Disclaimer:- I don't own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
It seemed like the approaching figures had already seen Harry and Ginny.
"Harry!" Hermione shouted excitedly as she came running towards him. Harry smiled widely as Hermione hugged him tightly. Harry quickly pulled his hand away from Ginny and hugged Hermione with fiercely as he gathered her in his arms, almost lifting her off the ground.
After some time they both pulled apart, but Harry didn't let her go from his embrace. He stared at her for few seconds.
"H…How?" Harry stammered. He still couldn't believe that Hermione was really standing in front of him. From the moment he said Goodbye to Hermione at Kings Cross station, he was feeling an aching emptiness in his heart and soul as though if a very big part of his heart and soul were taken away from him. However, seeing her in front of him in blood and flesh made him realize the depth of the emptiness he felt and how much he was depending on Hermione to fill that emptiness and keep the things right in his life. He felt as though if he was being over-sensitive; however, he knew one thing, he was in too deep with the love he felt for Hermione and there was no way back for him now.
Hermione grinned at him. She pulled back and took hold of his hand.
"Hi Ginny," Hermione said cheerfully, looking at Ginny with a wide smile on her face.
"Hi," Ginny replied shortly. However, Hermione didn't seem to notice her tone in her euphoria of meeting Harry.
"You won't believe who I met in France. I was in Paris with my parents when I ran into Remus and Tonks. They were there on a vacation. I also saw Teddy; he looks exactly like Remus, except his eyes though, which are similar to Tonks'. I just couldn't believe my luck. I managed to convince my parents to let me come back here early. Remus is an Auror so he has the international license for apparition. He apparated me straight to Mr. Weasley's office and went back to Paris. Then, Mr. Weasley brought me here." Hermione said all this in one breath.
"Breath Hermione," Mr. Weasley remarked with a chuckle as he reached near where Harry, Hermione, and Ginny were standing. Hermione turned red due to embarrassment.
"Come on Ginny, let's go inside." Mr. Weasley said as he moved towards the front door, with an intention of leaving the young couple alone.
"Yeah dad," Ginny said in a detached voice, following her father inside.
Hermione started moving towards the front door, but Harry pulled her back and dragged her to the side, away from the front door so that others won't see them. As soon as they were out of the line of sight, Harry pressed his lips to Hermione's.
Soon Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him back. What started as a slow and tender kiss soon became a mind-blowing snog-fest. Hermione felt a tongue on her lips asking for entrance and she immediately opened her mouth welcoming the warmth of Harry's mouth. They continued kissing for a long time taking short breaks in between. Hermione could feel Harry's fingers making small circles on her lower her back inside her shirt. Her legs were getting weaker as the kiss became more and more passionate. She felt as though if she was drugged and would fall any moment.
Sensing that Hermione was trembling, Harry tightened his grip around her and pressed her to the nearest wall, without breaking their kiss. His lips left hers and travelled from her jaw line to her soft neck, making Hermione arch against him and letting out a guttural moan.
Harry was once again feeling out of control and the way Hermione was reacting to his kisses and touches were doing nothing to control his desire to take things further with her. He knew that if somebody came out of the house looking for him and Hermione, they both would be in a big problem, especially if this somebody was Mrs. Weasley. However, his senses were on overdrive and he was finding it extremely difficult to think straight. He couldn't think of anyone else, but the delectable brunette in his arms. Finally, gathering every ounce of the control he possessed, Harry pulled back. However, it was a futile attempt as looking at the delicious sight of his girlfriend Harry again lost his control.
"Oh God! Harry…" Hermione said breathlessly as Harry started kissing her again.
After sometime, they finally managed to pull apart. They both were panting due to the lack of oxygen in their system.
"I think we should stop or I won't be able to control myself any longer." Harry whispered in Hermione's ear hoarsely.
Hermione shuddered with pleasure at this. "I think you are right, we should better stop. If Mrs. Weasley caught us like this, she will put a restrain on us." Hermione replied teasingly.
"True…" Harry replied with a thoughtful look and next, he grinned at Hermione mischievously.
Hermione looked at her boyfriend suspiciously; she knew Harry gave that look to her when he was planning something, which involved her and the rule breaking.
Harry gave her a brief, but a passionate kiss. "What if we do this secretly? It would be so much fun." Harry said huskily as he looked at Hermione with a tempting look in his eyes.
Hermione felt breathless; she didn't know how, but the way Harry was looking at her left her winded. She closed her eyes for few seconds breathing deeply, trying to gain some control over her reactions.
When she felt that she could talk, she opened her eyes. "Well it sounds like a very attractive offer, Mr. Potter. However, sneaking behind Mrs. Weasley's back isn't my favorite means of having fun." Hermione said in a mock formal voice.
"Damn! And here I thought I was being helpful." Harry said in a fake disappointing voice.
Hermione chuckled at this and patted Harry on his shoulder. Harry smiled and hugged her again and then he pulled back from her completely. She was a beautiful vision to his eyes. With flushed face, bright eyes, and swollen lips, she looked extremely seductive. Harry couldn't take his eyes off her as she straightened her clothes and tied her tangled hair neatly back into a ponytail. She was wearing a black polo shirt with long sleeves and dark blue jeans, which really suited her personality.
According to Harry, many girls wore make-up to look pretty; however, Hermione didn't need all that, she was a natural. To be truth Harry had always believed, even before he started dating Hermione, that make-up would lessen her beauty instead of enhancing it and he was glad that Hermione didn't like to wear any make-up either.
Hermione looked at him up and down. She stepped closer to him and straightened his shirt. She tried to flatten his hair a bit, not that it brought any changes to his already messy hair other than making them look messier.
"Let's go inside." Hermione said taking Harry's hand in her own. Harry nodded at her and they both went inside. Harry led her to the kitchen where Ron, Luna Ginny, Mr., and Mrs. Weasley were sitting and eating.
"Hermione!" Ron said elatedly when he saw her. He got up and hugged her.
"Hey Ron," Hermione said grinning widely as she pulled back from Ron. Then she looked at others to greet them.
"Hello, Mrs. Weasley; hi, Luna," She greeted both Mrs. Weasley and Luna. Luna smiled as Mrs. Weasley spoke.
"Hello Hermione dear, come and join us." She said in a maternal voice. It looked like Mrs. Weasley wanted to say something else; however, she decided against it and went back to her food.
Harry and Hermione sat next to each other and started filling their plates. After finishing their lunch, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Ginny sat together and chatted for a very long time about various things.
Wedding preparations were on and with that, Mrs. Weasley was getting increasingly frenetic with each passing day. She was trying to keep the tab of everything, from flowers to food, everything. Harry and Ron hadn't bought their dress robes for the wedding yet. Hence, two days after Hermione arrived they decided to visit Diagon Alley along with Hermione, Luna, and Ginny to get their robes.
Harry and Ron made their way to the kitchen. Hermione and Ginny were already there. It looked like they had already finished their breakfast and were taking in their drinks.
"Are you guys ready to leave?" Hermione asked as she sipped her pumpkin juice.
"Yeah," Ron replied groggily as he filled his plate. Harry sat next to Hermione and gave her a soft kiss; he wanted to deepen the kiss, but decided against it. It was not the right time or the right place to do it. They both were lost in each other so they missed Ginny's glare.
Hermione turned back to Ron and Ginny, who were sitting in front of Harry and her.
"When would be Luna arriving here?" Hermione asked Ron, who was busy filling his mouth with delicious breakfast. Harry too filled his plate and started eating.
Ron swallowed his food. "She'll be here in 5 minutes." He replied.
Hermione nodded and smiled at Ron with a knowing look in her eyes. "What?" Ron asked cautiously.
"You have finally learned not to talk with food in your mouth." Hermione said in an amused voice.
Both Harry and Ginny burst out laughing at this, making Ron glare at both of them. He was about to retort, but Luna interrupted him.
"Hi Ron," Luna said dreamily as she came and sat next to Ron.
"Hey Luna," Ron said happily forgetting about what he was going to say to Harry and Ginny. He kissed Luna lightly and then turned back to his plate to finish his breakfast.
When they all finished their breakfast, they got up to leave.
"You guys go out; I'll just go and let mum know that we are leaving." Ron said and left to find his mum.
Ron joined them outside and they apparated straight to Diagon Alley. First, they went to Gringotts Wizarding Bank, where Harry took out required money from his vault and Hermione exchanged her muggle money for wizarding money. Then, they left for the shopping. Ron and Ginny had already received their money from Fred and George as a gift for graduating from Hogwarts and Luna had brought money with her from her home.
They went to Madam Malkin's shop to get their robes. Hermione had already bought her dress for the wedding from France, as a graduation gift from her parents. Thus, it was Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Luna who needed to get the dresses.
While Luna and Ginny were selecting their robes, Hermione helped Ron and Harry with their dress robes. By the time, they bought their robes it was already lunchtime. They decided to go to Leaky Cauldron to eat something. After finishing their meal, they went to meet Fred and George and to spend a couple of hours in their shop before they had to leave for the Burrow.
Author's note: - Please review and tell me what you think of this chapter? Apologies for spelling and grammar mistakes.