Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Part 3
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter 42 - Detention
Harry Potter made his way through the halls of his old school with one of the oddest people he had ever met…and that was saying something in the strange world of even stranger witches and wizards!
He remembered Hermione telling him the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor was a `bit odd and a bit high strung' but this bloke was down-right barmy. If Harry didn't know any better he would have guessed the bloke confunded or something but he said nothing as they made their way along the corridors.
Just as they turned the corner of one of the moving staircases the oddly unsteady Professor turned to him.
"Oh Harry, I truly do appreciate your solicitude in indulging an old man's whimsies. Have you met our delightful Professor Star yet…?"
Before Harry had a chance to respond Professor Dervish tugged on Harry's arm and began practically dragging him down a different corridor.
"She's an absolute peach and I just know she would love to meet you as well. Why she was just telling me the other day how she would very much like to meet the one who so gallantly vanquished the Dark Lord…"
When they stopped he realized they were standing outside the Transfiguration classroom. Professor Dervish had babbled the whole way there.
When the Professor pushed open the door and tugged him inside his eyes landed on one of the most incredibly beautiful women he had ever seen in his young life.
Her smile was like liquid honey and her strange blue/violet eyes were alluring and captivating. When she spoke her voice sent a shiver of tingles all through his body.
"Well," Professor Star said in a most sensuous whispering voice and a smile, "If it isn't the Savior
of the Wizarding World at long last."
"I'm Professor Zalina Sheryl Star," she gushed as she moved from her desk to clasp Harry's hand in hers, "and it is my very great pleasure to meet you Mr. Potter."
Harry wanted to say something like "likewise" but his mouth didn't seem to be working correctly at the moment. He recalled how Ron had described her in Hermione's Head dorm the other night but his description was nothing compared to the real thing!
She wore a simple black dress that wasn't exactly indecent but it seemed to cling to every subtle curve and valley of the woman's slender sinewy form. The front was cut very low and served to accentuate her ample breasts wrapping them tightly in the black silky contours of the rather thin material. It was the fact she seemed not to be wearing any under things that was making it a bit difficult for him to breathe.
Her shiny, jet-black waste-length hair seemed to shimmer and shift like it was alive as she moved forward to greet him but it was the eyes…Those large entrancing, sparkling orbs seemed to pull him in and wrap him in a feeling of utter comfort and warmth.
"I pray you can take a few moments out of what I'm certain is a very busy morning to regale Professor Dervish and I with some of your more…" Zalina paused to offer Harry one of her most captivating and alluring smiles, "harrowing adventures!"
What Harry had planned to reply was something like, "Certainly, It would be my pleasure," but he wasn't all that sure what had actually come out. It had sounded something more like, "Celery…woo beh muh plegh." He suddenly felt as thick as Troll bogies.
Harry noticed the odd Professor Dervish simply stood there watching them with a goofy look on his face. He appeared half amused and half confused. Professor Star gestured to a chair that sat beside her desk and Harry willingly settled into it.
As he looked up at the gorgeous graceful woman hovering above him Harry suddenly felt as strange ripple of subtle warmth wash over him. The very air seemed to shimmer and vibrate around the woman's perfect body. The sensation was not at all unpleasant and Harry found himself leaning back in his chair and relaxing, feeling almost boneless.
What happened next was so completely unexpected Harry could do nothing more than sit there gawking like a confunded idiot…
He watched as the Transfiguration Professor's clingy black dress slipped from her slender shoulders and fell to the floor in a black puddle at her dainty feet. She was standing in front of Harry wearing nothing but a very sexy and very wanton smile.
"Do you like what you see Mr. Potter," she whispered in a voice that sounded like liquid satin and tasted like strawberries and cream.
But as Harry sat there taking in her exquisite naked form he suddenly realized her lips had not moved. Her voice was in his head!
Another wave of pure warmth and intense pleasure coursed through him causing his own body to react to this very strange but very pleasant situation. For some reason he couldn't make himself be as alarmed as he thought he should be…It just felt way too good!
In the next second the incredible sensuous woman lowered her lithe naked body settling her perfect bare bottom onto his legs sliding slowly forward to press her warm center firmly against the growing lump in his trousers grinding her hips ever so slightly to send a thrill of supercharged lust through him.
She wrapped her slender arms around his neck. Harry was starring at two of the most perfect female breasts he had ever seen and they were less than an inch from his nose.
He could smell the woman's perfume mixed with the warmth of her naked body and it was utterly intoxicating. Tearing his eyes away from her full milky mounds so temptingly close he peered into her eyes once again knowing he probably looked like a confunded idiot.
Harry seemed completely mesmerized as he began hearing her speak in a husky whisper but the words made absolutely no sense to him…
"Aldar callem - hethos bay notoros - sheeza kel turose - maldiary hon par nathas!"
As the words seem to echo in his head Harry began to feel the warmth that had encompassed him just seconds before slide slowly away. He felt his insides suddenly squirm and writhe making him a bit uncomfortable…He felt the beautiful woman's soft sensuous lips gently brush his and he wanted more…He suddenly wanted to taste her!
"Oothos spathad…careem et on hathos pell nar sectum met une dampray shezall!"
The whispered words filled his head to overflowing like his mind was suddenly overstuffed with hazy deafening noise. In the next second it was as if he had been hit right between the eyes with a wicked blow from an ax blade cleaving right through his skull.
The pain was so intense he had the sudden and intense urge to vomit.
The scar!
It burned white hot with a pain unlike anything he had ever felt before throughout the entire episode with Voldemort. He wanted to grab his head but he was suddenly aware he couldn't seem to move.
The woman's naked body remained just as it was, sitting astride his legs, her ample breasts filling his now watery gaze as her warm hands played in his hair but as his eyes rolled wildly in his head he saw the room beyond the woman's glorious naked form to see something that his brain could simply not comprehend…
Professor Zalina Sheryl Star was also standing in front of him a few feet away…still fully dressed in her clingy black gown. She lifted a vial of pink liquid to her lips and swallowed it in one gulp. She then turned back to Harry with a dark and manic look on her lovely face…She spoke again…
"Temporium alda met - istoo methas hon par nathas - istoo heron tar nin bal hieestronatis! DEOS LIN INEEN!"
With those words Harry's whole world seemed to explode. His whole body seemed to lock tight, every muscle seemed to clench, fingers twisting in strange curling claws of utter agony.
It felt like someone was trying to tear him in half. He could have sworn he heard something tearing like someone was ripping a piece of cloth apart but the blinding pain was just too much…and the world, both inside and out…went completely black…
Zalina couldn't believe how easy it was to get the simpering Professor Dervish to do her bidding. She had convinced herself she would probably have to employ the Imperious curse on him but that extreme had not even been necessary.
Hilliard was so gone on her present enticing female form she probably could have asked him to jump off the Astronomy tower and he would have obliged her.
With nothing more than a very subtle and erotic touch of Occlumency she convinced the twiddling D.A.D.A. Professor to steer the great and noble Harry Potter right into her hands.
`Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly…HA!'
Earlier that morning, she had taken the necessary step to produce a Horcrux by eliminating someone she was so very glad to get rid of once and for all. Zalina had made her way to the Divinations classroom and found her quarry just where she had expected.
The barmy woman was twirling around the room waving some kind of smoldering herb that gave off the smell that distinctly reminded Professor Star of burning Troll dung!
It only took a brief moment and in a blinding flash of green light the doorway had been opened to capture Harry Potter's soul and place it in the ready-made vessel!
It was then only a matter of following the steps she had created, ingesting the potions she had carefully produced with the help of one Professor Slughorn who, again with the help of some clever Occlumency, assisted in its creation without asking a single question.
Horny old goats are so easily manipulated! The mind is weak when the body is more than willing!
After that, it was simply to recite the words of the incantation of the ancient magic given to her by her illustrious Great Grandfather to call forth the essence of Tom Riddle from the portrait and transfer it into the empty husk that once was Harry Potter.
It was the very same method Riddle had used in his failed attempt to occupy the little red-haired Weasley girl from his diary Horcrux. It had been a brilliant idea but didn't quite turn out like he had expected.
But this time…no phoenix, no sword of Gryffindor and no Albus Dumbledore! That lout was moldering away in his own portrait in the Headmaster's office at that very moment.
Good riddance to bad rubbish I say!
Not only would Voldemort return but he would occupy the very one who had destroyed him and possess the very soul of the stupid boy trapped in his own Horcrux vessel in his stupid head to play with and torture at his leisure! The poetic justice of it all was simply to delectable for words.
She knew it would take time to tear the Potter boy's soul free from his corporeal form and she would have to make certain she was not disturbed in the process. She sealed and warded the Transfiguration classroom just in case but she was well aware most all the barmy little louts had run off to the Riddle mansion to find the treasure hidden there.
It would do them no good once her plans succeeded. The threat of Voldemort would once again be real and she would make certain this time the fear that would spread unbidden throughout the wizard world would cripple any opposition to her cause to purge their would of the scum that threatened the purity of her race.
The remaining Death Eaters would heed to her call and bow in allegiance once again to the power of the Dark Lord…thrice risen from the grave…but this time she would be the one in ultimate control. She would not allow the mistakes of the past to hinder them this time…
As she watched the disgusting Potter boy stiffen with the pain coursing through his body as his soul was ripped from its moorings inside his frame she turned a calculating eye on the D.A.D.A. Professor standing there awaiting her instructions. Zalina raised her wand.
"I don't believe I require your services any longer Hilliard," she quipped with a snide grin as she flicked her wand toward him…