Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Part 3
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter 39 - Coming Home
Hermione stood on the astronomy tower looking out over the grounds of Hogwarts. From her perch she could see everything. The sun was low on the western horizon just peeking over the hills, what little warmth it provided this time of year receding quickly.
Having just come from her rounds as Head Girl she was still dressed in her Hogwarts uniform from the day and opting for her thicker Hogwarts robes she had wrapped a Gryffindor scarf loosely around her neck and put on her gloves against the biting chill of the late December afternoon. Her ample curly mane fluttered unfettered behind her as she peered out over the tower, hand shielding her eyes against the glare.
There was the Forbidden Forrest covered in a thick blanket of snow, the ancient trees bereft of leaves looking skeletal all covered in frosting. Two young Thestrals were flying in the distance, swooping and diving at each other in lazy circles lost in play.
She could see the Quidditch pitch where she had spent days passed watching Harry and Ron play for their team cheering them on like a loon. It was quiet now, the Hogwarts banners and streamers fluttering softly in the waning golden light.
There was the ever-present Hogwarts Lake, home of the giant squid and the Mer-people. There was the Whomping Willow, gently and lazily (all-be-it deceptively) swaying in the light late afternoon breeze.
There was the Herbology building where they had been taught to repot mandrakes and pull snargaluff pods.
She could see the Shrieking Shack where Harry had found his Godfather but lost Severus Snape, an important ally in the war. She could see the tops of many of the businesses in Hogsmead as well as the Hogwarts Express platform. The latter being the gateway to her dreams…her new life and her friends.
Far off in the distance was the vast and seemingly endless expanse of the Scottish Highlands with its deep valleys and frozen lochs now swathed in the deep purple hues of the late afternoon shadows.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes letting the images burn into her memory so they would last a lifetime. It wouldn't be long and she would be leaving this place - a place of wonderful memories and incredable adventures. Part of her was sad about leaving behind a life she had come to love and cherish even through the darkest times. It was going to be like leaving home…
She leaned her head back, face toward the glow of the setting sun, getting caught up in all the wonderful memories that swirled around her like phantasmal images. It was then she heard the unmistakable sound of apparition just outside the gates with their pillars topped by the squatting winged boars.
A smile slowly spread across her chilled lips…
He's here!
A thrill swept through her unlike anything she had ever felt before. It made her breath catch and her ears tingle. A slight shiver trickled down her spine like a soft touch that had nothing to do with the crisp, cold evening air. Hermione had looked forward to this very moment for weeks.
She opened her eyes and turned to see Harry making his way through the gates of their beloved school. A rather silly and juvenile giggle escaped her. It was so very un-Hermione-like but for the first time in her life - she didn't care. She dashed from the tower and headed for the grand entrance hall as quickly as her feet would carry her. It had been the only time in her life as a witch she wished she had a broom.
Merlin's beard! I must love you so very much to be thinking something like that Potter!
…But she knew it to be true.
With a wave of her wand the large entrance doors of Hogwarts swung inward and standing in the doorway in his Ministry-issued traveling cloak was the love of her life.
In a maddeningly silly display of squealing girlish delight she ran to him and flung herself into his arms. Harry responded by dropping his duffle and catching her, snatching her out of the air like an overgrown snitch.
As Hermione covered his face with kisses he couldn't help but laugh and hold Hermione tightly to him.
"I've. Missed. You. So. Much!" She muttered between smothering kisses.
It was impossible not to feel her love and warmth surrounding him as they stood there in the ancient arched doorway of the institution they had both grown up in. It was such a powerful sensation of pure joy and happiness, the like of which he had never felt before and would never forget.
"I missed you too Hermione," Harry whispered as he looked deeply into her sparkling brown eyes, "Every single day!"
She squealed with girlish giggles again as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, her long and wonderfully soft, bushy hair billowing around them like a cloud.
Harry was beginning to like that sound very much when he heard a voice behind them coming from the hall.
"Merlin's ghost let the bloke breath Granger!"
When Harry looked through the thick curtain that was Hermione's luscious mane he spotted his best friend in the whole world leaning against the open doorway, arms folded with a knowing smirk on his red-haired mug.
"Ron!" Harry said laughing despite being caught with a very amorous Hermione in his arms.
But the look on Ron's face wasn't angry or surprised or hurt. He seemed content or at least comfortable enough with the two of them not to want to upset the moment.
Hermione slid slowly from his grasp and Harry fell forward to grasp Ron's hand in his.
"It's really good to see you mate!"
They stood looking into one-another's eyes for a moment, then in a gruff but affectionate manner Ron pulled Harry into a bone crushing, all-be-it brief hug, patting one another on the back.
Pulling away and reddening a little at the girlish display they stepped back.
"Likewise," Ron replied smiling. He glanced at Hermione whose bottom lip began to quiver watching her two most beloved friends reconnect, "Best come on in before the Head Girl starts blubbering like a buffoon. Wouldn't want to ruin her nightmare status," he added chuckling.
Hermione gave Ron a rather weak slit-eyed glare but it wasn't the moment to conjure her inner bitch. She took both boys' hands and they made their way into the warmth, serenity and safety of Hogwarts.
They spent the rest of the early evening visiting with the old staff he knew. A bit later Ron and Hermione accompanied him to visit the Headmistress and they sat and chatted for a little while. It was good to see her and it was really good to see Albus Dumbledore again, even though it was just his portrait. All the rest of the past Headmasters greeted them with warm welcome and cheers. After things settled they took chairs in front of the Headmistresses desk.
Thoughts of past trips to that very office running amok in their collective memories as the three of them grinned at one-another in their mutual recollections.
"So," McGonagall asked, sitting up in her usual prim and rigid manner behind the large desk with Dumbledore, eyes twinkling down at them from above, "How do you like your training Mr. Potter?"
"It's…" Harry paused for a moment searching his mind for the right word, "challenging Headmistress."
"I should expect so," the old Transfiguration Professor smiled, "however, from the little information available to me I've heard you're doing quite well."
"Not the least bit surprising I must say," Dumbledore added smiling broadly, "Always knew you had a remarkable aptitude for magical ability and unflinching courage."
Harry reddened but then looked at his mentor seriously for a moment.
"Thanks Professor," he said in a hushed tone, "but I would never have succeeded without these two."
Dumbledore nodded his agreement with a knowing smile, his eyes flashing to Ron and Hermione in turn.
"I couldn't agree more Harry," he added, as if that settled that.
It was Hermione's turn to blush. Ron just sat back with a smug grin, arms behind his head.
After a few more pleasantries they excused themselves from the Headmistresses office. Harry wanted to go visit Hagrid so they made their way out on the grounds, trudging through the knee-deep snow to his hut.
Fang, Hagrid's ever-present boar-hound greeted them with his usual slobbering love while Hagrid doted over Harry with teary-eyed warmth and affection with declarations like, "'E were jus' a tiny `lil thing ba' then," and "Scooped `em `ou `o th' wreckage o' the Wright place wit' one hand I did," and "…never so proud of anyone in me life `erry."
They reminisced about Hagrid giving Dudley his pig tail the night he came to take him off to Hogwarts. They laughed and cried and when all was said they finally bid Hagrid a reluctant good evening and made their way back to the castle.
Harry had to admit he was about emotionally spent by the time they made their way to the Head dorm common room. They settled in with Harry and Hermione sitting close on the couch and Ron sitting in a chair across from them. Neville, Harry was told, was on his rounds as Head Boy and would probably be gone till well after midnight.
Hermione told him she had let Neville in on the secret of the Marauder's Map and Harry didn't protest. When Hermione recalled how Neville had responded Harry also felt the same pang of guilt.
He stifled his desire to spend some time alone with Hermione. Ron was just as much a part of him as she was but the time they had spent apart made him appreciate her presence all the more…but he would be patient.
Hermione seemed unaffected by Ron's presence and the fact that they seemed to have overcome their differences made it that much easier and much more comfortable.
They talked about unimportant thing for a while, at least Ron and Hermione were doing all the talking. Harry was content to just listen getting caught up on all their acquaintances and going's on around the school.
They told him about the new and improved Dueling Club, about the sad state of Quidditch at which Hermione seemed to simply glaze over. Harry was not all that surprised to hear that Ginny was made captain for which Ron made it clear he thought his sister a `Hag-in-training'. Hermione just rolled her eyes.
They told him about the new Professors and Hermione said she would introduce him to them tomorrow. Ron just had to put his two-knut's worth in about the new Transfiguration Professor…
"She's the most popular teacher in the school mate," Ron made a gesture carving a svelte and curvaceous female figure down through the air with his hands, "if you get what I'm saying," His eyebrows wiggling knowingly.
Harry just chuckled as Hermione crossed her arms across her chest with a humph, glaring at Ron.
"Oh give it a rest Ms. High-and-Mighty Spew-letariat," Ron gruffed, "I'm just having you on because I know you think she's more than just a pretty bum…I mean…err, face."
Harry laughed.
For some reason Hermione was still a bit reluctant to mention her budding reconciliation with their former Slytherin adversary. She still wasn't quite sure how to categorize the changes in Draco yet so she decided to just keep mum about it. She would probably tell Harry about it eventually but not with Ron around. She knew he would just see it as a Malfoy trick of some kind and she didn't want his opinion to taint what she thought were significant changes in Draco. She wanted Harry to form his own opinions.
"So Harry," Ron asked smirking, "Why can't you tell us what you've been doing in your mysterious training!"
"He can't Ronald!" Hermione responded agitatedly, "He's under the Fidelius you numbskull! How many times do I have to tell you that?"
"Is she going to answer your questions for you?" Ron asked with eyebrows raised.
Harry only shrugged his shoulders. He was suddenly feeling a bit rebellious toward Ron for constantly digging at Hermione. It seemed like he was doing it on purpose and it was beginning to grate on his nerves a bit.
"Ugh," Ron acted like he was choking, "You're hopelessly whipped you know that?"
Hermione's face turned crimson but she turned to Harry.
"Did I tell you in one of my letters that I had to discipline Ron for…"
Before she could get her statement out Ron cut across her.
"I don't think Harry wants to hear about all that."
"Sure I do!" Harry replied sitting up a bit straighter. "Come on, out with the details."
"No," Ron insisted, "You really don't! Your girlfriend's let this whole Head Girl thing completely go to her bushy little head! You know everybody calls her Little Umbridge behind her back?"
Harry looked at Hermione surprised but Hermione only rolled her eyes.
"Ginny told me weeks ago and frankly I don't really care what they call me. Not any more."
"Look Ron," Harry chuckled, "I know Hermione. She wouldn't have done something without a reason. Come on…out with it!"
Ron crossed his arms over his chest tightly.
"I refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me," he groused, "It's against the Weasley Code of Honor."
"Weasley Code of Honor!"
It was Hermione's turn to laugh. She then threw up a hand as if she were taking a solemn oath,
"Code number one, get my picture taken in the Daily Prophet making a proper fool of myself!"
"Code number two," Harry joined in howling, "Crash into a tree coming to my brother's funeral dead pissed out of my mind!"
Harry and Hermione were both laughing so hard they could barely speak.
"Hardy bloody har," Ron growled, "Like having fun at my expense?"
"You started it," Hermione said, gasping for breath.
"How do you figure that, Deloris Junior?"
"You said Harry was whipped," she replied her nose in the air. She then quite seriously told him about Ron's incessant flirtations and how she ended up applying the Atomic Wedgy to get her point across.
When she was finished Harry was rolling on the floor laughing so hard his face was turning blue gasping for air, Hermione stuck her tongue out at a bright crimson-faced Ron."
"You're completely insufferable!" Ron said angrily.
Harry managed to pull himself back onto his chair but he was still laughing.
"Hello completely insufferable," he stuck out a hand to Hermione, "I'm hopelessly whipped, pleasure to meet you!" He started howling again and Hermione joined in.
"Oh, I've had about all the fun and frivolity I can stand for one night," Ron huffed as he got to his feet and stormed out of the Head common room.
Harry and Hermione continued to laugh for a bit when Harry leaned forward and kissed her softly.
"I thought he'd never leave."
"Harry!" Hermione said with affected surprise, "That's not very nice of you. He may be as daft as a bowtruckle sometimes but he's still your best mate."
Harry frowned slightly.
"Oh don't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing."
Hermione looked at him grinning slyly as she pulled him out of his chair,
"I refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me," then she held up her hand again, "Granger Code of Honor."
Harry laughed again as she towed him toward her bed chamber. Her whole body was tingling with anticipation and desire as she pulled Harry over the threshold and closed the door behind them. With a wave of her wand plucked deftly from the folds of her robes she installed an industrial strength silencing ward. She was going to enjoy this and wasn't about to hold back for anything.
After that she tossed her wand carelessly over her shoulder and pushed Harry roughly against the door and kissed him with wild abandon.
At first she was a bit shocked at her own behavior but just as quickly brushed all thoughts aside as a low, soft moan escaped Harry's throat. Their tongues swirling together in a soft slow kiss that made the air around them heat up.
Harry was now well acquainted with this girl's intense desire for him but it wasn't something he would ever take for granted. It was the one thing he came to cherish above all others.
He was still a bit amazed that he had never realized the raw passion that resided in her. She had done a very good job of keeping it all locked away but now, in the dim candle-lit space that was Hermione's he let himself be consumed by it willingly.
He reached for her and she pressed herself into him as if she couldn't get close enough, their intense kiss changing into a desperate need to feel one-another.
Harry slid his hands between them and with deft fingers began unfastening her heavy winter cloak. It fell to the floor as Hermione smiled into his lips. With that she broke the kiss and put a bit of space between them, Harry suddenly feeling cold and empty but the feeling didn't last long.
As he watched, Hermione began undressing, standing right in front of him. The sultry look in her eye, with her cute little bottom lip caught gently and seductively between her teeth almost made him burst into flames.
She took her time, as if torturing him into anticipating the amazingly sensual female body beneath, giving a peak here and there until, at last, she let her grey, pleated skirt fall from her slender fingers.
Harry leaned against the door taking her all in, letting the vision of her burn into his mind so he could keep it forever.
She was wearing the sexiest knickers he had ever seen. The silk and lace dainties were as white as the snow that covered the world outside their chamber. It enhanced the residual tan she still possessed from their trip. The bra barely covered her wonderful breasts and in her present state of heightened desire, her nipples pushed hard against the thin fabric as if begging him for attention.
But it was the panties that almost did him in. It was a similar cut of the incredibly sexy swim suit he had bought for her before they left for the island. The thin straps curved up and around her slender hips and the small triangle of sheer fabric that covered her front showed the dark vee-shape of the soft fur that pointed below to what Harry now knew was his own personal paradise.
She slowly sauntered forward, her deep honey golden eyes never leaving his. He reached for her but she playfully swatted his hands away shaking her head slowly with that maddeningly sensual smirk.
She began undressing him, one piece of clothing at a time. It was killing him to stand there and let her have her way but he was trying to be patient. When she had finally made her way down to his boxers, he was about to pass out from longing and need.
With her soft hand she caressed his swollen groin. An animal-like sound escaped from his throat as she pressed her other hand flat to the hard planes of his abdomen and let it slide down underneath the waistband.
Her warm soft finger encircled his swelling member as Harry closed his eyes and marveled at the sensations. Hermione stroked him softly as she leaned in and took his mouth with hers.
"We've got a lot of time to make up for Harry," she whispered in a smoldering breathy voice, "I do hope you've been saving up for me."
All Harry could do was nod.
"Mmm," she purred as she increased her pressure on his manhood and stroked a bit faster, "that's marvelous!"
Harry could take no more. In a quick move that caught his sexy little witch completely off guard, he gripped her by the upper arms and pushed her quickly to the bed behind them. With a heave and a squeal of delighted surprise from her wide eyed face he lifted her up and pushed her back on the soft mattress and thick comforter.
He disposed of his boxers then hooked his fingers into the thin straps of her sexy panties and off they came. He was on her in seconds, devouring every inch of skin he could get his hands and lips and tongue on.
"Oh…oh Merlin…yes!" Hermione hissed. She was squirming beneath him.
She arched her back just enough to reach the clasp of her lacy bra and with a flick and swish it was gone.
Harry took one of her swollen nipples in his mouth and swirled his tongue over the sensitive peak. She mewled and moaned so seductively Harry thought he was going to explode right then and there. He would have been really upset with himself so he decided he could not wait a moment longer.
The next few moments had Harry trailing a smoldering line of saliva all the way to her hot wet valley. He pushed his tongue as deep inside her body as he could tasting everything that was her.
Her moans came from deep within her throat as her hips bucked gently against his chin trying to get as much of Harry inside her as she could. As his tongue flicked across her bundle of nerves she cried out reaching down weaving her fingers into his unruly hair closing them into fists to hold him captive against her mound.
Her orgasm hit her like a speeding Knight Bus. Her back arched as she screamed, lurching off the bed. Harry held on riding his lovely witch as she came completely undone. When the final surge of pleasure washed over her in a whole-body shudder she collapsed and lay boneless, gasping for breath.
"My - Goodness - Harry!" she gasped.
"Did you like that love?" he asked, pulling himself up to lie beside her overheated, sweaty and shaking body.
"Erm…no, actually," she said with a sarcastic smirk, "Hated it. Don't ever do that to me again, mmm kay?"
"Whatever you say sweetheart," he replied, trying desperately to keep a straight face.
"You realize of course," she grinned evilly, "As soon as I regain the use of my arms and legs I'm going to kick your arse, then I'm going to ride you like your bucking Firebolt…you know, the day Quirrell tried to kill you…just so you know."
He laughed loudly falling back on the pillows.
"Yah, and you thought it was Snape so you set him on fire!" He started laughing so hard he was clutching his stomach.
"That does it," Hermione said lurching up and crawling on top of him. She pinned his arms to the mattress, "you're going down Potter!"
"Been there…done that!" He quipped, trying desperately to breathe.
When she grabbed a hand full of Ickle Harrykins his laughter died in his throat with a gurgle. Hermione leaned forward just enough to guide him to her center then she dropped on him with such a sexy sigh Harry thought he would die right there. Her warm tightness surrounded him sending shivers of pleasure all over.
Slowly she began rocking back and forth at first, then she started to rotate her slender hips in small circles as she slid up and down on him.
"Oh Her…Hermione," Harry gurgled, "Whatever you're doing love please don't stop!"
"Am I setting you on fire Harry?" she whispered heinously.
"Gods yes!"
After a few more moments of that sweet torture she started riding him like a woman possessed. Throwing her head back she slammed her pert bottom down hard on him as she climaxed again, this time bringing Harry with her.
Lather - Rinse - Repeat…
Two hours later, while they lie wrapped in each other's arms the day finally landed on Harry's head like a comic anvil but he felt happy, sated and calm for the first time in months. Hermione had her head resting in the crook of his arm just as she had done when they were in Tahiti.
"I know that wasn't very romantic Harry but I needed you terribly. I told myself I never wanted it to be just a shag for you and I but I was a bit desperate to have you."
"It won't ever be just a shag between us Hermione. I love you too much for things to ever be that simple."
She smiled through the sleepy haze that had settled on them both there in the darkness of her bed chamber.
"I love you too, with all my heart." She burrowed deeper in his arms pressing every inch of her she could get next to him and fell into a blissful dreamless sleep.