Disclaimer: - I don't own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
She's Not The Family
"Then, we would have to do something about it." Harry whispered as he left a trail of hot and wet kisses on her neck, while his hands were wandering over Hermione's naked body. Hermione was holding Harry close to her as her arms wandered over his back. Hermione felt as though if her skin was burning under Harry's touches and kisses. Fire was building in both of their bodies and once again, they were lost in each other that night.
Harry slowly opened his eyes as first rays of sun hit the Burrow's backyard. It wasn't hard, but a soft light which illuminated the chocolate brown hair of a witch, who was lying peacefully next to him resting her head on his chest. One of her arm was draped across his chest and one of her leg was tangled with his own. Harry smiled at her sleeping form, her whole face devoid of any lines of tension. Peace was evident in the way she was resting, and the slight smile, which was playing on her lips, gave her an adorable look.
He remembered the last night. It was one of the most three amazing nights of his life. Other two nights were- the night when Hermione had told him that she loved him, and the night when Hagrid told him that he was a wizard. Those three nights had brought most significant changes in his life in the best possible manner.
Harry rubbed his eyes with his free hand to remove the sleepy haze from them. He felt Hermione stir beside him and looked at her.
Hermione lifted her head to have a good look at Harry and kissed his cheek.
"Good morning Harry." Hermione said in a drowsy voice.
"Good morning, love." Harry said with a goofy grin etched upon his face.
"Had a good sleep?" Harry asked as the sleepy Hermione closed her eyes again.
Hermione opened her eyes to look at Harry.
"Oh you know, just like every other night." Hermione replied casually.
"Really?" Harry asked in a mock surprised voice as he pulled Hermione on top of him and putting both of his hands on either sides of her waist.
Before Hermione could reply, Harry caught her lips in a sweltering kiss. Out of the blue, Hermione pulled back and started laughing hysterically.
"Harry, just stop it." Hermione said as she tried to control her laughter. Harry had started tickling her mercilessly when she was distracted by his kiss making Hermione squirm in his arms.
"Leave me Harry." Hermione said laughing as she tried to get out of his tickling arms. Harry was enjoying the sensations of Hermione's soft naked body rubbing against his own hard body.
Harry suddenly stopped and held Hermione close to him. Within a breath, he rolled her over on her back so that their positions interchanged. Hermione was lying under Harry, feeling wonderfully luscious.
Harry kissed her slowly roaming and touching his hands on every part of her body. Hermione pulled back after sometime.
"You know, stars are very lucky for us." Harry said looking into Hermione's eyes.
"How?" Hermione asked looking a bit confused.
Harry kissed her lightly. "You see, I asked you out that night on the astronomy tower under the stars and last night we made love for the first time and that too under the stars" he said.
"Yes, you are right. I would love to spend all my nights with you under the stars." Hermione whispered lovingly, caressing Harry's cheek.
"I know. I feel the same way." Harry said in a heartfelt voice.
Hermione sighed. "I think we should go back inside. Others would be waking up soon." Hermione said as she reluctantly pulled herself out of Harry's embrace. She got up and started to put on her clothes.
"Yeah," Harry said reluctantly as he dragged himself off the floor.
When Harry and Hermione were fully dressed, they went inside the house quietly. Luckily, everyone was still in his or her beds.
Hermione moved towards the stairs, but Harry stopped her before she could take her first step. Hermione looked at him with a surprised look on her flushed face.
After casting a silencing spell around them, Harry pulled Hermione in his arms and hugged her tight. He pulled back a little and looked at Hermione.
"Last night was the most amazing night of my life." Harry whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead.
"Was it your first?" Hermione blurted out.
'I shouldn't have asked this.' Hermione thought regretfully.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked this." Hermione said, not meeting Harry's eyes. Harry put a finger under Hermione's chin and raised it upwards so that he could see in her eyes.
"No, I never did that before. You are my first and I am glad for it." Harry said softly as he looked into her chocolate brown eyes.
Hermione looked surprised at this revelation. "You didn't. But…." Hermione trailed off as Harry put a finger on her lips to stop her.
"It never felt right to be with someone at this intimate level." Harry said gently.
"Until the last night," Harry added slyly as he looked at Hermione with an intense look in his eyes. Remembering the last night, he started feeling warm all over his body.
Hermione's body was lightly pressed against his body and he could feel the heat of desire flaming inside him. He leaned forward and captured Hermione's lips in a searing kiss.
Hermione once again felt herself melting in Harry's kisses and caresses as his arms wandered all over her body. Her hands weren't still either as they moved inside his nightshirt and stroked his firm chest. She could feel a tingling sensation between her legs and pressed herself tightly against Harry's body trying to make him see what he was making her feel.
Harry was thinking of pulling Hermione in the nearest broom closet and make love to her senselessly, suddenly there was a noise of someone opening the door upstairs. Harry and Hermione had heard the noise as they parted immediately and looked at each other.
"It's time to leave." Hermione said hurriedly as she pulled Harry along with her up the stairs. They just reached their rooms in time, had they stayed out of room for a couple of more seconds they would have seen a sleepy looking Mrs. Wealsey going downstairs.
Wedding day was approaching fast and they all were busy with preparations. Things were getting stressful, especially for Mrs. Weasley considering that Bill was her first child to get married.
First week of August had passed quickly. Since wedding was to take place at the Burrow, house was always crowded during the daytime.
As Arthur Weasley was the Minister of Magic, there would not have been any problem for Weasleys in affording a grand wedding as special luxury services were provided to the minister on behalf of the ministry; also, the best wedding decorators in magical world were offering their services for the wedding of Minister's son.
However, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley decided not to take the advantage of Minister's position and Mrs. Weasleys wanted to see all arrangements of her son's wedding by herself.
Other than the wedding Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Ginny were waiting for their NEWTS results as well. Their wait soon ended during second week of August, just a day before the Delacours were to arrive.
Harry, Hermione along with Ron, Ginny, Mr., and Mrs. Weasley were having their breakfast when the Hogwarts' owls arrived with their results.
"Look, owls are coming. I think it's our Newts results." Hermione said excitedly as she got up to go towards the window to open it.
Others looked towards the window. Surely, they all could see two brown owls flying towards the Burrow kitchen with envelopes attached to their legs.
Hermione opened the window wide and stepped sideways to let the owls fly inside the kitchen. Mr. Weasley untied the four letters from both the owls. Owls fluttered their wings and took off immediately from the same window they had entered from earlier.
"Yes, these are your Newts results." Mr. Weasley said confirming Hermione's assumption.
"Here, take it." He said as he handed letters to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny.
Hermione quickly opened her envelope and read her letter frantically. Her eyes moving from left to right in a blur.
"Oh god!" Hermione whispered in a low voice. She had a stunned expression on her face and her mouth was slightly open as she stared at her letter.
Harry, Ron, Ginny along with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley looked at Hermione. Other three had not even opened their results yet.
"Hermione," Harry said shaking Hermione lightly, who was sitting next to him.
"Hmmm…." Hermione replied still looking at her letter.
"Are you alright? Is there anything wrong with your letter?" Harry asked with a concerned voice.
His troubled voice brought Hermione back from her dazed state. She looked up from her letter to find that everyone was looking at her anxiously.
"What's your result, Hermione?" Mr. Weasley asked gently.
"It's ok. I managed to pass all the subjects." Hermione said timidly.
Harry took the letter from her hand and read it. Once he finished reading the letter, Harry looked at Hermione incredulously.
"Are you crazy? It's not ok. It's bloody brilliant." Harry said grinning widely at Hermione and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. Mrs. Weasley didn't look pleased with this show, but refrained herself from saying anything.
Harry looked towards Weasleys. "Hermione has got the best score in last 90 years. And she has been selected for the healer's training at St. Mungo." He said happily.
"Wow Hermione!" Ron said in amazement patting Hermione on the back as he was sitting on other side of her. Rest of them too congratulated Hermione.
"Thank you," Hermione said a blushing Hermione in return to everyone's praises,
"What about three of you?" she asked looking Harry, Ron, and Ginny.
Three of them opened their letters. Harry read his letter, so did the other two.
Dear Mr. Potter,
We are to inform you that you have been selected for Auror training, as your Newt grades are sufficient to get you into the Auror division. Your result for your N.E.W.T examination has been enclosed with this letter along with the entry form for the Auror program. Kindly fill in the form and submit it to Miss Grace Darwin, Secretary of Head of Auror Department, at Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of magic before 10 September.
Yours Sincerely
Griselda Marchbanks
Governor, Wizarding Examinations Authority
Ministry of Magic.
Harry looked in the envelope to find two more pieces of parchment inside. He opened first piece to find his result.
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test
Here is the result of:
Student- Harry James Potter
School House- Gryffindor
Year- 7
Pass Grades- Outstanding (O), Exceeds Expectations (E), Acceptable (A)
Fail Grades - Poor (P), Dreadful (D), Troll (T)
Subjects- Grades
Theory - E
Practical - O
Theory - A
Practical - O
Theory - E
Practical - E
Theory - A
Practical - P
Defense Against
The Dark Arts
Theory - E
Practical - O
Theory - E
Practical - E
History of Magic - A
Opening another parchment, he found the form for his Auror training.
'Finally, I made it.' Harry thought with relief.
"Harry," Hermione called.
"I managed to get into Auror program." Harry said with a smile as he handed his letter to Hermione. Hermione read it hastily and looked at Harry with pride. She got off her chair and hugged Harry tightly. She pulled back and sat back on to her place.
"You even managed to get an O in Potions." Hermione said cheekily.
"You bet, Snape would be cursing you right now for this." Ron said with a laugh.
"Yeah," Harry said looking amused, "what about you both?" he asked Weasley siblings.
Ron simply shrugged. "I got T in History and P I divination which should not be a surprise. Rest is okay with Es and As." Ron said. Hermione took his letter from his hand and read it.
"You are right about Divination and History of Magic, but you did well in rest of the subjects." Hermione said.
"Yeah, but it doesn't matter. I have already applied for playing in the Chudley Cannons." Ron said.
"That's great Ron. I am really very happy for you." Hermione said happily, hugging her redhead best friend enthusiastically, making him blush profusely.
"What about you, Ginny?" she asked looking at Ginny.
"I managed to get through." Ginny said in a disinterested voice and left the kitchen before anyone else could ask her anything else.
"What happened?" Harry asked Hermione.
"I don't know." Hermione said looking nonplussed.
"Don't worry. I'll see what's wrong with her." Mrs. Weasley said as she followed her daughter out of the kitchen.
After sometime, Mrs. Weasley came back in the kitchen followed by Ginny. She just told them that she was feeling a bit stressed that's why she left but now she was feeling better. Everyone except Mrs. Weasley accepted her explanation and didn't ask her anything else.
Delacours had arrived on their scheduled time and they all were staying at the Burrow. It was chock full by the end of the day.
Mrs. Weasley with the help of others had started working on the decorations at the Burrow. A huge rectangular marquee was being set up on the field in front of the Burrow where reception was to be held.
Moving golden angel statues were set up at the entrance of the marquee to welcome the guests. Heart shaped balloons in various colors and sizes were put all around inside the marquee. The bright spheres of the lanterns in various different color lights were hanging from the ceiling. White and pink colors of flowers were used to decorate the whole marquee.
Things were getting restless as the wedding date was coming closer. However, no one was as restless as the bride of the wedding was. She wanted everything to be perfect. She had already decided the color of the dresses for her bridesmaids. She wanted to change the flower decorations from white- pink to white -yellow. Mrs. Weasley was adamant to have white-pink combination nevertheless. Finally, they agreed upon the condition to decorate the aisle with white-yellow flowers.
Charlie was going to be the best man for Bill and his other brothers were going to be groomsmen. Mr. Weasley wanted Harry to be a part of the wedding party. However, Harry had politely declined the proposal saying that he didn't want to interfere in the family occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley tried to convince him, but he respectfully told them no.
Fleur wanted four bridesmaids in the wedding party. It was decided that Ginny was going to be the Maid of Honor while Gabrielle - Fleur's younger sister, Jenna- Charlie's girlfriend who was also a very good friend of Fleur, Penelope- Percy's girlfriend were going to be the three bridesmaids. Fleur wanted Hermione to be her fourth bridesmaid, but Mrs. Weasley had declined the idea saying that Luna should be the fourth bridesmaid as she was Ron's girlfriend and practically a family member.
Fleur, Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Delacour, Gabrielle, Jenna, and Penelope were all crowded in Fleur's room to try on their respective dresses. Since Ginny had already bought and tried on her dress earlier according to what and how Fleur wanted her to wear, she wasn't there in the room. Fleur had asked Hermione to join them, as she wanted to ask her to be one of the bridesmaids.
They all were in the room when there was a knock on the door. Mrs. Weasley opened the door.
"Hello Mrs. Weasley," Hermione said nervously as she saw that who had opened the door.
Hermione had pretty good idea that Mrs. Weasley wasn't very happy with her for some reason.
"Hermione, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Weasley asked palpably.
Just then, Fleur came to join them at the door.
"Oh Hermione, please come in." Fleur said in her thick French accent.
"Why?" Mrs. Weasley asked with confused expression as she looked at Fleur.
"I'll tell you. But let her come in first." Fleur said in the same tone.
After Hermione entered into the room, door was closed again.
"Why did you ask me to come here, Fleur?" Hermione asked. Mrs. Weasley was still standing there with them instead of helping others with their dresses.
Fleur and Hermione had become very good friends during the war.
"Hermione, I want you to be my fourth bridesmaid." Fleur said pleasantly.
"What?" Hermione said in surprised voice.
"Yes," Fleur said.
"Why?" Mrs. Weasley interrupted.
"Hermione is my good friend." Fleur said proudly as she looked at Mrs. Weasley.
"But she is not a family." Mrs. Weasley said deliberately. She was looking at Fleur's face, so she missed Hermione's hurt expression. Even Fleur looked shocked at this statement.
"But Molly, she is your son's best friend and Harry's girlfriend and you surely consider Harry as your family." Fleur said.
"Y…Yes he is." Mrs. Weasley stuttered. "But I wanted you to make Luna your fourth bridesmaid as she is Ron's girlfriend. Luna is practically a family member as she and Ron will get married in the future and she'll become an official Weasley." Mrs. Weasley said.
"But…" Fleur started. However, Hermione interrupted her.
"Mrs. Weasley is right Fleur. You should make Luna your bridesmaid." Hermione said with a smile. "Besides you have chosen the pink color for your bridesmaids which would look horrible on me." Hermione said with a laugh to hide her pain.
Hermione always considered Mrs. Weasley as her own mother. However, Mrs. Weasley was always a little bit cold towards her. It had started during her fourth year when Rita Skeeter had spread rumors of her playing with the feelings of Harry and Viktor Krum.
Since then Mrs. Weasley was always a bit miffed with her. She didn't show it outwardly, but underneath her friendly exterior, Hermione could always feel her cold attitude. She never considered Hermione a family.
"I knew you would understand, Hermione dear." Mrs. Weasley said sweetly and before Hermione could say anything, she turned back into the room to help with the dresses.
"I am sorry, Hermione." Fleur said with regret-filled voice.
"It's Ok, Fleur." Hermione reassured her.
"I better go; Harry would be looking for me." Hermione said in hurried voice and left the room. She quickly made her way downstairs as tears sprang in her eyes. She wiped her tears away as she reached down. At the last step, she collided with someone.
"Ouch!" Hermione yelped. She was about to fall, but two strong arms held her by waist before she could fall.
"Hermione, are you alright?" Harry asked with concerned voice as he helped Hermione standing straight.
Hermione rubbed her hand as she looked at Harry. "Yeah, are you?" Hermione asked in return.
"Of course, you see I am a strong boy." Harry said with amusement.
Hermione laughed at him forgetting about all her painful thoughts.
"My hero," Hermione said teasingly.
"Hermione, are you alright?" Harry asked in a troubled voice as he noticed that Hermione's eyes were red.
"Oh yes, I am perfectly alright." Hermione said trying to sound cheerful.
Harry gave her a look, which said, 'I know you are lying'.
Hermione sighed. "You know I just remembered some old memory." Hermione said which wasn't a lie altogether.
Harry knew it wasn't the real matter. However, he didn't want to force it out of her.
"I know you are not telling me everything. But I just hope someday you would tell me." Harry said looking straight in Hermione's eyes. Hermione couldn't control her emotions after that. She just fell into his arms hugging him tightly as she cried. Harry quickly wrapped his arms around her holding her close. He never asked her anything, just held her tightly.
Once Hermione's tears subsided, she looked at Harry who never let her go from his arms.
"Thanks Harry, I am feeling much better." Hermione said with a smile. Harry kissed her forehead.
"Good. Want to talk about it?" he asked.
"Not right now. I just want to relish being in your arms." Hermione said as she rested her head on Harry's shoulder.
"Let's go outside." Harry suggested.
"Okay." Hermione said. Harry kissed her lightly on the lips and led her outside where they spend rest of their time until it was the time for dinner.
Author's Note: - Please Review. I would like to know whether you liked this chapter or not.