Unofficial Portkey Archive

Change in Time by Sk8erWitch

Change in Time


Chapter 15

The Ten Disasters

Time was back to normal. Hermione had fully expected all her relatives to be right there in front of her in the dinning room of her house. But everyone was gone.

"Mum? Dad?" she called out. The house was silent. Hermione decided then to just Apperate to the Burrow.

When she got there, Harry, Ron and Sirius was waiting, the Burrow equally dead like her own house.

"Ok, what happened?" Hermione said, "There should be people at my house, eating and doing family reunion things."

"Everything I own at the Dursley's is gone," Harry said, "And it looks like no one has been in my room in a couple of weeks."

"I'm going to go to Grimmauld Place and see if there is anyone there, if not I'll go to other places," Sirius said moving to the fireplace, "I want you three to stay here, is that clear."

The trio nodded in agreement as Sirius flooed away. Ron studied the family clock, the pictures of his parents and Ginny were pointed at the `AWAY' sign, where the rest of them were pointed at `WORK'.

"You don't think we mortally screwed up time somehow?" Harry asked.

"I hope not." Ron replied.

"I know we all agreed to come here," Hermione said, "But I don't think Draco is coming. He would have been here already if he was."

"We do so much, and fate bloody well screws up our life." Ron said.

The fire place lit up in green flames as Sirius came back, "It's like a bloody mob in that house." The trio looked at him concerned, "Good news is, is that time is back to normal just the way it should be. Bad news is, is that for the three and a half weeks we were gone, that time passed here as well. What I meant by mob, was everyone wanting to know where I was and if I had seen you. I thought I tell you this before you all get mobbed yourself."

"Are they coming here?" Hermione asked.

"No we are going there, there is a law against muggles using the floo system or a Portkeys and I don't think we want you parents to get into trouble now would we?"

When they all flooed to Grimmauld Place the three of them all received bone crushing hugs from just about everyone. Everyone was relived to see that Harry, Hermione, Ron and Sirius were safe.

"Now Hermione," Martha said, "I know you really wanted the rest of the family to accept that you are a witch, but did you have to disappear like that."

"Sorry Mum, I was kinda saving the world." Hermione replied.

"Yes, might we might sit down, perhaps for a bit to eat while we discuss the resent events," Dumbledore suggested. Before they had a chance to do anything, Mundungus came through the fireplace.

"I tell you, it's absolutely beautiful," he started, "never in all my years have I seen such a sight."

"Mundungus, what are you going on about?" Molly Weasley snapped at him.

"The Great City of the sea,"

"Ok Dung," Remus said, "I think you've had too much to drink."

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Sirius however thought otherwise. Harry and Hermione knew there was only one other person other then Harry that could raise Atlantis and make it travel to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

"Where did you see it?" Harry asked Dung.

"Southwest coast of Britain."

"Please don't humor the man, Harry," Molly said, "He's just had one too many drinks."

"I would say the same thing," Sirius said, "If I had not seen Atlantis for myself."


"It'll be better if we just go there, we will explain everything there," Harry said, anxious to see if Aeryn truly was the one guiding Atlantis.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Aeryn had been surprise to find herself still at Atlantis when she opened her eyes. The amber bubble that had surrounded her was gone and so were the ones around her parents who were lying on the floor. She walked over to them to find the unconscious, yet alive.

She levitated them out of the Temple and sealed it shut with the ring. The elevator took them to the Great Hall first, where she conjured make-shift cots and put Lily and James on them. They seemed to be ok, just unconscious. Aeryn made her way to the control room, raised the city yet again and set a course to Great Britain as the fastest speed possible.

She then went back to the Great Hall to find Lily and James up and about, but when they saw her they pulled there wands out and pointed them at Aeryn. Aeryn put her hands up in defense.

"Who are you?" James demanded.

Aeryn looked at him skeptically; "You're joking, right?" another pause told her he wasn't, "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Voldemort came," Lily said, "he was trying to get Harry, our son."

"What sort of trick is this," James said, "He's probably gotten to Harry by now."

Aeryn realized they were talking about the night they died nearly sixteen years ago, they were of this timeline, and they were brought back to life. "Relax, that was a long time ago."

"What do you mean `a long time ago'? What is the date?" Lily asked.

"I don't know the exact date, but," Aeryn paused, "You might want to sit down, and please I'm not going to hurt you, there isn't a need for your wands."

Lily and James reluctantly sat down together on of the cots. "You remember it being October 31st 1981, right?" they both nodded, "It's the summer of 1997."

Lily gasped, James sat there in shock, "Harry?"

"Is perfectly fine," Aeryn told them. They both breathed a sigh of relief. "And while we are on the subject of really shocking things…"

"How do we get out of here?" James asked, "We need to see Harry."

"We will get out of here as soon as we can," Aeryn said, "Can I just say something here, cause Merlin know it took me awhile to convince Sirius that I am who I am. Just put what you know on hold for just one minute." Lily and James were listening carefully after she mentioned Sirius. "Peter Pettigrew betrayed you, he was your secret keeper and low and behold Voldemort ended up on your doorstep. Now just think, what other secret did you keep from the rest of the world, but only told Sirius and Peter."

It immediately clicked in Lily's head, she saw the young lady in front of her and the maternal instinct kicked in. "Look at you," Lily said as she got up and made her way over to Aeryn, "You're all grown up."

"I still don't get it" James said.

"Oh James, it was Sirius and that rat who took Aeryn to Rochester. Said rat told Voldemort, and Voldemort devised a plan to make up think she was dead."

"And low and behold, here I am." Aeryn said with a small laugh.

"So the Voldemort problem is all resolves?" Lily asked hugging her daughter.

"As of a couple of months ago Voldemort has been successfully vanquished."

"So when did you find out you and Harry were related?" James asked.

"About a year ago; there was an attack at my school last summer by Voldemort personally. He was in the perfect position to kill me but he said something along the lines of `twin of a Potter should die with her brother' or something like that. I didn't think much of it at the time. But I found my way to Hogwarts because my best friend who goes there told me that if anything happened to go there, that I would be protected there."

Lily was shocked at the notion that Aeryn had faced Voldemort, "But I haven't even been through half of what Harry's been through since he entered the Wizarding World."

"What do you mean, `since he entered the Wizarding World'?" Lily asked, "Why in the world would he have been kept away from it."

"I shouldn't have said that." Aeryn said.

"Well it was said so spill," James demanded.

"Well no one knew that you made Wormtail Secret Keeper and after you died and Harry didn't, Sirius kinda went after him." Aeryn explained.

"So what happened?" Lily asked.

"In the end Sirius spent twelve years in Azkaban and Dumbledore thought it best if Harry was looked after out of the spotlight being the-boy-who-lived after surviving the killing curse and sent him to live with the Dursley's."

Suddenly there was a load beeping noise. "I'd better slow this thing down, look its best if you wait and let someone who knows all the facts explain everything to you."

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Harry and Hermione led the way when they entered Atlantis. Everyone seemed to be awed by it magnificence. All the while they explained what happened over the past three and a half weeks. As they entered the elevator to look at the map, Harry saw something odd, which made his heart jump. He quickly read the identities of the three dots over and over again just to make sure he was reading them correctly.

"Are we just going to stand here all day," Snape said from the very back of the group away from the enchanted map. Sirius and Remus were looking at the map as well.

"Does that mean…"Remus started staring at the map.

"The Great Hall," Harry demanded to the elevator as the door slid open to the Great Hall and there in the middle of the rather empty room, stood three officially declared dead people, alive and well. It wasn't much of a shock to Sirius as it was to Remus.

Harry immediately noticed Aeryn was trying to get his attention, she had her hands up and made a gesture while silently mouthing to him to freeze. Harry did just that.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Unfreeze Hermione, Ron and Sirius," she told him and Harry complied, "I need to let you in on a few things beforehand. I don't know how or why, but we are alive and I mean truly alive."

"Well that's a good thing," Sirius said.

"Yes but Mum and Dad haven't a clue. They have the bodies of the Lily and James Potter from the timeline we were at, but the last thing they remember is Voldemort killing them. They are of this timeline. So we can't shock them too much, I mean I just told them that about me."

"That's understandable," Hermione said.

"So I guess we'll hold off the school adventures for a while." Harry joked, "Anything else?"

Aeryn paused, "Nope can't think of anything. Wait, have you told Remus about the cure yet?"

"No, we've hardly been back."

"Let's wait until the Potion is done before we do, I mean it will take a while and I for one think it's best if he didn't have to go months waiting." Aeryn said. "Oh and keep quite about the `I'm dating a Malfoy' thing, I think that Lucius Malfoy being good in the other time line made Mum and Dad react differently about it."

Harry then unfroze the rest of the people standing in the Great Hall. They all spent some time talking about almost everything, and doing what you would expect at a meeting such as this. Everything in the world seem perfect, nothing could go wrong. Fate had granted some of their greatest wishes, just when they thought it was trying to screw up their lives.

Aeryn observed Professor Dumbledore as he seemed to be admiring the ten crests that were represented through out the Great Hall. He seemed to be in deep thought. Aeryn could feel his concern and sorrow for something

"Sickle for you thoughts Professor," Dumbledore looked at her, then back at the Hogwarts crest he stood before.

"I just find myself very curious about something," he said solemnly. "These ten school represented here have something in common."

"And what would that be?"

"They all just happen to have been destroyed about a week and a half ago," Aeryn was utterly shocked and speechless, the thought that they might have caused this entered their mind, "At first I thought the sudden disappearance of five people and this event were links somehow, but now know what happen to you I believe whether the time traveling event occurred or not, it would have happened anyway."

"I know that Holic Academy was supposed to open again come September, I mean they had rebuilt everything, how… and my god Hogwarts, it's just not possible for it to be rebuilt"

"We think whatever was left of Voldemort's `army' was behind it. It is still unclear as to how exactly it was done, but it was done none the less. Nothing has been decided yet on what is to happen."

Aeryn stopped to think, how in the world was it possible that the ten schools destroyed and yet those exact same school's crests hung in Atlantis.

"You better tell the others," Aeryn said to Dumbledore as she started to walk off.

"Might I ask where you are going?"

"Malfoy Manor, there is a certain someone who needs to know I'm alive."

And that's how it was, a new chapter starting in their lives. One of the worst things happened, but they would be ok, somehow they would find a way to make everything alright.

But that is for another story……………

To Be Continued

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Yes I am ending it here, you know why, because I suck!! I got so stuck with this chapter so I said screw it.

Oh well, I'll just have to make up for it with the sequel, or would you call it a Triquel??

I'll get started on Shades of Grey ASAP. It's been hard getting on the computer since I sort of started school. I haven't totally started yet, senior year and all, but my mom hasn't ordered my school things yet, so she has me doing grammar and spelling practices because it is my weak point. Yes I am a very bad speller, oh well Einstein couldn't do Math!!

Anyway please review, even if it is to tell my this Chapter sucked, cause you know it did!!

