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Change in Time by Sk8erWitch

Change in Time


Thanks for the reviews; I really didn't expect more then five. I am totally excited about the Portkey Awards; I can't wait to see who gets Nominated.

Well I won't keep you waiting too long for some action, I don't want you to get bored on me. Here is Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

Frozen in Time

His thoughts drifted off, Dudley had been scolded again at dinner. Harry loved every minute of it. Dudley had wanted to go to one of his friend's house and was told no. There was a huge argument. Harry was sitting at his desk; he was actually reading Hogwarts, A History. Yes, the Harry Potter was reading Hogwarts, A History to impress his Hermione. But unfortunately Harry found that it was kind of hard to keep his eyes open.

Harry then felt sleep take him over.

"Remind me again why you have to stay here." She said.

Harry jolted from his sleep; he could have sworn he heard Aeryn. It seemed so real. He closed his eyes again.

"Sorry, were you sleeping?" Harry's eyes opened again, he slowly turned around. He immediately bolted out of his seat when he saw her.

"I'm dreaming." He said.

"Pinch yourself, you'll find that it will hurt." She said. She was dressed in her white robes. "Again I ask, why are you here in this mud hole?"

"Protection, because of Aunt Petunia having the same blood as Mom," Harry said.

"Protection from what? Voldemort's gone, no longer a threat. You are letting Dumbledore push you around, you are going to be seventeen in three weeks."

"How are you here? Harry asked ignore what she had just said

"Look outside, what do you see? What do you hear?" she asked him. Harry moved to the window. He immediately saw birds, frozen in mid-flight, the wind was not blowing and it was absolutely dead silent, save for Harry and Aeryn's conversation.

"Did I do this?" Harry asked.

"No, you don't have that magnitude of power yet." Aeryn started. She looked sheepishly at a corner of the room, "ok, technically I'm not supposed to be here."

"So how are you here?"

"We still share some kind of bond even though one of us is dead. I kinda taped into your power, and since I am a Guardian my magic increased your magic. Right now the whole universe is at a stand still, save for five people, six if you include me."

"So that brings me back to why you are here. You said you weren't allowed." Harry said sitting on his bed. Aeryn had her hands behind her back and walked to the window looking at the setting sun.

"The other Guardians have very strict rules we all have to obey, if we didn't you'd be getting regular visits from Mom and Dad. Of course I have yet to see them up there. No visiting, no interfering, yadda, yadda, yadda.

"Now right before I, you know died, Malfoy gave me some information on what he is planning to do and at this moment is doing. You know about Hermione's time turner?" Harry nodded, "Well there is a time turner that can turn back years, although it has been lost for centuries. Malfoy said he was headed for the Tempus Temple. Now I have no idea where that is and the Elder Guardians think me as a novice and won't give me the time of day."

"So you are taking matters in your own hands?" Harry asked.

"Precisely, by the time the Elder Guardians notice what I've done it will be too late. Now, since I can be handy with memory charms I'll keep your memories of this timeline intact, along with Ron, Hermione, Draco and Sirius. Take it as something to do this summer before a perfectly normal last school year."

"So once time starts back up here it will change into a different world?"

"Think about it, what if you got a chance to go back in time knowing what you know now." Aeryn said looking at Harry.

"I would tell Mum and Dad not to interfere with Voldemort killing me, they would be safe." Harry said quietly.

"Yes, but you would most likely be killed in your first year at Hogwarts. Remember that love scar with Quirrell. You wouldn't have been able to do that unless Mom sacrificed herself. Now we need to get the others. Take my hand." Harry was hesitant at first but took her hand as they disappeared from Privet Drive in swirling white orbs.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Hermione gulped, she almost choked when Kim asked her the question. She had been pondering all day how to bring about the subject. Hermione looked to her parents who gave her a supportive look.

"Well, it all depends on how well I do with my final tests at the end of the year. Do you believe in magic?"

"Well that certainly is a drastic change of subject." Aunt Karla commented.

"Actually it's not a change of subject and I am dead serious. Do any of you believe that magic can be real?" Hermione looked from person to person. Everyone was speechless.

"You see," Martha piped in, "for the last six years we have told you that Hermione was accepted into a special privet school."

"Only certain people can go to this school," Hermione picked up. "People with Magic in them, you see I am a witch and I go to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Hermione looked for their reactions, but there weren't any. Everyone seemed to be frozen in time. She thought of Harry at that point, he was able to do things like this. Hermione waved a hand in front of Curtis's face, who sat beside her. No reaction. Hermione got up from the table and went to the window. Everything was frozen out there as well. It was a good ten minutes before anything happened. She was outside looking at her neighbor in the middle of taking out the trash. She heard voices from inside her house. She rushed inside.

"Mum? Dad?" she rounded the corner and caught sight of Harry. "Harry? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, traveling now, talking later." Aeryn said coming in from the other room.

"Aeryn? Where are we going? What about my family?" Hermione asked.

"Don't worry, we have to go now, this is more important than telling the rest of your relatives that you are a witch." Aeryn said grabbing Harry and Hermione's hands and orbed out.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Sirius was having dinner with the Weasley's this fine day. For the past week he had been arguing with Dumbledore. For some reason Dumbledore thought it best if Harry stayed with the Dursley's. But now he had been told to but his worried behind him while having dinner.

It felt so good to be free, not running anymore. Currently he was still staying at the old house of Black, but that was until he could find a place of his own. He still had no clue on what to do with the rest of his life. Truth be told he never thought about what he would do if he ever was free again. For the past sixteen years, he had been imprisoned, on the run, and then imprisoned again. Before that he was still fighting the good fight with the Order. Well, that was all over as well. Sirius wondered if life would get boring now that there wasn't anything interesting to do.

Across the table from him sat Ron. Sirius got tell he was thinking along the same lines. He still had his seventh year of school left, but what to do afterwards? Not to mention he was also worried about Harry. For the last month of the last year Harry had been kind of out of it.

It was amazing how short of time Aeryn was in all of their lives and how much impact she had. For Sirius, it had been less time then the others. But with that was the guilt that he had for the last sixteen years as well. James and Lily had trusted him with their daughter, to make sure she would be safe. He made the mistake then to trust that stupid Wormtail to help him. Sirius had though Aeryn had died when Death Eaters attacked the muggle neighborhood where she was, as did her muggle foster parents.

Sirius looked up from his musings; Ron was waving his hand in front of Ginny's face. He finally noticed no one was moving or talking.

"What happened?" Ron jumped; he didn't even notice Sirius was still moving.

"Don't know, they just stopped moving, it's weird. But I wouldn't be half surprised if Harry was behind this. He can do this sort of thing."

After about 15 minutes, Sirius and Ron noticed that the Borrow was flashing, from what it looked like now to a house in ruins. Then they noticed the swirling orbs and there was Harry, Hermione and Aeryn.

"Crap, I'm losing it, we need to hurry up." Aeryn looked to Sirius and Ron, "Just grab hold to one of us, I'll explain once we get to Malfoy Manor."

"Why are we going to Malfoy Manor?" Sirius asked grabbing hold of Hermione's hand, Ron coming up behind him.

"Because Draco need to know what is going on as well." They all had one last look around as the house and they people themselves kept flashing. Ron, Harry and Sirius' clothed kept changing. Hermione's changing clothes kept changing into something that looked like rags, like in a prison or something. Aeryn stayed the same. "It's going to be bad." Aeryn said in a whisper.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

They arrived at the main hall of Malfoy Manor.

"Ok, here is the recap of what's happening for those who are confused. Lucius Malfoy had found an ancient time turner,"

"The Tempus Temple." Hermione stated.

"Yes, 10 points fro Gryffindor," Aeryn joked, "Time is being changed as we speak, the flashed we keep seeing are what the world is going to be like when time starts up again. What you need to do is figure out what Malfoy has changed. When exactly did he go back and fix it. When you fix time, everything should revert back to normal."

Aeryn led them down a series of halls and up a few flights of stairs until they stopped at a door. "You need to tell Draco all this, just don't mention anything about me being here."

"You're not coming with us?" Harry asked.

"I can't, I don't have the power to do that." For the first time since she came to Harry, he saw a saddened look on her face, she whispered, "Draco must not know that I was here, it'll just push him over the edge. You understand?" Harry nodded, as did the others, "You've got about a minute and half, hurry. Time will start soon." And they entered Draco's room.