Chapter 9
Explaining Snape
"I thought they were right behind us." Harry commented as they got back to the house and realized Aeryn and Draco was not with them.
"I believe I saw them heading for Madam Pomfrey." Dumbledore informed them.
"Why would they do that?" Harry said, "If one of them was hurt, I could have just healed them."
"Maybe they felt by doing that they would be relying on you too much." Hermione suggested.
"Why would they think that?" Ron asked.
"I don't know, that is something for them to answer." She replied.
"James, why don't you go check on them," Lily said, "I feel bad enough that we left them behind."
"Yes, I think I will do that," James responded, "I'll be back shortly."
"I'll come with you." Sirius said as they left.
"Well how about something to eat, I sure you guys must be famished." Lily said as they were led into the house.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
"Don't forget about that Dragon in out fourth year mate." Over dinner Harry and the others were sharing stories of their adventures at Hogwarts.
"Dragon?" Charlie asked.
"Yes, I had to retrieve a golden egg from a Hungarian Horntail." Harry explained. "In the Tri-Wizarding Tournament."
"Well you seem to find adventure everywhere you go." Lily said, "But don't be giving you little sister any ideas, we've been doing our best to keep the war away from the children."
"Is that why you sent her upstairs?" Harry asked.
"Yes," Lily said, "She doesn't need to know what's been going on just yet."
"Don't keep things from her too long," Harry said talking from personal experience, "she may grow to resent that you did."
"I'll keep that in mind," Lily said thinking about what might happen, "I wonder what is taking James and Sirius so long."
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
James and Sirius headed for the building Madame Pomfrey and some of the other healers claimed as the medical facility.
"So what is she really like?" James asked about Aeryn.
"Can only tell you from what I've been told about her, we only met briefly, she's a lot like Lily." Sirius replied, "Stubborn as hell. But so is Harry."
"I still can't believe she was with Voldemort all this time, how stupid we must have been to be tricked like that."
"Well be sure to spend as much time as possible with her now, as much as I hate to say it, we can't stay here," Sirius said, "The past wasn't meant to be changed. Things happen for a reason."
James and Sirius found Aeryn and Draco waiting to be seen, they were quietly chatting to themselves. Aeryn saw them first.
"Dad, Sirius, what are you doing here?"
"Came to check up on you of course, your mother and I were worried when you didn't come back with us." James said, "We didn't you tell us you were hurt?"
"You were busy, didn't want to bother you."
"Who do you think you're fooling?"
"It's just a sprained ankle." Aeryn said. Draco just gave her the look.
"Well that sprained ankle certainly left some charred holes in the sleeves of your cloak." James said making to grab hold of the cloak, Aeryn moved so he wouldn't irritate her burnt arms. "Ah, see. Come on take the cloak off."
Draco helped Aeryn out of her cloak as Sirius went for Madame Pomfrey, suspecting the reason for their wait was Jade.
"Those are some nasty third degree burns for a sprained ankle." Draco told her.
"I didn't want Harry to see them because he was the one who caused them," Aeryn finally admitted, "It was the first time he used his new power. He has enough on his mind already. I don't need him hovering over me." Aeryn examined her arms once more, "Well I can't believe I'm saying this, but I thank Voldemort for that cloak, Dragon's Hyde is flame resistant for most part. It must have been worn out in the sleeves."
Sirius came back and was followed but Madame Pomfrey who suddenly had a change of heart.
"Come dear; let's take a look at those."
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
"So where is Snevillus anyway?" Sirius commented as Madame Pomfrey was in make a potion for Aeryn's wounds.
"Severus Snape?" James asked, "Why ask about him?"
"He's the Potion's Master at school." Aeryn said, "And am I correct to assume that he is dead?"
"Yes he is, how did you know, it wouldn't have been a memory. Not to mention that is top secret information." James said.
"In our world he died as well," Aeryn started to explain.
"Well he certainly looks good for being dead," Sirius scoffed.
"Let me finish," Aeryn said, "This information was shared with me when I died. And will more than likely help us figure out when time was altered. He died right before Harry and I were born right?"
"About a month before. We were caught in the middle of an attack, he died saving Lily."
"He became a guardian; in fact he's probably listening in on our conversation seeing that it's about him. When you and Mom died you became guardians as well. The Elder Guardians foresaw something that Harry would need in the future. Now I don't know why they sent Professor Snape of all people, but he certainly been doing his job. He agreed to do it, but it was for Mom not you or Harry."
"I still don't understand."
"Professor Snape was the only one that could get us that book."
"What book?" Sirius asked,
"You mean Salazar Slytherin's book?" Draco asked
"Yes, we would have never been able to defeat Voldemort without it. And believe it or not all the things Snape has done to make his Harry hate him so much, all the rude comments and strictness was necessary to shape Harry into becoming a better student as well as a better person. Ant rude comment made would make Harry want to prove it wrong. Any potion Snape scraped would make Harry do it better next time. The Guardians work in mysterious ways to shape the world."
"Of course none of this information is to leave this room, Snape would have my head if I let Harry find out, it would defeat the purpose."
The room was silent for a couple minutes, but Aeryn brook the silence.
"What do you know happened to Remus?" Aeryn asked her father.
"Actually we don't know anything, he went missing about six months ago." James stared at his eldest daughter, "You know what happened to him don't you?"
Aeryn nodded, "Voldemort himself found how to cure werewolves. Remus was kept in a camp with other werewolves that would not join Voldemort; they were cured before they were killed under the full moon."
The room was silent once again.
"Maybe some good can come out of this." Sirius said.
"How so?" asked James.
"Do you know the cure?" Sirius asked Aeryn.
"He wrote it down in the Slytherin book, in fact I brought it with me, it's back at the house. Why?"
"Well if we memorize it and we go back, we can cure Remus."
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Ok people I'm disappointed, I write a really long chapter and all I get is 5 reviews, (and I thank those who did)
It might take me a while to get the next chapter us because I need to figure out a few things first.
And I do reply to my reviews, so make sure you check to see what I've said.
Lot of Love and Happy Reading and Reviewing