me nothing Mrs. Malfoy. You helped save Harry more than once. I'm the one who owes you a debt of gratitude and I had very little to do with the changes in Draco. He did that all on his own." Hermione beamed.
"None the less," Narcissa stated, "I want you to know both of you are always welcome at the Malfoy home if you choose to visit some day. It may please you to know that Andromeda and I are getting on much better these days. We've been able to overcome many of our differences. I never realized how much I missed her. I suppose it sometimes takes great loss and tragedy in our lives to make us see the truth and the error of our ways."
"That's wonderful Mrs. Malfoy. I know that Andromeda has missed her sisters as well."
"Yes, well. If you'll excuse me I'm going to go congratulate my son. He seems to be somewhat of a hero at present. I don't want it to go to his head." She smiled at them as she moved off toward the stage behind them.
Hermione glanced back and saw that Pansy had made her way onto the platform to stand in front of Draco. She looked terribly sad as she gazed up at him with pleading eyes. Draco did nothing more than look at her for a moment then a warm smile spread across his face and he gathered her up into a bone crushing hug. The kiss that followed was intense enough to make Hermione blush.
Well done Draco…
As Harry and Hermione finally managed to turn out into the deserted hallway she looked up at him as they made their way arm in arm toward the staircase.
"So Mr. Potter," she glanced up into his face, "where do we go from here?"
Harry thought about that for a moment then looked into Hermione's sparkling eyes.
"You know, I don't really care," he answered, "as long as wherever we go, we go together."
Hermione smirked.
"Oh, very good answer Potter," she chuckled rubbing his chest, "However…for the present, I was thinking we could…oh I don't know…go inspect the bed chamber in my Head dorm room again."
The look she gave Harry made the blood heat up throughout his whole body.
"Tell me something though," Harry asked.
"Tell you what Harry?" Hermione looked at him quizzically.
"How did you conjure such a realistic Dementor like that? It was almost as good as the real thing."
Hermione snorted as she stared at him for a moment.
"What?" Harry stopped, glaring at her grinning face.
"I didn't conjure anything Harry. That was the Bogart from the cabinet in the D.A.D.A. classroom. When the time came Ron went to the classroom and opened the cabinet under your invisibility cloak. When the Bogart came out it couldn't find anyone to attach itself to. Ron captured it with a binding spell I taught him and dragged the thing kicking and screaming into the Great Hall. We basically shoved it up there on the platform between you and Draco. Draco used a shield charm to keep the Bogart from attacking him so the next logical choice in the madhouse of the Great Hall full of people was…"
"Me," Harry finished for her. She nodded.
"I found out a bit of useful information about Bogarts a while back. Seems they have a tendency to imprint on those they come in contact with. The more you face a Bogart the more they tend to remember you. In the case of that particular Bogart, I knew it would remember you more than anyone because of all the practice you did trying to learn to cast your Patronus."
Harry marveled at her for a moment.
"You know Ron's right," He chuckled, "Sometimes you are down right scary smart."
As they continued to move on down the hall they heard a familiar voice behind them.
"Oy," Ron shouted, "Just where do you two think you're going?" He started moving toward them up the hall.
"Speak of the devil," Hermione mumbled.
"A little peace and quiet Ron," Harry replied.
"Oh, I see. Don't want to hang about and get mobbed by your adoring fans?" He laughed.
"I think Draco's got that well in hand," Hermione said.
"Yah, he does. Bloke's eating it up. So…where are we off to then?" He looked back and forth between Harry and Hermione.
Harry was about to make a suggestion as to where Ron could go when their salvation came in the form of a small group of very attractive witches that appeared at the other end of the entrance hall.
"Hey Ronnie?" A pretty dark-haired witch called out. They could see it was Romilda Vane. The gaggle of girls behind her all tittered like little birds.
Romilda had hands on hips, a dark smirk played across her attractive features.
Ron looked at them then bit his knuckle.
"Ooh, well," he turned back to Harry and Hermione, "Sorry, looks like you two are on your own. Duty calls." He waggled his eyebrows. He made his way toward the girls holding his arms out, "Ladies!"
"Hey Ron," Harry shouted after him.
Ron stopped and turned, "Yes?"
"I wouldn't eat the chocolate cauldrons if I were you."
Ron laughed.
"You just have no sense of adventure do you Potter," Ron laughed and turned back to the girls. A few of the girls folded him into their arms and off they went.
Hermione looked sideways at Harry for a moment before she stopped his heart with a smoky kiss, "Well, you'll never hear me say that Harry."
As they stood there admiring one-another they heard another voice, this one smaller, softer and quite female.
As they turned Hermione recognized the young first year girl at once.
"Tabitha!" Hermione beamed, "How are you. How've you been?"
"Fine," the young girl said shyly. She glanced back to a group of first year girls hiding behind one of the suits of armor that lined the hallway. They were all tittering excitedly, "Erm…I was wondering if…if it wouldn't be too much of…of a bother if I could …erm…h…have your autograph?"
Harry sighed but Hermione nudged him forward.
"Oh Harry," Hermione whispered, "Give the girl a thrill. She's barmy about you."
"I don't want to encourage them Hermione." He said emphatically.
Hermione chuckled, "A bit late for that love." She held her hand out toward the little girl. She was looking at Harry like she was about to faint.
Harry just nodded and made his way toward where Tabitha was standing, shaking with nerves and excitement. When Harry came to stand in front of her she mutely handed him her little book and quill.
"Your name is Tabitha?" Harry asked warmly.
"Yeh…yes, Tabitha stammered breathlessly. She couldn't take her eyes off Harry's face.
Harry rolled his eyes internally but smiled at the girl warmly. After he signed his name in his best script he handed the book back to the girl. She then wordlessly handed them to Hermione next.
"You…you want me to sign it too?" Hermione was a bit taken aback but she took the book and in her usual perfect hand penned her name and a small note.
To Tabitha; my dear friend and fellow Gryffindor, best wishes for a bright future, Hermione Granger
Tabitha took the book back and stared at what Hermione wrote.
"Thank you, Hermione!" The young girl was positively beaming.
Harry shot Hermione an annoyed look. She always seemed to manage to upstage everyone. This time he was not to be denied.
Harry got down on one knee in front of Tabitha and took her trembling hand in his. The girl started hyperventilating.
Harry leaned forward slowly and kissed Tabitha lightly on her stunned lips.
"That's just for you," Harry whispered, "Thank you for thinking about us. It's very sweet."
When he got back to his feet Hermione was looking at him with mouth hanging open. Tabitha was looking at him with her mouth hanging open.
The little first year turned beet red and fled back down the hall with her hand clutching her chest. When she reached her friends they all squealed with excitement. They were chattering madly.
Hermione looked at Harry with a slit-eyed gaze and hands on hips.
"What?" Harry asked, eyebrows raised.
"Oh I can see I'm going to have to keep an eye on you mister!" She growled as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and towed him toward the stairs.
"Hermione?" They heard Tabitha call after them.
Hermione turned, "Yes Tabitha?"
"You were absolutely right!" The first year girl squealed again putting a hand over her grinning mouth as they all dashed off toward the Great Hall.
Harry looked at Hermione puzzled.
"Long story," she replied, waving him off.
As Harry made his way through the silent halls of Hogwarts hand in hand with Hermione he was suddenly overcome with a very strange feeling. It was something that was as foreign to him as a brand new pair of trainers.
For the first time he could recall in his life he was feeling the peaceful sensation of utter happiness.
It scared him a little. He knew how fleeting happiness could be and how quickly it could be taken away from him.
But as he looked into the eyes of the one person in the world who could never hide her emotions from him he saw the truth…and his head was filled with the echoing words Albus Dumbledore had said to him eight long years before…
"The most powerful magic in the world resides in all of us…It's in your very skin…and that's love, Harry…love!
And he now knew that to be true…beyond the shadow of a doubt.
He was lost in those thoughts when he finally discovered it was a reflex action, one that had been born out of the knowledge that he hadn't always been the only one that resided inside his own mind. The pain that had caused him was gone now but there were marks on him that he knew would never go away. It was because of those memories that, every so often, he would reach up and touch his finger to his forehead and traced the outline of the lightning bolt shaped scar.