Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Meeting The Parents
Harry and Hermione were sitting in a restaurant. It was already 1:50 PM and they had to reach the Diagon Alley in 10 minutes.
"I think we should better leave." Hermione said looking at her wristwatch.
Harry nodded. "Yeah, let's go." He said.
After paying off the bill for their two burgers and two mugs of coffee, Harry and Hermione left the restaurant. Coming out of the restaurant, they started walking hand in hand, looking for a secluded alley to apparate.
"So Harry, did you enjoy the Tower of London?" Hermione asked looking at Harry apprehensively.
Harry pulled Hermione closer, his hand around her shoulder.
"It was amazing Hermione, though we didn't get to see it completely." Harry said with a little disappointment towards the end.
"Don't worry Harry. We can do it again as we are going to live here now." Hermione said relaxingly.
Harry nodded and smiled.
They both turned in an empty alley and apparated straight to the Diagon alley just outside the twin's shop. They stepped inside the shop. Ron was already there talking with Fred and George.
"Hey Ron, Fred, George," Hermione said with a smile.
"Hey Hermione, Harry" Twins said in unison.
Harry simply nodded in acknowledgement.
"How are you and the shop doing?" Harry asked, as he and Hermione joined the Weasley brothers.
"It's going great. We are planning to launch some new products before end of this month, with special offers for the ickle first years of Hogwarts." Fred replied with a mischievous grin.
"What kind of products?" Hermione asked warily. Even though she wasn't a Hogwarts student anymore, it was hard for her to let go of her head girl attitude.
"Oh, come on Hermione, you don't have to act like a prefect or head girl all the time." Ron opened his big mouth and from the looks of Harry and twins' face, he had landed himself in a deep trouble. Anything was better than facing an angry Hermione, which poor Ron had done countless times at Hogwarts, thanks to his big mouth he would customarily open without thinking.
Hermione glared at Ron. "Just because we are not…" However, before she could complete her sentence, door of the shop opened and Luna and Ginny walked in.
"Sorry, are we late?" Luna asked breathlessly as she came over and stood next to Ron, taking his hand in her own and interlacing their fingers. Ginny too joined the group.
"No, but you have just saved your Ronnikins from seeing his doomsday at the very hands of the great Hermione Granger." George said with a smirk on his face.
Luna looked confused, while Ron and Hermione scowled at George.
"What happened?" Ginny asked.
"Nothing happened. We should better leave or we would be late." Hermione said in a brisk manner, ignoring amused faces of twins and her boyfriend.
"Yeah, she's right." Harry said agreeing with his girlfriend.
Ron, Luna, and Ginny nodded and five of them walked towards the door of the shop.
Once they were out of the shop.
"Okay guys, since you don't know the location of my house, I'll side-along you in a pair of twos." Hermione said.
"Ron, Luna," Hermione said, gesturing them to take her hands.
Once Ron and Luna took hold of her hands on both sides, Hermione closed her eyes and concentrated on the location of her house, and next moment she vanished.
Two seconds later, they were standing in the front of a house.
"Come on," Hermione said to Ron and Luna.
Hermione rang the bell and after a couple of seconds, door opened.
"Hermione," Charles Granger said as he opened the door.
"Hey dad," Hermione said hugging her father.
"Hello Mr. Granger," Ron said timidly, who was standing behind Hermione.
"Dad, you already know Ron and it's Luna, Ron's girlfriend." Hermione said, gesturing towards Luna, "and my friend as well." She added with a smile. Luna beamed at her.
"Dad, I'll be back. I have to go and bring Harry and Ginny." Hermione said in a hurried voice.
Charles nodded. "Go ahead. I'll take care of your friends." Charles said as he ushered Ron and Luna inside the house.
Hermione quickly disapparated back to Diagon Alley where Harry and Ginny were waiting for her.
When Hermione reached there, she saw that some teenage witches surrounded Harry and Ginny, and a photographer was clicking his camera frequently, taking pictures of Harry and Ginny. Harry tried to grab the camera from the man but he disappeared.
Harry was trying to pull Ginny inside the Weasley's shop, but to no avail. Other witches were not letting him and Ginny go away. Harry looked quite frustrated.
As Hermione made her way towards them she heard some of the things those witches were saying to Harry and Ginny.
"Oh, you are so handsome, Mr. Potter." A blond witch said in a giddy voice.
"Yes, you and Ms. Weasley look so good together." A brunette witch said.
"Thank god, you left that bushy haired friend of yours." Another witch with strawberry blond hair said.
Harry growled in anger. "Shut the hell up!" he said angrily, effectively stopping the non-stop talks of those witches and forcing them to back away from him and Ginny.
Hermione stopped in her tracks as she heard what those witches were saying. She knew she should not let these kinds of things affect her. But how could she explain it to her heart. She knew that a large part of wizarding world didn't approve of her relationship with Harry due to her blood status and her looks. A majority of wizarding population that didn't like her consisted of young witches.
"Hermione," Harry called as soon as he saw her.
Without thinking, he dropped Ginny's hand and moved towards Hermione.
"Finally, you have come to save me, oh my great savior." He said teasingly, coaxing a smile from Hermione.
"At least for once, you are not jumping down to play the hero." Hermione replied with a wink, all her worries forgotten. Harry simply grinned at her, making her feel weak at her knees. Harry noticed this and his grin just got wider.
"Can we leave?" Ginny asked in an annoyed voice as she came towards where Harry and Hermione were standing.
Both Harry and Hermione looked at her in confusion. Ginny quickly recovered.
"I mean we should leave, before more and more people start gathering here, expressing their views on how good Harry and I look together." She said with a little laugh. Inside she smiled smugly, seeing the look of uncertainty on Hermione's face.
Even though it was there only for a second, it didn't go unnoticed by Harry, before she covered her face with a mask of smile.
Harry's reply managed to damper all the feelings of giddiness from Ginny's mind.
"Oh, they are nothing but mindless people, cooking stupid stories in their mind and spreading them around." Harry said irately.
Hermione had to smile at Harry. "Well in that case, being your savior I would have to protect you from those mindless buggers." Hermione said playfully.
"By all means, my lovely savior," Harry said wrapping his arm around Hermione's waist. Ginny took the other hand and next moment three of them were standing in front of Hermione's house.
"Welcome to my home Harry, Ginny." Hermione said.
"You have got a nice house." Harry said looking at the big, two storey house in front of him. From where they were standing, they could see the road but people on the road couldn't see them, so apparating in front of the house was a lot less risky.
"Thanks Harry," Hermione said softly, "Let us go inside. Mum and Dad would be waiting for us." Hermione said as she led them to the house. She rang the bell and door was opened immediately.
"Come in." Charles said after he opened the door, "Your mum is waiting for you." He said.
When Harry, Hermione, and Ginny got inside, Charles closed the door.
"Dad, meet Harry and Ginny." Hermione introduced her best friend-boyfriend and her best girl friend.
"Hello Mr. Granger," Harry said nervously, extending his hand towards Charles.
"Hello Harry," Charles replied warmly shaking young man's hand.
"It's nice meeting you, Mr. Granger." Ginny said politely.
"Same here Harry, Ginny. It's nice to meet all the friends of Hermione." Charles replied with a pleasant smile.
Once the pleasantries were exchanged, Hermione led all of them to the living room, where Hermione's mum, Jean, was sitting with Ron and Luna.
"Hey mum," Hermione said as she entered the living room. Jean smiled and quickly got up from the couch and hugged her daughter firmly.
"Hermione, it's so nice to see you." Jean said happily, pulling back from her daughter.
"I missed you and dad." Hermione said in a heartfelt voice.
She pulled out of her mum's embrace completely.
"Mum, meet Harry and Ginny." Hermione introduced.
"Hello Mrs. Granger. You have a very nice house." Ginny said with a courteous smile.
"Thank you dear," Jean replied pleasantly. Then she turned to look at Harry.
"Hello Mrs. Granger," Harry said extending his hand.
To Harry's utter astonishment, Jean pushed his extended hand away and pulled him in a bear hug.
Harry was astonished, but hugged her back all the same, a little awkwardly though. Hermione had to stifle her laugh seeing the look of amazement on Harry's face.
Between introductions, Ron and Luna didn't say anything. They both were busy staring at the television as Luna flipped through the channels using remote control. They both were looking at the TV with awe-filled eyes.
Hermione sniggered looking at their expression, which pulled Ron and Luna out of their fascination with television.
"Hermione, when did you come?" Ron asked looking baffled.
"When you both were busy watching TV." Hermione replied with a smirk.
Ron and Luna blushed at this.
"That's amazing. I still can't believe the wonders muggles have achieved without magic. I can definitely understand my dad's fascination with muggle things. It's a shame you know. I mean despite being magical, we still haven't developed a magical TV or other elekik things." Ron said, looking around with admiration.
"It's electric, Ron." Luna corrected.
"Yeah, I mean that only." Ron said distractedly. Everyone laughed at this.
"Would you guys like to freshen up before we eat?" Jean asked to Hermione and her friends.
"Yeah, I would like to." Ron said getting up from the seat.
"Me too," Luna and Ginny replied in unison, and Harry and Hermione simply nodded in agreement.
"Very well then," Jean said, "Hermione, why don't you show them the way to the bathroom. Girls can use the bathroom in your room and boys can use the bathroom of the guest room."
"Yeah sure," Hermione replied, "Come on guys, I'll show you the way." Hermione gestured them to follow her and led them upstairs.
"Harry, Ron, you both can use this bathroom." Hermione said. Trio, Ginny and Luna were in the guest room. It was a large size room, painted with light blue color, having only a queen-sized bed, a study table, and a wardrobe as furniture.
"Wow," Ron said, looking at the bathroom equipped with latest bathroom furnishing.
"Hermione, do you mind if I take a shower? I wasn't able to take one after the tryouts." Ron asked.
"Sure Ron," Hermione replied with a smile, "There are extra towels in the wardrobe." She said gesturing towards the wardrobe. Ron nodded.
Leaving the boys in the guest room, Hermione led Ginny and Luna to her room.
"Wow Hermione, you have a very nice room." Luna said appreciatively. Ginny nodded agreeing with Luna.
Room was large, just like guest room. Whole room was colored in white. There was large bed with black sheet and white covers. There was large black shelf, full of the books of various sizes. A study table and a chair were kept near the window, and there was a wardrobe with a dressing table next to it, where some more books were lying.
One by one, three girls freshened up.
"So how did it go?" Hermione asked Ginny. They both were sitting in Hermione's room, waiting for Luna to come out of the bathroom. Ginny was brushing her hair, standing in front of the mirror, and Hermione was sitting on her bed looking at Ginny.
"It was actually good." Ginny said turning around, "They have offered me one year contract. They want me to endorse their new line of winter clothing they are going to launch this October."
"Wow Ginny, that's really cool." Hermione said excitedly, "I know one day you are going to be one of the top models of the whole wizarding world."
"Thanks Hermione," Ginny said with a small smile.
"Shall we move downstairs?" Luna asked coming out of the bathroom.
"Yeah, let's go." Hermione said and three of them went downstairs.
Harry and Ron were already there in the living room talking with Hermione's parents, when three girls reached there.
"Hey," Hermione said as she entered the living room, gaining everyone's attention. Ginny and Luna followed.
"Here they are," Jean said getting up from the couch, "Let's go in the kitchen. I am sure you all must be famished by now."
"Oh yes, I am." Ron said enthusiastically, getting up from his seat, making others laugh.
They all were sitting at the dining table in the kitchen, eating and talking.
Hermione was sitting between Harry and her mum. Luna was sitting next to her Jean. Charles was sitting in front of Harry. Ron was sitting next to Charles and Ginny was sitting on other side of Ron.
"So Harry, now that you are out of Hogwarts, what are your plans for the future?" Charles asked.
"I want to be an Auror, Mr. Granger and I am going to start my training next month." Harry replied feeling a little nervous. He wanted to make a good impression on Hermione's parents. They were very warm and welcoming people and he wanted them to approve him for their daughter.
"Auror?" Charles asked looking confused.
"Dad, they are like police force of the magical world." Hermione explained. Charles nodded in understanding.
Charles also asked Ron, Luna, and Ginny about what were they planning for future. He was very fascinated by Ron's career choice and asked him few questions about Quidditch. Harry, Ginny, and Ron explained him about how the game was played.
Luna and Jean were also busy talking with each other. Luna was telling Jean about magical creatures. Hermione decided to join them in the conversation, although she was finding it very difficult to concentrate on the conversation as she felt light caresses of Harry's hand on her thigh, under the table.
After they finished eating, they all moved back to living room and made themselves comfortable. They talked for some more time. Hermione's parents asked about Bill's wedding. For next couple of hours, they all talked about the wedding. Charles and Jean were spellbound hearing about the magical wedding and asked many questions. Harry could clearly see why Hermione was such a curious person by nature.
After some time, Ron checked his watch. It was showing 6:15 AM. "I think we should better leave." He said. Ginny and Luna agreed with him.
"Why don't you all stay here tonight?" Charles asked them.
"Sorry Mr. Granger, but mum would be expecting us back home." Ron said looking apologetic. Charles simply nodded looking a little disappointed. He was hoping to talk to Ron, Harry, and Ginny to know more about Quidditch. Game had really captivated him.
"I think Harry and Hermione can stay." Luna spoke. Jean looked delighted at the idea.
"Would both of you stay here tonight?" She said looking at her daughter and her boyfriend hopefully.
Hermione wasn't sure what to say. She definitely couldn't say no to her mum looking at the hopeful expression on her face. But she wasn't sure if Harry would want to stay, and she didn't want to be away from him, even if for just one night. She felt guilty at this. She was once again ignoring her parents for Harry.
She also felt a little bad that her mum had to ask her to stay.
In last few years, Hermione hadn't spent a lot of quality time with her parents. From the time when she had started going Hogwarts, she had spent most of her summer vacations, at Burrow with Harry and Ron. The way things were going on in the wizarding world at that time, Hermione didn't realize when the distance between her and her parents had started widening. Her parents had missed the important parts of her life during those times.
Hermione looked at Harry who was looking back at her expectantly. It looked like the moment he saw in Hermione's eyes he knew what she was thinking, because next moment he answered Jean's question.
"We'll stay, Mrs. Granger." Harry answered with a smile.
Jean saw the unspoken exchange between Harry and Hermione, but didn't say anything, instead she squealed with joy. However, she immediately quieted down, turning red due to embarrassment, and making others laugh at her reaction.
"Hermione, you'll sleep in your bedroom and Harry, you can take the guest room." Jean said looking happy.
Soon after that Ron, Luna and Ginny bid their goodbyes to Grangers and Harry, and apparated back to Burrow, and only three Grangers and one Potter were left in the house.
Four of them spend some more time talking to each other. After some time Jean got up saying that, she had to prepare the dinner.
"Mum, do you need any help in the kitchen?" Hermione asked, standing up.
Jean stopped and looked at her daughter. She patted her daughter on the shoulder with a sympathetic look on her face.
"Don't worry Hermione, I'll manage." She said compassionately, although her eyes were humorous. Hermione glared at her mum.
"My cooking is a lot better now." Hermione grumbled, "You can ask Harry. I used to cook for him and Ron while we were in hiding during the war." She added looking at her boyfriend, waiting for him to support what she said.
Harry looked at Hermione with wary expression on his face. He didn't want to face her wrath, but as her boyfriend, Harry decided it was his duty to tell her the truth.
"Umm…Hermione, you are actually…" Harry shut his mouth under the glare he was receiving from Hermione. He gave her an apologetic and a shy smile.
Hermione had to smile at him, as her facade of an angry girlfriend slipped away from her face. He looked so adorable that Hermione barely managed to stop herself from snogging him right then and there in front of her parents. She knew kissing Harry in front of her father could be very hazardous for Harry's health.
Hermione realized that she hadn't told her parents about her decision of moving in with Harry. She knew now was the time to reveal it to her parents. First, she wanted to talk to Harry about it. She decided to wait until she spoke to Harry.
After that, Jean left Charles, Harry, and Hermione in the living room and walked towards the kitchen. The moment Jean left, Charles turned towards Harry and started asking more about Quidditch, and Harry replied enthusiastically to all his queries. Hermione groaned audibly, only to be ignored by her father and boyfriend. Shaking her head, she got up and followed her mum to the kitchen.
"What happened?" Jeans asked when she saw her daughter entering into the kitchen.
"Quidditch," Hermione replied rolling her eyes. Jean just laughed at this.
"You know, this Quidditch thing is definitely helping Harry to impress your dad." Jean said while preparing for the dinner. They both shared a laugh at this.
As Jean continued to work, Hermione decided to help her, using magic.
Jean was chopping some vegetables. Hermione asked her to step aside. Ignoring the bewildered look of her mum, Hermione simply waved her wand at the vegetables and the knife. Next second knife started chopping the vegetables on its own.
"Oh, magic is such a beautiful thing," Jean said with a dramatic sigh. Hermione just chuckled at her response.
For next one hour, Jean continued to work in silence, with occasional help of Hermione's wand.
Hermione was sitting on the dining table lost in her thoughts.
"So how things are going with Harry?" Jean asked Hermione sitting next to her.
Hermione focused her attention on her mum, as her mind processed what her mum was talking about.
Hermione smiled a dreamy smile in return. "Great," She replied.
Jean squeezed her hand. "I am so happy for you Hermione." She said in a soft voice.
Hermione beamed at her.
"So, have you…" Jean trailed off, giving a suggestive look to her daughter.
"Have I, what?" Hermione asked looking confused. Jean raised her eyebrows at her.
"Are you still an innocent my dear daughter?" Jean asked bluntly.
"Mum!" Hermione exclaimed loudly, looking horrified.
"What?" Jean asked simply.
"I just don't believe you would ask me something like that." Hermione said, bewildered.
"Well, I am your mother and I want to know if my daughter is planning to make me a grandmother, even before I turn 40." Jean replied with a wink.
Hermione blushed furiously at what her mum said.
"Mum, we…we are n…" Hermione stuttered, "not…" However, before she could finish whatever she was going to say, Charles and Harry came into the kitchen. Harry was just standing behind Charles.
"What happened? We heard Hermione shouting." Charles asked looking puzzled.
"Nothing's happened, dad." Hermione replied, deadpanned, ignoring her mum's amused look.
"Dinner is ready." Jean announced as Charles opened his mouth to say something.
After the dinner was over, Hermione offered to clean the dishes. Jean protested, but Hermione convinced her.
Hermione wanted to ask Harry to stay behind in the kitchen with her, as she wanted to talk to him. To her good fortune, Harry offered to help her with the dishes, which Hermione readily accepted. Realizing that there was no point in arguing with Harry and Hermione, Jean left the kitchen, dragging a rather reluctant Charles with her.
Harry started picking up the dishes, but Hermione stopped him.
"I'll do it." Hermione said, taking out her wand from her jean pocket and waving them at the dishes, making them completely clean.
"Please sit, I want to talk to you." Hermione said sitting on an empty chair and gesturing Harry to sit next to her.
"What is it?" Harry asked sitting down next to Hermione.
"I think we should tell mum and dad that we have decided to move in together." Hermione said.
Harry thought for a moment. He knew they would have to tell them eventually. He was a little scared of their reaction. Hermione was their only daughter and they would want the best for her. He just hoped that they would approve of their decision.
"I think you're right." Harry replied.
Hermione sighed with relief. "Let's go then." Hermione said getting up from the chair, she was occupying.
After putting the dishes back into the cabinet, Harry and Hermione made their way towards the living room, where Hermione's parents were sitting.
When they entered the room, they saw that Jean and Charles were watching TV.
"Mum, dad," Hermione said to get attention of her parents.
"Yeah," Jean said looking at her daughter. Charles too looked at the young couple standing beside the couch he was sitting on.
"Harry and I want to tell you something." Hermione said looking nervous.
"What?" Charles asked curiously looking from Hermione to Harry, who was standing a little behind Hermione.
Jean picked up the remote control of the TV and turned it off. She gestured Harry and Hermione to sit.
Once Harry and Hermione sat down next to each other, Hermione started speaking.
"Harry and I have decided to move in together." Hermione said, getting straight to the point.
"What?" Charles said loudly looking shocked.
"Charles, calm down," Jean said in a stern voice.
"Don't you think you are too young for this?" Jean asked calmly.
"No Mrs. Granger," Harry answered looking completely sincere, "We both are adults in both magical and non-magical world and we don't want to stay away from each other."
"Yes mum, I feel the same way." Hermione said earnestly.
Jean opened her mouth to speak, but Charles interrupted him.
"What are your intentions towards my daughter? Are you planning to get into her pants, get her pregnant, and then leave her? And do you have a place to live?" Charles demanded in a loud voice.
""Dad!" Hermione exclaimed, "How can you even ask such thing?" She asked looking upset.
"Hermione, I am your father and I have every right to ask Harry about his intentions towards you. I don't want you to get hurt." Charles said looking serious.
"You're right Charles. But this is not the way to approach this matter. You should treat Harry with respect. He's not only Hermione's boyfriend, but her best friend as well." Jean said looking at Harry apologetically, who had a shocked look on his face.
However, then Harry smiled. "I want to spend rest of my life with your daughter, Mr. Granger." He replied without any kind of hesitation.
Charles who had opened his mouth to say something to his wife immediately shut his mouth off.
Harry looked at Hermione. He took her hand in his own and kissed her on the forehead. Then he turned and looked straight into the eyes of Charles.
"I am in love with Hermione, Mr. Granger and she's the most important person in my life. I want to spend rest of my life with her, making her happy." Harry said those words with such intensity that Charles and Jean both looked taken aback from his heartfelt confession.
Charles said nothing, but nodded numbly.
Harry turned to look at Hermione, who was just looking back at him with unreadable expression etched on her face, but then she smiled at him. She squeezed his hand showing her support.
Harry's grip tightened on her hand as he turned to look back at Hermione's parents.
"We are looking forward to buy a place of our own." Harry continued.
"Can you afford to buy a place of your own?" Charles asked.
"Yes Mr. Granger, I have more than enough money to buy a place of my own." Harry said nonchalantly, feeling depressed remembering how he had received all that money. He was now the sole heir of all the fortunes of the Potter and the Black family.
"Dad, Harry is probably the richest wizard in the world right now." Hermione added, once again squeezing Harry's hand showing her support. She knew what was going through his mind. He would any day exchange all the money he had to get back of his parents and Godfather.
"He has inherited all that money from his parents and godfather, after you know…" Hermione trailed off as a tear trickled down her eyes thinking about how much Harry had suffered in the past. However, now she was determined to make his present and future happy, free of all the sufferings.
Everyone was quiet after what Hermione said. Finally, Jean got up from her place and walked towards Harry. Harry, who was looking down at the floor, looked surprised when he realized that Jean was standing right in front of him. Jean pulled Harry up from his seat and gathered him in a motherly hug.
"Welcome to the family, Harry." She said pulling back from a bewildered Harry. Harry smiled widely at the older woman standing in front of him. He looked towards Hermione who was smiling at him encouragingly.
"Thank you, Mrs. Granger." Harry said with a grin. Jean just grinned back in return. "Mention not, dear," She said in a laughing voice.
Charles too stood up from his place and walked towards his wife and Harry.
"Yeah, welcome to the family son." He said bringing his hand forth for a shake.
Harry shook his hand enthusiastically. "Thank you Mr. Granger." He said with a wide smile.
Hermione got up from her seat and hugged first her mum and then her dad.
Then Hermione turned towards Harry and took his hand in her own.
"Come on Harry, I'll show you the guest room." She said dragging Harry out of the room with her, even though she had already shown him the guest room earlier.
"But didn't she already show him the room earlier?" Charles asked his wife.
"Oh, just shut up Charles," Jean chided nicely as she looked at her daughter and Harry walking out of the room.
"Hey no funny business under my roof," Charles called after them.
"I am going to go and check that Hermione sleeps in her own room and not in the guest room." Charles grumbled as he started walking out of the room. But Jean took hold of his hand and pulled him back.
"Leave them alone, Charles." She said with a laugh.
Later that night when Charles quietly walked out of his room to check on his daughter, he found her sleeping peacefully in her own room, alone. So he went back to his room without any worries of a protective father.
However, when Jean got up early in the morning, she found her daughter in the guest room in the same bed as her boyfriend, and Harry's arms were wrapped securely around her.
Jean just hoped that they were fully clothed under the warm sheets covering their body.
Author's note: - Please tell me through your reviews about what you think of this chapter.