Disclaimer:- I don't own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Author's note:- Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes. Hope you enjoy it.
It was the early morning time. Everyone was sleeping except a certain brunette. She stepped out of the room she shared with Ginny. Only Hermione could think of getting up so early in the morning. But then, today she had a very good reason to get up so early. Today it was 19th birthday of Harry Potter. She was only wearing her flannel pajamas and a top, her hair were tied in a messy ponytail, and she was holding a thin, long package in her hand.
Hermione quietly made her way to Ron and Harry's room. She peeked inside and saw that only Harry was there. She smiled to herself. Last night she had asked Luna to stay at Burrow. Then, past midnight when everyone was already sleeping, Ron and Luna went to Percy's bedroom, which was empty. Harry was alone in the room he shared with Ron. He had asked Hermione to stay with him for the night. However, Hermione said no, she said that Ginny would be alone in the room then and it would not look nice.
Early morning light was filtering in the room through the window. She stepped in the room, closed the door without making any noise, and cast a silencing spell on the door. She slowly made her way towards Harry's bed and smiled at the sight before her eyes. Harry looked so adorable when he was sleeping.
Harry was lying on his stomach facing towards Hermione's side. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes were closed. Messy hair just added more to his charm and he looked so peaceful that Hermione didn't want to wake him up. During first seven years of her friendship with Harry, she never saw him this peaceful. However, he had changed a lot in last one year. He had become more relaxed and more mischievous, Hermione thought with a smile.
Hermione placed the package near the nightstand, on the floor and started moving her fingers through Harry's night black silky locks.
"Harry," Hermione called softly and shaking him lightly.
Harry was in a deep sleep. He heard a voice calling him and felt someone shaking him.
"Harry," Hermione said again. Harry was such a deep sleeper. It looked like whole house was going to wake up hearing Hermione's voice except Harry himself. However, thanks to the silencing charms that it would not happen, not today at least.
Finally, Harry opened his eyes and looked at Hermione with sleepy eyes. He smiled goofily at her. He rolled onto his back so that Hermione could sit on the edge of the bed.
"So you finally decided to join me. I knew you couldn't resist me." Harry said humorously.
Hermione hit him lightly. "You are such a guy." She said while laughing at Harry's lightheartedness. She loved this aspect of Harry so much; it made him look so carefree and happy.
"Happy Birthday Harry," Hermione said softly. She leaned down towards him and kissed him tenderly. However, Harry had other ideas. He pulled Hermione on top of him and kissed her passionately. He flipped their positions so that she was lying under him. He kissed her leisurely pouring all his love in the kiss.
Hermione was lost in the kiss. She kissed him back as passionately as she could and never wanted it to stop for eternity. She loved him so much that she didn't know if there was any limit. She had heard and read about fairy tales where girl and boy shared the love so deep and where they loved each other for eternity.
However, she felt like the love she shared with Harry was something completely different. It felt beyond the time and space. It sounded like a typical line of some old romantic movie, but that's how Hermione felt. Moreover, she knew that Harry shared the same sentiments. She could feel it, in his touch, his kisses, and his love for her.
After a long time they both pulled back. "Now that was a proper birthday kiss." Harry said throatily. Hermione grinned at him.
"Ok, now it's time for your first gift. You will receive your second gift later." Hermione said as she got out of the bed. She picked the package from the floor and handed it to Harry. Harry sat up and looked at the thin package. Looking at the package, he knew it was a flying broomstick.
"You got me a broomstick." Harry said in a surprised voice. As far as he knew, Hermione never liked flying and it was completely unexpected that she would get him a broomstick as a gift, even when she had given him a Broomstick Servicing Kit, back for his 13th birthday.
"Open it." Hermione said encouragingly. Harry opened the package. Inside there was a battered old broomstick. By the looks of it, it appeared to be very old and looked like a very old version of Nimbus series. Harry looked at Hermione with a questioning look on his face.
"See it properly." Hermione said. Harry checked the broom properly, and then he found the reason why it was a gift for him. James Potter was engraved on the broomstick.
Harry looked at Hermione with awe. "It was your dad's favorite broom. He played many matches on it while he was in school. I got it from Remus." Hermione explained.
"Thank you," Harry said while looking at broom, his voice full of emotions. Hermione squeezed his hand.
Day passed quickly for Harry. He received many gifts from his friends and from the teachers of Hogwarts. Mrs. Weasley had arranged a small birthday party for him. Many of his schoolteachers and friends were there. All the Weasleys, Hermione, Luna, Fleur, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Hagrid, Snape, Seamus, Dean, Neville, Colin and Dennis Creevy, Remus, Tonks, Teddy, Kingsley and many others were there at the party. There were games, dance, food, drinks and a huge snitch shaped cake made by Mrs. Weasley. Overall, it was a very cheerful party.
Everyone was enjoying the party. Fred and George were pranking others and they even managed to use one of their new products on Snape. Snape was furious and he would have cursed the twins, if Dumbledore hadn't interrupted between them.
Finally, around 10, everyone left and after that all the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione made their way to their beds. When Harry reached to his bed, there was a note for him on his bed.
It's time for your second gift. Meet me in the backyard at 11:15 P.M.
Harry had forgotten about his second gift. He was excited to see what would be his second gift as Hermione was being so secretive about it. He was getting very impatient and felt like as though if time was moving slowly on purpose just to irritate him. Finally, when it was 11:10, Harry left his room, quietly went downstairs and to the backyard.
Night was warm. Harry saw that Hermione was standing there in the moon light. He could see that she was in deep thought and quietly made his way towards her. As he reached near her, she turned around and smiled when she looked at him.
She took his right hand and led him further in the backyard. Then, she stopped and looked at Harry.
"It's time for your second gift Harry." Hermione said softly as she kissed him lightly.
Harry didn't say anything, but just looked at her curiously.
Hermione was looking very nervous. Finally, she gathered her Gryffindor courage and started speaking. "Harry, tonight I…I want to be your…yours in every possible way." Hermione said apprehensively.
Harry was astonished. He didn't know what to say. Hermione was waiting for him to say something, but as time passed, she started feeling rejected. It had taken her a great amount of guts to offer herself to Harry. She knew that she wasn't a gorgeous beauty like Cho or Ginny, trusting Harry's love for her she had offered herself to him.
"It's Ok, if you don't want it with me." Hermione said dejectedly, trying to control her tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of him. After saying that she started to leave, but Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her back in his arms, kissing her avidly.
After sometime, he pulled back. "I am sorry. I just didn't know what to say. I am completely flattered that you want it with me." He said looking into Hermione's eyes.
Hermione finally couldn't hold her tears anymore. She rolled her eyes as tears made their way down to her cheeks.
"With whom else I would want this Harry, honestly." Hermione said in her bossy, know-it-all tone.
Harry laughed and wiped her tears away. "I love you so much Hermione, I just couldn't express it through only words." Harry said affectionately.
"Then show me tonight, Harry that how much you love me." Hermione whispered delicately.
Harry felt heat running through his whole body. His eyes darkened with passion. "Are you sure?" Harry asked raucously. Hermione simply nodded looking into his eyes. Then, she pulled out of Harry's embrace and took out her wand out of the pocket of her flannel pajamas. She performed some non-verbal spells around her and Harry in circle and then cast a cushioning charm on the ground.
"Now, no one can see or hear us here." Hermione said shyly while looking into Harry's intense eyes.
Harry gathered her in his arms, holding her securely to him. He crushed his lips to Hermione's kissing her fervently. She returned the favor with equal passion. Their hands were roaming on each other's body with fierce passion. Finally, when Harry couldn't control himself anymore he lowered both of them on the cushioned ground and lay on the top of Hermione without breaking their kiss.
Soon in the haste of their passionate kisses, touches and caresses, their clothes were lying on the ground. That night they both made love with each other, for the first time in their life. It was the night of a new beginning for both of them as they finally committed completely to each other in both emotional as well as physical way. That night they held each other saying words of love they felt for each other. They could feel warmth of each other's body, each other's heart and from each other's soul.
"It was amazing." Harry said as he kissed Hermione's forehead.
Hermione smiled lazily at him. "It was." She said contentedly as she snuggled closer to Harry.
They both were lying in the backyard and looking at the sky full of stars. Hermione had transfigured her nightshirt into a blanket to cover both of them.
"I never felt as beautiful as I felt in your arms." Hermione spoke bashfully. It was true. She never felt this beautiful as she felt when Harry was looking at her as he made love to her. She could see love and lust shining through his eyes. His eyes were dark with intensity and passion, and she knew that this all was for her and because of her.
"You are always beautiful." Harry said kissing at her bare shoulder. Hermione shivered at this.
"Are you cold?" Harry asked worriedly.
"No, not cold," Hermione said as she looked at Harry with a desirable look in her eyes.
"Why Ms. Granger, are you trying to seduce me?" Harry asked playfully as he rolled Hermione onto her back and he was lying on top of her.
Hermione giggled at this. "Why yes, Mr. Potter. You may count on it." Hermione replied teasingly.
Harry nuzzled Hermione's neck with his nose, smelling her unique and delicious scent.
"Then we would have to do something about it." Harry whispered as he left a trail of hot and wet kisses on her neck, while his hands were wandering over Hermione's naked body. Hermione was holding Harry close to her as her arms wandered over his back. Hermione felt as though if her skin was burning under Harry's touches and kisses. Fire was building in both of their bodies and once again, they were lost in each other that night.
Author's note: - Please review and tell me what you think. Reviews always encourage an author to continue.
In this fic, Fred survives including all the Weasleys. , Remus, Tonks, Snape, and Dumbledore. Harry and Ginny didn't date back in Harry's sixth year.
Hope you guys like it and don't forget to leave your reviews…