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Change in Time by Sk8erWitch

Change in Time


A/N: OK, I am here to clarify a few things. In the rush of trying to get the last chapter up of `Twist of Fate,' I totally forgot to include something. So let's just say this happened when the Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Aeryn are walking to the Hospital Wing. Aeryn was supposed to be talking with Snape quietly and saying something along the lines of "Thanks for the book." And if you can't figure that out, I can't help you, well I can but not until later on in the story when I explain this whole Snape thing. And is still alive!!

And unfortunately I can't get into any detail on who the `Hogwarts Informant' is until the next installment `Shades of Grey'

And the whole Lucius Malfoy thing, let's just say his is in the forth installment. Yes I am evil, but I haven't decided who should kill him.

I will try to do more of Harry and Hermione. Most of this story is from their point of view, well at least I'll try. Now the question is, is that because of an absent character??? (singsong) I'll never tell!!!

Well enough with the Author's note you clicked here to read the story, right??




To tell you the truth, living at the Dursley's was actually pleasant this time around. It pained Harry to think why. It had only been a week since he came to the Dursley's. Currently Harry was sitting in his room looking out the window. Since the Dursley's were basically ignoring his existence, Dudley had been put to work in the garden with him mother. Harry then looked to his dresser. On it was the snow globe he had gotten from Hermione this past Christmas, and a picture of the gang standing on Liberty Island. Ron and Ginny were awkwardly standing between the two couples standing on either side of them. Like he did the summer before, Harry failed to mention to the Dursley's that Aeryn had died and that she could no longer threaten Uncle Vernon's job anymore. He deliberately left the picture in plains view for anyone who walked in the room to see.

Also on the dresser was every letter Hermione had sent him since they last saw each other. He found himself opening one of the letters just to read it over and over again. Harry was between being hopelessly depressed over the death of his sister and hopelessly in love with the love of his life, Hermione.

Harry was starting to get hungry. He ventured down the stairs of the empty house, his Uncle being at work. Harry scouted through the cupboards and fridge for something to eat. He finally settled on a sandwich. Dudley and Aunt Petunia came in through the back door.

"Go get cleaned up Dudley, you're father should be home soon." Harry's Aunt said sternly. Over the past school year Dudley had been thrown out of school and was very close to ending up in St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys. He got caught beating up a younger classman for the third time. It was a rude awakening for Dudley's parents. Now in the neighborhood, most of the people were more afraid of Dudley then Harry.

Dudley went upstairs to clean up. Harry remained silent making his sandwich while his Aunt cleaned up at the sink. "You'd better hurry up with that before Vernon comes home." She said quietly. Harry only nodded as he sped up what he was doing. Aunt Petunia poured herself a glass of lemonade from the fridge before she headed back out to do more work.

"Do you need any help out there?" Harry asked as he finished his sandwich. Aunt Petunia looked at him bewildered.

"If you must." She replied.

Harry thought it might do some good to get outside and do something. A bit of exercise wouldn't hurt.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Hermione Granger was a wreck. She had been franticly debating what to do all week. Upon coming home from Hogwarts, her parents told her that it was their turn to host the Granger Family reunion. It was an annual occurrence, yet for the past six years it had conveniently fell on a date that Hermione was still in school. But only Hermione and her parents knew of her uniqueness. Hermione felt as though she needed to tell her entire family, if she didn't there would be a lot of unanswered questions from her relatives.

It wasn't a big reunion. It was just her Aunts and Uncles from her mom and dad's side, her cousins, and her grandparents from both sides. No big, right?

Her parents felt it was a good idea to tell everyone. They said that they would be proud of Hermione. He parents always supported Hermione, well except she got strange looks from her father when she mentioned she had a boyfriend.

"There isn't anyway I can back out of this is there?" Hermione asked her parents for the thousandth time that week as they ate lunch.

"Now Hermione, you need to relax," her mother Martha told her, "Everything will be just fine. You know our family has a very open mind."

"Open minded yes, but this is big!"

"She has a point Martha," Her father George said, "remember how we reacted when Hermione got her letter."

It was true, at first Martha and George thought Hermione's Hogwarts letter was some kind of joke.

"Oh Merlin, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brian are here." Hermione said as she looked out the window.

"You'd better head off to the airport George, Karla and Noah should be arriving shortly and I need to get supper started."

Hermione's Aunt Karla and Uncle Noah lives in the States, Charleston South Carolina to be exact. Her Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brian lives in Whitwell. It was small town in Worksop which was in Nottinghamshire. Both sets of grandparents lived in London and would arrive soon enough.

Now Hermione might have been an only child but had the cousins to make up for it. Kim was the oldest out of the five of them, she was 20. Kim's brother Curtis was 13. Hermione really liked Kim and was glad she was able to come, with her being away at University and all.

Hermione's other two cousins were racing up the walkway as Hermione and her parents greeted them at the door.

"Hermione!" they called upon see her. Louis was 15 and Sally was 12.

"Brian," George greeted his brother, "Sorry I can't stay I've got to go to the airport." And he was off.

Now oddly enough, Louis reminded Hermione of a brown headed Ron for some reason. He was just as tall and had the same sort of attitude except for her was a muggle. Sally though, looked to be the rebellious type. Basically she was a British Avril Lavigne wannabe. Through out the afternoon the rest of her relatives arrived. Martha was never out of the kitchen and soon enough neither was Hermione, Grandma Selene and Grandma Tracey.

Everyone was seated at the rather large dinning table, before them was a huge feast, although it did not rival a feast at Hogwarts, of roast beef, green beans, carrots, snow peas, a lovely gravy and Yorkshire pudding. So far this day had gone great. Currently during dinner everyone was talking about what Kim was doing a school.

"Hermione, you've been very quiet." Kim commented, "What do you plan to do after school?"