Disclaimer :- I don't own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Author's Note
According to the prequel 'You and Me' of this fic, Trio were looking for Horcruxes during their seventh year, so when they started their seventh year in Hogwarts they were 18. And I have changed Hermione's birth year.
Harry's Birthday: - July 31, 1980
Hermione's Birthday: - September 19, 1980
Ron's Birthday: - March 01, 1980
And yes, before you start, it's a rule that you should leave a REVIEW for this fic….haha..Just joking ….just nice to know what you think and feel about this fic so far. Tell me through your reviews...
Harry was disappointed that Hermione wasn't coming to Burrow with them. Hermione promised him that she would be there soon. In the end, she kissed Harry and left with her parents.
Harry had never felt so free in his life before. Now he had a whole life in front of him to plan, with Hermione right by his side.
Back to the Burrow
"Harry dear, you can take twins' room. They now live in the flat above their shop." Molly Weasley said.
Weasleys and Harry had apparated to Burrow from the King's Cross Station after the Grangers left. Burrow wasn't crowded at this time, only Mr. and Mrs. Weasley along with Ron, Harry and Ginny were staying at Burrow.
Wedding was to take place on 16th of August, which was still more than a month away and guests were to arrive 3 days before the wedding. However, Fleur and her family were arriving a week before the wedding.
"Thanks Mrs. Weasley, but I don't mind sharing the room with Ron." Harry said politely.
"Yeah mum, we have no problem." Ron added.
"Ok then, go, and put your trunks in the room. I'll go and make something to eat." Mrs. Weasley said as she left for the kitchen.
Harry turned to Ginny to ask if she needed any help for carrying her trunk and realized that she had already taken her trunk to her room.
Harry and Ron were in the room with their trunks, sitting on their respective beds. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"I just don't believe it; we won't be going to Hogwarts anymore, at least not as students." Ron said with an odd quiver in his voice as he tried to control his laugh.
"Yeah, I am going to miss it." Harry said with a faraway look in his eyes.
"Have you ever thought what would Hermione do, as there would be no homework to do now?" Ron asked with a chuckle.
"Don't say that in front of her or she will turn you into a pygmy puff." Harry said in a laughing voice.
Ron shuddered at the imagination that formed in his mind. "True…" he agreed.
Harry again started laughing. "I just wish Hermione would come here soon." Harry said lying on his back, intertwining his fingers behind his head and looking at the ceiling.
"Don't worry lover boy, she's gone just for the few days." Ron said teasingly.
Before Harry could say anything, there was a knock on the door. Door opened and Ginny peeked inside.
"Can I come in?" Ginny asked timidly.
Harry quickly sat up and looked at her. "Yeah sure," He replied swiftly, as looking at the expression on Ron's face he knew Ron would have said no straightaway.
"Hi Harry," Ginny said diffidently, sitting next to him on his bed.
Despite being in the same year, Ginny didn't spend much time with Harry, Ron and Hermione. She had her own group of friends. So there was 'nothing too close' kind of friendship between Harry and Ginny. Even though Ginny talked to Harry without any hesitation, she was still a little awkward around him at times.
"What are you doing here?" Ron asked rudely.
"What's your problem? I am here just for some company." Ginny replied scornfully.
"Well guess what, we don't need your company." Ron replied with a sneer.
"Ron, don't be a jerk. Ginny, you can stay here." Harry interrupted. He was not in the mood to get in between the siblings' fight. To be stuck between Ron and Hermione's fights was more than enough for a lifetime.
Ginny smirked at Ron.
"So Harry, how are you feeling now that Hogwarts' life is over?" Ginny asked touching Harry's hand lightly. Harry pulled his hand away from Ginny without thinking and so he didn't see a flicker of disappointment that passed through Ginny's eyes.
Harry simply shrugged his shoulders." I'll miss my Hogwarts days. However, that's life I suppose, we have to move on. At least now I can live my life with Hermione, without any kind of threat hanging over my head." Harry said thoughtfully.
"Yeah, of course," Ginny replied pensively.
At that moment, the door of the room opened and Mrs. Weasley came in. "Are you three ready to eat?" She asked in a motherly voice.
"Yes Mrs. Weasley," Harry said before Ron or Ginny could reply and followed Mrs. Weasley out of the room; Ron and Ginny followed.
They settled themselves on the dining table in the kitchen and starting eating. They spent next few hours chatting about Hogwarts, wedding, Quidditch, career options and many other things.
Harry was missing Hermione very much. He wanted nothing more than to apparate to her place, take her in his arms, and kiss her senselessly.
However, Harry wasn't in touch with Hermione. He had received just one letter from her, 2 days after they departed from the King's cross station. It said that she was going to France with her parents to attend the wedding of a distant relative. Harry had become very sad when he got her letter.
Dear Harry,
How are you? You must think it's been just 2 days since we last met, but to me it feels like ages. I already miss you so much. Oh god! I just feel like crying as I am writing this letter. I wish you were here with me. I know it sound cliché but I couldn't help it. I love you so much.
You won't believe what happened here. Mum already knows that we are together. I didn't tell her anything, really, I promise. She just knew it. I don't know how, but she said that I looked different from how I looked earlier. She said that I looked HAPPY. Well that's not a wrong conclusion. I am always happiest when I am with you.
Dad had a fit. He finds it hard to believe that his only daughter has grown up and that she has started dating. He started to lecture me but mum interrupted. Thanks to her, I didn't get a boyfriend speech.
That's not the end of the story though. Mum interrupted dad, however, she asked me to be careful. Can you believe her, it's not that we have, you know done that yet. God! I am blushing and giggling now. You are turning me into one of those giggling fan girls now.
You know I would like you to meet my parents, but only if you are comfortable. If you don't want to, it's okay. However, I am sure they would love you. Mum already adores you.
Now the depressing part is that I won't be able to write you again, at least not frequently. You see, I am going to France with my parents to attend the wedding of a distant relative. But I'll be back to Burrow on 27th July. I just hope these days would pass away quickly so that I could feel your arms around me once again (and your kisses too).
You know, now that I am reading this letter again, I think you make me feel so sappy but a good kind of sappy.
Tell Hi to Ron, Luna, and Ginny and tell Weasleys and Luna that I miss them all.
I love you.
Yours forever
P.S.:- Don't reply to this letter as I would already be in France by the time you read it. I miss you so much and I love you so much more.
Harry had read the letter repeatedly. He laughed at what happened between Hermione and her parents. He was sad but also felt a little bit cheered up, as he knew Hermione was coming back on 27th of July.
End of the July was approaching fast. There were still 3 days left for Hermione to arrive. Harry, Ron, and Ginny were spending most of their time at Burrow. Sometimes Luna joined them as well. However, that time Ron would disappear with her to some place, leaving Harry and Ginny alone. After spending some time together, Harry and Ginny had become very good friends, just like Harry and Ron.
"Sometimes they act like bunnies." Ginny commented as Ron left with Luna again, to wherever they always went.
"Ha ha…true, but you also leave no stone unturned while pulling his leg." Harry said with a laugh, soon Ginny started laughing as well.
"What to do now? It's just you and me." Ginny asked looking at Harry.
"I don't know, you tell." Harry said shrugging his shoulders.
"Let's go for a walk." Ginny suggested.
"Ok," Harry replied with a friendly smile.
"Great!" Ginny exclaimed with excitement and grabbed Harry's hand to drag him away from the front door, where they were sitting on the front steps.
Just then, they heard a 'POP' sound ahead of them on the road. They could see two figures appearing on the road. They couldn't see who they were as they were still a bit faraway. As they both came nearer, Harry recognized them. He just couldn't believe what he was seeing. At one side, Harry was happy to see them while on other side Ginny was scowling as she saw who was coming.
Author's note:- Apologies for spelling and grammar mistakes. And don't forget to leave a comment, just to know what you think.