Chapter 11
Sent Visions
The leaves on the trees where the brightest shade of green ever seen, you could say that it could be seen no where on Earth. There were no imperfections anywhere to be seen. It wasn't too hot or too cold, it was the perfect temperature. It was a place you could call perfect. There was a path that seemed to go on forever whether you looked forward or back.
Harry decided to see where the path would take him. He knew he was dreaming, but like previous dreams he wanted to see where he could go. Strangely enough he seemed to be dressed in his Hogwarts uniform. He just kept walking in one direction, but it was like one of those things in Hollywood where you kept walking in one spot while the scenery is rolling bye on some sort of track. The same scenery over and over again.
Harry gave up on that direction after a while and tried going the other way to only find that the same thing happened.
"Don't worry you're not going crazy or anything," someone said behind him, "It took me a couple of week to get use to traveling around here."
Aeryn was there dressed in a white summer dress with a white cloak over top of that. She was also holding a crystal ball in her hand.
"Where are we?" Harry asked Aeryn.
"We are in the land of the Guardians. It's sort of like Heaven, but for the angels. Everyone else goes up to the real Heaven." She told him pointing up.
"Well can I just say this place sucks," Harry said, "How are you suppose to get anywhere?"
"Well you are not a Guardian are you? This is just a precaution for those to like to have out of body experiences. They usually travel here. The never ending paths are so no one, other then those who are suppose to, see anything."
"So why am I dreaming this?" Harry asked.
"I don't think this is really a dream," Aeryn said, "I mean we are dreaming, just look." She held up the crystal ball, it showed Harry sleeping in his bed with Hermione sleeping right beside him. The image changed to see Aeryn sleeping in her bed, three guesses as to who was sleeping beside her.
"But I never heard of someone sharing a dream with someone else at the same time." Harry told her.
"Like I said I don't think this is a dream, I…" There was a gust of wind against their backs that had a sort of whisper to it. They both turned around to find, not the path, but a shore line leading to the wide open sea, "I think this is more like a vision." She finished.
The sea was not empty, it was full of destruction. There were crashed planes and boats; hundreds of them. Boats ranged from modern ones to ones that might have been seen hundreds of years ago. Some planes where on fire, not looking like they were going to sink anytime soon.
Then there where the lost souls; thousands of them. All seemed to be crying out for help. Some of them looked like they had been explosion victims, some where skeletons.
"I thought you said this place was like Heaven." Harry said quietly, looking out in horror. He was so busy looking out to sea that he didn't notice Aeryn. She was trying her best to keep her head.
The cries were just too much, her head and heart was swarming with lost hope and despair, not to mention misery. She tried to block it out, but wasn't doing a good job. Then it all just stopped. For some reason their first instinct was to look behind them once again.
Behind them were five people dressed in the same kind of robes that Aeryn was dressed in except theirs had gold down the front of their robes, giving them an authority look. Their hoods where up, so Harry and Aeryn could not see their faces.
The stood slightly staggered with the one in the middle ahead of the others. He was holding an odd looking object that looked like a pitch fork. It had three prongs, the center one being higher then the other two and they all had a spear like end. It was all silver save for the handle which had a grip on it in an aqua blue. Below the center prong was a symbol, it looked like two brackets facing away from each other, )(, with one line connecting in between the top in middle and one line connecting in between the middle and bottom.
Harry didn't know what to make of it; he didn't know what any of this meant. Aeryn however knew she had seen that symbol before, but couldn't remember where.
Suddenly both of them heard their names, it was like a whisper. Aeryn held up her crystal ball, it showed both Harry and Aeryn no longer in their beds, they were standing at the top of the stairs with their backs turned to the descent.
They both opened their eyes at the same time. Aeryn gasped as she felt herself falling backwards. Harry who remained firm on his feet raise a hand and Aeryn stopped at a forty-five degree angle. Both Hermione and Draco where there, they had been the ones who were calling their names as they had both noticed their sleeping buddy had left. Draco quickly grabbed Aeryn hands that where reaching up, and nodded to Harry who then restored time for Aeryn. Instead of falling like she would have she was pulled up. She clung closely to Draco like she was scared of something.
"Are you alright?" He asked her. Aeryn nodded.
"I didn't think you were the type to sleep walk," Hermione said, "I was really worried. You are not supposed to walk someone who is sleepwalking but the both of you were going to go down those stairs. And not by the way of your feet, I might add."
"I don't know what happened," Harry said. He looked at Aeryn, she was very pale. Harry reached out for her but she backed away out of his reach.
"I'm fine, i-it was just all those people," she explained, "I'm an empathy remember."
"What people?" Draco asked. Aeryn didn't answer she just looked out the window that was close by, the sun was just starting to rise, making all the stars disappear. Then the light bulb went off in her head, she sped down the stairs. "Aeryn?"
"What people was she talking about?" Hermione asked Harry.
"We had a vision of sorts," Harry explained as they followed Aeryn down the stairs, she was making her way to the library, " there were planes that crashed and boat that looked like they were lost. There were people, like lost souls crying out for help."
Aeryn was then scaling the bookshelves, looking for a certain book. Harry, Hermione and Draco just stood there unable to help, not know what to look for and all.
"What are you looking for?" Draco asked her.
"The symbol," was all she said.
"They symbol on that pitchfork?" Harry asked.
"It's not a pitchfork," Aeryn said as she moved to the stacks of books brought from Hogwarts, then back at another bookshelf. She then found it; it was a tall skinny book part of a collection of twelve. The cover was white and on the frond in black was the symbol she was looking for.
"Gemini?" Hermione asked.
"I knew I saw this symbol somewhere," Aeryn opened the book and started to skim the pages, "the zodiac symbol for Gemini."
"Ok, so a zodiac symbol was on the pitchfork, what does it mean?" Harry asked. Aeryn found the page and tuned it so they could all see.
"I told you it's not a pitchfork; it's called the Gemini Trident. In the tales of Poseidon, the Greek God of the sea, it was said that he sometimes uses a Trident to control the great waters of the world. Now one would think that either the Aquarius or Pieces symbol would have been used. The Gemini are twins, one good and one bad. They Gemini used on the Trident, symbolizes that the Trident can be used for either good or evil."
"Didn't Poseidon also use the Trident to hide the city of Atlantis?" Draco asked.
"That is what many have believed," Hermione said, "But I doubt that it even existed."
"Atlantis was hidden because the city was very advanced, too advanced for all the other peoples of the world. There was a great device that could destroy the world if misused," Aeryn was reading from the book.
"So you think the Temple is in Atlantis?" Hermione asked.
"I think that what the Elders were implying," Aeryn replied.
"So those five people were Elders?" Harry asked. Aeryn nodded.
"Ok, but that still doesn't tell us where it is." Draco said.
Harry was thinking about all those boat and planes. What did they have to do with anything? Maybe they had to look for a place where many boats and planes crashed… or disappear.
"What about the Bermuda Triangle?" Harry suggested, "I mean, the Dursley's watched a documentary once on it. What id all the boats, ship and planes where all there because they are the ones that have been disappearing?"
"I thought the whole Triangle thing was just folklore." Draco said.
"The only way to prove the theories about the Bermuda Triangle is to go there," Hermione said, "If they are you won't ever be coming back."
And with that they spent the whole entire day researching, at least this time they actually had something to go by. The found information on the Bermuda Triangle and the lost City of Atlantis.
They finally concluded that the reason why people kept disappearing in the Triangle was so that no one save for the one who held the Gemini Trident could ever find Atlantis and it device.
"I may have to die my hair blond again," Aeryn said later that night.
"Why?" Draco asked.
"I know where the Trident is, I've seen it before. To get it I need to be Jade. It's at the Ministry of Magic."
"Maybe we should talk this over with Dumbledore," Hermione suggested, "To we can get everything in order, a foolproof plan."
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Well here it is, that was the chapter to get things started. I think I might have listened to my Avril Lavigne CD at least five times while typing this.
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