Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Part 3
Standard Disclaimers Apply…
Chapter 41 - Finding the Lost
Ron sat glumly looking out the window of the Gryffindor common room as the snow fell in earnest blanking out even the Forbidden Forrest from view.
The knowledge that Cho Chang had caught the Golden Snitch right in the middle of the match had basically negated all his work deflecting almost every shot the Ravenclaws had taken at him the day before…and Harry had been there to see the whole thing. It was almost embarrassing. Ginny wasn't so subtle. She had been overheard mumbling, plotting the slow, torturous and painful demise of the Ravenclaw Seeker!
Ron had to admit it had been a brilliant move. Flying a broom in a Quidditch match was hard enough but flying one upside-down at a distance was almost unthinkable but Cho had done it. She had dove under Ginny just as the Gryffindor Seeker was about to grab the snitch and flying upside-down blasted forward with incredible velocity to snatch the snitch right from Ginny's grasp. It was dangerous and risky but she pulled it off. Not without a few broken bones and bruises but the girl did it!
The move had stunned the entire crowd into silence and became the sole topic of discussion for the rest of the day. Everyone was still talking about it and Cho had suddenly become somewhat of a reluctant hero.
It did nothing but grate on Ron's nerves. He was already tired of hearing about it.
As he sat brooding he let the words of the prophecy filter through his thoughts to drown out the events of the day before and it only made his mood darken even further.
The idea that no-one could seem to figure out what it meant was driving him spare. Not even the brilliant Hermione Granger had an answer or at least if she did she wasn't letting on.
He wanted to be the one to figure it out this time. He wanted to be the smart and clever one for once but he just couldn't seem to figure out how all the pieces fit together.
Evil stirs once more in darkness…
`Obvious! That has to be about Voldemort…who else?'
…Born unto the house of the serpent…
`Has to be Voldemort as well…right? Slytherin's heir…or was there another? No, surely not.'
…Ancient's magic within youth disguised…
`Now that makes little sense at all. Could it refer to the ancient magic that protected Harry until his Seventeenth birthday? No idea.'
…Will unchain the dead from restless slumber…
`Again…a bit obvious! Voldemort's come back from the dead before…but how? All the Horcruxes were destroyed…weren't they? Yes…no question. Otherwise old moldy-breath would have just shoved off back to parts unknown again like a billowing cloud of noxious flatulence after a dose of You-No-Poo.'
…To awaken upon the Savior's demise.
`Well anyone with half a brain knows who that's referring to although before it was `one or the other'. This time…'
Ron didn't have to finish that thought.
Nothing like walking round with a bloody target tattooed on your forehead!
The realization that Harry Potter was, once again, in the crosshairs of every remaining Death Eater, malcontent and miscreant in the wizard world made Ron's stomach churn. He forced himself to push those horribly unpleasant thoughts from his mind for the time being.
He instead contemplated the missing Ministry fortune. The reward was simply too great to pass up. One hundred thousand galleons! The reward seemed to capture everyone's attention. Wizards and witches were scouring Greater London looking for the missing Ministry funds but so far no-one had been successful or even had a hint at where they might be stashed.
Percy was convinced they had been maliciously destroyed by Voldemort to make some sort of statement but very few were convinced. Many speculated he would have wanted to keep them to taunt the Ministry and to possibly cash in after he took over in the end.
Even though his book was doing well a payday like that could set him for life. Not only would he be even more famous…he'd be wealthy beyond even his aspirations as well. Completely irresistible to the "Birds" then!
…But where to find them?
As he sat lamenting his ill tempered disposition Seamus came and plopped in a chair opposite his.
"You look as if someone cursed and stuffed Pigwidgeon." Seamus chuckled.
"Oh cork it would ya!" Ron groused.
Seamus was still smiling.
"I know it isn't easy to be bested by a bird but hey, you gotta admit she caught the snitch with style!"
Ron's look told Seamus what he could do with the snitch at that particular moment.
"It's not that. I want to find the missing wizard bonds and get that reward Seamus!"
Seamus shrugged, "Wouldn't we all! Any ideas?"
"Not really," Ron replied, not that he would share them with anyone anyway. He might not be the sharpest ax in the shed but he wasn't completely thick.
"You'd think Voldemort would put something that important in a very safe and secret place but knowing how careless he was with his…" Ron stopped.
He knew very few people knew of or even understood the Horcruxes. Even though he had written about them in his book he knew the concept would be completely lost on blokes like Seamus. No sense in trying to explain it all at present.
"…Personal effects." Ron finished.
"Where in Merlin's name would one hide millions in wizard bonds?" Seamus said more to himself than Ron, "That's got to be a load of parchment wouldn't you think? It's not like you could fold them up and put them in your pocket now could you?"
That simple statement sparked a memory in Ron's mind. The thought of hiding something made him think of Harry and how he had hidden his most important things under a loose floorboard in his room at Little Winging. He had no idea why he thought of that but the spark ignited a blazing inferno of an idea. He knew it was a long shot but for one hundred thousand galleons it was a shot worth taking.
He jumped out of his chair as if he had been hexed in the seat of his trousers.
Seamus looked up at him with eyebrows raised.
"What's got into you?"
"Just remembered I've got something I need to do," Ron replied as he made his way quickly to the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, "Later Finnegan."
After scouring the entire school and inquiring to anyone within hearing range he was finally pointed to the last place he expected to find the two lovebirds after being apart for so long. He pushed his way into the library and sure enough found Harry and Hermione sitting off in a secluded corner by themselves.
Hermione had a pile of books in front of her as usual and they seemed to be engrossed in a deep but quiet conversation. Ron walked right up and plopped in a chair across from them without ceremony.
Hermione looked up a bit surprised by his presence.
"Well color me surprised! Ron Weasley in the library, now there's a contradiction. You must be lost, confunded," Hermione whispered with a smirk, "or following your fan club?"
"Ha ha, Granger," Ron quipped, "Not even. I came to find you because I have an idea about where Voldemort might have hidden the bonds."
Both Harry and Hermione's eyebrows all but disappeared as they glanced at one-another.
"Is that right?" Harry asked glancing again at Hermione with a smirk. Ron merely frowned.
"Well…not exactly where they might be but something occurred to me while I was talking to Seamus. It's rather odd I'll admit but it makes sense - sort of."
"Go on," Hermione urged.
It was difficult to take much of what Ron said seriously but she was constantly reminded of their conversation on the train. He had changed and she had to admit some of the things he told her had held wisdom and common sense. It seemed to come in small doses with Ron though. Half the time he made no sense at all or just seemed to be self absorbed. She felt he was at least trying so most times she grudgingly tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"Ok," Ron began, "I know this is going to sound a bit far fetched but just let me finish, then you can rip my theory to shreds alright?"
They both nodded in agreement and Ron continued.
Madam Pince appeared at the end of their table with a dark look and put her finger to her wrinkled lips.
"Sorry," Ron whispered. He waited until the old bat glided off to terrorize a table full of rambunctious second and third-years before he continued.
"We know Harry has - I mean had - a connection to Voldemort's mind right?"
They nodded again.
"And Harry used to keep things hidden from his Aunt, Uncle and Dudley under a loose floorboard in his room yah?"
He looked from one to the other as if what he had said should have been enough to make his point completely clear.
Harry gave Ron a strange look, "Yah…and?" He whispered looking around for Madam Pince again.
"Where did you get the idea to hide things under your bed like that Harry?" Ron asked.
"I don't know," Harry replied a bit confused as he shrugged his shoulders, "I really can't say for sure. What does that have to do with…"
Hermione's eyes suddenly went wide as she touched Harry lightly on his arm to silence his comment. She instantly made the connection Ron was trying to assimilate.
"Are you suggesting what I think you are?" She asked a bit breathless.
"Well what do you think Ms. Better Off Dead Then Expelled!" Ron sneered.
Hermione cast Ron a withering slit-eyed glare but then pretended to ignore him and began biting her bottom lip as she sometimes did when deep in contemplation. Harry cast a rather stony glare of his own at his best mate.
"I don't see what that has to do with where Voldemort hid something. So what if I hid my thing in the floor under my bed. I'm not sure I see what you're getting at."
Hermione's mind was already working. She had to admit from Harry's reaction Ron just might be on to something. She couldn't believe it was Ron who had made any kind of intrinsic connection at all and the fact she had missed something like that didn't set well with her know-it-all sensibilities.
Hermione recalled Harry keeping a collection of rather odd thinks in the small draw string bag Hagrid had given him during their hunt for the Horcruxes. His pack-rat or magpie-like behavior had to come from somewhere and they had reasonably established that Voldemort seemed to display similar behavior in some ways but on a much grander scale.
If the suggestion to hide things in such a manner had been a subliminal one then Harry might not even be aware of it and could have been nothing more than a residual effect of their connection due to the Horcrux that resided inside Harry's scar.
If that wasn't telling enough Hermione realized there were scant few places left Voldemort could have hidden something like a pile of Wizard bonds. He had been calculating but rather obvious in the selection of his hiding places to those who knew him and knew his habits and history. It was then Harry mentioned something that stopped Hermione's thoughts cold.
"I remember seeing something in Dumbledore's Pensive about Tom Riddle Jr. when he was in the orphanage. He used to steal some of the other children's things and hide them in a box in his wardrobe…"
It was the name that finally made all the connections come together in her brain…Riddle!
"That's it!" Hermione practically shouted as she stood up abruptly. She quickly covered her mouth embarrassed at her own outburst.
It was only seconds and Madam Pince was standing at their table looking deadly, pointing at the exit with a bony crooked finger. As they made their way quickly and quietly as possible out of the library Hermione apologized profusely all the way to the door.
Once in the hallway she rounded on the other two.
"I think I know where the Wizard Bonds might be hidden!" Her eyes were wide and her face flushed with excitement.
Suddenly, as she stood there looking from Harry to Ron grinning like Luna it felt like old times. Things felt like they had years before when the three of them had set off together on adventures to find answers to riddles or to prevent the spread of Voldemort's evil.
Hermione's heart pinched slightly to realize how much she had missed this - how much a part of her life these two boys had become.
Then Ron opened his mouth and completely spoiled the moment…
"Well let's just remember whose idea it was alright?" He gave Hermione a significant look, "That reward's got my name all over it!"
Hermione's smile evaporated instantly along with any possibility of feeling warm and fuzzy.
"Oh Ronald," she said. She suddenly felt like crying. She clutched her books and turned away from them.
Face it Granger, she thought sadly, You can't move forward and live in the past at the same time. Life just doesn't work that way.
"What?" Ron gawked at her retreating form. He looked at Harry who simply shrugged and fell in behind the girl he loved unconditionally. He knew she would tell him about what had just bothered her later. She always did.
As they made their way along the corridors back toward the Gryffindor common room Ron tried to get Hermione to divulge what she had determined but Harry stopped him with a dark look. Hermione finally broke her silent revelry as they approached the Fat Lady's portrait.
"I'm almost convinced whatever we're looking for is at the Riddle mansion."
"Riddle mansion?" Ron inquired in disbelief, "That dilapidated old moth-eaten place? Why would Voldemort hide anything there? He hated anything to do with Muggles and the Muggle world. In fact, he hated his Muggle roots so much he murdered his whole family!"
"Exactly," Harry said slowly as he cast a beaming smile down at Hermione's rather clouded features. He thought the idea had merit or at the very least warranted further consideration. "It would be the last place anyone would suspect him to hide anything."
Ron waved off the idea as if he were swatting at Nargles.
"Besides, I'm certain the place has been searched from top to bottom. Doesn't the Ministry still have wards around the place from before when that old caretaker was murdered? What was his name?"
"That would be Frank Bryce," Hermione replied, "and I'm sure I have no idea. I think Harry would know more about that then we would."
"Me," Harry asked puzzled.
"Well you've had more contact with members of the Ministry then either one of us through your Auror training, yes?"
"Not really. I'm stuck training in secret remember. I see Kingsley every once in a while but I don't usually get to talk to him. Doesn't want to play favorites I guess."
Hermione shrugged as Ron blushed slightly.
"I wouldn't say that Hermione," Ron swallowed, "I live with the Minister and the Undersecretary remember?"
Hermione turned to give him a significant look.
"I'm certain they don't take you into their confidence regarding sensitive matters of the Ministry do they?" She asked.
"Of course not," Ron said grinning, "but wandering about the Minister's mansion under house arrest you hear things."
"Well?" Hermione asked doubtful.
"Nothing about the Riddle mansion that I can remember," Ron replied glumly, "I think I heard Percy mention Albania once as a place they might start looking but that's about all."
As the three of them stood outside the Gryffindor tower in silent contemplation of Hermione's suggestion the Fat Lady cleared her throat loudly glowering down at them.
"Are you three going in or are you going to stand there like suits of armor all night? I have an engagement I would like to attend if you don't mind."
"Don't get your girdle in a knot," Ron groused, "We're going!"
With an irritated harrumph from the Fat Lady Hermione issued the correct password and they filed into the common room. When Hermione settled into her usual spot she noticed the boys did the same.
"I say we go to Little Hangleton first thing tomorrow!" Ron said enthusiastically.
"Erm, I think we've got other plans Ron," Harry replied looking pointedly at Hermione.
Hermione gave him a beaming smile.
"Yes we do," she said matter-of-factly turning to Ron, "I told you we were going to spend part of the holiday with my parents. I'm not changing those plans for any reason…"
"But Hermione…" Ron began to protest but Hermione stopped him short with an up-raised hand.
"Not even for the possibility of finding missing Wizard bonds! It will just have to wait besides…" A smug look crossed her visage, "you're not going anywhere."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked tersely.
"It's very simple Ronald," she said chuckling, "Ministry Decree 759!"
He leaned forward to argue but then deflated and fell back into his chair.
"Bugger! That barmy decree!" He groused through clenched teeth.
"You brought the whole thing on yourself." Hermione stated lifting her chin.
Ron's face crumpled in a sneer.
"Listen you," He pointed, "I've already got a whole family of preachy relatives. I don't need another."
"Ron." Harry said sternly tossing a serious look at him. "Look…Why don't you get in touch with your dad and ask him if he'll let you off the hook long enough to go to Little Hangleton. You'll be with us. That should count for something. I'll ask him if you think it would help. We'll go when we get back from Hermione's parents."
"Will you have time before you have to report back to Kingsley?" Hermione asked.
"Would you mind terribly if we came back just one day early?" Harry asked her as gently as he could. He had to admit the thought of searching for the missing Ministry funds excited him much more than he was willing to admit. "Do you think your folks would be upset with me?"
"No, of course not Harry," Hermione conceded, "I suppose this is important enough for us to look into and besides you can use this little treasure hunt to practice all those secret skills you've been learning, yes?"
The smile he gave her was so bright, full of life and more than a little of that old Potter mischief. She knew she could not refuse him even if she wanted to and she too was intrigued by the possibility of another one of their crazy adventures. At least they weren't going off horribly unprepared as they did back then. That in itself made her smile.
Age and experience over youth and impetuousness!
Again, she was hit with the strong sense of Déjà vu. Here they were scheming and plotting a course of action just like they had done countless times in the past. The bitter-sweet memories hovered just above their heads like the numerous ghosts that haunted the hallways and shadowy places of their beloved institution. She could not let them close Hogwarts if she had the power to stop it.
"Right," Ron said, "I'll get in touch with dad first thing tomorrow but I really don't want to tell him why we want to go to Little Hangleton. I'm sure both he and Percy are smart enough to figure it out but if it gets out what we suspect the place will be crawling with treasure hunters. We've got to keep this quiet, know what I mean?"
"Look Ronald," Hermione stated, "If we do this it won't be because of any reward! We'll do this because finding those funds will save this school and hundreds, maybe thousands of people's jobs!"
"What!" Ron looked as if he'd been slapped, "You mean to tell me you'd pass on a hundred thousand galleons! You must be completely off your nut!"
Ron starred at Harry with an almost pleading look but he knew it was a wasted effort. He knew where Harry's ultimate loyalties lay. As he suspected Harry sat unmoving with arms crossed over his chest. Ron would find no support for his endeavor there.
UGH! He's completely, utterly and hopelessly whipped!
Hermione knew exactly what Ron was trying to do. She knew Harry much better then anyone else. His motives for doing this were pure and along the same lines as hers but he was also in it for the sheer thrill of the adventure. Sometimes she thought he was what Muggles called an adrenaline junkie.
Her eyes went to thin slits.
"Then you're on your own Weasley."
She got up and crossed to where Harry was sitting. Grabbing his hand she pulled him to his feet and towed him toward the dormitory entrance.
"It's well passed time you think about someone other than yourself Ronald," she tossed over her shoulder, "It's that way or nothing! Think about it, won't you?"
Arrrrrgg! That bloody self-righteous PRIG!
Ron's thoughts were a roiling stormy tempest as he stomped his way up to his chamber. He wondered darkly if the Ministry Decree prevented him from murdering someone.
…But where to hide the body?
He shoved that thought aside. She would probably just come back as a ghost and terrorize him the rest of his days. That would be a fate far worse than death or expulsion!
I'd rather puke slugs!
Seamus, Dean and Justin were tag-teaming their class assignments as usual while Jack Sloper, having now taken Harry's old place, sat on his bed reading the latest edition of the Daily Prophet. No-one paid Ron any mind as he threw himself on his own bed in a huff.
The idea they had made a significant breakthrough in the possible whereabouts of the missing Ministry fortune was now paramount in his mind. He wanted that reward. It was planted in his mind now as deeply as the roots of the old Whomping Willow located not far outside their window.
The trick was going to be getting permission without giving away the scoop. He had to make it sound legitimate though or there would be no way his old man would allow it. He would just think it another attempt to see Cassandra.
If he worked through Percy though…
Yah! That just might work. Percy's the best at keeping mum. Maybe he could convince dad if I promised to share some of the glory with him. I'm not sharing the loot but he can have all the credit. That's it! I'll tell Percy he can claim he figured it out but wasn't sure. He sent me to investigate cause I was closer to Little Hangleton and he's got all his Ministry business to attend to…but what about the reward? If he says he figured it out, the galleons will go to him…Nah, that's no good… Bugger!
But he could think of nothing else.
The following morning found Ron down in the Common Room hunched over a piece of parchment with quill in hand scribbling furiously as Ginny came down from the girls side and sat across from him.
She could see the determined concentration on Ron's face as he worked the quill across the page. It was a rare sight seeing her brother so studious and she found herself chuckling.
Ron looked up with eyebrows raised.
"What's so amusing?"
"You," Ginny replied, grinning, "you're attacking that parchment like it insulted mum! You don't work that hard when classes are in session, let alone during holiday, must be serious! Letter to your ickle treacle tart?" She giggled.
"Letter to your treacle tart," Ron said in a mocking tone then setting back to work, "Not even you annoying little harpy. It's none of your beeswax."
"No need to get snippy!" Ginny said folding her arms across her chest in defiance.
"If you must know Ms. Busybody I'm writing Percy," Ron said without looking up, "I'm asking him if he would ask dad if I could have permission to leave Hogwarts for a day with Harry and Hermione when they get back from her parents."
"Oh?" Ginny asked sitting up a bit straighter, "and where are you three off to then?"
Ron blanched for a moment. He wanted to thump himself for being so stupid.
Face it Weasley, Hermione's right - You are thick as mud!
He resisted telling her and when he hesitated to answer Ginny's face grew red and crumpled with frustration. She lurched angrily to her feet with hands clenched into tight fists and glared dangerously at her brother.
"You know, I'm getting really tired of being treated like a stupid little girl! It's bad enough I'm the youngest in the family but if you recall…I fought in the war too! `You should stay out of it Ginny you're simply too young!'" she said in a rather fair imitation of her mother's voice, then she spit, `Oh Ginny darling…it's for your own protection,' AAARRG! I'm so sick of being treated like I'm made of BLOODY PORCELAIN!"
He could see tears welling in her angry eyes.
Ron sat back blinking, completely taken aback by his sister's outburst. His first reaction was to get angry but her words had unwittingly penetrated his mind with all the subtlety of an ice cycle through the temple. They had hit rather close to home with him due to the restrictions he now found himself under.
True, he thought it had been his own doing but he found himself unusually sympathetic to his sister's rage. The thought he was subjecting her to the same treatment he himself disliked made him feel a bit guilty but it was the comment she made about Harry setting her aside that seemed to go right to his heart.
He thought maybe she was still a bit bitter about that. He could hardly blame her. Even though it had been her decision to get back with Dean he wondered if Ginny had somehow known she and Harry would never last or maybe she thought it had just been a crush.
If he was so gone on Ginny why did he go running to Hermione?
But he realized that wasn't exactly true - Hermione had, more or less, went running to him - or maybe they simply ran toward each other. It made little difference now though, didn't it?
He then remembered his talk with Hermione in the Gryffindor common room that night she was avoiding Neville and Luna. Maybe Ginny had known it wasn't true love Harry felt for her or maybe it was the other way round. He had to admit it was a bit embarrassing his little sister just might know more about that sort of thing than he did. He couldn't help but respect that.
She's a Gryffindor Prefect and the Captain of the Quidditch team for Merlin's sake, not to mention just about every bloke in this school thinks she's one of the hottest girls alive…and she had survived the war quite on her own!
For the first time Ron saw his younger sibling in a completely new light. She was right…she wasn't a little girl anymore. He then wondered why he was trying to keep anything secret from her.
"It's well passed time you think about someone other than yourself Ronald."
Does the bloody Know-It-All Nightmare always have to be right? Wingardium Lev-ee-yo-sah!...`Remember…swish and flick!' Ugh!
"You know," he began looking at his younger sibling seriously for a moment, "you're absolutely right Ginny. You're not the fragile little thing everyone seems to think you are, bat bogies aside and all that. You're a lot tougher and braver than we ever given you credit for. You deserve to be respected for what you did just like everyone else. I'm sorry for making you feel that way."
Ginny suddenly looked as if she had been throttled by a rogue bludger. She could do no more than gape at Ron as he completely surprised her with his response. The look on his face made Ginny realize he wasn't just placating her or pacifying her anger like he and so many others had done all her life. He was serious.
"Here," he shifted sideways then patted the sofa next to him, "come sit and I'll tell you everything."
…and he did.
For the first time in his life he realized something that was more important than his own wants, needs or desires. Perhaps it had always been there simply covered by immaturity and lack of knowledge - Blood is thicker than water…or anything else for that matter!
Many things changed between him and Ginny then. She realized her mostly gormless brother wasn't so shallow after all and he realized that she certainly proved, time and time again she didn't need constant protection and could very well take care of herself.
"So you think the missing Ministry stuff is in the old Riddle house?" Ginny asked, her face flushed with excitement.
"I'm not sure I believe it but if you look at things logically, which is a stretch for me, I know, but humor me…"
Ginny grinned putting her hand on Ron's arm affectionately.
"Stop," she whispered.
"Anyway, if you think about it," Ron continued, "we're sort of running out of place to look."
"Well, logically," she gaped at Ron smiling, "That makes a lot of sense. I mean, if you think about where Voldemort has been it's about the only place that makes sense."
"Well let's look at them for a moment," Ron said seriously, looking up at the ceiling of the common room, "There's Albania…but that wouldn't make sense. He was just a noxious fart cloud then…"
Ginny burst out laughing.
"Well it's true. He wasn't even human at that point." Ron added, "Then there was the orphanage he grew up in but I'm not certain that place even exists any longer. Then there's the old Gaunt place, Borgin and Burke's where he worked, that's a strong possibility actually, the cave where Harry and Dumbledore found the fake locket, Malfoy manor, but I just don't see him leaving anything there but it's possible I suppose," he was ticking off the places with his fingers.
"And here," Ginny added, "That's about the only places you can attribute to His Lordship of Dark Farts!" She cackled.
Ron turned and looked at her pointedly.
"Do you know how I know you're my sister?" He quipped grinning.
Ginny blushed leaning into her brother and letting her head fall on his shoulder.
"Do you think I can go with you when you look?"
"Sure," Ron smiled, "If I get permission we could use all the sets of eyes we could count on in the search. I just might ask some of the other blokes to help," he sighed, "I guess that means I'll have to share in the spoils."
"I don't care about the money," Ginny said wistfully, "Just sounds like fun to me."
Ron gave her an affected stare.
"Oh really? A hundred thousand Galleons can buy a lot of Weaselette goodies yah?"
"Oh shut it Ferret Face!" Ginny said laughing, thumping him on his shoulder.
"Speaking of bouncing ferrets what's with Hermione and Draco being all chummy these days?" Ron asked, "Know anything about that?"
"Seems he's changed quite a bit since last year," Ginny replied, "Word has it he's practically switched sides."
Ron gave her a significant look.
"What does that mean exactly?"
Ginny shrugged.
"Not certain really, I do know he's undefeated in the new Dueling Club. I think Hermione convinced him to join. She's been helping him since he decided to take the same level classes as she in," Ginny looked at her brother seriously for a moment, "You don't think she and Draco…?"
Ron's face wrinkled in a sneer.
"Not a chance!" Ron replied, "She just way to gone on the bloody Savior…err sorry."
Ginny shook her head.
"It's alright Ron," she said looking at her hands, a dark look passing quickly over her lovely face, "I really did love him I think but I also realized if I didn't lose him to Voldemort then I would eventually lose him to the wizard world. I know how stupid that sounds but I was just a silly little girl then."
"Ginny," Ron said seriously looking at his sister in the eyes, "While you might be many things…silly isn't one of them."
She wrapped her slender arms around her brother's wide shoulders laying her head next to his.
--- @> ---
After Ron sent his letter to Percy via a Hogwarts owl he received a response later that afternoon.
Harry and Hermione had left for her parents and promised to return on that Thursday, a day earlier than planned so they could go to Little Hangleton the next morning.
Percy's response, while sounding a bit suspicious, had informed Ron he would meet him in Hogsmead at the Three Broomsticks after his classes had ended for the day to discuss what Ron had requested. He had made it very clear the Minister would leave it up to Percy to decide if Ron was being forth-coming about his request and would abide by Percy's decision to allow Ronald leave or not.
Well…that's something anyway.
Ron thought it possible to convince his brother this was no ruse to try and get with Cassandra. In fact, he had not heard anything from her since he had returned to Hogwarts. There had been a small article about her and Megan in the Daily Prophet a few weeks before. It had made mention about the two women taking an extended Holiday to the United States due to all the fallout from their much-publicized tryst but he wasn't certain he believed it.
Ron had no idea what that was all about but he didn't expect to see much of his sexy blond bombshell any time soon. He wasn't sure if Percy or his father knew about that but then it also occurred to him they may have had something to do with it. He simply didn't want to know.
When he pushed his way through the door of the old wizard watering hole Madam Rosmerta greeted him with her usual breathtaking smile. Even as old as the woman was she still made him weak in the knees.
"Well, if it isn't one of the Golden Trio," she grinned. Ron felt his face grow hot all of a sudden.
"Erm…egh," he stuttered. Ron suddenly felt like he was thirteen years old again under the knowing gaze of this timelessly gorgeous woman.
Rosmerta grinned and gestured toward a table in the rear.
"Percy's already here. Go on back love and I'll bring you a butterbeer."
Ron nodded thanks not trusting his voice and headed toward his brother sitting quite rigid dressed in his formal Ministry attire, waiting with what seemed to be forced patience.
When Ron sat down Percy gave him a rather dower look then started in with their discussion without ceremony.
"Alright Ronald…" Percy began looking pointedly at Ron as Rosmerta sat a bottle of butterbeer down over Ron's shoulder then retreated without a word.
He could have sworn he felt her press her large breasts into his shoulders but it could have been nothing more than his wishful imagination. He had to mentally slap himself to comprehend what his brother was saying.
"…While I understand your reasons for thinking the Wizard Bonds may be hidden somewhere in the Riddle home I'm not quite sure I'm convinced. I'm sure there have been more than a few who've already searched the place and no-one has reported to us they've found anything stolen from the Ministry, let alone millions in Ministry funds. Although, to be perfectly honest, I can't say anyone has looked there at all either. Care to share your theory?"
Ron had not explained any details to what he, Hermione and Harry had talked about the other evening in the library. He was afraid they might go after the Bonds without him. Now sitting in front of his brother he was just as reluctant to divulge anything further but he didn't know any other way around it. He knew if he didn't his request would probably be denied. He sighed and reluctantly told Percy everything in a quiet, hushed tone.
When he was finished Percy looked stunned as he sat back in his chair.
"Well that's," his brother looked off into the shadows of the pub not really focusing on anything in particular, "a rather interesting revelation."
"Look Perc," Ron said in a rush, "I know it sounds farfetched and all that but I really think it may just be the place. I'm being serious here. I don't suppose you happened to spot the article in the Prophet that indicated my little cutie pie has skipped the U.K. did you?"
Percy's look seemed to shift from mild annoyance to a cross between guilty conscience and reluctant resignation. With a heavy sigh he sat back regarding his younger brother a moment longer when he finally nodded.
"Alright Ronald," Percy replied, "I'll convince the Minister that I believe you and the others have a legitimate theory as to the whereabouts of the missing Ministry funds…"
Ron seemed to deflate like a blowfish.
"However," Percy continued, much to Ron's consternation, "Under one condition."
"What condition?" Ron asked, feeling himself winding back up tighter.
"You agree to allow me to dispatch a contingent of Aurors to not only assist in searching the Riddle place but act as guard as well…"
"Oh for the love of…Come on Percy!" Ron groused, "Why not just invite the entire Wizengamot and the bloody Daily Prophet while you're at it! Heck you might as well make it a blazing front page headline…"
"Look Ron," Percy huffed in return, "I'm not making this condition to interfere. If Voldemort really did hide something there don't you think he would have put some kind of wards or curses on the place to safeguard against detection by the Ministry or the Order?"
For a moment Ron wanted to stubbornly protest but the more he thought about it the more he realized Percy could be spot on about that. The last thing he wanted to do was to stumble completely blind into one of the Dark Dolt's leftover nightmares and if Percy knew that Ginny was tagging along there was no way he could convince Percy of any other course of action. Besides, he had no desire to put his sister in any more danger than she had already faced at the hands of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.
The memory of the moment he discovered she had been taken into the Chamber of Secrets had haunted his dreams for months after. He still wasn't sure he was completely over that. He needed no more convincing in that regard.
"Ok," Ron resigned, "You make a fare point. No argument. Besides, Hermione told Harry he could try out all his new secret skills in the hunt."
"Say," Percy looked passed Ron's shoulder for a moment with a hand on his pointed chin, "That's not a half bad idea! I'll be willing to bet Kingsley would jump at the chance to field test his new program in a situation like this. Even so, maybe I should have Bill take a look before the rest of you go out there just in case there's something particularly nasty."
"If you think it's necessary but really Perc," Ron said a bit tiredly, "knowing how careless Voldemort was with his Horcruxes I'm not certain he would have gone to great lengths to protect something like a bunch of paper notes but whatever you think is best."
What started out as a simple adventure like they used to have was rapidly turning into a three-ringed circus complete with dancing bears and clowns on unicycles, (He had read about the Muggle Circus in a book when he was just a little kid. He had swiped it from Ginny's room when she was just a baby.)
Percy had to admit Ron had a rather valid point and he was certain Bill had his hands full at the moment dealing with a bunch of cranky Goblins anyway.
"Alright," Percy said finally as he rose from the table, "I'll ask Kingsley if he wants to use his people to provide security. If he isn't interested or prepared or whatever I'll simply dispatch a company of standard Aurors to assist, agreed?"
"Fair enough," Ron nodded.
"When do you think you'll be going to Little Hengleton?"
"As soon as Harry and Hermione get back from holiday with her folks. As far as I know that will be on Thursday night. I think we were planning on going first thing Friday to use as much daylight as we can."
"Makes sense," Percy nodded, "Very well, I'll have one team or the other here first thing Friday morning. I'll tell them to meet you lot here in Hogsmead. Good enough?"
"Perfect," Ron replied, "Thanks Percy."
"No problem Ron," he smiled at his brother warmly for a moment, "I understand your desire to claim that reward. I thought your book was doing rather well though."
"It is," Ron said taking on a rather stricken look all of a sudden, "To be perfectly honest and as much as I hate to admit it…it's really not about the money anymore…"
With a blinding movement that impressed even Ron in the sheer speed in which he pulled his wand Percy put its tip just under Ron's nose catching Ron completely unawares.
"Ok, who are you and what have you done with my brother Ronald?"
At first Ron was stunned but when Percy's face crinkled in a wry grin his older brother slipped his wand back into the fold of his Ministry robe. Ron could do nothing more than shake his head chuckling.
As Percy moved off toward the entrance to the pub he stopped and glanced at Ron back over his shoulder.
"Just promise me you'll be careful Ron…Please," Percy's face took on a slightly pained look for a moment, "We've already buried one family member. I would rather not relive that experience for a long, long time ok?"
Ron just nodded. He didn't realize he suddenly had a goose egg sized lump stuck in his throat.
The preparations to go to Little Hangleton were not that complicated. Hermione, of course, felt it necessary to lecture each and every one of them on the importance of safety which meant that almost everyone was a bit edgy before they even started for Hogsmead.
Ginny and the others went on ahead to meet Kingsley's team so they could be briefed.
While they were making their way through the school the trio was accosted by the ever-jovial and effervescent Professor Dervish.
"Well, Merlin's bloomers," the Professor practically shouted, "if it isn't the Savior of the Wizard World himself!"
Hermione made the formal introduction. She had not introduced Harry to the new Professors like she had planned. After that first night spent in her dorm room she became a bit selfish with his time.
However, she noticed the Professor looked a bit wobbly.
"Are you alright Professor Dervish?"
"Wha…," his eyes twitched to Hermione for a moment, "Oh…oh yes. I'm fine. Got in a bit of a scrape earlier with a rather rambunctious Snidgit. Not to worry."
His smile was a bit befuddled until he shook his head.
"If you'll excuse us Professor," Hermione said politely, "We're in a bit of a hurry."
"Of course, of course," Professor Dervish blustered, "However, I was wondering…Harry I must say I am ever so intrigued by the desire to know just how you managed to destroy one of the most powerful magical sorcerer of all time. Please, I beg you. Offer a stodgy old professor a moment of your time. Perhaps I may learn a thing or two to present to my classes for lecture, hmm?"
The professor gazed at Harry rather longingly with the appearance of a quivering Chihuahua.
Harry was about to respectfully decline when Ron clapped him on the shoulder.
"Oh go on Harry," Ron said, "Give the man a moment of your time. It shouldn't take long. You know the way. You can catch us up. Professor Dervish here is like…one of your biggest fans mate!"
Harry stifled an exasperated sigh. He really didn't want to be grilled about all that but on the other hand - he did have a great respect for the Professors. His shoulder's slumped only slightly. He nodded. Hermione frowned and gave Ron a look that suggested he smelled like a rotting Mimbulus Mimbletonia.
"Perhaps I could spare a moment Professor," Harry said as pleasantly as he could.
"Oh splendid," the Professor clapped excitedly, still swaying a bit dangerously, "Thank you Harry. You are most gracious!"
Professor Dervish slipped an arm in Harry's and swept the young man away with surprising alacrity for someone who just got a bump on the head.
Hermione was now glaring at Ron trying to decide if she wanted to transfigure him into Doxy droppings or not when she finally huffed.
"Well done you idiot!"
"What?" Ron just shrugged his shoulders trying his best to give her his best innocent look.
Hermione just made a growling noise and grabbed the front of his shirt pulling him along down the hall.
Ron chuckled.
"Ooh Hermione," he said in an affected low, sexy voice, "Do that growl for me again love, please? It gave me loose flesh all over!"
She stopped and whirled on him with a dark look.
"That's goose flesh you moron!"
They both stared at one-another for a moment then they both burst out in a fit of laughter.
Ron slipped his arm affectionately over her slender shoulder.
"Don't worry Hermione. You've got the bloke for the rest of your life. You're going to have to share him now and again."
What Ron said warmed her cheeks as they made their way towards Hogsmead.
After Percy had contacted Kingsley the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement was thrilled with the prospect of field-testing his fledgling new Auror program.
He dispatched his recruits to assist and had dispatched enough to provide a solid and secure perimeter, just in case.
After everyone was on the same page they took off for the Riddle mansion…minus one Harry Potter.
Hermione finally got to meet the woman Harry had told her about in his letters - the one he said had an uncanny resemblance to Nymphadora Tonks. When Kingsley had introduced them Hermione couldn't help but gawk at the woman stupidly herself. The resemblance was indeed uncanny.
After a slight delay while Kingsley's team swept the house for any spells, incantations wards or traps - the others were allowed inside to begin the search in earnest.Hermione found herself subconsciously partnering up with Ron and Ginny at first. Dean, Seamus and Ernie Macmillan made up the other team of non-Auror trained personnel.
For some reason Luna had no desire to accompany them this time. Neville suspected she simply no longer had any interest in partaking in their adventures and decided to reserve her energy to go on her little safaris with her father to find the odd lost magical creature so Neville elected to stay behind this time as well.
When Hagrid found out Fluffy the giant three-headed dog was on the Lovegood's most wanted short list he took steps to secure the beast, much to Hermione's relief.
The house swept for any hidden traps or curses the rest of them filed in and began searching the entire place. Kingsley insisted each group be accompanied by two of his staff. No-one argued.
After finding the small set of hidden stairs that led down into the cellar off the far side of the huge kitchen, it was Hermione and her team who decided to start there.
Bridgett "Stormy" Patterson went ahead of the group leading with her lit wand with a rather hesitant Hermione right on her heels. She wished Harry was with her.
"Sorry about before," Hermione whispered to the older woman, "I didn't mean to stare like a confunded idiot. It's just you really do look very much like…"
"The Tonks woman…yes," Bridgett replied without turning her attention from her task, "It's alright. No offense taken. From what Harry tells me she was quite the scrapper this Tonks."
"That she was," Hermione smiled broadly to herself. And a complete klutz went left unsaid. Hermione was not about to degrade a dead woman.
As they descended the narrow creaking wooden staircase she heard the woman speak again.
"Harry's told me a lot about you Ms. Granger."
"Hermione, please," she replied, "I hope he didn't make me out to be too…erm…perfect."
"Not really," Bridgett said, turning her head slightly to the side so Hermione could see a smirk play across the woman's lips, "just perfect for him."
Hermione thought she would swoon right then and there. No-one could have slapped the silly grin off her face after that comment.
"And don't I love him madly," Hermione added absent-mindedly.
As they made the bottom of the steps both the Aurors fanned out along the narrow brick subterranean hallway. Hermione turned to Ron.
"Did you happen to bring your Deluminator by any chance?"
"As a matter of fact I did," Ron replied as he pulled the silver lighter-looking device from his pocket.
"Brilliant," Hermione smiled.
"I have my moments," Ron smirked as he clicked the Deluminator. Three bright balls of yellowish light jumped from the tip and lit the entire underground space.
The Aurors gaped at Ron for a moment as they inquired about the amazing device. Ron was almost instantly smitten with Bridgett and equally as stunned by her resemblance to Tonks.
Ginny moved up next to Hermione.
"So what exactly are we looking for? I mean I know we're looking for the missing wizard bonds but I'm not quite sure I would know one if I saw one."
"Erm…that is an excellent question Ginny!"
Hermione smacked her forehead with her palm, she had forgotten to tell the others what the bonds may look like.
She quickly told them a general description of how the bonds may appear - Official looking document with fancy writing, the Ministry seal and rather large Roman numerals.
Bridgett used her com-mirror to let the others know what they were looking for. Ron was fascinated by the two-way mirror.
They began searching the basement looking in one room at a time. Each door they opened they discovered what Hermione told them was Muggle treasure after treasure.
They found antique furniture - rare and valuable paintings and works of art. There were tapestries and Persian rugs as well as a beautiful master grand piano that would have been worth a small fortune, but time and the exposure to the damp confines of the basement had caused it to warp and mildew…But no wizard bonds or pilfered magical Ministry property anywhere.
When they had searched all but two of the smaller chambers Hermione was poised to open the last door at the far end of the hall. When she tugged firmly the rusty hinges let out a shrieking complaint as the door came open. She was instantly hit with the most horrid smell.
When her eyes landed on what was inside the small room she froze in pure terror.
Her blood-curdling scream ripped through the confined space stabbing them all in the temples like hot carving knives.
In less than a heartbeat the Aurors were at her side, wands out and ready to strike. Bridgett grabbed Hermione and pulled her from in front of the door while her partner Andrew Kirke covered them.
Ron and Ginny were a bit slower to respond but not by much.
"What is it Hermione," Ron asked a bit breathless, "was it a ghoul or something?"
"N…n…no!" she stammered wide-eyed and horrified, "Worse…look!"
With a shaking hand she pointed to the open door. Hermione cringed away like she couldn't stand to see whatever was within the room.
Ron stepped forward but the Auror Andrew put a hand on his shoulder.
"Careful there, maybe you should let me?"
"M…maybe you're right," Ron replied trying to maintain a smattering of dignity.
Ginny leaned close to his shoulder smirking.
"My hero!" She quipped under her breath giggling.
Andrew eased around the door and took the standard three-second look as trained. When he stood up he stepped into the room.
"Kirke!" Bridgett called, still holding a sobbing Hermione.
"S'allright," he called, "All clear."
Ron and Ginny stepped in front of the door and peered in wearily. When they saw what was inside Ron's tense shoulders fell at the same time as his lower jaw. He turned to gawk at a still sniffling and horrified-looking Hermione Granger.
"Books!?!" He cried, "You screamed like a bloody banshee for a bunch of moldering old books!"
Ginny had to force herself to keep from bursting out laughing. She hid her glee behind her hands and turned away.
Hermione stiffened and rounded on Ron with a murderous glare.
"Those are not just books Ron Weasley," she huffed, "they're rare and priceless volumes whose contents has been lost forever because of incompetence and carelessness."
Ron was still staring at her slack-jawed.
"Well, Merlin's beard Hermione! With your share of the reward you can buy lots of brand-spanking new ones…as many as you like, hmm kay!"
Hermione stomped her foot with arms ridged and hands clenched into tight fists
"That's not the point Ronald…" she began but then knew logic would be lost on him, "Oh…never mind! I wouldn't expect you to understand! The great Ronald Weasley, the Golden Boy has no use for books!"
"Well that's not true Hermione," Ron replied smirking slightly, "I wrote one for Merlin's sake!
"Or really?" she huffed loudly, "The only use you've ever had for a book was to hide behind so Lav Lav wouldn't find you and you didn't write that book! That dodgy gossip Rita Skeeter wrote it! You just told her all that nonsense!"
They heard Ginny cackle from the next room over.
"Oy!" Ron responded a bit irritated, "That's so not true…and besides, I've used books for other things."
"Like what?" Hermione asked glaring at him as she folded her arms tightly under her breasts.
"Well," Ron replied, his face morphing into a wide Cheshire grin, "they're great for fixing a wobbly table."
Hermione's face flashed a hideous shade of purple and her hand twitched toward her wand until she realized there were now more people in the narrow hall.
"OH!" She stomped her foot again and stormed off in the opposite direction. Ron could envision a small dark stormy cloud above her head.
Ginny sidled up to Ron.
"You know, one of these days you're going to go too far Ron and she's going to transfigure you into something very unpleasant."
The Auror named Andrew Kirke gave Ron a significant look.
"She's right," he grinned, "There's nothing so dangerous as a woman scorned…Like tweaking the tail of the Dragon."
Bridgett gave him a look that made Ron's blood freeze.
"And don't you forget it either!" She huffed pointing at a grinning Andrew.
He just winked at the powerful-looking woman.
Ron got the impression the rather dark gothic hottie could snap a full grown Mountain Troll in two with no trouble at all. He felt the heat rise out of his collar.
Apparently the others heard the commotion and came running. Dean, Seamus, Ernie and the two Aurors with them came bustling up the hall with wands out. Kingsley was close behind with several others. The confined space filled with people quickly.
Bridgett held up her hands.
"It's alright Commander," she said with authority, "Ms. Granger just got a little spooked, that's all. We're all fine."
Seamus and Dean looked at one-another questioningly as Dean moved up close to Ginny. They knew it wasn't easy to spook Hermione Granger.
Hermione found herself safely ensconced in another one of the larger chambers. She didn't trust herself to be in close proximity to the dunderhead at present. Her thoughts were in a rather dark place at the moment.
Her mind wandered as she let her finger tips drift lightly over the ornate carved scrollwork of a finely crafted gilded wooden chair.
He didn't understand the importance of those books, no one did. No-one but her seemed to understand how important knowledge was and how devastating it was when it was lost.
Whole decades, even centuries of history were lost to obscurity because of the destruction of historical record from either the ravages of time or war or disaster or just plain human carelessness. There was so much about ancient history they still didn't know - that would never be known.
Every volume lost to the world was a blow to the accumulation of knowledge. Who knows…maybe somewhere in those lost tomes was the cure for a debilitating Muggle disease. It was now lost to time. Complete civilizations had been lost and completely forgotten due to floods, earthquakes, fires and one of the worst destroyers of knowledge both ancient and modern…illiteracy.
It made her sick in her heart to think of how much had been lost through the ages.
As she wandered among the old furniture and items left over from the Riddle family's past she wanted Harry there with her. She wondered what was keeping him.
She was certain Professor Dervish was talking his ears off trying to get him to tell as much as he would divulge about the final battle. The man seemed obsessed with the details.
She could hardly blame him. It wasn't every day Harry Bloody Potter showed up at your door.
She suddenly understood what Ginny had told her about loosing Harry to the wizarding world. She understood now exactly what that meant and it made her a bit angry…well…angrier than she already was.
She wasn't about to loose him to anyone! She had managed to snatch him from the hands of Death more than once. There was no mortal who intimidated her that much. If neither Voldemort nor Death Himself could do it then what chance did the average bloke have?
As she turned to make her way out of the chamber she stopped dead in her tracks…
The chair!
She spun on her heel and stared at the red velvet and gilded framed ornate throne-like chair. She had seen it before, she knew it!
Hermione wracked her brain to remember where she had seen it but couldn't quite recall. It frustrated her because the silly and pointless diatribe with Ron was scattering her thoughts and she was finding it difficult to concentrate feeling so unsettled.
She decided to drop it for the time being and concentrate on locating the Ministry property if it was located in this house.
After some additional personnel were brought from the Ministry to start cataloging and transporting all the items in the basement for future assessment and eventual liquidation, both the search teams moved to the upper floors.
Ron's theory was put to the test on the main floor to no avail. After that floor had been thoroughly searched they moved to the second.
Hermione was getting a bit more perturbed that Harry had not shown up yet. She was wondering what was keeping him and her agitation at one Professor Dervish was reaching a dangerous level. It was when she and Ginny were searching a hall bath they heard Ron cry out.
"Oy…I've got something!"
"Where are you?" Hermione yelled.
"The room at the end of the hall," Ron yelled, "I think I've found what we've been looking for and a whole lot more!"
Hermione shot Ginny a surprised look as both girls' eyebrows shot up. They dashed to the end of the hall. Ernie and Seamus joined them from adjacent bedrooms they had been searching on either side of the second floor hallway.
When they stepped over the threshold they saw Ron had rolled a ratty looking thick rug up against the far wall and had several lengths of floor boards removed. Deep in the recesses of the sub-floor were dozens upon dozens of small leather pouches and draw-string bags. There were too many to count.
Ernie and Seamus darted forward. Just as Seamus reached to pull out one of the bags Hermione hollered…
Seamus' hand jerked back as if he had been scorched.
"Wait until the Aurors get here," she added hastily, "There's no telling what kind of trap Voldemort put on this place. You could bring the whole bloody ceiling down on are heads for all we know!"
"Trust her," Ron said, "She knows what she's talking about mate!"
Both Seamus and Ernie looked up the ceiling above their heads and Seamus swallowed hard…he nodded.
It took only a few minutes for Kingsley and his crew to sweep the room. Once they declared it safe they began carefully lifting the bags from the floorboards.
One team removed the flooring and the other lifted out the stash. It didn't take long for someone to yelp that they had at last found the missing Ministry stash. Stacks and stacks of bonds were found that added up to more than 850 million galleons of Ministry revenue. They had also recovered an additional 50 million in gold galleon coins and nearly 10 million in Muggle paper pound notes.
The sheer amount of monetary wealth stashed in the Riddle house was absolutely staggering. That didn't include the value of the antiquities, art and historical artifacts that had been recovered. Nor did it include the vast amount still residing in the bank account in Romania.
…And it was Ronald Bilius Weasley who had been the one to find it.
The Minister for Magic was summoned at once.
It was when Hermione was lifting out one of the smaller leather sacks from the depth of the framing that something made her glance up and notice the wall across from her. It was stained, cracked and peeling but the distinct outline of where paintings and pictures once hung on the wall were still quite distinct.
It was that detail that finally made everything fall into place.
Her head shot up and she stared at the wall in utter shock. In the next second she was on her feet, her eyes never leaving the wall.
It was paneled from the chair rail down to a wide wainscoting and picture box trim. Above was wallpapered in wide vertical greens of varying shades and hues though now long faded. She had seen this wall before…And now she knew where! It was the same place she had seen the chair!
In the next moment the phrases of the prophecy all made complete sense to her. The answer had been in front of her the whole time!
Oh Merlin's ghost…How could I have been SO THICK!
Hermione's stomach did a slow sickening roll.
Ron looked up as he saw Hermione just standing there gaping blankly at the wall in front of her. He thought she had finally gone round the bend but when she turned to face him she was white as a ghost. He knew immediately something was terribly wrong.
He, himself was on his feet then. Ginny had been watching her as well. She stepped up to Hermione and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Hermione what is it?"
Hermione looked at Ginny with wild eyes full of fear.
"We have to get back to Hogwarts," she said in almost a whisper. In the next moment she pulled her wand and said softly, "expecto patronum!"
Her silvery little otter patronus swam in the air circling her once then shot straight through the stained and cracked windows.
Before either of them could ask what was going on, she stepped on their unasked questions.
"Harry's in danger," she seemed to snap out of the stupor she had found herself, "Look, I've no time to explain…we have to go…NOW!"
Neither Ron nor Ginny said a word. They simply glanced at one-another and nodded. They reached out for Hermione's hand together and clasped it. It was Ron who spoke, his face set with determination.
"Do it Hermione."
With a twist and a loud crack that startled all within the room they vanished.
It was Bridgett who was near enough to have witnessed what had transpired and overheard their conversation. She went quickly to find the Commander.
"Commander," she called to him. Kingsley looked up at her with a questioning gaze, "I think we may have a situation …"