Unofficial Portkey Archive

Change in Time by Sk8erWitch

Change in Time


Chapter 7

The defeat of Voldemort, err, again

A shocked James was holding a hysterical Lily who had collapsed to her knees crying. Sirius even had to hold back Hermione, for she was about to do something rash. Draco had to keep reminding himself that it wasn't her.

Even Voldemort was speechless at what he had just done. Who would have thought he could actually care for something. He was angry at himself and at Jade for doing something so stupid.

Two lifeless looking bodies were sprawled on the floor. Only Ron was close enough to the two of them to see they were both still alive, and a freshly made cut on Harry's forehead, the lightning bolt. Voldemort quickly snatched Ron by his neckline.

"This is your fault." He sneered at Ron. Voldemort pointed his wand at him.

"Don't you dare hurt him." Harry said as he got to his feet. Voldemort dropped Ron as he turned in disbelief. Others gasped in disbelief as well.

"You are supposed to be dead!" Voldemort said in a half whisper. Harry bent over to help his sister up to her feet.

"I could say the same thing about you." Harry told him. He looked at Aeryn; she had a far away look in her eyes. He sent his thoughts out to her `Are you ok?' Harry was glad the link was back, as well as their special magic.

`Ask me later' she replied. She quickly recomposed herself.

"Jade, your ok." Voldemort said. Aeryn put up one finger as if to silence him, if there was any a time you wanted to see a pissed off Aeryn, this was it.

"Don't call me that." She demanded. Voldemort know something was wrong, her voice was different, and that was besides the point that she was talking back to him. She never did that.


"I said don't call me by that name. It makes me want to hurl at the thing she has done." Aeryn said.

`You remember?' Harry asked.

`Yes, I still have all of her memories, except I am here and she is not'

Everyone else in the room was slightly confused.

"Well it looks like we all came out of this with no ill affects." Harry said.

"That shouldn't have happened." Voldemort spat.

"Yes, I know. The killing curse was supposed to bounce off me and hit you. Why didn't it. And why is that I've faced you…" Harry started counting silently on his fingers, "six times, this being the seventh, and somehow you are still here!"

Harry was so tired of this. All he wanted was to have a normal life. He had a beautiful girlfriend, and all he wanted to do was lover her without fear that someone could go after her. He saw her standing with Sirius and Draco all frizzled with worry. But one look from Harry and Hermione seemed to relax. It was then that Harry finally noticed who else was there. Warmth filled his heart as he saw his parents for the first time, alive and well. He finally felt complete; he had everything he could ever ask for. All he needed was a fly swatter for the fly that was Voldemort.

"See if you had gotten the rebound of the spell, you would have faded, lost all your power and everyone would think you were dead." Aeryn said, "Then you would have found a way to resurrect yourself and come back with all your power and then some. Then the only way you could be defeated was if someone other then yourself could read parseltongue and read Salazar Slytherin's little black book that you currently keep in the Chamber of Secrets, and invoke the spirits of the Founding Four and basically set all your evilness onto yourself."

"What she means is that you're basically dead meat." Draco said standing next to Hermione. Aeryn could see the happiness and pride in his eyes. For the first time since she was alive again she smiled.

`Ok you freeze him and I'll hurl him across the room, for some reason I want to see fear in his eyes.' Aeryn thought to Harry.

`I've never use that power against a person before,' Harry said to her.

`Use your emotions I can feel how pissed off you are at him. It's either freeze him or set him on fire.'

`Set him on fire?'

`It another one of your powers you don't know about. Currently it's dormant. But using my new power I could do it for you.'

`What new power do you have?'

`Harry, not now, Voldemort' she reminded him. Voldemort was starting to get his wand ready. Just looking at Voldemort made him angry for all the suffering and loss he caused, he gestured towards Voldemort and he froze in time.

Voldemort Death Eaters didn't know what to do, their master wasn't moving. Dumbledore choose that time to act, he grabbed the wand of the DE nearest to him, and well soon enough the good guys were in control.

But what Aeryn did not expect was to have a number of wands pointed at her as well. She felt the anger directed towards her. It was obvious that they did not get that she wasn't Jade. Instead of attacking them as Jade would have done, she held up her hands in surrender. This took some back in surprise. And soon enough Harry Ron and Draco came between Aeryn and the wands. Hermione soon enough was at Harry's side as well.

"Draco, what are you doing?" Lucius said to his son. Lily and James soon asked the same of Harry and Ron.

Upon seeing her killer, Aeryn lost all control; she backed up even more away from everyone. Truth be told she was more terrified then, then when she faced giants. She started to hyperventilate. Some of the windows from behind where the Head Table should have been started to explode, sending shared of glass into open space, luckily no one was there to get hurt. She grabbed hold of Draco's arm. He retreated with her. Aeryn called the Gryffindor door.

"I can't do this." She said still looking at Lucius, slowly backing into the opening door.

Harry was about to called after her, but the door closed behind both her and Draco. He tuned back to Lucius but said nothing. His emerald green eyes glared an icy stare that told Malfoy to watch his step.

James asked. Harry couldn't hold back anymore and he really didn't care who was watching. He made his way to his father. It was if looking in a mirror except for their eyes. At that moment nothing else mattered. From what he learned from Sirius and Hermione, this was probably the first time Harry had seen his parents, in the flesh. James pulled his son close. It was defiantly a Kodak moment.

"That was Aeryn, wasn't it?" Lily asked; as it was her turn next to greet her son. Harry nodded.

"We didn't want to say anything," Sirius explained, "you just found out the she still be alive, but to be that evil."

"We understand Sirius," James said, "But that's the Aeryn from your world, right?"

"Yeah," Harry said, "But I don't know how she came here. We'll have to ask her. There is something different about her though."

"She's slightly broken," Hermione offered an explanation, "Shattered into a thousand pieces. She might of seemed ok when she appeared as a Guardian, but she's alive now. Seeing Malfoy triggered her last emotion before she died."

"That's understandable." Dumbledore said, "Fear is something that is not easily overcome, even for someone strong hearted. Now tell me what exactly has left Voldemort in his predicament."

"When I was hit with the killing curse, he transferred some of his powers to me, except he didn't fade away like he should have." Harry explained, "There was a prophesy made by Rowena Ravenclaw, that one day two great powers from the Founder's line would join and the power would be restored."

Because Aeryn and I are twins, we have some sort of bond that allows the both of us to have special abilities. As far as I know, I can stop things in time and heal people, including myself. Aeryn had the ability to make certain things accelerate in time causing them to explode, and the ability to move objects with her mind."

"Telekinesis?" Lily asked.

"Yes, and we both are capable of wandless magic. What do we do with Voldemort now?"

"You leave him to me," Dumbledore said, "I suggest we head back to Godric's Hollow. After years of it being in Voldemort's hands, Hogwarts doesn't seem welcome any more."

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

It was a couple of hours before anyone found them. Aeryn and Draco clung close to each other as they sat in the Astronomy tower, neither one of them wanting to let go in fear that if they did they would lose each other again.

"Thank Merlin for the Marauder's Map." Harry said as he and Hermione entered the tower. "Found it in Filch's office."

"Sorry about earlier…" Aeryn started to said, but Harry cut her off.

"It was perfectly understandable, from now on we will keep you-know-who away from you and I don't mean Voldemort." Aeryn smiled. "We are all going to Godric's Hollow. Most of the group has already left, including Malfoy Senior and Hagrid, so it should be safe for you to come along, unless you want to stay here for the rest of your life."

"What are they like? Mom and Dad I mean."

"Why don't you go find out for yourself?" Harry told her.


"No buts, they know you are not Jade."

"Yes but they won't help but think of her when they look at me." Aeryn said.

"Maybe it's the hair?" Draco said twirling a couple strands of her blonde hair around his finger.

"A hair restoration potion doesn't take long to make." Hermione added.

"Ok, Draco and I will go to the potions dungeon while you take Hermione to the Library. I know for a fact that you have not told anyone about the forbidden section. Password should be the same. Find any books on time travel; I doubt the any of the books in the restricted section would be of any help."

"There is a forbidden section in the library and you didn't tell me?" Hermione accused her boyfriend.

"I was going to, it just slipped my mind. Shall we take the Gryffindor express?"

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Where have you two been?" Ron asked as Harry and Hermione as they came back from the library, carrying a bag full of shrunken books each.

"Library, we still need to find where the tempus temple is, so we can get home." Hermione said.

"Did you find her?" Both Lily and James joined them in their conversation. They were both eager to know their oldest daughter. Though for Harry it was the first time meeting his parents, in this world he lived with his parents all his life. But his parents hadn't seen Aeryn at all.

"Yeah, thanks to you." Harry said.

"To me?" James asked. Harry pulled out the Marauder's map from his pocket.

"Well, thanks to Moony, Padfoot and Prongs."

"Bloody hell, I haven't seen this thing in ages, how'd you get it?" he asked.

"I remembered where Fred and George Weasley said they found it back in our world when they gave it to me. In Filch's office."

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good. What are they doing in the Potion's Dungeon?" James asked.

"Aeryn made the argument that when you look at her all you will see is Jade. Draco made the comment that it was her hair. So they are making a hair restoration potion." Hermione said.

"So she is not a natural blonde?" Lily asked.

"No, she looks just like you mum. Trust me the only one with out red hair in our circle of friends in Hermione, and Draco." He quickly added in, it was still a bit weird to be referring to Draco Malfoy as a friend.

"Oh Harry before I forget," Hermione said, "Because I am muggleborn and therefore was kept in a prison of sorts with my parents, you should know that you might have to break up with your girlfriend."

"I have a girlfriend other then you? Who is it?"

"Cho Chang," Lily said, "Beautiful young lady, but not the brightest."

"Well, I've broken up with her once before, I'm sure I can do it again." Harry said.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

It had been well over an hour before Aeryn and Draco found where everyone was. The potion had worked perfectly and Aeryn's hair was its natural hair color. She had changed of course, not that Jade didn't have good taste in clothes, it was just that traveling in a skirt and boots would have been hard. She also had packed some clothes and weapons, she really liked Jade's crossbow. She even was keeping her dragon hyde cloak.

She never thought she would be greeted so warmly by her parents especially after all the things Jade had done.

"So how did you get here anyway?" Ron asked. It was just Lily, James, Sirius, Ron, Hermione and Harry with them.

"Yeah I thought you said you didn't have the power to come with us." Harry said.

"I didn't, but the elder guardians do. This is sort of a punishment for interfering." She already had this conversation with Draco, "I get to help you, deal with human emotion and have the knowledge that when this is all over, I have to go back."

"You'll be dead again?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, but I will make the most of my time here. In the end when we go back in time to stop him, I will have to face him."

"Why would they give you punishment for what you did?" Hermione asked, "I mean if you hadn't, well I would probably be dead."

"I make sure to ask them."

"Is everyone ready to go?" Dumbledore asked as he entered the room.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

A/N: Well that was chapter 7. Hope it was long enough for you. I was typing like a maniac listening to Avril Lavigne.

I guess I must be losing my touch, only 5 reviews?? Please tell me if you dislike the story so I can improve it.

Well TTFN and hopefully I will get chapter 8 done soon. Although I am going to try to update `Slayer' first. And if you have questions, please ask them, I am dying to discuss my stories with anyone.
