Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I don't own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Career Planning
"We can look for a flat before our training starts. I have to go to St. Mungo on September 8 and your training will start somewhere about after 10th of September. It would be better to finish all the work before training." Hermione said.
"You're right. Let's go and talk to Ron and see what he thinks. We can ask Mr. Weasley and Remus about the brokers." Harry said as he stood up along with Hermione.
"Yeah let's go." Hermione replied and with that, they both made their way to the house.
Next Day
Hermione opened her eyes to the sunlight filtering into the room through the window. She brought herself into sitting position and stretched her sleepy body like a cat. She was fully clothed. She smiled remembering the last night with Harry, which to her surprise was spent talking about the old times, and some unshared experiences of their lives. She looked at the warm body lying next to her sleeping peacefully with a smile tugging at the corner of the lips.
She bent down and kissed her best friend and boyfriend lightly on the cheek. She was about to pull back when she felt a hand on her back preventing her from pulling back, and found herself looking into the mischievous emerald green orbs of her boyfriend.
"I don't think it's enough to wake me up properly. You would have to do something more than just kissing on the cheek." Harry whispered huskily.
Hermione raised her eyebrows at her playful boyfriend.
"And what would that be, Mr. Potter?" she asked in a low voice, settling herself comfortably in his arms so that she was almost lying on the top of him. His hands started caressing her sides lightly, touching her in the places where he knew would affect her most.
Without giving any reply, Harry simply crushed his lips to hers, and without any hesitation, Hermione opened her mouth kissing him back passionately. After a couple of minutes of passionate snogging and heavy petting, Hermione pulled back and looked at her boyfriend with a dazed look in her eyes.
"That," Hermione said kissing Harry lightly on the lips, "is the best way to get up in the morning."
Harry smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "Only with you love," He said with a sincere look in his eyes.
Hermione beamed at him and hugged him tightly. She pulled back, got out of his arms, and sat next to him on the bed.
"So, are you ready to meet my parents today?" Hermione asked.
Harry brought himself into sitting position and looked at his girlfriend.
"I don't know. But then I would have to meet them someday. So why not today?" Harry said earnestly.
Then he smiled at Hermione with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Although I am feeling a little terrified about how your father would react when he would come to know about the kind of things I do to his daughter." He said with a knowing look in his eyes, looking at her with desire filled eyes.
Hermione blushed profusely at this and hit Harry on his arm playfully.
"I didn't know you would be such a guy, Harry Potter." Hermione said with mock stern voice, smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
Harry chuckled at her statement.
"What can I say, love? You bring this wild side out of me, which I didn't know existed in me until the first time I kissed you. And if I am not wrong, you enjoy it as well." He said, shifting closer to Hermione.
Hermione smiled at Harry shyly and leaned towards him to kiss him. Harry tangled his fingers in her curly tresses and pulled her closer. However, before their lips could touch, there was a knock on the door.
Harry groaned and pulled back from Hermione. They both looked at each other nervously.
Previous Night
Harry and Hermione had spent the last night together in the old bedroom of Percy. Previous night, after dinner, when everybody had gone to their respective rooms for the night, Harry had snuck out of the room he shared with Ron. In his haste to leave the room, he didn't notice that Ron's bed was empty. When he got out of the room, he quickly made his way towards Hermione, Luna and Ginny's room. There he found Ron standing near the girls' room, making odd noises and hissing some unintelligible words. Harry had to stifle his laugh as he continued to look at his best friend for a couple of minutes.
After seeing many unsuccessful attempts of his best friend to call his girlfriend out, Harry made his way to him without making any kind of noise. He tapped him lightly on his shoulder. Ron quickly turned around and almost yelled, but stopped himself just in time realizing that it was Harry.
Ron glared at his best friend who was laughing silently.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Ron whispered furiously.
"What do you think?" Harry asked in a low voice and a suggestive look on his face.
"You know Luna cannot hear your signals to come out." Harry said with a smirk. Ron turned red at being caught.
"Why?" Ron hissed, feeling like he was missing something.
"I'll tell you why." Harry whispered. He stepped towards the door and lightly knocked on it.
Ron looked flabbergasted. He quickly grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him away from the door.
"Bloody Hell Harry! Why did you do that? What if Ginny wakes up and starts screaming at us." Ron murmured frantically.
Harry simply grinned at his best friend, as door opened and Hermione came out of the room.
She looked surprised to see Ron there. She came and stood next to Harry.
"What are you doing here?" she asked looking at Ron. When Ron didn't answer her eyes shifted to Harry with a questioning glance.
"Luna," was the only word Harry spoke and Hermione's eyes gleamed with realization. She started laughing in low voice and again looked at Ron.
"What?" Ron asked exasperatedly, trying to keep his voice low.
"He was making odd noises as a signal." Harry said with a laughing voice, looking towards Hermione, and in the process completely ignoring Ron's question.
Hermione pressed both of her hands on her mouth to suppress the noise as she started laughing harder. Finally, after some time she managed to control her laughter.
"Ron, I had performed a silencing charm around Ginny and Luna's bed after everyone went to sleep, so that when Harry knocks on the door, they won't wake up. So, Luna was not able to hear your signals and hence didn't come out." Hermione said with an amused smile.
Ron looked bowled over at this revelation. He rubbed his neck nervously and looked at Hermione.
"So you mean, all this time when I was making noises, all that was just in vain." Ron asked.
Hermione nodded with an apologetic smile. "But don't worry, I'll just go and tell her. Wait here." She said, looking at Ron and Harry.
Ron sighed with relief and looked at Harry who was looking back at him expectantly. Their eyes met and they started sniggering at the idiocy of the situation.
After some time Hermione came back, followed by Luna who closed the door behind her silently.
"You and Luna can go back to your room; Harry and I would go to Percy's room." Hermione said looking towards Ron who simply nodded in reply.
"Had everything planned out in advance?" Ron said looking at Hermione with raised eyebrows.
Hermione glared at Ron, though a hint of red could be seen on her cheeks. Harry snaked his arm around Hermione's waist and pulled her closer.
"That's my girl." He said in a teasing manner.
"Oh just shut up you two." Hermione reprimanded her best friends, although she was turning red with each passing second because of the embarrassment.
After that, both the pairs left for their respective rooms for the night.
Present Time
"Harry it's me, Ron." A voice came from the door. Hermione sighed with relief and got out of the bed to open the door. She straightened her clothes and opened the door to let Ron in.
"You guys were taking forever to open the door." Ron said as he entered.
"What happened?" Harry asked getting out of the bed.
"What happened?" Ron exclaimed.
"Did you guys even notice the time?" Ron asked looking frustrated, "It's almost 8:30. Mum is already up and preparing the breakfast. She came up in our room to wake us up. I was just lucky that Luna had already left by that time." He finished.
"What did she say as Harry was not there?" Hermione asked looking at Ron with worried expression.
Ron took a deep breath. "Well, when she didn't find Harry in his bed, she asked me about him. I was just able to make an excuse in time. I told her that you had gone out for a bit of running, you know, to keep your body fit for the Auror training." Ron said.
"And she accepted that?" Harry asked with astonishment.
Ron snorted at this. "Accepted? Bloody hell Harry, I got a whole 15 minutes lecture about following your example, if I want to make it to Chudley Cannons." He said infuriatingly.
Harry and Hermione started laughing at this, making Ron glare at them.
"Look, I don't know if she checked in Ginny's room or not. I am sure Ginny would already be up by now and would be looking for you Hermione. You better think of some solid excuse and quickly go back to the room, and you Harry," Ron looked at his male best friend, "apparate outside the house and come back from the front door." he said in a hurried voice.
Both of his best friends were speechless. "What now?" Ron asked irritatingly.
Hermione took a step towards him and gave him a pat on his back. "You know, you are using your brain, Ron." She said, trying to keep her face straight.
It took a moment for Ron to process what exactly she was implying. By the time he understood, Hermione was already out of the room leaving a maddening Ron behind.
"Don't worry Ron. Everyone has their moment. I'll meet you downstairs in a few minutes." Harry said and disappeared, leaving now a baffled Ron behind. After a couple of minutes Ron, too left the room, muttering to himself about his two traitorous best friends.
There was a loud knock on the door on the front door. Molly Weasley put down the spoon in her hand on the kitchen counter, and made her way out of the kitchen to open the door, only to find a sweaty Harry standing on the other side of the door.
"Good Morning, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said cheerfully, making his way into the house, and walking past a stunned looking Molly.
"Good Morning Harry dear," Molly said recovering from her stunned state and closed the door.
"Would you like to have the breakfast, Harry?" She asked in motherly voice.
Harry shook his head. "No Mrs. Weasley. I think I'll take a shower first." He said.
Molly simply nodded and went back to the kitchen.
Harry breathed in relief, turning around he saw Hermione, Ginny, and Luna coming down.
"Good Morning Luna, Ginny, Hermione." Harry said as he moved towards the stairs.
"Good Morning Harry," Luna and Ginny said simultaneously, while Hermione simply raised her eyebrows, looking at her boyfriend's sweaty appearance. Harry just winked at her and quickly dashed upstairs.
"Why Harry was looking so sweaty?" Ginny mused loudly.
"Must have gone for a bit of running," Hermione replied.
Ginny looked at her. "How do you know?" she asked, looking a bit curious.
Hermione simply shrugged. "Last night he was talking about starting to work on his fitness before the training starts." She replied casually. Ginny didn't seem satisfied, but before she could ask anything else, Luna interrupted
"Let's go to the kitchen and see if Mrs. Weasley needs any help with the breakfast." She said moving towards the kitchen; Hermione and Ginny followed.
After about half hour or so, everyone in the house was present at the dining table in the kitchen and eating their breakfast.
There was a tap on the window. Everyone looked towards the window. Two large brown owls were flying outside the window, holding a large parcel between them.
Molly Weasley squealed gleefully. "Finally it's here." She said excitedly, getting up to take the parcel.
She came back to the table with the heavy looking parcel, placing it on the table.
"What is it Molly?" Mr. Weasley asked intriguingly.
"It's Bill and Fleur's wedding photographs. I had asked the photographer to send the pictures as soon as possible." Molly said happily while opening the parcel.
Everyone on the table was excited to see the photographs. After finishing the breakfast, they settled themselves in the living room and started looking through the pictures.
Harry found a picture of him and Hermione dancing together and laughing. He thought about asking Mrs. Weasley if he could keep the pictures of his and Hermione, with him.
He was about to ask but stopped when Molly started speaking to her husband.
"Look at this Arthur. They look so cute together. Don't they?" She said, looking fondly at the picture, showing it to her husband.
Harry noticed that Mr. Weasley had tensed a bit.
"Of course Molly," He replied with an uneasy smile.
Then Molly turned to Harry and gave him the photograph.
"Isn't that sweet Harry? You both look like a couple deeply in love with each other, just like your parents." She said, smiling widely.
Harry looked at the photograph and frowned a bit. It contained him, dancing with Ginny.
Ginny, who was sitting next to Harry on the floor, looked at the picture.
"Mum is right. We both look good together." She said casually, looking at Harry with a smile on her face.
Harry didn't say anything. He wasn't sure why Mrs. Weasley was so adamant to see him and Ginny as a couple, even if he was with Hermione.
Ron, who was sitting next to Harry, snatched the picture from his hand and looked at it. Looking at the picture, he snorted and then showed it to Hermione, who was sitting next to him and Luna.
"Really mum, they both look like brother and sister, rather than a loving couple." He said with a disgusting look on his face, thinking about his sister and best friend as a loving couple.
"Oh just shut up Ron, you don't understand anything." Molly said in a scolding tone.
Looking at the picture, Hermione sighed tiredly, thinking about how long this drama about Harry and Ginny would go on. She looked up, to find that Mrs. Weasley was looking at her with a strange look in her eyes.
"What do you think Hermione? Don't they look great?" She said smiling at Hermione, though Hermione could feel the undertone in her statement.
"Yes Mrs. Weasley," Hermione replied, with a small smile on her face, which Harry noticed, didn't reach her eyes. Hermione met his eyes for a fleeting second, before she looked away.
"Harry, you can keep this photograph." Molly said affectionately.
"Umm… thanks Mrs. Weasley, but I wanted to ask you if I can keep all the photographs of just me and Hermione." Harry asked politely, but with a kind of firmness in his voice, making it clear very to Mrs. Weasley that she was taking the wrong path.
Molly's smile faltered a bit, and then her face turned into a slight frown. However, she quickly plastered a fake smile on her face and said, "Sure Harry,"
"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said without smiling.
Harry realized that Mrs. Weasly needed a bigger reminder of the fact that he was with Hermione and not Ginny.
He turned to Arthur. "Mr. Weasley, I wanted to ask you something? Harry said, gaining everyone's attention in the room.
"What is it Harry?" Arthur asked.
"Well, I wanted to ask you, if you know about any property dealer? I wanted to buy a flat for Hermione and myself. I mean we have decided to move in together." Harry said in a clear voice.
He threw a quick glance towards Mrs. Weasley, and was satisfied to see a shocked look on her face. When his eyes met Mrs. Weasley's eyes, he didn't look away, and in the end, it was Mrs. Weasley, who averted her eyes in other direction.
As everyone's attention was on Harry and Arthur, they didn't notice the angry expression on Ginny's face, that had appeared on her face for a brief moment, before it was replaced with an inquisitive look.
"Yeah dad, Luna, and I are also thinking about getting a place for ourselves." Ron chipped in.
Mr. Weasley looked surprised for a moment and then smiled.
"It's hard to believe, you all are finally grownups and are soon going to live on your own. Time just seems to fly." He said with a sad smile.
"Some day we all have to grow up; however, some are forced to grow before time." Hermione said reflectively, looking at Harry with love filled eyes, remembering how much Harry had to suffer since he was one year old. Harry smiled at her, his eyes reflecting the same love for her.
"True Hermione, very true," Arthur said understanding the meaning of her words.
They all were quiet for some time, remembering the days of struggle and war.
Arthur finally decided to break the silence.
"Harry, would you like to live in a magical community or a muggle community?" He asked.
"I don't know, Mr. Weasley. I think we would like to live at the place where we can have some privacy, you know, without all those reporters trying to get a sneak peek of the private life of the boy-who-lived." Harry said the last part bitterly.
Arthur nodded. "I'll let you know as soon as I get some information about it. You can talk to Fred and George as well. They know some of the brokers, who can help you in buying a property in magical parts of London." He said. Harry simply nodded.
Molly who was silent during the whole conversation, burst out like a volcano.
"But why do you need to find a separate place? You can live here." She asked in a loud voice, looking at Harry.
Harry didn't have to answer as Ron intervened, "Mum, we are adults now and now it's time that we become independent." He said.
Molly was going to say something else, but Arthur stopped her.
"Just drop it Molly. They have every right to decide what they want to do with their life. And I am leaving now, it's already half past 10." With that, Arthur kissed his wife and left for the Ministry.
"I think we should leave as well." Hermione said looking at her watch. Harry and Ron nodded. Mrs. Weasley nodded as well and started collecting all the scattered photographs of the wedding, except the pictures Harry was going to keep with him. Ron had already told his mum last evening about their plans for the day.
"Meet us here back in 20 minutes." Hermione said to Harry and Ron, and left the room, following Ginny and Luna who were already on their way upstairs; Harry and Ron followed.
After 30 minutes, girls came down. Hermione came first, followed by Luna and then Ginny. While Hermione and Luna were in casuals, Ginny was wearing a party wear knee-length dress.
Harry and Ron were waiting for them in the living room.
"You are 10 minutes late." Harry said as he saw Hermione entering the room. He was going to say something else, but stopped when he saw Luna and Ginny.
"Hey Ginny, you're looking good." Harry complimented politely.
Ginny blushed at the attention she was getting from the boy-who-lived.
"Thank you Harry." She replied shyly.
"We got late because we were helping Ginny in getting ready." Hermione replied to Harry's previous question.
"Okay," Harry said shrugging his shoulders as he moved to stand next to Hermione and slipped his arm around her waist and pulling her closer, which didn't go unnoticed by a certain young redhead witch, making her feel angry inside.
"But why are you dressed up?" Ron asked.
Ginny glared at her brother. "Today, I am going to the Witch Weekly office to accept their modeling offer and then I am going to have my first photo shoot." Ginny said proudly.
Just then, Molly came out of the kitchen. She came and stood next to her daughter.
"I am so proud of you, Ginny." She said, kissing her daughter's forehead.
"Thanks mum," Ginny replied with a smile.
"So are we ready to leave?" Luna asked.
"Yeah, Harry, have you taken your training form?" Hermione asked looking at her boyfriend. Harry nodded.
"Ok then, let's go." Hermione said. With that, they all left the house and apparated straight to the Diagon Alley.
"Ok guys, right now its 11:10. We can meet back here, just outside the twins shop, say at around two. I think by then we all would be done with our work. Then we all can go to my home." Hermione said to rest of her companions. They all nodded.
Ron was going to go to the Chudley Cannon's office to collect his joining letter and have a trial practice with the coach of the team, to test his keeping abilities, and Luna was going to accompany Ginny on her photo shoot.
"Are you sure Hermione? I mean only Harry is invited." Ron said awkwardly.
Hermione simply rolled her eyes.
"Honestly Ron, like you guys need any invitation to come to my place. Mum and dad would be very happy to meet you all." Hermione said with a genuine smile. Ron just smiled in return.
"Ok, it's settled then. We will meet here at 2." Harry said.
Finally, Ron, Luna, and Ginny apparated to their respective destinations, leaving Harry and Hermione behind.
"Ready to go?" Harry asked Hermione, extending his hand towards her. Hermione nodded and took his hand, and together they both apparated to the Ministry.
Reaching to the Ministry, they entered the Atrium through the golden gates. They got their wands registered with the guard at the security stand. Guard was blatantly staring at Harry, making him feel very uncomfortable. Harry had to somehow control his urge to scream at the guard. After completing the necessary formalities, they made their way to the lift to go to the second level.
"Here we are." Hermione said, as they reached to the second level.
All the way from Atrium to the second level of the Ministry, people were ogling at Harry and Hermione. Some of them even approached the pair to get an autograph or for a handshake.
Harry sighed with relief, when they were out of the lift and standing in a deserted corridor.
"Can you believe that woman? She was asking me to marry her daughter, who happens to be just 14 years old." Harry said in a complaining voice.
Hermione patted his arm affectionately, trying very hard to stifle her laugh. "It's ok Harry. She didn't know that you are already out of the market." She said her voice full of mirth.
Harry looked at her with narrowed eyes. "You find it very funny. Don't you?" he said, looking a bit irritated.
That was the last straw for Hermione and she burst out laughing. Harry simply stared at her, looking aghast.
"Why you...mmmph" Harry was about to speak, but was interrupted when Hermione kissed him.
After a couple of seconds, she pulled back.
"What was that for?" Harry asked, looking at Hermione with a goofy smile on his face.
"Do I need a reason to kiss you?" Hermione asked playfully.
"Well no, but that means I have the liberty to kiss you again." Harry said huskily, pulling Hermione closer.
However, before Harry could kiss her, somebody coughed behind them.
They both quickly sprang apart and looked back.
"Looks like you both are enjoying here." Remus said with a chuckle, coming towards them.
"Remus," Harry said happily, stepping forward and hugging his father's best friend. Once they pulled apart, Remus started the conversation.
"How are you, Harry, Hermione?" Remus asked.
"We are fine. How are you, Tonks, and Teddy?" Hermione asked with a smile.
"We are doing great. Tonks is still trying to recognize the resemblance between Teddy's different moods and his different hair colors." Remus said in a laughing voice.
Harry and Hermione laughed at this. "Well that's Tonks for you." Harry said.
"So what are you doing here?" Remus asked looking at the young couple standing in front of him.
"To submit my training form," Harry replied. Remus nodded.
"Okay, so any other plans?" Remus asked, giving a suggestive wink to the couple.
Harry just laughed, while Hermione had a flushed look on her face.
"We are looking for a place to move in together." Harry replied pulling Hermione closer.
Remus frowned at this. "Why don't you shift to Grimmauld Place? You are owner of the place, Harry." He said.
"No Remus, I want you to live there. I know Sirius would have wanted it." Harry said earnestly.
"But…" Remus started again, but Hermione interrupted him.
"Harry is right, Remus. Sirius would have wanted you to live there." She said. Remus simply nodded his head in assent.
"Well then, you both should better move on. Soon it would be the break time." Remus said.
Harry and Hermione nodded.
After that, Remus made his way towards the lift, and Harry and Hermione moved towards the large oak doors leading to the Aurors department.
Two guards were standing at the entrance of the department. Seeing that it was Harry Potter, they let him go without any kind of checking or questioning, but held Hermione behind saying that since she had no business in the department, she wasn't allowed to go through the doors.
Harry told them, almost ordered, to let Hermione enter with him. However, Hermione told him to go, and that she will wait for him at the entrance. After a little bit of persuasion from Hermione, Harry agreed to go without her. Giving one last glare to the guards, he left to find the Grace Darwin, to whom he had to submit the form and collect the information from her about the training schedule.
After around half an hour, Harry came back with some parchments and a badge in his hand. Hermione was waiting for him in the corridor leading to the lift.
"What happened?" she asked, as soon as she saw him coming towards her.
Harry came and stood in front of her. "I submitted the form. These are some of the things that would be taught in the training, and list of some advanced books which would be required for the basic understanding of the things we would learn at the training." He said, gesturing towards the parchments in his hand.
Hermione took the parchments from him and studied them, and then nodded her head.
"So when will your training start?" She asked.
"From 13th September. It would be a six month training program, before we start actual field assignments." Harry replied.
"And this is my trainee badge. Once the training is over, I would get a real Auror badge." Harry gestured towards the badge in his hand, on which his name was written in bold letters.
"That's great Harry. Let's go then." Hermione said excitedly.
With that, they both started walking towards the lift. Once they were out of the Ministry, Harry looked at his watch and turned to Hermione.
"It's almost 12:30 right now. We still have some time. What would you like to do?" Harry asked.
Hermione thought for a moment before replying. "Let me show you the muggle London today. Have you seen it before?" Hermione asked curiously.
"No, I have seen the magical parts, you know, Diagon Alley, Grimmauld Place, St. Mungo, but nothing in muggle parts. Durselys never really brought me here, at least not for some fun." Harry said the last part resentfully, thinking about his first ten horrible years with the Durselys.
Hermione squeezed his hand. "Now, you have me to show you around." She said with a loving smile.
Suddenly Hermione took a dramatic posture, bowing in front of Harry.
"Oh the almighty, great Lord Harry Potter, I am your guide for the day. Let me show you the wonders of the great muggle London." Hermione said in a theatrical high-pitched voice and then she stood straight, in attention posture.
"Hmmm…. Okay, but I have to ask you one thing. Do you provide the kissing services?" Harry asked, looking serious.
"Kissing services, sir?" Hermione asked, bringing a thoughtful expression on her face. Harry nodded looking serious.
"Well yes, I do provide kissing services. But then you would have to pay the extra charges for this service." Hermione replied, having the same thoughtful expression on her face.
"And what would be the extra charges?" Harry asked amusedly.
"Well for one kiss, you would have to give 2 kisses in return." Hermione said in a perfect imitation of a professional's voice.
"Deal," Harry said bringing his right hand forward, trying to keep a straight face. Hermione shook his hand firmly and said, "Deal".
"You know, I don't mind paying you more than you are actually asking for. And I'll pay you, even if you don't give me your kissing services." Harry said, grinning widely.
Hermione laughed at this, shaking her head lightly. She stepped closer to Harry putting her arms around his neck.
"What am I going to do with you, Harry Potter?" she whispered, looking in his emerald eyes, sparkling under the sunlight.
"That's easy," Harry said wrapping his hands around Hermione, "Just love me, forever."
"Forever," Hermione said and sealed her promise with a kiss.
Author's note: - So guys, what do you think of this chapter? Did you like it? Please tell me through your REVIEWS….Don't forget.