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Change in Time by Sk8erWitch

Change in Time


A/N: Wow, how would of thought you'd like this story a whole lot better. I guess "Twist of Fate" was a start up story. I can't believe the reviews I've got already. I guess you like fast updates. I seemed to write this story a lot faster, I guess it's because it's been brewing in my mind for months and don't have to put a lot of thought into it.

So you want to see more of Aeryn? I don't know if I can resurrect the dead, but I'll see what I can do. For now you have Jade, well, you'll see once you've read the chapter.

Chapter 3


"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too Draco." Harry said as they entered Draco's room.

"Somehow I knew you were behind all this." Draco pointed to the snowy white owl about to fly out the window.

"Hedwig? What's she doing here?" Harry asked observing the frozen pet.

"Don't know, she just showed up. So what are you doing here?" Draco asked again.

"You're father is up to his tricks again, he's gone back to change time." Harry explained.

"Well we have to stop him." Draco jumped up ready to go. "Beats staying around here."

Their clothes flashed once more but did not flash back. Harry had his glasses back and his forehead was scar free.

"Once time reverts to normal, we could be separated." Hermione said, "Some of us could even be dead. Who know the possibilities."

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Sirius said.

"How'd you find out about all this anyway?" Draco asked.

"It doesn't matter," Harry started but it was too late, time was in motion. Harry was standing in the middle of a forest. It was dark and spooky.

"Where are we?" Ron was standing behind him, the others were no where to be found. They heard a twig snap.

"I don't know, I think maybe the Forbidden Forest, I'm not sure." Harry held out his hand, "Lumos." Nothing happened, he tried it again, yet nothing happed. Harry quickly searched the pockets of his shabby robes. "I don't have my wand. Do you think maybe there is an anti-magic field or something?"

Ron was doing the same thing, "I don't have my wand either." He said, "What do we do now?"

"Well you could either run," said a new voice, "or you could just give yourselves up. Your choice." Harry and Ron turned around to see hooded figures all around them. All of them donned in black cloaks except the one in the middle, the one who spoke, she has a green dragon hide cloak. (Sort of looks like a full length leather coat) Slug across her back was a crossbow. Harry and Ron could not see her face, nor the face of any of the others.

"Who are you?" Ron asked. The hooded girl laughed slightly. Somehow her laugh and voice sounded vaguely familiar.

"Ah, poor Weasley is all confused. Did you slip and fall?" Some of the others laughed as well, "Who am I indeed." She flipped back her hood. And there was the reason Harry and Ron couldn't exactly place her voice, it was the British accent. She had perfect loose blonde ringlets held back in a half ponytail. Her eyes were no longer blue, but the same red that was Voldemort's trademark without the snake like part.

"Aeryn?" Harry asked.

"Oh don't tell me you're having problems with your pathetic brain as well? Avery, bind them." the Death Eater beside her aimed his wand at Harry and Ron muttering the binding spell. Ropes bound their hands. "And try not to hurt them this time; you know Potter is not to be fatally harmed. Not yet, anyway."

"There goes your anti-magic theory." Ron said to Harry.

"Get a move on!" Avery said pulling the ropes. Ron and Harry were pulled by their ropes through the forest.

"Give them here." The woman who resembled Aeryn told the man called Avery.

"Of course, my lady." Avery handed over the robes to her. "Are we heading back to the castle Jade?"

"Yes, Father will be wondering why I'm not at dinner. It's not easy telling the Dark Lord that I had to track those two yet again." She said, "You won't be able to get back home, unless you tell us where it is," she seemed to remind Harry and Ron, she walked closer to them, "Just give us the location of Godric's Hollow and you will be able to go home." Their silence was enough of an answer; she tugged on their robes as she stormed off in the direction the rest of the Death Eaters were walking nearly pulling Harry and Ron to the ground.

"Look, if we knew where Godric's Hollow is we would tell you, if that meant you would let us go. But the thing is, is that we don't know where it is, we've never been there before." Harry tried to tell Jade. Jade turned back to them.

"And you expect me to believe that? You are more pathetic then I thought." She handed the robes back to Avery then let out a high pitch whistle. Along came a galloping black horse. Jade quickly mounted it. "I don't have time for this. Make sure they are locked up in a more inescapable cell this time. I'm late for dinner." She rode off.

"She's mental in this world, I'll tell ya." Ron said to Harry. They received a harder tug.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Avery said.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Hermione, what's wrong."

Hermione had found herself in some sort of prison cell. Locked in, was the rest of her family. (Everyone at the reunion except for the grandparents) Hermione was utterly confused.

"Where are we?" she asked her mother and father.

"Are you feeling ok Hermione, you should come away from the gate before anyone sees you, you know how nasty those Wizards can get." George said.

"Why are we here?" Hermione asked.

"Come on Hermione, we've been here for years, no need for questions like that." Martha said. "You know, You-Know-Who detests us muggles. Now come away from that gate." One of the guards grabbed her by the collar.

"You should do as your mother says girl." Hermione didn't say anything. She eyes the guard's wand in a side holster. The guard let go of her and turned away. Hermione quickly grabbed the wand, without him noticing and backed away from the gate. As soon as the guard was gone her parents started scolding her.

"Hermione what do you think you are doing?" Martha asked.

"I'm going to get us out of here." Hermione said as she moved to the back of the cell where a bared window was.

"And how do you suppose you will do that, they are Wizards." George said to her. From what Hermione could tell they were on the second floor, still to high to jump. Hermione moved back to the gate, she could hear a couple of the guards off in the distance.

"...that old crack pot Dumbledore is still hiding out at Godric's Hollow, not that anyone knows where it is. Hidden by some sort of charm..."

Godric's Hollow, Hermione knew where that was; she looked it up in a book ages ago. Now she had the task of getting out of here without anyone noticing. Hermione thought of the disillusionment charm. She pulled the wand out.

"Yes, well, I'm a Witch."