Author's Note :- Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes. I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter. Please read and don't forget to review.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
A Payback?
Hermione, alone, came back to the kitchen after some time, as Harry had to use the washroom. Hermione felt a lot better and happy after her talk (or maybe not so much of talk) with Harry. She was practically glowing as Jean looked at her daughter with a perplexed look. Hermione was looking completely opposite of the way she had looked when she and Harry had left the kitchen.
"How are you feeling now, Hermione dear?" Jean asked with a motherly smile.
"Just great," Hermione replied, "Harry and I had a talk, and there's nothing to worry about now." She finished with a wide smile. Looking at her daughter's swollen lips, Jean raised her eyebrows at her.
"Just talk, huh?" Jean asked teasingly. Hermione blushed and luckily, she did not have to reply as her father entered the kitchen. On the other hand, maybe not so lucky, as her father looked at Hermione and almost yelled.
"What the hell were you doing up there?" He hissed.
Jean put a hand on her husband's shoulder. "Calm down, Charles."
Charles huffed and sat down on his chair. He looked rather putout, but otherwise calm.
Harry entered the kitchen a few minutes later. Seeing her father scowling towards an oblivious Harry, Hermione asked first thing that came to her mind and coincidentally it was a right thing to ask.
"Where's the magazine?" Hermione asked looking around the table where she had left the magazine earlier.
"Where it was supposed to be, Paper Shredder," Charles replied with a satisfied smile.
Harry burst out laughing. "The best place possible for that thing," He said grinning at Hermione's father. Charles grinned back and atmosphere was back to being buoyant. They finished their breakfast and then after helping with clearing the table and dishes, Hermione told her parents that they had to go back to Burrow and then she and Harry went back to their respective rooms to get ready.
When they came down, Charles and Jean were waiting for them in the living room.
"Mum, dad we have to leave now. We have to do the house hunting as well." Hermione said.
Jean was a little upset about them leaving, but Harry promised her to come back to meet her and Charles, as soon as possible.
Charles shook Harry's hand and Hermione hugged her mother goodbye.
"Take care of my daughter, Harry." Charles said softly as he looked at his wife hugging their daughter tightly.
"Yes sir," Harry whispered back as Jean turned to him and gathered him in a bear hug. Harry hugged her back, feeling like he was a part of this family.
"You're a part of this family now, Harry." Jean said pulling back as though if she knew what was going through his mind. Harry smiled in return, feeling content.
Hermione hugged her father and after saying final farewells, they made to leave, but not before Jean once again made them promise that they will come back soon to meet her and Charles.
Harry and Hermione apparated back to the Burrow. They walked to the front door and knocked. Soon Mrs Weasley opened the door and let them in with a welcoming smile.
"Oh Harry, Hermione, come in, come in," She said stepping aside, to let Harry and Hermione in the house.
"Good Morning, Mrs Weasley." Hermione said entering into the house. Mrs Weasley nodded.
"Everyone's in the kitchen." She said closing the door.
Harry and Hermione walked to the kitchen and Mrs Weasley followed them.
Ginny was feeling very good today. Although she was a little disappointed that Harry was not there, she was enjoying her breakfast with her parents, Ron, and Luna. Nevertheless, that was okay, because then with Harry, Hermione would have been there as well and Ginny had started to grow frustrated seeing them together. Harry had eyes for Hermione only. Only god knew what Hermione had, that had Harry so spellbound with her.
However, this morning she was willing to see her face, just to see her reaction to the latest Witch Weekly edition. It's not as if it would create a dent in Harry and Hermione's relationship, but at least it would give Ginny satisfaction of seeing Hermione struggling with her insecurities. Early in the morning, a copy of Witch Weekly's latest edition would have already been delivered to Hermione's plce. And knowing Hermione, she'd try to act indifferent and brave in front of Harry.
Over the years of her friendship with Hermione Ginny had come to understand her character to some degree.
Hermione was a strong-minded girl and a very loyal friend. She was determined, and was not easily swayed by what others said about her. However, sometimes her own uncertainties and lack of confidence made her a very vulnerable target.
Ginny had been close to Hermione during her Hogwarts years. She looked up to her, seeking her advice and guidance to tackle her problems. They had shared some good times together.
However, after the war, things had changed. They were not very close with each other. Although they were in the same year, something changed, maybe they had grown up. War had changed many things, along with her friendship with Hermione.
Ginny had hoped and believed that once the war ended Harry will notice her and maybe she will have her chance with him. But when Harry started to date Hermione, she felt betrayed.
Even though Ginny always pretended to get over her feelings for Harry, she was sure that Hermione knew about her prevailing feelings for Harry. Ginny had liked Harry very much and had wanted to be with him after the war ended, but Hermione came in between her and Harry.
During her school days, and before and after the war, Ginny had tried many times to make Harry notice her, but without being obvious. She became friends with him, even though she wanted to be so much more than that. She watched him date other girls, stood by him during dangerous times, and trusted him when others didn't. She was always there, in the background, standing behind Hermione, waiting for him to notice her.
Nonetheless, Harry never looked past Hermione and even if he did, he always looked at her as Ron's little sister, nothing more than that.
Although he considered her as one of his friends, she never became acquainted with his inner self. He never shared things with her, never came to her with his problems. It was always her, the girl he shared his life with, Hermione, his saving grace. Moreover, now Hermione was also the girl he was dating.
While previously Ginny had shared some good times with Hermione, now she found it difficult to be in her company without showing her displeasure. Watching Harry and Hermione together was like a physical blow for her.
She couldn't understand why Harry was with Hermione. They just didn't fit together like that. Ginny believed that Hermione was not the right girl for Harry. She looked more like a sister to Harry than his girlfriend.
Ginny had waited for years for just one chance to be with Harry, but Hermione had taken that one chance away from her. No matter from which angle Ginny tried to comprehend, Harry and Hermione just didn't look compatible. There were many questions in her mind, like- why was he with Hermione? Was he mistaking his friendly feelings for Hermione, for love?
However, Ginny saw no point in going through the speculation. What could she do to change that? Sometimes she was tempted to use love potion on Harry. But she knew she if she used the potion on Harry, she'd be caught eventually, besides that'd just have been a temporary solution. Only thing she could do was pray that one day Harry will come to his senses and realize that she was the right girl for him, not Hermione. She could hope that her once chance to be with Harry was just around the corner, after all Harry did find her beautiful and attractive, and that was a start.
Now here Ginny was, waiting for Harry and Hermione to come so that she could see Hermione's reaction to Witch weekly's latest edition. It was just a coincidence, which Ginny had tried to use for her advantage.
Previous day, when she had gone to Witch Weekly office, during the photo shootout (Luna was waiting for her in the reception area) it had slipped from her mouth that after the shoot she was meeting with her friends in Diagon Alley. It wasn't intentional, but it had worked in her favour. After the shoot was over a photojournalist followed her there from the office. It was pretty much a known fact that Weasley family was very close to Harry Potter, so photographer must have followed her to see if Harry Potter was there as well. She had seen that man in the Witch Weekly's office building earlier that day.
After leaving Hermione's place, she had apparated back to the Burrow with Ron and Luna. In the evening after making an excuse of taking a walk, she had apparated to the Witch Weekly's office and met the magazine's editor. She complained him about the photographer following her to the Diagon Alley. Editor was a sly man but after some persuasion from Ginny, he told her about the cover story of their latest edition. Apparently, wizarding world was speculating about who was the perfect girl for Harry Potter. Magazine was planning to create a conjecture by creating a love triangle between Harry, Hermione, and Ginny.
Original idea was to create a love triangle of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. But that was not a very appealing topic for wizarding world readers as that topic had been going on for years. He also told Ginny that it'd be a perfect publicity material to give a quick boost to her modelling career.
After hearing about complete story, Ginny felt smug inside. It's not as if it's going to do much harm to Harry and Hermione's relationship. But it was a little payback from Ginny to Hermione for taking Harry away from her.
Before leaving the office, Ginny had asked the editor to send one copy of the edition to Hermione Granger. Editor had promised her that the deed would be done without revealing the identity of the sender.
Ginny raised her eyes to see Harry and Hermione enter into the kitchen, followed by her mother.
"Good morning everyone," Harry said as he sat down on the empty chair next to Ron. Hermione also greeted others and sat down next to Ginny.
Even though Harry and Hermione were full, Mrs Weasley insisted they should eat, which was hard to resist, as table was filled with delicious foodstuff prepared by Weasley matriarch.
"Harry, Hermione, what are your plans for the day?" Arthur Weasley asked.
Hermione looked at Harry who shrugged in return. "Nothing as of now, Mr Weasley." Hermione replied.
Mr Weasley nodded. "I was thinking if you'd like to meet the property broker today."
"That'd be great, dad." Ron said excitedly as Harry, Hermione and Luna nodded in unison.
As Arthur Weasley told others about a property broker who was one of his acquaintances, Ginny tried to find some trace of distress on Hermione's face. However, she found none. Various thoughts passed through her mind. Hermione had an open expression on her face. Her eyes were bright with contentment. There was not even a trace of lingering sadness in her expression.
"Perhaps she didn't read the magazine." Ginny thought.
"Ginny…Ginny…," Ginny jerked out of her private musings and looked around her.
Hermione was talking to her. "Sorry, what did you say?" Ginny said trying to look apologetic.
For a moment, Hermione looked at Ginny with an odd expression on her face.
"Are you all right?" Hermione asked.
"Yes. Why do you ask?" Ginny replied.
Hermione shook her head. "Nothing," She replied with a smile. By now, everyone at the table was looking at Ginny and Hermione.
Ginny felt relieved from inside, but didn't show it on her face. Hermione had acute observational skills. For a moment, looking into Hermione's eyes Ginny thought Hermione had used Legilimency on her to read her mind.
Ginny took a moment to reply. She smiled at Hermione and said, "Okay,"
Just then, an owl swooped in through an open window and dropped a package on the table in front of Ginny.
Hermione was surprised, as it looked similar to the package she had received that morning at her parents' house.
"What is it?" Ron asked his sister.
"How would I know?" Ginny snapped. Inside she was trembling as picked up the package.
"It's Witch Weekly's latest edition." Hermione said deadpanned.
`Finally there's a reaction,' Ginny thought gleefully as she opened the package and magazine slid out of the envelope.
Ginny schooled her expression into shock as she looked at the cover of the magazine, so that others would not realize how satisfied she was feeling in her heart. She and Harry looked good together.
"What's wrong?" Arthur Weasley asked. Slowly Ginny raised her head looked at others mutely. While her family and Luna were looking confused, Harry looked furious and Hermione was looking down at her plate.
Ron had enough of the silence; he got up and snatched the magazine from Ginny's hand.
"Ron!" Ginny exclaimed.
"What the hell is this?" Ron said heatedly as he threw down the magazine on the table.
"Hermione received one copy of the magazine this morning." Harry said stonily.
Arthur picked up the magazine and looked at it. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he opened the magazine and read the cover story.
"When did they take this picture of you and Ginny? And why were you holding her hand?" Arthur asked as he handed over the magazine to his wife.
"Yesterday at Diagon Alley," Harry replied impassively.
"When?" Ron asked.
"Sometime after you and Luna left with Hermione, few people surrounded us and just then a photographer appeared and started taking pictures. I was pulling Ginny back into the shop when he clicked that picture." Harry said gesturing towards the picture on front cover of the magazine.
"How did that photographer know that you were at Diagon Alley?" Luna asked.
"Somebody must have tipped him off." Ron said. Suddenly he remembered something as he looked at his girlfriend and then his sister.
"Ginny, you and Luna were in the Witch Weekly's office yesterday. Did any of you tell anyone about Harry being at Diagon Alley?" He asked.
"No Ron, I didn't tell anyone." Luna replied without looking a slight bit offended.
"Neither did me," Ginny replied hotly, trying to hide her uneasiness.
"Why did you receive the magazine?" Ron asked, his eyes narrowed at his sister.
Ginny stood up angrily. "Are you suspecting that I told that photographer about Harry being at Diagon Alley?" She demanded angrily. Taking a deep breath, she continued, "There were hundreds of people at Diagon Alley yesterday, Ron. Anybody could have informed that photographer about Harry's presence there."
"And for why did I receive it." Ginny continued, "If you have forgotten, currently I am working for Witch Weekly, and since they have featured me in their cover story and maybe that's why they send it to me." She said with a calm voice. One part of her was feeling gratified, looking at distraught Hermione, but other part of her was terrified of others finding about her part in sending the magazine to Hermione.
"She's right, Ron. It could have been anybody." Hermione interrupted before Ron could retort.
Ginny sat down on her chair with a huff and looked at others. Happy atmosphere at the table before the arrival of Harry and Hermione was lost now. But no one seemed bothered by it. Except her mother, everyone was looking at Hermione (who was still looking down at her plate) concernedly.
"But why was it delivered to Hermione?" Arthur said aloud.
"Perhaps to cause a rift between Harry and Hermione," Luna expressed her opinion.
"They are trying to create a scandal about Harry Potter's love life to increase their business revenues." Arthur added.
"They have published this edition earlier than the expected date." Molly Weasley said unexpectedly. "I think it was sent to Hermione with the purpose of hurting her." She said. While she spoke, Molly didn't look up from the magazine. Her eyes were focused on the picture of her daughter with Harry.
"Who sent it to you?" Arthur asked to Hermione. But Harry answered for her. "There was no name on the package, but it was similar to the one Ginny received. Maybe it was sent from the Witch Weekly's office." He said.
Everyone looked at Hermione who was looking down at her plate, lost in her thoughts.
Hermione was once again starting to feel disheartened. In the morning after her talk with Harry, she had felt better and assured about her place in Harry's life. But at the moment, everything looked bleak. Her heart was getting heavier; she could feel depressing thoughts pressing down on her reasoning. She couldn't think clear. She looked at Harry, who was looking back at her, his eyes bright with emotion. I Love You, he mouthed and smiled at her, like she was the only one present in the room. Hermione nodded and smiled at him timidly, feeling warm inside.
Ron who was still seething with indignation and was oblivious to the silent exchange between Harry and Hermione (that didn't go unnoticed by a certain jealous young redhead witch), walked behind Hermione and squeezed her shoulder.
Hermione looked up behind her at Ron.
"You know that everything written in that magazine about you and Harry is nothing but rubbish. Right?" Ron said in a soothing tone. Hermione simply nodded, staring at Ron, dumbfounded.
"You should not let that thing disturb you. You and Harry are meant to be with each other. Besides they are nothing more than some stupid pictures and words." Ron patted Hermione's back a little awkwardly. He was feeling proud of himself at how he was handling his best friend's miserable mood.
"Umm…Ron," Hermione said a little tentatively.
"Yes Hermione," Ron said in a soothing manner, thinking that perhaps Hermione needed more support and reassurance in those stressful circumstances.
Hermione stood up and faced Ron.
"Are you trying to comfort me?" Hermione asked, keeping her face straight.
"Yeah maybe," Ron replied, feeling confused by Hermione's question.
Before Ron could realize what was happening, Hermione threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and then she started sobbing loudly.
Ron was completely freaked out by Hermione's reaction, and gave a horrified look to Harry. Harry stared at the sight in front of him for few seconds and then he burst out laughing, followed by Arthur and Luna. Suddenly atmosphere was back to bright and cheery.
"Oh Ron," Hermione said pulling back from her best friend. Ron realized that Hermione wasn't crying but laughing.
Hermione felt as though if a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulder. Suddenly her mind was clear and all her uncertainties had lost their power on her.
"Why are you laughing?" Ron asked Hermione. He was looking at her as though if she was crazy.
However, instead of answering Hermione kissed Ron on the cheek and smiled at him. Harry stood up from his seat and moved to where Ron and Hermione were standing. He patted Ron on the back.
"That was very nice of you Ron. I didn't know you knew how to comfort Hermione." Harry said playfully.
"Are you making fun of me?" Ron looked suspiciously at his two best friends.
Harry raised his hands in surrender. Never think of it even," He said with a teasing smile.
After that, Harry and Hermione excused themselves and left the kitchen.
Ginny was feeling very angry. All her efforts to hurt Hermione just went down the drain because of her family. Then Ron had to question her about that stupid photojournalist. On the top of it all the way Harry was looking at Hermione, Ginny wanted to scream. She should have remembered that Harry had a special talent of bringing Hermione out of her foulest mood. No matter what happened, Hermione had always responded to Harry's smile.
After the breakfast, Ginny was last one leaving the kitchen (apart from her mother) when her mother called her.
"Ginny," Molly called her daughter.
"Yeah," Ginny said turning around.
"Can I have a word with you?" Molly asked.
"Yes mum," Ginny replied. Her mother nodded and performed a silencing spell on the kitchen door.
"Ginny, I want to ask you something." Molly said.
"What is it, mum?" Ginny asked curiously.
Molly Weasley didn't know how to talk to her daughter about the things that were nagging her mind since the magazine had been delivered. She took a deep breath and spoke, "Ginny, did you send that magazine to Hermione?"
Ginny looked stunned. "Mum, I…I…" Ginny stuttered, searching her mind for an answer. Throughout the breakfast, not once did her mother indicate that she suspected something.
"Ginny, I want the truth." Molly stated clearly.
Seeing no way out of the situation, Ginny burst into tears.
"Yes mum, yesterday evening I went to witch weekly's office and asked them to deliver a copy of magazine to Hermione." Ginny said, sobbing.
Molly patted her shoulder comfortingly. "Why?" She asked.
"Oh mum, I am so sorry. I was not in a right state of mind. It was just a moment of weakness. It's just that I love Harry so much. It hurts me so much to see him with Hermione. Hermione knew how much I liked Harry, but still she disregarded my feelings for him and got together with him." Ginny said, wiping away her tears.
Then she continued, "Mum, Hermione is not the right girl for Harry. She doesn't love him as much as I do. I just wanted to hurt her." She said brokenly, as more tears rolled down her cheek.
"Oh Ginny dear, don't cry," Molly said, hugging her daughter. She held her daughter for some time, running her hand up and down on Ginny's back in a soothing manner.
Ginny pulled back. "I am sorry mum. I don't know what came over me." She said looking apologetic.
"It's okay Ginny." Molly said, "Everything will be all right in the end." She said, encouragingly.
After some time Ginny left the kitchen, leaving a very troubled Molly behind.
Molly looked at her daughter's back as she left the kitchen. She was very troubled by what Ginny did. She believed that it wasn't in her daughter's nature to hurt someone deliberately, but still what Ginny did was very disturbing.
Author's Note :- Rest of Molly's thoughts will be in next chapter.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review.