Author's Note: - I apologize for taking so long to update….I hope I haven't lost the readers who were reading my fics… I also apologize in advance for spelling grammar mistakes. I'll try to improve in future updates.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Hermione's Dilemma
Later that night when Charles quietly walked out of his room to check on his daughter, he found her sleeping peacefully in her own room, alone. So he went back to his room without any worries of a protective father.
However, when Jean got up early in the morning, she found her daughter in the guest room in the same bed as her boyfriend, and Harry's arms were wrapped securely around her.
Jean just hoped that they were fully clothed under the warm sheets covering their body.
"Good morning Mum," Hermione said walking into the kitchen where her mother was busy preparing the breakfast.
"Good morning Hermione," Jean replied, looking amused.
"What?" Hermione asked eying her mother warily. She sat down on dining chair and waited for her mother to speak. She filled a glass of water to soothe her aching throat.
"Did you sleep well last night?" Jean asked innocently.
Hermione almost choked on water, turning bright red.
"Yes. Why?" She asked.
Jean didn't get to reply as Harry entered the kitchen.
"Good Morning Hermione, Mrs Granger," He said with a smile and sat down next to Hermione.
"So Harry, did you get the proper sleep last night?" Jean asked with a smile. Hermione glowered at her mother.
"Um, yeah," Harry replied a little hesitantly, looking between mother and daughter.
Jean nodded. "What are your plans for the day?" She asked looking at the young couple as she started putting breakfast on the table. Hermione started to get up to help her mother, but Harry waved her off to sit down. He got up and started helping Jean. Jean saw their interaction; however, she refrained from commenting. Her heart warmed up seeing how much Harry cared for Hermione.
Over the years, she had heard many things from Hermione about Harry. To Jean it was obvious that Harry had made a very significant effect in shaping Hermione's life and personality. Before Hogwarts Hermione was an introvert child. She never had friends, more like, she was afraid of making friends. She became more and more inclined towards the books, which later became her safe haven.
Jean knew that Harry and Ron had helped Hermione in coming out of her shell. She had become more relaxed and an easy-going girl. To her surprise, Hermione had learned to crack some jokes (even if they were not very funny, at least she tried it).
"Good Morning everyone," Charles said entering into the kitchen. He kissed his wife and sat down in front of Hermione.
They were eating breakfast when an owl flew through the open window and straight to Hermione. She was startled for a moment before taking a large envelope tied to the owl's leg. Her name was written on it, but nothing else.
She was confused for a moment. Who would send her something like this?
"Who is it from?" Charles asked.
"I don't know. There's no name written on it." Hermione replied. She made to open the envelope but Harry stopped her.
"Wait Hermione, it's a magical post. Do you think it's safe to open it?" He asked.
Hermione stopped and looked at Harry. She knew he was right. She still remembered the hateful mails she had received during her Hogwarts days.
"I guess you're right. I'll just go and get my wand from my room." She said getting up from her seat.
"Are you sure your wand is in your room?" Jean asked innocently though her eyes were twinkling with mischief. Hermione almost choked over her own breath once again as she looked at her mother with wide eyes. Luckily, her father couldn't catch on the meaning of her mother's words.
"Where else it would be?" Charles interrupted dismissing his wife's query. Hermione and Harry sighed with relief, inaudibly.
Hermione threw one last glare towards her mother before leaving the kitchen (leaving poor Harry alone under the watchful eyes of her parents).
As per Jean's unsaid assumption, Hermione found her wand in Harry's room. Taking her wand, she went back to the kitchen where her parents and Harry were waiting for her.
"So is it dangerous?" Jean asked after Hermione waved her wand at the envelope.
"No," Hermione said putting her wand on the table. She opened the envelope.
"It's the latest edition of Witch Weekly." Hermione said incredulously. However, looking at the magazine, an unreadable look came over her face.
"Hermione," Harry said her name, but there was no reply. Hermione was standing so others could not see what was on the magazine.
Soon Harry found out what was wrong as he stood up and walked around the table to have a look at the magazine.
"That bloody reporter!" Harry exclaimed angrily.
Hermione didn't look up at Harry as she continued to look at the front cover lost in her thoughts.
"What is it Harry?" Jean asked worriedly.
Harry took the magazine from Hermione's hand and handed it over to Jean.
Jean was shocked. Front cover of the magazine contained a picture, half of which had Harry and Ginny holding hands and another half of Hermione in a dishevelled look with the title `Beauty or The Beast: Whom will Harry Potter choose???'.
"What the hell is this Harry?" Jean asked looking appalled, "Why were you holding hands with Ginny?"
Harry, however, was not listening. He was looking at Hermione with concern.
"Hermione," He whispered her name, squeezing her shoulder. Hermione jerked out of her thoughts and looked at Harry.
"Yeah," She said.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked, trying to gauge her expression.
In return, Hermione smiled at him. "Yes," She replied.
"So would you care to explain what's this all about?" Robert asked. He had taken the magazine from Jean and looked angry. He put the magazine down on the table and looked at Harry expecting some kind of explanation.
Harry told them about what had happened in the Diagon Alley, the previous day. Hermione remained quiet unable to take her eyes off the magazine. Her heart lurched painfully as she looked at the picture.
Why were people so against and spiteful towards her and Harry as a couple? Perhaps looks were the only thing that really mattered in the end (also the blood status).
Hermione couldn't help but think how similar Harry and Ginny looked to James and Lily Potter. Harry was a Xerox copy of his father and Ginny looked very much like Lily with those fiery red hair and incomparable beauty. Hermione wondered did Lily Potter liked and played Quidditch or was she a bookworm, know-it-all like her. Yes, Ginny and Lily both had red hair and both were beautiful, but what else was common between them?
Hermione closed her eyes to erase unwanted thoughts from her mind, but with no avail. She wanted to be alone at that moment. She knew Harry would suspect that something was wrong with her. She wanted to bury herself in his arms. She could feel his eyes on her, but had no strength to look into his eyes.
"Hermione," Harry tried to gain her attention. When she didn't reply, he touched her hand, startling her out of her musings.
"Yes," Hermione said in a composed manner. She hoped her inner turmoil didn't show on her face.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked. Hermione was finding it difficult to look into his concern-filled eyes. It was not fair to Harry that she doubted her place in his life. From time to time, he had made her feel the most important person in his life. However, her lack of confidence in her self-worth always managed to manufacture the unwelcomed thoughts in her mind.
"Come with me." Harry said all of a sudden, pulling Hermione out of her chair.
"W…what?" Hermione stuttered.
Harry didn't reply. He simply pulled Hermione along with him out of the kitchen and towards the stairs to go up to his room.
Hermione didn't protest. She had an idea what Harry wanted to talk about. But she wasn't prepared to have that talk, but she also knew Harry wouldn't let it go until she resolved her issues.
Once they were inside the guest room, Harry locked the door and put a silencing charm on it. He turned and looked at Hermione who was fidgeting nervously, looking anywhere, but at Harry.
Harry walked towards her, standing right in front of her. Finally, Hermione raised her head and looked into his eyes.
"What's wrong Hermione?" Harry asked, cupping one side of her cheek. "You trust me, don't you? You know that I would never betray you."
Hermione was shocked by the uncertain look that had appeared in Harry's eyes.
"I know, Harry. I know you love me." Hermione said squeezing his hand.
Harry looked relieved. "Then what's bothering you. You looked so distracted downstairs in the kitchen."
"It's just that, I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter what others think of us or that they doesn't approve of us. But it still hurt sometimes to see people ridicule us."
Hermione took a deep breath and continued, "I know I should not let it affect me. But in the end I am only a human and it hurts when people..." She trailed off looking over Harry's shoulder.
"Hermione, please look at me." Harry spoke softly.
Hermione looked at him. All she could see was the love Harry had for her.
"You know that I love you, right?" He said. Hermione nodded as tears filled her eyes. She immediately wrapped her arms around Harry and hugged him.
"I know you love me, Harry. I could never doubt that. I am so sorry." She said tearfully. Harry hugged her tight, trying to take all her pain away.
"Shh Hermione. Please don't cry and never apologize." Harry said kissing her on top of her head.
Harry pulled back and wiped her face.
"Sorry, it just came out of nowhere. I have never felt so insecure towards our relationship." Hermione admitted as she was once again in control of her emotions.
"Hey it's ok. And you know what, even though you're crying, and your face is all red and blotchy, and your eyes are swollen, and your hair are a complete mess, you are never going to get rid of me. Sorry girl, but you are stuck with me." Harry said playfully.
Hermione rolled her eyes and hit him on the arm. "You are such a goof sometimes, Harry Potter, and that dialogue of yours doesn't even match with the existing situation." She said smiling.
Harry simply shrugged unperturbedly. "Saying right thing at the right place and right time is your forte, not mine." He said, grinning.
Hermione opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted when Harry hauled her in his arms and melded his lips with hers, kissing her deeply. "You're the sweetest thing I have ever seen and tasted." He whispered in her ear.
A blush rose to Hermione's cheeks as she looked in Harry's eyes.
"I love you, Harry." She said, resting her head on Harry's chest, listening to her favourite music in the world, Harry's rhythmic heartbeat.
"I love you, Hermione." Harry returned, holding Hermione in his arms, feeling the luckiest person in the world.
Author's Note: - Hope you liked this short chapter. Please read and give me REVIEWS.