Chapter 12
Proving your Power
A plan was made indeed. It was a very dangerous plan. Aeryn would attempt to be as bad ass as possible with Draco and Harry as servants under the Imperius curse. Hermione and Ron wanted to go as well, but Aeryn made a note that Hermione was muggle-born and would probably be looked for since she and her parents escaped from a muggle camp. Ron was a Weasley and would most likely be killed on the spot no matter what.
Draco would be an easy one; Aeryn could claim she is using him to get to his father, for betraying the Dark side. And Harry, he was a trophy, the one person Voldemort had trouble killing, and he would be under `Jade's' control.
Lily, James and the Malfoys naturally were reluctant about this plan. They would be entirely out of their mind not to be. But they had no choice; the Trident was needed to get to Atlantis where the Tempus Temple was located.
"Do we actually have to be under the curse?" Harry asked as he and Draco were already to go to London. Dumbledore was there as well to make sure all would go as planned.
"You will encounter those that will see through an act, to be believed that you are under the Imperius curse is to actually be under it. As long as you don't resist you should be just fine." Dumbledore explained.
"But Albus it's an unforgivable curse." James said.
"It was an unforgivable curse James, given the state of this world and how much those three cursed are used everyday, it doesn't really matter anymore." Dumbledore said, "We must do what is necessary."
"I've been under the Imperius curse before," Harry said, "It's not very pleasant."
"That because you first instinct is to always fight being controlled," Aeryn called from up the stairs. She was blonde once again, much to her distaste and dressed to kill, literally. "We'll just make it quick; we get in then get out as fast as we can."
Dumbledore gave Aeryn a small rock, "This Portkey will activate only when all of you are touching it and when you are out of the mist."
""Ok, but I have a problem, or rather I have two," Aeryn said, "I'm not exactly British, and I can't fake an accent very well either."
"That's an easy one," Lily said as she pointed her wand at Aeryn and muttered a spell, "Now do you need any lessons on `How to talk like a Brit 101'?"
Aeryn cleared her throat, "I think I've spent enough time around you Brits to know how to talk like one, do you know how many times Ron can say `Bloody Hell' in one day, even I've picked up on it."
"What's your second problem?" Dumbledore asked.
"Her eyes, Jade's eyes," Aeryn said, "I don't know how they were red, but they were."
"The constant practice of the Dark Arts does some incredible things to the human body, look at Voldemort. You needn't but a simple glamour," Dumbledore explained as cast the glamour spell on Aeryn.
"I guess Jade wasn't snake enough to have the whole snake eyes treatment," Aeryn joked, "Ok, not funny."
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
London was like Knockturn Alley, only expanded to the whole of London. Harry and Draco were doing just find under the Imperius Curse, all they had to do was do whatever Aeryn told them to do any no one else. They could not act on their own freewill, if someone made a snide comment about them that would usually result in a reaction, they could not react unless Aeryn told them to react.
They started walking down the streets of London, working their way towards where the Ministry of Magic was once located, it was the heart of the evil that corrupted London. Most likely where those who were trying their best to take over Voldemort's position.
Aeryn thought she was lucky she still had all of Jade's memories, if she hadn't she would probably have to fight her way into London.
Many people where not evil at all, just in the wrong place and couldn't get out. Now Dumbledore wasn't stupid enough to send Aeryn, Harry and Draco to London all by them selves. He had informed many of his spies in London that they were on a mission and not to attack, because it did look like Jade had captured Harry Potter once again.
"Jade!" Aeryn heard someone call out, "Thank Slytherin you're all right," Blaise Zambini came walking down the street towards them. Ah, Blaise Zambini, one of Jade's love interests. Zambini, only in it for power.
"Blaise," Aeryn greeted him quite coldly hoping to put him in his place, "Tell me has this place really gone to the dogs in my absence?"
"Everyone thought you were dead, what else were we to do with the Dark Lord gone." Zambini said, trying to advance on her. Aeryn put up her hand to stop him, "Where have you been anyway?"
"That is none of your concern." She told him.
"Some of us have been working night and day trying to find Godric's Hollow. We need to get your father back."
"My father is probably stuck frozen in some bottle on Dumbledork's desk. Besides we don't need him, he was weak." Aeryn told him.
"Think of what you are saying; when the Master finds a way to return he will surly punish you."
"That's were you are mistaken," Aeryn said flashing her red eyes, "My father is never coming back; it's time for me to step up to the plate and become everything my father wanted me to be."
"What's with the two goodie-goodies," Zambini asked nodding towards Harry and Draco.
"Two of my most prized trophies, Malfoy is really for bait for his father, if you get my meaning. And Potter… the boy my father was afraid of. It will give me great pleasure in making hid life a living hell." Aeryn said.
"So what are you going to do now?"
"I'm going to the Ministry, I need something from there."
"Good luck, everyone there will most likely kill you there; majority of them are glad the Dark Lord is gone, they won't want you to interfere."
"Don't worry, if they interfere with my plans they will get what is coming to them."
As Aeryn, Draco and Harry walked away, Crabbe and Goyle joined Zambini, "She'll get what's coming to her I think." He said as they diapperated.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
"Blaise Zambini," she told Harry and Draco, though it looked like she was talking to herself, "Only trying to get into my pants to get into good graces with dear old daddy. Jade just used him for a boy toy."
As they reached the Ministry the phone box that occupied the entrance had been ripped away, and only a set of stair remained to go down. The atrium was quiet, no one was there. Aeryn could stand keeping the Imperius curse on Harry and Draco and released them.
"Why did you take it off?" Harry asked.
"I just couldn't stand it anymore, besides I have a feeling we are going to fight our way out. I got the feeling from Zambini that we are walking in a trap to get me killed. I'm the only real threat left." Aeryn explained, "The Trident is on the wall of the main meeting room where most likely we will meet the others."
"Well, let's get this party started." Draco said.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
"She said she had no wish in rescuing the Dark Lord?" Bellatrix Lestrange asked Zambini as he told her that Jade was coming.
"She wants everything for herself," Zambini replied.
"Well it's about time we stand out of fear and stand up to the brat. We will show her that she can no longer hide behind the Dark Lord's power."
"I believe you underestimate me Bella," Aeryn said as she heard what Bellatrix had said when she walked into the room.
"I think not little Jade; you are young and have hardly the power you think you have."
"Is that what you truly believe?" Aeryn asked her.
"Yes and the fact that you are probably not the Dark Lords daughter by blood."
Draco saw the Trident on the wall; this Ministry was so different from their world. Draco had the job of getting the Trident while Harry and Aeryn got to kick some butt.
"Oh well, you called my bluff. You are right, I am not related to Voldemort by blood and I am truly grateful. And had Voldemort not taken me from my true parents," Aeryn whispered spell to revert her appearance and voice to normal, "I would have been a Potter."
"Well then, this should be easier then I thought," Bellatrix said, "All Potters are weak,"
"Harry and I are the heirs of Godric Gryffindor and when Voldemort tried to kill Harry three weeks ago, we came into our full power."
Harry choose to look threatening with fireballs in each hand, while Aeryn made the air move to form a wind in the room.
"Would you like for us to prove our power!" they both said.