Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer:- I don't own Harry Potter and anything or anyone related.
Knight In The Shining Armor
Wizarding world was at peace now as the savior of the wizarding world, Harry Potter, defeated the dark lord, Lord Voldemort.
While wizarding world was back on its way to rebuilding of the normalcy, after living for years under the fear, Harry Potter had also begun his journey to the new life along with his best friend, girlfriend, and now lover, Hermione Granger.
After the buoyancy of the wedding was over, Burrow was once again a peaceful place. All the guests had already left, so did Charlie, the twins and their girlfriends, and the wedding couple had already left for their honeymoon on the wedding day itself.
As a result, once again only seven occupants were left at the Burrow, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny and Mr. & Mrs. Weasley. Luna's father had gone out of the country due to some work so Luna was also staying at the Burrow.
Harry was going to take part in Auror training, so 4 days after the wedding Harry decided to go to the Ministry to submit his Auror training form and collect all the details regarding the training.
Harry and Hermione, along with Ron, Luna, and Ginny were sitting between the clusters of the trees in the woods near the Burrow. They all were relaxing in the warm heat of the sun.
Harry was lying in the grass with his head resting on Hermione's lap and Hermione was sitting with her back resting again a tree. Ron was sitting with his legs around Luna who was sitting between his legs with her back pressed against Ron's chest and Ron's arms were around her waist. And Ginny was sitting cross-legged with her back against a tree.
"You know, wedding was fun as long as it lasted, but it was also a very tiring job as well." Ron said looking towards his best friends.
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Ron, you find everything tiring as long as it's not Quidditch or food." Hermione said as she moved her fingers lazily through Harry's hairs.
"Are you saying I'm lazy?" Ron said as he narrowed his eyes at Hermione.
"Wow Ron, you understood what I was talking about all by yourself, without anyone's help." Hermione said sarcastically.
"Hey! I am not lazy." Ron retorted.
"You know, she's right, Ron. As far as I remember you had suddenly disappeared when your mum was looking for you to empty Percy's old room and you reappeared when it was almost done." Harry said smugly.
Ron glared at Harry who was sniggering after seeing his best friend's face, which was turning red. Ron was about to retort but Luna interrupted him.
Luna turned her body to look at Ron with wide eyes. "Don't worry Ron. I would have still loved you even if you would have been lazy." Luna said innocently. Ron grinned at her and kissed her lightly.
"Thanks love. I knew I could always count on you instead of my traitorous friends who do nothing except plotting against me." Ron said looking at his two best friends who were laughing very hard by now.
Ginny was looking at the four of them. She felt like an outsider. The Golden Trio has been intact for the last 8 years. They had their share of ups and downs, but their friendship had never wavered. Even when Harry and Hermione got together, there was no change in the friendship between three of them. Whenever the three of them were together, they were just friends, best friends.
Ginny had thought that when Harry and Hermione got together, Ron would drift apart from them. During early years of Hogwarts Ron had a crush on Hermione and so Ginny had assumed that he would not be okay with Harry and Hermione getting together. However, to her surprise Ron was the one who finally pushed them together.
Since Ron started dating Luna, he had become more and more at ease around Hermione. They still fought, but now there was no jealousy in Ron's tone or remarks. Ginny had always thought that someday Ron and Hermione would get together which would leave Harry alone, and then, maybe she would have a chance to be with him.
However, all her hopes crashed down when she heard that Harry and Hermione had gotten together. They both hadn't even told her about this which clearly meant that she wasn't considered a part of their close group. She knew they considered her as their friend, but she also knew that she would never be as close as Ron was to them. Then, Luna came into the scene. She had become a kind of unannounced fourth member of the trio's group. Even though, she wasn't a very close part of what Harry, Ron and Hermione shared together, she was still a part of them which Ginny knew she would never be.
All the things the three of them shared together had brought them to where the three of them were today. Ginny wanted to be the part of all their adventures and escapades. All those years she was standing there with them, in front of them, but she was never included. She was always an audience member, never the part of the show.
She had never before felt this kind of jealousy towards anyone as she felt towards Hermione. She was kind of the soul of the trio. She always had complete attention of Ron and Harry. They always listened to her. Even if she and Ron never agreed on many things, Ron would still listen to her in the end. After all, she was always right. And Harry, he followed every path Hermione led him to, without any question or doubt. He trusted her completely with his life, and he would go to any length to protect her.
And sometimes Ginny Weasley hated Hermione Granger for this.
Ginny knew Harry was a very special person since the day she had first met him. She had heard many stories from her mum about Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. Somehow, she had always thought of him as someone who was completely unattainable, out of reach. In the world of her fairy tales, Harry had become a knight in shining armor and she was a damsel in distress whom he would save.
When Harry and Ron became friends, she thought that maybe fate had given her a chance to complete her fairy tale. However, what she hadn't expected was another girl in the form of Hermione Granger who could ruin her perfect fairy tale world. While Ginny was waiting for her knight in the tower, the other girl won his heart and the damsel in the tower was forgotten. For some reason, she was sure that her brave knight was just distracted with that other girl, and that he would soon come to his senses and come to rescue his damsel in the tower.
"Hey Ginny. Are you alright?" Hermione asked worriedly as she looked at Ginny.
This brought Ginny out of her musings as she looked at others. They all were looking at her.
"Yeah, I am alright." Ginny said distractedly.
"Are you sure? You just kind of had this weird expression on your face." Ron said looking at his sister closely.
Ginny just scowled at him and stood up. "I am perfectly fine." She said angrily and started making her way back to the house.
"Come on Ginny. He's just worried about you." Harry said in a friendly voice.
Ginny stopped and looked at Harry. He smiled at her and gestured her to sit back. She smiled back at him and came back to sit on her previous place against the tree.
"Yeah, sorry Ginny," Ron said apologetically.
"It's okay," Ginny mumbled.
Harry was now sitting next to Hermione. He got up and gestured Hermione to get up. She looked confused, but stood up.
"What?" she asked looking puzzled. Ginny too was confused. Harry had asked her to stay then where was he going. Ron and Luna were also looking at them.
"Just wait a minute." Harry said. He took Hermione's place and gestured Hermione to sit between his legs the same way Ron and Luna were sitting. Hermione looked surprised and then she smiled at his thoughtfulness and sat between his legs, her back pressed against his chest. Harry wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist and pulled her closer.
"I thought your back would have gotten stiff against the hard wood, so now you can relax against me." Harry whispered in her ear so that nobody else could hear it. Hermione smiled at him and kissed him lightly on the lips.
Ginny was feeling extremely jealous the way Harry and Hermione were interacting. They looked so close and warm. Ginny had this sudden urge to distract Harry from Hermione.
"So Harry what's happening with your Auror training? When are you going to join the division?" Ginny asked in attempt to break Harry and Hermione's private conversation.
Harry looked at Ginny. "I was thinking about going to the Ministry tomorrow to submit my form and collect all the information about the training." Harry said.
"What about you?" Harry asked Ginny as his fingers moved through Hermione's curly tresses. Hermione was sitting contentedly against Harry, her eyes were closed, and she was enjoying his soft and loving touch making her shiver with pleasure.
Ginny was finding it very difficult to keep her face passive, free of all the anger she was feeling inside, at the sight of a contented looking Hermione, in Harry's arms.
"I am not sure what I want to do. I mean I can play Quidditch. I have also received a modeling offer from Witch Weekly. I am just confused about what should I do. I don't want to work in Ministry or as a healer." Ginny said with a shrug.
"Can you suggest me something? I am feeling very confused." Ginny said looking expectantly at Harry. She was feeling elated that she had full attention of Harry right now.
"I am not sure, Ginny." Harry replied with a helpless shrug while his hands were busy grazing lightly around Hermione's sides.
Hermione opened her eyes. "Whom are you even asking, Ginny? This poor boy has no idea about any other career options except probably being an Auror or a Quidditch player." Hermione said teasingly.
"Hey!" Harry exclaimed. Hermione turned her head to look at Harry and grinned at him mischievously. Harry simply rolled his eyes and gave her a short but firm kiss on the lips.
"You are such a tease. Wait till I get you alone." Harry whispered huskily in Hermione's ear. Hermione shivered at the implication of his words. She just couldn't wait to be in his arms and kiss him freely and be kissed by him passionately in return.
"I just can't wait." Hermione whispered back with a wink. Harry stared at her wide eyed, but then smiled at her.
Ginny coughed a bit to get their attention.
"Oh sorry Ginny," Hermione said sheepishly.
"It's okay," Ginny said with an indifferent voice.
"You know, I think you should take up the modeling offer. I mean you are beautiful, and you have a good height. You will have a great success in that line. However, if you do not want that you can also go for Quidditch. In the end the choice is yours." Hermione said thoughtfully.
Ginny nodded and was one again lost in her thoughts.
"What do you think about it Harry? Do you think I am attractive?" Ginny asked unexpectedly looking into Harry's emerald green eyes.
"Huh?" Harry said. He was looking very uncomfortable at her question. He looked at Hermione. Hermione simply laughed at this. She sat straight to look at Harry properly.
"You know, I am not going to bite you if you say that you find her attractive." Hermione said light-heartedly.
Harry smiled at her. "Yeah Ginny, you look nice, attractive." Harry answered.
'So, he finds me attractive.' Ginny thought with an inward smile. She felt a little bit more cheerful.
"Hey, now if you guys are done with your career counseling I want to go back to house. I'm feeling hungry." Ron said as his stomach growled loudly. Everyone laughed at his statement including Luna. Luna and Ron stood up along with others.
Hermione grabbed Harry's hand to stop him from leaving. When the others looked at her questioningly, she said, "You guys go ahead. I want to speak to Harry alone." Hermione said. Others nodded and in Ginny's case a little bit reluctantly, and then, Ron, Luna, and Ginny left to go back into the house.
Once Harry and Hermione alone, Harry spoke.
"What is it? Are you already feeling out of control? And here I was thinking to take you to Ron's bedroom and then have my way with you." Harry said cheekily as he took Hermione in his arms. Hermione blushed furiously at his allegation.
She wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him passionately which he reciprocated happily with the same passion. Their hands were roaming around each other's body without holding anything back.
When oxygen became a very important issue, they both pulled apart, but didn't let go of each other. They both were breathless and extremely aroused.
"I want you." Harry whispered in a rough voice.
Hermione shivered with delight at his rough voice. She could already feel the heat gathering at the lower part of her body.
"I want you too." Hermione whispered back.
"But, right now I want to talk to you about something." She said in rushed voice. She got out of Harry's embrace, sat on the ground, and gestured Harry to sit next to her.
Harry sat next to Hermione and looked at her curiously.
Hermione was feeling very nervous. She looked at Harry.
"You know, yesterday morning I'd sent a letter to my parents with Hedwig." Hermione said nervously.
Harry simply nodded.
"I asked them whether we both, you, and I could go there, so that you could meet them." Hermione said looking at Harry.
"And this morning I got their reply. They've invited you to our place tomorrow at 3 P.M." Hermione said timidly.
Harry didn't know what to say. Since he was Hermione's boyfriend, she would want him to meet her parents. He felt like he should feel a little bit scared like any other boyfriend would at the prospect of meeting his girlfriend's parents. However, to his surprise he wanted to meet them. He wanted to see the two people who had raised such a beautiful, kind and smart daughter, who was now the most important person in his life.
"You know, it's okay if you don't want to." Hermione said taking Harry's silence as his rejection of the idea.
This brought Harry out of his musings. "No, I want to meet them." Harry said earnestly looking into shining chocolate brown orbs.
"Really," Hermione said her eyes wide with surprise.
"Yeah, I want to meet the two people who brought the one person in this world who is now the most important person in my life." Harry said sincerely.
Hermione smiled at him. She leaned forward towards him and kissed him on the lips.
"You have no idea how much this means to me, Harry. I am sure they'll love you." Hermione said as she cuddled closer to Harry.
Harry kissed her forehead and wrapper his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.
"Is there any reason for me to be wary of your father?" Harry asked playfully. Hermione hit him playfully on the arm.
"You go around snogging his daughter, and then you ask if there is anything to be worried about. That's rich Potter." Hermione replied teasingly.
Harry chuckled at this. "Well I do a lot more than just snogging." He said with a roguish grin as his fingers started making small circles on Hermione's back.
A light blush appeared at Hermione's cheeks.
"Well, I'm not complaining. And I don't think my parents needs to know about that." Hermione said coyly.
Harry looked at her with dark eyes and captured her lips in searing kiss.
When they pulled apart, "Hermione I wanted to ask you something." Harry said. Hermione looked at him expectantly.
"Do you wanna live with me? I mean move in with me." Harry asked hesitantly.
Hermione was astounded at this.
"At Grimmauld Place?" Hermione asked in a puzzled voice.
Harry thought for a while, and then answered. "Remus and Tonks are already living there, and I want to keep it that way. Remus was more close to Sirius than me. We can look for our own place, just you and me." Harry answered.
Hermione smiled at him. "I'd love to." She said and once again kissed Harry lightly.
"Have you told Ron about it?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah, Ron and Luna have decided to move in together as well. We can find two flats near to each other. In fact, four of us can go together to meet the broker. What you say?" Harry said.
"That would be great, Harry. I don't want to drift apart from Ron. The Trio should always be together." Hermione said wistfully.
"Yeah, me too," Harry replied.
"We can look for a flat before our training starts. I have to go to St. Mungo on September 8 and your training will start somewhere about after 10th of September. It would be better to finish all the work before training." Hermione said.
"You're right. Let's go and talk to Ron, and see what he thinks. We can ask Mr. Weasley and Remus about the brokers." Harry said as he stood up along with Hermione.
"Yeah let's go." Hermione replied and with that they both made their way to the house.
Author's note: - So what you think of this? Did you like it? Tell me through your REVIEWS.