Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter 32 - Training Part 2
Everyone came immediately to their feet and stood stiffly, legs together, arms straight, hands by their sides, closed into fists, heads held high, eyes front, shoulders pulled back with chest pushed slightly outward.
Harry tried his best to copy the stout bloke next to him who seemed to be well practiced at the stance but Harry wasn't sure he was pulling off convincingly. Even the Patterson woman seemed to be well versed in this practice.
As Kingsley stepped up to the podium he peered out over the group for a moment. Harry watched as his eyes fell on him for a moment but passed on without acknowledgement. His first reaction was to be disappointed but realized quickly the Commander surly could not play favorites in a situation like this no matter what their own personal history was just as waving at him like a blithering idiot would be embarrassing and juvenile in the present circumstances.
The fact that Harry had recognized those things told him the words of the Director had penetrated his brain. He thought that was a promising start.
"Thank you ladies and gentlemen," Kingsley said in his deep rumbling voice, "Please be seated and I'll make this brief as I'm sure you're all anxious to become familiar with your new surroundings."
Everyone dropped to their seats like their hamstrings had been cut. Harry was a bit slower. He was going to have to practice the whole standing and sitting at attention thing.
"What was at first nothing more than an idea, a desire to find a more rational alternative to protect ourselves from the darker realms that exist in our world, has grown into what I hope will eventually become the new de-facto standard in organized enforcement training…A specialized tactical unit."
"As many of you know much of this program was adapted from my time in the Muggle world providing security for the Muggle Prime Minister and his staff. During that time I was witness to and studied quite a few practical and useful tactical methods of law enforcement."
"As a result, I have brought those ideas here and fortunately the Ministry or at least this new administration under Minister Weasley has come on board realizing we need a better way, a better, more skillfully trained force educated in the elements necessary to detect, meet and defeat any threat to our safety, prosperity and peace."
"You are the first to have been chosen to become that force. This program's success depends upon your willingness to go the distance and meet these challenges head on but your mere presence here tells all of us you are ready, willing and quite capable of that. I appreciate your involvement, dedication not only to these unique ideas but to your unselfish desire to serve and protect your fellow witches and wizards, the faceless, nameless people who go about their daily lives oblivious to the dangers you my face on a regular basis."
"No-one has greater respect for you than I. Irregardless of the out come of your time here, successful or not is immaterial to me. The fact that each and every one of you was willing to make that sacrifice is enough to garner not only my respect but the respect of all who know why you are here."
"I've had the privilege and pleasure of speaking to many of your families and I can tell you without reservation…they are equally as proud of you, as they should be! I will be following your progress closely and have every confidence in you. Thank you ladies and gentlemen."
"Now, in the interest of time, I will turn you back over to Director Boreguard. We will speak again soon."
"Thank you Commander," the Director said stepping back up to the podium, "we appreciate you taking the
time to join us here tonight. If you will all remain seated for just a moment more the Instructors will be passing out
two very important pieces of equipment that will be essential in your capacity as E-Specs in the future."
"First will be what to most of you will appear to be nothing more than a simple two-way mirror but I assure you these devices are so very much more. First and foremost they are your primary communications device that will link you not only to each member of your team but to a constant source of tracking your whereabouts as well which I will explain further in a moment."
The Instructor named Fong handed Harry a small flat object about four inches square. It was covered in what appeared to be dark brown leather. It resembled a Muggle man's billfold. When opened, on one inside cover was an identification card showing Harry James Potter as Department of Magical Law Enforcement E-Spec Agent #20 - Infiltration Spec. His picture was on the card and in a pocket next to the card a rather official-looking miniature department badge that bore the Ministry seal. It gleamed in the light of the room.
Over the top of the I.D card were red block letters printed diagonally across his info and picture that read TRAINEE.
"Does everyone have a mirror with the correct identification card inside?"
Everyone looked at their respective mirrors and nodded. A recruit up front raised her hand.
"Yes Ms. Marcus?"
"I have the correct mirror Director but mine has the word trainee printed across my I.D."
"That is correct Ms. Marcus. At present you are all considered trainees in this program, however, once you graduate the red trainee security strip will be removed and your identification will then be accepted by the Ministry as official. It's just a security measure."
"Oh," the woman said, "Clever! Will it still work like it's supposed to?"
"Yes Ms. Marcus. The mirror and all its functions will work for you correctly during training however before they can function at all these devices must be activated before they can be utilized. In this case all you must do to activate your mirror is to place the thumb of either hand, it doesn't matter which, on the upper left-hand corner of the reflective surface like so…"
Director Boreguard held up a larger demonstrator mirror and pressed his thumb to the glass. The rest of the group followed his example.
When Harry pressed the thumb of his right hand to the glass the mirror seemed to vibrate for a second then the glass momentarily fogged but then cleared immediately after.
The Director asked if those two things occurred so Harry knew that he had done his correctly.
"Now," the Director continued, "If you'll notice you will see a faint impression of your thumb print on the reflective surface where you touched it."
Harry looked and sure enough it was there, a perfect representation of his thumbprint on the glass surface.
"Try wiping the print from the glass," the director urged.
When Harry tried to clean the surface the print remained just as it was when he had left it.
"The print has been etched into the surface of the mirror for a reason ladies and gentlemen. These devices will not work for anyone but the one who activated the device. In this case that's you. To shut the device down simply utter the command Endo."
Harry said, "endo," and the mirror went blank. No reflective surface could be seen. The glass itself still reflected his image but it was not like a mirror it was just a piece of glass.
"We wanted the command to be a rather unique word that would not normally be said in general conversation. We certainly don't want you inadvertently deactivating your communications devices during times of trouble now, would we? To reactivate your devices say the command Activo."
Harry reactivated his device and the reflective surface reappeared.
"Now everyone pass your device to the person on your left. Those on the left side pass your device to the person behind. Instructor Hassim would you assist Mr. Judson please."
Since Judson was in the last seat in the row on the left he would have no-one to pass his mirror to. Instructor Hassim took Judson's mirror and held it. While the person sitting in the last seat on the right in the first row was handed Instructor Tottingsworth's mirror
"Now try deactivating the mirror in your hand."
Harry said "endo" but nothing happened.
"This is to illustrate that your device will not work in the hands of anyone else, now please pass the device back to the right and forward. There are other important features to your mirrors that you will learn during your training but in the interest of time we must press on."
Instructor McTavish cleared his throat loudly and the Director stopped, looking at the instructor with eyebrows raised.
"Perhaps you should show them the feature that keeps their mirrors with them…"
"Ah yes," Director Boreguard said. He looked around a bit until his eyes landed on a sandy-haired lad in the front row.
"Mr. Harcourt would you be good enough to assist me?"
"Of course, sir!" The man jumped to attention.
"Please take your communications device and place it on the end of this podium."
Harcourt did as he was instructed placing his mirror on the corner of the low platform.
"Now, if you would be so kind, begin walking toward the back of the room away from your device if you please."
Harcourt did. When he got about halfway toward the back of the room a bright flash of blue light came from the corner of the podium where he set his mirror down, a blink later another blue flash appeared at the left rear pocket of his trousers.
When he reached in his pocket he pulled out his communications mirror. It was no longer on the podium where he left it. Everyone gasped.
The Director and most of the instructors chuckled.
"These devices have been spelled to remain with you at all times. We thought it prudent so they are not misplaced or left behind by accident."
There was a murmuring among the recruits. Harry was astonished.
"The next object you will receive is a clever little device that will be used to call you to your respective Units when you have graduated and are assigned a specific Unit number. In this case it will be Units 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Since we don't know yet what your Unit number will be these devices will not activate."
"However, when they do finally work they will become very warm and vibrate slightly for a moment when you are required to contact your team or Central Command for further instructions. Again, once these devices are activated, which you will be told how at a later time, they will not work for anyone else. The chain included with the medallion is unbreakable so getting it snagged on something while taking off on a broom or jumping from a building or something of that nature would not be a good idea."
Director Boreguard dragged his thumb across his neck making a scratchy noise out of the corner of his mouth in the universal illustration of getting ones throat cut.
Instructor Fong handed Harry what looked like nothing more than a silver Sickle with a small hole drilled in it and a rather delicate and stylish silver chain attached. On the surface of the coin was the usual image found on a Sickle but etched in fine script around the outer edge Harry could see the words, `Property of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.' On the obverse the words read, `Illegal use or possession by unauthorized persons punishable by law.'
Harry couldn't help but instantly think of Hermione's coins she had made for the D.A. club. This had to be her invention. The thought of it made him grin and chuckle. To think that Hermione's brilliant idea was being used in an official capacity was thrilling and amazing and it made him love and respect the little know-it-all that much more.
"I thought you might recognize that," a deep voice said from the end of the row he was sitting.
He looked up and saw a smiling Kingsley Shacklebolt standing there. All the recruits nearby stood instantly to attention. Harry decided to do the same only wasn't quite as fast.
"At ease everyone. Please be seated." Kingsley said kindly.
"Did you get this idea from..." Harry started to ask but Kingsley interrupted.
"Yes, indeed Mr. Potter but I don't think there is a need to divulge specifics if you understand what I'm saying."
"Of course," Harry wanted to kick himself for being so careless, "I guess I've still got a lot to learn sir."
"Well," Kingsley said kindly again, "being the youngest recruit and not having the benefit of previous Auror training like most of the rest of the group puts you a bit behind from the start but I am confident you will do quite well here Mr. Potter. If I didn't have that confidence in you, you wouldn't be here."
"Yes sir," was all Harry could say. He couldn't help but blush as those around him regarded him with unveiled interest, sort of like an odd looking animal in a zoo.
"Good luck to you Mr. Potter and to the rest of you as well. I look forward to seeing you all progress through the program."
There was a smattering of appreciation from those around him. Harry thought as soon as Kingsley had made his way on down the group the questions would start but much to his surprise most everyone turned their attention back to the Director…all except Patterson.
She regarded Harry for a long moment with an unreadable expression until Harry got irritated himself and met her gaze with his own. She looked away then. He, too, turned his attention back to the front.
"Since these devices will not be needed for the first segment of your training please keep them safely tucked away in your lockers. While both the mirror and the coin are virtually indestructible we don't want them being inadvertently misplaced."
"One final item and then you may all proceed to the Dining Hall for an evening meal. If you will consult your communications mirror you will see on your individual identification cards a number under your name. That number will be associated with your cot and locker assignments. Each dormitory, which are the round top buildings across and to the left of the Dining Hall are numbered one through four and can accommodate up to 30 recruits in each comfortably but since we have only a fraction of the number of recruits we expect in the future the cot assignments will be as follows;"
"Recruits one through thirteen will be in Dormitory One, numbers fourteen through twenty five in Dormitory Two. The exception here will be the ladies. Ladies you will be in Dormitory Three."
"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for your patience. You may now proceed to the Dining Hall. We have secured the services of some of the local ladies to prepare meals for us and I must say you will not be disappointed."
"Recruits dismissed," Instructor McTavish said loudly and everyone stood almost as a group then began filing out of the Main Hall.