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Change in Time by Sk8erWitch

Change in Time


Chapter 6

Cursed Again

Jade watched from a window at the castle, the group approaching. In the middle of it she could clearly see one was taller then the rest. Jade scowled, it was the half-giant. Although she had told Potter she would have him killed, something inside told her no to. She sent Avery and some of the others to give them her warning. Then she herself headed towards the entrance hall to greet the guests.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

They walked the path usual taken by carriage and as they neared the castle a group of Death Eaters were approaching, wand at ready. When seeing this many of the group did the same with their wands.

"The half-giant will not be permitted on Hogwarts grounds," Avery said, "One more step towards the castle and it will be considered an act against the cease fire agreement."

People started talking in protest, but Dumbledore quickly quieted them.

"We will do what is necessary to honor the agreement. Perhaps, Hagrid, you should head back to the village." He said.

"You lot just be careful," Hagrid told them as he headed back to Hogsmade.

As they came closer to the castle, Hermione, Draco and Sirius noticed a blonde girl dressed in her dragon hide cloak that was open in the front to revile her knee length leather skirt and black top, one of her knee high leather boots tapping with impatience, hand on her hips. They could not see her face clearly enough to know who it was, but when they did Hermione had to hold back both Sirius and Draco, she had seen her eyes. The three of them held back a little so not to be over heard.

"It's not her," Hermione started, "look at her eyes."

"Hey James," Sirius said catching up, "Who's that?"

"She is Jade, Voldemort's daughter. You don't want to get on her bad side. She's only seventeen but she is as evil as her father."

Sirius turned back to the others again avoiding not being heard. "I really think we should avoid telling anyone who she really is. Lily and James just found out she didn't die when they thought she did, but her being evil and all."

"I know what you mean." Draco said, "I myself wish I didn't have to see her like this."

"As Deputy Head Mistress of Hogwarts, I welcome you within its walls." Jade said with a smirk, "Hope you like what we've done with the place." She opened the doors to let them in. "I apologize that you will not be able to look around, but you are requested to go to the Great Hall immediately after arrival. Avery here will escort you; I have more pressing matters to attend to."

"What could be more important then this?" Dumbledore asked her. Jade walked up to him with no fear in her eyes.

"Aren't you just dying to know?" she said and she walked off down the hall laughing. Dumbledore led the way up the stair case that went to the Great Hall.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Jade entered the dungeon. Harry and Ron immediately got up from where they were sitting.

"Just what exactly is going to happen?" Harry asked.

"To tell you the truth, I am just to deliver you to the Great Hall. This cease fire agreement is a tricky thing. We cannot harm those who enter Hogwarts as guests, and they cannot harm those who live at Hogwarts. The two of you neither are guests or live here, you're prisoners." she told them. "In the end it works out fine for us. Now, time is short, so if you'll please." Jade opened the cell door and bound their hands.

"They won't let you hurt us." Harry said.

"I suppose not, but they will be helpless themselves. They will be outnumbered and unarmed." Jade dragged them though the castle once again, this time Harry noticed that all the portraits on the walls were empty, as if they refuse to been seen. Ron was frantically trying to think of something to get Harry and himself out of this mess.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

How could they have been so stupid, to think Voldemort would honor a cease fire agreement. Not that he had harmed anyone, yet. Upon entering the Great Hall they were immediately disarmed and surrounded by those who were.

"You old fool."

"Why did you do this, invite us under false pretenses. What exactly was the purpose of all this?" Dumbledore asked.

"To show you that you have no hope anymore. I have been waiting seventeen years for this day." Voldemort said, "Ever since I learned of the prophesy, I have been hell bent of destroying the only one person that has any real threat to me, Harry Potter. I would have tried to kill him years ago, if it wasn't for Lucius Malfoy delivering a message from myself allowing me to change what was to become the future."

"Yes and whatever happened to the messenger?" Dumbledore asked.

"His task was done; I had no farther use of him. Just look what happed with this one." Voldemort said referring to the Malfoy here in the Great Hall. "Ran off with his tail between his legs."

The doors flew open as Jade came with the prisoners in tow.

"Now I have found a way around this whole prophesy thing. I will now kill Potter, with no ill effects."

Ron choice that moment to struggle, to draw attention away from Harry. He pulled against his robes. Jade got her wand out but Ron managed to knock it away. Jade lunged for his throat, and Ron tried everything to prevent being chocked. Ron could see the hate in her red eyes, it was almost enough to want to look away. Jade finally managed to grasp her hand around Ron's throat, lifting him a couple inches off the ground. Ron fought as hard as he could still looking into her eyes.

Everyone around looked helpless, one of the Death Eaters already had a hold on the rope that bound Harry.

There was a flash in her eyes, one that only Ron could see. Her eyes no longer red as she dropped Ron to the ground and letting go of her grasp. Her blue eyes had no hate in them, but confusion, sadness and sorrow. Ron stopped struggling as well. He looked deep into her eyes and understood. She looked in Harry's direction and he understood as well. There is something to be said, that the eyes are truly the window to the soul.

Her expression turned with horror as she was looking past Ron's head to something that was behind him. Harry had seen it too. She threw Ron out of the way at the same time Harry broke free and ran over to them as Voldemort cast the killing curse meant at Ron.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

A/N: Don't you just love cliffies LOL!!! Sorry it took my longer then usual to update, but I have been debating how to do this chapter. And I give a big raspberry to anyone who think certain parts are far' fetched. You'll just have to deal with them being that way.

Hope to have more up soon! And thanks again for the reviews, I thrive off of them.