Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Part 3
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter 38 - Life Goes On
Draco Malfoy tentatively stepped into the Great Hall on a cold but sunny Thursday afternoon after his last class of the day. The place had been transformed into what looked like a Muggle gymnasium of sorts. The floor was covered in what appeared to be soft but very springy mats.
He watched as Penelope Clearwater sparred with Justin Finch-Fletchley. When Justin caught her with a knock-back jinx Penelope just bounced off the floor right back to her feet.
"Good one Justin," she said chuckling and they went right back to practicing.
All around them were students of all ages and the whole place was filled with the sounds of people having fun. There were smiles and laughter…people poking fun and cajoling one-another.
In the center of the large space was the vary same dueling platform he recalled using once before when Professor Snape had chosen him to square off against Harry Potter in Professor Lockhart's lame attempt at creating the very same club.
No-one could take the barmy fraud serious enough to think his idea of a Dueling Club was nothing but a joke so, in the end, not a single student had signed up.
This time, as he watched hundreds of students practicing and sparing with one-another in groups all over the place he realized Hermione had indeed been right about one thing… The new D.A.D.A. Professor seemed to know what he was doing.
He had heard some of the other Slytherin students talking about it and seemed to think this new Dueling Club was a lot of fun but even with this knowledge he was still a bit hesitant to try.
As he tentatively made his way toward where Professor Dervish was working with a group of second and third year Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's he spotted many faces he recognized. There were so many.
Professor Dervish spied Draco, who was a bit taller than most of the other students, and pinned him with a glowing smile.
"Well, Mr. Malfoy," Professor Dervish grinned in his usual jovial way, "are we interested in trying our hand at the new and improved Dueling Club young man?"
"Erm…I suppose so," Draco muttered feeling almost embarrassed to be singled out but as he looked at the Dark Arts Professor's friendly smile he remembered his conversation with Hermione in the library and what she had said that night months ago outside the Slytherin dorm.
Life was changing, at least life in the Wizarding world. Gone now, was that ever-present sense of fear that seemed to grip him every day during the year before. He suddenly came to the realization that maybe if he just allowed himself to change with it…to see things from a different perspective…maybe his future wouldn't have to be so dark and gloomy.
Draco offered the energetic Professor a rather genuine smile.
"Yes Professor," Draco reiterated, "I would very much like the opportunity to compete in the club, that is, if I'm not too late to join?"
"Of course not young man," Professor Dervish beamed, "Never too late to get started! All are welcome!"
Draco made certain to let the Professor know he was using his mother's wand and explained (without going into details) his own wand wasn't available to him.
"I see," the Professor said looking a bit concerned for a moment then his face lit up with a thought, "Well…well, not to worry young man. What say we start out a bit slowly and see how you fair, agreed?"
"Yes sir," Draco smile, "That would be helpful, thank you."
Professor Dervish turned to a small group that was working with Professor Sinistra and selected a rather tiny second-year Ravenclaw girl.
"My dear Ms. Thistlehorn would you be so gracious as to assist me for a moment?"
"Sure Professor," the young girl replied.
Professor Dervish quickly explained Draco's dilema to the young girl and she readily agreed to help.
When they squared off and began dueling in earnest Draco found that this young Ravenclaw was no push-over and he had to be on top of his game.
The young Celest Thistlehorn seemed to know her stuff and she threw some fairly nasty little hexes and jinxes at him but during that sparring session he discovered what he needed to know…His mother's wand worked quite well for him so he decided to enter into the competition.
No-one realized just how well Draco would fair as the days went on…
Hermione found herself ensconced in the depths of the Hogwarts library once again as she struggled to complete her own History of Magic essay. She had chosen to write about a detailed historical account of the Elder Wand and its many appearances throughout Wizard history. It was proving to be a daunting task of in-depth research into ancient dusty tomes and moldering texts to find as many occurrences of `death by unbeatable wand' as she could find.
Surrounded by a veritable wall of books her quill flew across the long scroll of parchment that streamed over the stack of texts down the other side and off the end of the table to stretch along the floor. She was heading toward a record twenty-one feet of parchment.
She was struggling to get all her course work caught up because she didn't want anything to interfere with Harry's pending visit. She wanted to spend as much time with him uninterrupted as possible.
She had already had a meeting with the Headmistress, Prefects, portraits, ghosts and suits of armor to let them all know she would be unavailable during that time and they would have to deal with things on their own.
As she concentrated on her essay she completely missed the fact that Pansy Parkington had slipped silently into a chair across from her regarding Hermione with a dark look of utter loathing and anger.
After a few moments with Pansy just sitting there seething the Slytherin girl finally cleared her throat to make her presence known to the completely oblivious Gryffindor Head Girl.
Hermione's head snapped up with a start, her quill scratching a dark line across the page as she flinched back in her chair. She gaped at Pansy's dark features for a moment then glanced back at her paper.
"Oh," she huffed, "Well isn't that just grand!" She pulled her wand with a slight growl and scourgified her mistake. She looked up a Pansy again, her right eyebrow lifting a little, "Is…there something I can help you with Pansy or do you just like sneaking up on people?"
Hermione watched as Pansy's teeth ground together in a sneer.
"I want to know what you're playing at getting all chummy with Draco." Pansy asked in a voice that was more like a low snarl.
"Chummy with…" Hermione started to ask but then a dawning realization hit her like a smack to the forehead, "You think Draco and I…" She started laughing and instantly realized it was much too loud for the library.
Sure enough not three seconds later a much-annoyed-looking Madam Pince was standing ramrod straight at the end of her table glaring at both girls with her evil eyes.
`Sssssshhhh!" The old woman spit in a very good impression of Nagini putting her finger to her withered old lips.
"Sorry," Hermione whispered ducking her head between her shoulders holding up her hand.
Madam Pince strode off leaving a quiet `harrumph' in her wake.
"You're going to get me thrown out of the library," Hermione whispered, "Do you think we could discuss this some other time? I've got loads of work to do and…"
But before Hermione could finish she watched Pansy's head moving slowly back and forth letting her know she wasn't about to drop the subject.
"Of for the love of…" Hermione huffed irritably slamming one of the books she was referencing closed with a bang, "Fine," she held out an arm gesturing toward the door that led out into the hall, "after you!"
It was utterly ridiculous to be dealing with this nonsense but Hermione decided the quicker she got this drivel done with the quicker she could get back to work. She followed the slightly taller and slightly broader Pansy out into the hall with arms folded tight across her chest. When they cleared the library door pulling it closed behind them Pansy rounded on Hermione in a blur of movement.
The next thing Hermione realized, she was staring at the tip of Pansy's wand looking at it a bit cross-eyed it was so close to her tiny little nose.
"Answer me Granger," Pansy grumbled, "I want to know what's going on between you and Draco!"
Hermione frowned, giving the barmy Slytherin girl the most defiant look she could muster, her eyes sliding past the wand to land on Pansy's dark blazing gaze.
"First of all," Hermione began, not the least bit intimidated by the wand almost poking her in the nose, "there's something you need to realize Mizz Parkington. Whatever is or isn't going on between Draco and myself is none of your business!"
Hermione paused letting that little declaration sink into the girl's thick brain. She could almost see the waves of heat radiating off Pansy's forehead.
"However," Hermione continued, "I also realize you have feelings for Draco…although I can't imagine why but that's neither her nor there…it is for that reason I am willing to divulge that absolutely nothing untoward is going on between me and Draco Malfoy, hmm-kay! So…if you don't mind…"
Hermione slowly reached out with her right hand and with her index finger pushed Pansy's wand down to where it was pointing at the floor. Pansy's eyes followed her wand as Hermione pushed it away, her face taking on a rather bewildered look of confusion.
Hermione continued…
"In the absence of the stress and pressure Draco has been under from the Death Eaters and Voldemort over the past several years he's discovering that maybe, just maybe he wasn't seeing the big picture. I think he's finally discovering that the Dark Lord was a psychotic idiot and the only reason his minions followed him around like sheep was because of fear…fear that they would end up dead if they didn't do what they were told!"
"Draco's finally realizing that there's much more to life than hate and anger and that forgiveness and compassion aren't just dirty words that have no meaning…get what I'm saying?"
Hermione fell silent still standing defiantly in front of the now confused-looking Slytherin girl. She watched as Pansy's face crumpled into a look of utter grief and misery. Huge crocodile tears fell from both eyes as she wrapped her arms around her middle, head falling as she broke down.
"I…I…love…hi…him," Pansy choked as she stood there in front of Hermione coming completely apart at the seams.
Great Godric's ghost! Why is this happening to me? When the bloody hell did I become the Mender of Lost Souls or the Fixer of Broken Hearts! UGH!
Hermione had to force herself not to huff and roll her eyes. This was all getting ridiculous.
"Then why don't you just tell him?" Hermione asked.
"I…I've tried but he doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with me any more and I don't know why? I don't know what I've done to upset him so…" her voice trialed off into a fit of weeping sobs.
A few younger students passed by gaping at the blubbering Pansy with open mouths and wide eyes as they made their way into the library.
Hermione just covered her eyes with a hand trying desperately not to be embarrassed by this whole display. Pansy was hurting…badly but Hermione was finding herself hard pressed to muster any sympathy for the girl.
Suddenly Pansy looked up at Hermione as if an idea or thought occurred to her.
"Would…would you talk to Draco for me," Pansy asked, fingers twisting together nervously as she starred at Hermione with miserable pleading eyes, "Would you tell him…"
Hermione instantly held out both hands to stop that inquiry immediately…
"No and no Pansy," Hermione stated sternly, "Look, it's nothing personal but I've learned by not only my own mistakes but also witnessing others disasters one should never step between two people at odds with one-another. I'm afraid you're going to have to figure all that out on your own. Besides…my track record in the relationship department is fairly dismal so I'm probably the last one you want to help in that regard."
Pansy brought her hand up to her mouth to cover a cackle even through her misery and tears.
"Maybe you're right," Pansy admitted, "I'm just not sure what to do."
Hermione wasn't sure if she was relieved or insulted by Pansy's response.
"I'm not sure I have an answer for you Pansy but maybe you should just be patient. Who knows…maybe Draco will come around eventually and see how much you love him and care for him. Just be a friend for now and don't push or you just might find you'll push him further away…just a thought." She shrugged.
"But a good thought," Pansy nodded looking at her hands, "Sorry for going off on you like that. I just thought…"
"Not to worry," Hermione smirked cutting across her again, "No hard feelings. I think I understand what you're going through and only time will tell if my ideas are anywhere near correct."
Hermione straightened up looking pointedly at Pansy.
"But, be that as it may, as the bossy and over-bearing Head Girl I would highly recommend you refrain from sticking your wand where it doesn't belong…please! Otherwise I'll have to put you in detention with Ronald Weasley. He seems to be a permanent fixture in detention this term."
"Ugh," Pansy blanched, "I'd rather eat Doxy droppings! Alright, I get the message."
Pansy still looked quite forlorn but Hermione could see some of the tenseness leaving the girl's shoulders.
"Life isn't going to be the same now, is it?" She asked in almost a whisper, "Everything seems to be changing…"
"And maybe that's not such a bad thing Pansy," Hermione smiled a bit sadly, "Maybe you should give it a chance. You never know, you just might like it."
Pansy nodded.
"Now," Hermione quipped, "May I go back to my essay or are we going to start hurling hexes at one-another just for the sake of historical normality?"
Pansy blushed bright red…
"Oh for the love of…" she huffed glaring at Hermione for a moment then turned and stalked off down the corridor.
Hermione could only watch as Pansy walked away shaking her head chuckling to herself.
Face it Granger! As much as you're loath to admit it even to yourself…You'd be acting the same way if some smarmy little wench was making a move on Harry! Just forget it…you've got work to do!
She pushed her way back into the library where the pile of assignments and essays awaited.