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Change in Time by Sk8erWitch

Change in Time


Chapter 5

We're off to see the evil Wizard

Hermione had woken up bright and early the next morning, though she went to bed rather late. The reason for staying up late was because she was listening to what this world was like. Voldemort had easily taken over most of the Wizarding World. Dumbledore had admitted that he often wondered what the world would be like if Voldemort had been defeated a long time ago. It was truly a sad day when he surrendered Hogwarts. She mostly talked with Dumbledore. James and Lily retired early.

Dumbledore said that Voldemort had never come after Harry in the last sixteen years, until three weeks ago. When Harry and Ron had accompanied several other adults to London to get some supplies. Harry and Ron strayed away from the group and were captured. Then about a week ago, Dumbledore had received a letter from Voldemort, stating that he had both Ron and Harry and asked that those of Godric's Hollow come to Hogwarts to retrieve Harry and Ron.

Hermione didn't get around telling Dumbledore or anyone else about what her world was like, and personally she didn't think she should be the one to tell them. Now that she was awake she was going to find out where the Hospital tent was to see Sirius and Draco and some how convince them not to go attacking anyone, like perhaps a certain Lucius Malfoy.

As she entered the tent, Dumbledore was already there talking with Madame Pomfrey. Madame Pomfrey was about to question Hermione's presence.

"I came to see if I could talk some sense into Sirius and Draco before we leave for Hogwarts." She said Dumbledore nodded with understanding.

"They're just sleeping now," Madam Pomfrey explained, "Shall I wake both at once?"

"No, Sirius first. It'll be easier."

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

The tents were backed up and the party had split into two groups, the one that would go to Hogwarts and the one that would return to Godric's Hollow. Hermione's parents went with those going to Godric's Hollow. Hermione decided to travel close to James and Lily, with Sirius and Draco as well. She very much wanted to get to know them.

"So how do you know Harry, in your world, I mean. Is he just a classmate?" James asked Hermione as they walked.

"Harry, Ron and I are best friends. And Harry is my boyfriend actually." Hermione said sheepishly. Lily smiled at her.

"Really," Lily said, "Well I suppose Cho will be heartbroken to hear that."

"He isn't really going out with her in this world is he? She not right for him." Hermione stated.

"I know that, but sometimes people have to figure things out for themselves."

"You know I never thought I'd ever see the two of you again," Sirius said to them, slightly chocked up.

"Why what happened to us?" James asked with concern.

"Well, you're not exactly in the land of the living, where we are from." Sirius said solemnly.

Lily gasped at that, "How long? And how?"

"Well I suppose it should be ok to tell them," Hermione said, "It's not like it will affect them in this timeline."

"Well it would be sixteen year this October. Killing curse, by Voldemort's hand. He tried to kill Harry as well, but it didn't work of course. It's how Voldemort was defeated the first time." James and Lily were speechless.

"You must have taken good care of him, then," James finally said to Sirius.

"Actually he lives with your sister Lily."

"Petunia, why? She hates us, our kind."

"My fault really, lost control of my better judgment. Because you guys knew Voldemort was coming after Harry the Fidlelius Charm was placed over Godric's Hollow." Sirius explained.

"Naturally you would have been the Secret Keeper." James said at once.

"Naturally, but I convinced you that Voldemort would automatically think of me when it came to that, so Peter became the Secret Keeper."

"And he went straight to Voldemort." James said.

"Yes, after it happened, I went after him. Cornered him on a street. He tuned the tables on me and made it look like I killed him as well as thirteen muggles. Apparently all that was left of dear old Wormtail was his baby finger. I spent twelve year in Azkaban. Wormtail spent that time hiding as a rat in the Weasley household."

"It must have been awful for Harry to be living with Petunia." Lily said.

"Oh bloody hell," Draco exclaimed.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"I just realized that I'm not going to play Quidditch anymore. Unless I fight Potter for the position."

"That won't happen," Sirius told him, "You know Harry is a better seeker then you."

"Well at least I got to catch at least one snitch before Harry did, even though Gryffindor won." Draco said.

"You could always try out for Chaser, there's a spot open," Hermione bit her tongue, "Sorry, I forgot about that." It was Aeryn who had that position.

"It's ok." Draco said.

"So Harry is a Seeker for Gryffindor." James asked proudly.

"Yes, he is the youngest seeker in a century, been playing since first year." Hermione told him.

Before long, Hogsmade came into view. The town was deserted. It was so quiet. Everyone stopped to make sure they had thought of everything that could happen; little did they know that what would happen could never have been thought of.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

A/N: Ok so this is a filler chapter and most of the stuff said we already know. But something needed to happen before the action. I might not be able to update as fast as usual, although I'll try. Next Chapter will be better; it's called `Cursed Again'

And another note, did you know that if Hermione married Harry, they would both have the same initials H.J.P.?