A/N: Advanced Warning, this chapter contains violence and a gruesome death. Nuff said. Don't say I didn't warn ya!!
Chapter 13
Lose Control
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Her feeling she hides
Her dreams she can't find
She's losing her mind
She's falling behind
She can't find her place
She's loosing her faith
She's fallen from grace
She's all over the place
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
They had been gone for about an hour and a half already. Hermione was desperately trying to read a book, but she couldn't no matter how much she tried.
"Good book Hermione?" Ron asked her as he came into the library with some lunch for her, "I do believe you are on the exact same page as when I was in here last."
Hermione hopelessly put her book down, got up and went to the window. "I can't help but feel left out, I know what they are doing in dangerous and I wish they didn't have to do it, but I just wish I could be there with them, to face the dangers with them."
"We have always been there with Harry on all our adventures," Ron said, "Its nerve racking just waiting."
Hermione was looking out the window; it was such a bright and sunny day. She was thinking back to that day when time changed; how small telling the rest of her family she was a witch seemed, compared to all the dangers she ever faced. She didn't feel nervous about their reactions anymore.
She then saw something which made her sprint out of the library. Ron then looked out the window to see what Hermione saw. Aeryn was walking up to the house, Trident in her hands and alone. No Harry and no Draco. Ron hurried to follow Hermione.
When Hermione got within visual distance of the front door, Aeryn came in. She had a blank expression on her face, she looked lost. Aeryn held the Trident lazily in her hand.
"Aeryn, where's Harry?" but it was if Hermione wasn't even there. Lily and James came from wherever it was they were along with Sirius. With all the people in the room Aeryn finally looked up to notice everyone there, "Aeryn, where is Harry?" Hermione repeated. Aeryn looked to the Trident in her hand and acted like she was shocked to see it there. She quickly dropped it as if it were poison. As the sound of the Trident falling to the floor sounded Aeryn ran, up the stairs and out of sight, ignoring the calls from the others, silencing them with the sound of a slamming door.
No one said anything for the longest time, and not five minutes later Harry and Draco came through the door. Harry was almost knocked down by Hermione.
"Hermione can't breathe luv," Harry managed to say. Draco immediately took notice of the Trident on the floor and hurried up the stairs calling Aeryn's name.
"Sorry, it's just that when Aeryn came in she wouldn't say where you were," Hermione said tearfully. Harry just held her in his arms.
Meanwhile Draco came back down the stairs and sat down on the last few steps defeated.
"She won't even open the door," he said to no one in particular.
Lily was worried, "What happened?"
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Harry choose to look threatening with fireballs in each hand, while Aeryn made the air move to form a wind in the room.
"Would you like for us to prove our power!" they both said.
There eyes were black as usual when they did this kind of magic, but unfortunately it didn't even phase Bellatrix. She just laughed a bit.
"You know there isn't that much room down here for a proper fight," Bellatrix said, "Why don't we take it to the streets." And with that she disapperated.
Harry let the fireballs in his hand diminish, his eyes returning to normal. The wind however remained, Aeryn held her ground. Draco got the Trident from the wall.
"Let's get this thing out of here," Draco said. But Aeryn wasn't listening and Harry knew she wasn't listening. Bellatrix suddenly came back.
"Well are you coming or what?" she said and disapperated again.
"Aeryn, no…" Harry started but it was too late, Aeryn disapperated as well.
"I thought we agreed not to actually be involved in any actual dueling?" Draco said.
"Let's go help her out," Harry said as they disapperated to the streets of London where the battle was.
From where Harry and Draco were standing, Aeryn had walked into a trap. Fifty Death Eaters surrounded her. Curses and hexes were thrown her way but she threw them back with the TK. Harry and Draco immediately jumped in to help.
Suddenly, like a ripple of water after something was dropped in a pool of water, everything around Aeryn was pushed out, including Harry and Draco. Hurled away, leaving Aeryn standing alone.
As Harry got up 20 feet from where he was just standing he could see Aeryn and Bellatrix fighting, both with physical effort and magic. The Death Eaters were told to stand down. Both Harry and Draco could only see the back of Aeryn as she had her back tuned to them.
At first they started off with simple curses and hexes, but then it got really serious. Instead of the both of them casting a spell in turn, Aeryn started throwing them one right after another.
"Expelliarmus," was first, which in Harry's opinion should have been done a long time ago, followed by "Silibritus Folbilio," which caused Bellatrix to shield her eyes from the blinding light. "Everte Estáte" which caused Aeryn's opponent to become disorientated.
"Aeryn stop!" Draco called out to her.
"Paralificus Entiro," which caused Bellatrix to fall to the ground paralyzed. Although it was pretty obvious that Aeryn had won this fight, she continued, "Crucio!"
"Aeryn, that's enough. Please stop," Draco pleaded with her, but she wouldn't stop. Harry tried to get into her mind, to try and get through to her there but he was forced out.
Draco suddenly was shocked by the Trident and he let it go, only for it to fly into Aeryn's not outstretched hand. Harry and Draco quickly walked quickly up to Aeryn. She was now unleashing the power of the Gemini Trident. Bolts of electricity were flowing through Bellatrix Lestrange's body, frying her to a crisp.
Draco was within grasp of Aeryn as he put his hand on her shoulder and turned her around. He saw her eyes, a fire burning in her black eyes like a dancing flame; a look of pure rage and hatred. As Aeryn turned so did the direction of the Trident causing Draco to be in the line of fire sending back ten feet.
It was then that Aeryn finally stopped, hate and rage were replaced with lost and confused.
"Aeryn," Harry managed to say to her, he was shocked by what he just witnessed. He silently cursed himself for no trying harder to stop her. Harry took Aeryn by the shoulders trying to get some eye contact, but she disapperated leaving the smoking corpse that was Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry's view. Harry they quickly turned to tend to Draco who was trying to get up. Harry healed him and they both apperated away to the outskirts of the Hollow.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
"She lost control," Draco said in a whisper. Lily started for the stairs but James stopped her.
"I'll go," he said.
Harry picked up the Gemini Trident, "We should put this somewhere safe," he said, "it can be very dangerous."
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
James knocked on the door of Aeryn's bedroom, "Aeryn are you in there?" he asked, right stupid question, he thought to himself. He tried the door and much to his surprise it wasn't locked.
She was sitting on the window seat, her knees drawn up under her chin looking out the window.
"Everyone is worried about you," James said closing the door behind him; he figured she let him rather then the slip of the mind to forget locking the door. Still she didn't say anything.
"Do you want to talk?" she shook her head. James sat down on the window seat beside her with his back to the window. "I wish I knew what to say, but I don't."
"Tell them to go on without me," she said quietly, "my part is done. Tell them to go to the Bermuda Triangle, go fix time and move on with their lives. Tell them I'm dead."
"You think he is just going to except that." James said, "Harry will move on with time, I'll give you that. But Draco with never get over you. You mean the world to him, can't you see that. You can't just hide away; act like you don't exist anymore. You can't push him away."
Aeryn let go of her emotions, she started to cry. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost your mother, probably go off the deep end."
"I almost killed him,"
"But you stopped. If you truly were full of rage and hate, you wouldn't have. You are not Jade." James said
"It wasn't Jade," Aeryn said, "I lost control of my powers. I felt the hatred from the city all of those people were angry for one reason or another and it consumed me. I wanted to stop to bad, but I couldn't. I murdered someone in cold blood today, in a way that I would not wish upon anyone, not even my enemies, yet I did it to someone."
"I know there is nothing anyone could say that could justify that, but there isn't; I'll tell the others you want to be alone for now."
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
"How is she?" Draco immediately asked as James came down the stairs.
"I've seen better," he admitted, "I'd say she need's time but given the situation with the whole time thing, it doesn't matter. We can wait a week or so before going to the Bermuda Triangle. If we let her have her way, she would have us go this second."
Draco started for the stairs, "She'll come down on her own Draco," James said. Draco stopped knowing Aeryn's father was right and stormed off in another direction to be alone himself.
"What really happened with her," Lily asked her husband.
"A really deranged world and a not yet mastered empathic ability."
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Ok, I wanted to bring something up. I know that JK Rowling usually put Dumbledore or Hermione as the explainer, but to tell you the truth, I don't really like Dumbledore that much. I try to use him as least as possible. I'm even seriously contemplating killing him off in my next story.
Don't get me wrong, I have loads of respect for him, but if I ever met him myself I'd tell him to go screw himself with his cryptic talk and his certain point of view Obi-Wan Kenobi-ish ways. And no I am not bashing Obi-wan, not to found of the old Obi-Wan but love the younger one. (Can you believe I would pick Ewen McGregor over Hayden Christiansen any day?! I love the Irish!)
Ok, Ok I'll stop talking now!! I tend to ramble!