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Jedi Mages by Harry85

Jedi Mages


Disclaimer: I don't own nobody of the characters, they are property of JK Rowling.

A/N: I'm here again. Sorry if this time it took to me more time, but the last two days I got my computer blocked by that blasted SASSER worm, so I couldn't use it. But now here I am, my faithful readers and reviewers, with the wedding!!

For those of you who didn't understand it, the last true Marauder is Remus, as James and Sirius are dead and Peter is not mentioned here, but even if he were alive, he is not a true Marauder, he is a traitor. Excuse me, I found an error and corrected that so now I'm reposting the chapter. Thanks to ASHLOCKE1900!!

Hermione_Potter: Well, the last true Marauder is Remus, if this is what confuses you. I think that Peter is a traitor, James and Sirius are dead, so Remus is the last true Marauder…This story is longer because on I never uploaded all the story…plus here I added some chapters to the original plan...

HnH4EvA19: The last true Marauder is Remus.

Fire Gazer: You guessed right! The wedding is here!!

KypDurron: Neither could I, if it was happened to me.

JayaMioneDurron: Thanks for the compliments.

Antone: Obviously Remus has a room, only he had not to unpack his things…

GerdieSI: He is Remus…

Chapter Twenty-One

"Till Death Will Part Us"

Next morning, Harry woke up with Mrs. Weasley knocking on his door.

"Harry, dear, wake up! We need an early start today!" she said through the door.

He took his glasses from the bed table and lazily picked up a nice green shirt and a pair of jeans. Then he went to have a shower.

Later, he descended in the kitchen and sat near Hermione. He kissed her softly.

"Get a room!" the twins said, laughing.

Harry stuck his tongue at them and started filling his plate with pancakes, muffins, sausages, bacon, eggs and his glass with pumpkin juice. They ate breakfast happily, then near the end, a loud knock was heard on the main entrance.

Remus went to open the door, and the rest of the wedding party filled the entrance. Oliver, Seamus, Dean, Neville, Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Parvati, Lavender and the Grangers were arrived.

They were welcomed by the others and took a bit of breakfast, too, then Remus and Harry accompanied them to their rooms. Finally, all of them headed to the church near the manor.

Harry, Remus and Hermione started working on the altar, circling it with white and red roses, and some lilies too.

George, Fred, and Ginny took care of the lateral naves, adorning them with red roses and lilies, creating some colour effects to underline the beauty of the church.

Arthur, Mrs. Weasley, Oliver and Angelina worked on the benches, putting on them alternatively white roses, lilies, red roses and then the cycle restarted, till they had done that on either sides of the church.

The others helped bringing the loads of flowers in the building.

Finally, Remus and Mr. Weasley deposed many flowers on the front face of the church, exalting the gothic style of it.

When Parvati, Lavender and Alicia had finished disposing white roses in two lines on the sides of the aisle, Remus put a charm on all the flowers to keep them fresh as in that moment.

Then they went in the kitchen to have lunch, and here they found a surprise.

Dobby, the house-elf, was cooking.

"Dobby, what are you doing here?" Harry asked

"Master Dumbledore had sent Dobby here. He said that Dobby is Harry Potter's house-elf now."

"But we don't want to enslave you! At Hogwarts you were paid!" Hermione replied

"But Dobby wants to be where Harry Potter is, Miss Granger. Harry Potter had freed Dobby."

"OK, Dobby, you'll remain but only if you accept a wage. We will pay you two Galleons per month. That's final." Harry said.

"Bu tit is too much! However, if this is the only way to remain with Harry Potter, Dobby will accept."

All of them smiled and went to the dining room. Few minutes later, Dobby brought them roasted potatoes and chicken, Caesar's salad and then a wonderful pumpkin pie.

After lunch they relaxed, the twins, Harry, Oliver Alicia, Angelina, Ginny, Katie and Mr. Weasley playing Quidditch in the backyard, Neville, Hermione and Mrs. Weasley, with the other girls, watching them.

"So, Hermione, how you feel to be married in less than a week?" Parvati asked

"I think it's wonderful. Finding love so young!" Lavender added.

"Yeah. I love him so much…he's really my soul mate, I'm sure" Hermione replied dreamily, one of the rare times in her life she was dreamy.

Mrs. Weasley smiled, it was the same way she had felt about her husband…and they were so happy, even so many years of married life.

Suddenly, Hermione gasped, and the other women turned to look at the pitch.

Harry was going in a very fast dive, following the Snitch. He was now so near the ground he surely would crash, as he had not enough space to pull up…

Harry stretched his arm, closed his right hand, and felt the usual tingling of the Snitch's wings. Then, he saw that he couldn't pull up, so he did the only thing he could think of. He jumped down of the broom, keeping it with one hand, and landed on the ground with his feet. Then, as the broom was still in full speed, he flexed on his knees and pushed himself from the land.

He then was again in the air, and was able to mount his Firebolt again. Both the teams and the spectators were keeping their breath, and when he landed properly, they all ran toward him.

Hermione hugged him and then kissed him.

"Harry James Potter, don't dare to do that again. I would like to have the chance to become Mrs. Potter, before you smash yourself on the ground, if you don't mind too much" she then said in mock anger.

All of them erupted in laughter, then finally entered the manor to have dinner.

After that, many of them retired in their rooms. Neville and Ginny, when all of the others were gone, snuck down to the living room, to have the chance to be alone a little.

But when they arrived, both of them had to stop themselves to shout "Get a room!"

Harry and Hermione were on the couch, kissing ravenously, their clothes and hair totally messed up.

Ginny sighed and led Neville back to the rooms.

Next morning, Harry woke up with a weight on his bed. He opened his eyes and saw a blurred form of a person seated there. He put his glasses on his eyes.

"Hermione! What are you doing there?" he asked her.

"I came to wake you up. We need to go with the wedding party to choose their dresses today" she replied.

Harry groaned. "Not another day of dress shopping…" he muttered. Hermione giggled softly, then pushed him on his back and leaned on him, kissing him. He immediately replied the kiss.

"You're incredible, Harry. You can face many Death Eaters and you can't face a day of shopping with you wedding party?" she said, faking a scowl at him.

"Well, I can, if my fiancé kiss me again like that…" he teased her. She did it.

When Harry arrived in the kitchen, the others were all there. He ate rather quickly, then all of them Apparated to "Wizard Weddings".

Harry went with Remus and the groomsmen, to help them choose their suits.

Finally, Remus found a dark grey robe completed with dark grey trousers and a white shirt. I t was very nice, and he took it.

George, Fred and the other guys finally chose grey robes, a little lighter that Remus one.

Hermione and Mrs. Weasley, in the meantime were looking at the bridesmaids dresses. Ginny was wonderful in a turquoise one, but it didn't fit so well on Lavender, who instead was perfect with a burgundy one. A green one, on the other hand, seemed done on purpose for Parvati.

It was a mess. The guys were all ready and were by now giving advices, and three hours were passed. The girls were still confused.

"Why don't you try this model?" the shopkeeper said, giving them rose dresses. "It has a fitting charm, which makes it as a second skin for everyone, and you can change the colour if you don't like this one"

The girls tried it, and every one of them was really stunning in it. It really fitted all of them perfectly.

They paid a real high amount, 1200 Galleons, but they were well spent. All of were satisfied with that, and so they went to have lunch to the Leaky Cauldron.

Then, Harry and Hermione went for a walk, as Neville and Ginny, Seamus and Lavender and Dean with Parvati. They enjoyed the afternoon, window shopping, and Harry was attracted by a new broom, the Firebolt 2004, but he wanted to keep his Firebolt as a memory of Sirius. Still, he was drooling on it.

Finally, with the church adorned and the dresses purchased, they could focus on the ceremony. All the groomsmen and the bridesmaid in the next days tried their movements till the perfection, and then the chorus, made by the girls, exercised in singing the planned songs. Harry was amazed by Ginny's voice, as well as Hermione was.

Finally, the night before the wedding came. Harry and Hermione were to receive their separate parties.

After dinner, Harry went with the guys, who brought him to a place he had never been before. He Apparated to Diagon Alley, then George took his arm and led him in a secondary alleyway, till all of them reached a pub, named "The Magic of Pleasure". In it, Harry and the others were led to a private room, where they found Firewhiskey and many other alcoholic drinks. They drank for a long time, then the room was filled with music, and four gorgeous women came out.

Hermione had more or less the same fate, only that she had four very handsome men for her and her bridesmaids.

Finally, the day had arrived. Harry woke up finally late, after a week of early wake ups to prepare the ceremony. He went down to have a quick breakfast. There he met the groomsmen and the bridesmaids, plus Mr. Weasley and Molly, Robert and Mrs. Granger and Remus, ready to have some photos taken. Well, some was saying it in a very polite way.

It was at last one hundred photos, taken of Remus alone, with everyone of the groomsmen, then with every one of the bridesmaids, then all of them together, with Arthur, with Molly, with Robert, with Anne Granger, with the four of them together…

Then there was a light lunch for the them.

Harry in his room took a quick shower and then started dressing, with Remus trying to make him calm down. He was really nervous.

Finally, he finished tying his shoes, and put some perfume on. Now, he had only to wait.

Remus entertained him with stories about his parents' wedding, and how James had been a total wreck too, but then all had gone fine. Harry weakly smiled at this, then it was the moment to go to the church.

In the meantime, Hermione was being helped to get ready by all the girls, her mother and Mrs. Weasley. They fixed her hair in a nice chignon, then Ginny put make up on her face, while Lavender was helping her to put on her dress.

"Hermione, dear, have you the traditional new, old, borrowed and blue?" Molly asked, while she was dressing.

"Yes, I have this dress that is new, my mother's gloves that are old and borrowed and this blue garter" she replied.

When she was ready, Parvati, Lavender and Ginny squealed in delight, while the other girls beamed at her.

"Hermione, you're really breathtaking!" Alicia commented, and all the others nodded. She headed to the church.

Harry was there, near the altar, the priest who would officiate the ceremony speaking at him, but he wasn't listening. He was too nervous to listen. He was starting to sweat.

The guests arrived, all the Hogwarts staff, even Snape, all the Order members who were still alive, and all the Hogwarts students that were in school while Harry and Hermione were there. Well, not the Slytherins, obviously.

Then, the wedding march was heard. Few moments later, Hermione, accompanied by her father, appeared and walked the aisle till she reached Harry. All the time along the aisle, their eyes locked and never looked away. She was smiling. He was smiling. Both of them were risking to faint.

"My god, she is really wonderful!" he thought. And she was. She had a shining white dress, with short sleeves, that fitted her perfectly. The veil wasn't too long, and it was practically transparent, so Harry could see her face very well. The dress was a little more than knee length, as she didn't like the long dresses.

Harry was mesmerized.

"Who gives this woman in wedding?" the priest's voice sounded in the crowded church.

"Her father does" Robert Granger replied, then placed her hand in Harry's and walked to the benches.

"Let the ceremony begin, then"

"We are here reunited to celebrate the wedding of this very young couple. They found their love in times of fight and despair, and this made it stronger. If there is someone who thinks this wedding has to not be done, speaks now, or be silent forever."

Nobody spoke.

"Well, now exchange your vows" the priest said.

"Hermione, I met you seven years ago. You entered that compartment, and I saw something special in you. In all these years, you helped me through many adventures, never leaving my side, even when it was easy to do so…even facing death for being on my side. You had been my rock in the difficult times, and you saw who really I was, not only "The Boy Who Lived" or "Harry Potter", but just "Harry". You helped me to become the man I am now. For all these reasons, I love you, Hermione" Harry said.

There was a loud clapping of hands, then Hermione spoke.

"Harry, I've to admit that I read a lot about Harry Potter, before meeting you. But I thought you would be a spoiled person, with so much fame. You aren't. You are selfless, brave, a real friend. You had to face many losses and burdens in your life, but you never lost yourself and the kind boy I met seven years ago. For these reasons, I love you, Harry."

Another flow of clapping hands followed.

"So Harry, do you want to take this woman, Hermione, as your wife, in health and illness, in good times and in tragedies, till death will part you?"

"Yes" Harry replied, looking in her eyes.

"Do you want, Hermione, to take this man, Harry, as you husband, in health and illness, in good times and in tragedies, till death will part you?"

"Yes" Hermione replied, firmly. She was melting in his emerald pools.

Remus brought the rings and the priest gave one to Harry, the other to Hermione.

Harry made it slide on her finger, saying: "With this ring, I thee wed". His hand was trembling.

Then, it was Hermione's turn. "With this ring, I thee wed" she said, sliding it on his finger.

"Harry, you can kiss your bride" the priest announced.

Harry gently lifted her veil, then kissed her softly. The room erupted in cheers.

After the ceremony, all the guests moved to the Parties Room in the manor, where with Dobby's help an huge banquet was ready. They ate a lot of complex dishes, caviar and oysters for example, all of them exquisite, chatting about the happy event they had witnessed.

Harry and Hermione barely touched food, not because they weren't hungry, but because they were called from a part to another of the huge room to speak with guests and to take photos.

After a while, music started to fill the room. The dances were ready to start.

Harry led Hermione in the centre of the room, opening the dances, while Ginny, Parvati and Lavender started singing.

Oh, oh,
You've been good to me, you made me glad when I was blue,
And eternally I'll always be in love with you,
And all I gotta do is thank you girl, thank you girl.

Harry and Hermione started moving in the music, her head on his chest. She had tears of happiness on her eyes. Her dream had become true.

I could tell the world, a thing or two about our love,
I know little girl, only a fool could doubt our love,
And all I gotta do is thank you girl, thank you girl.

"You know, I think this song represents perfectly what I feel for you, Hermione. This is the reason I personally chose this one" he whispered in her hear, his warm breath tickling her.

Thank you girl for loving me the way that you do, (way that you do),
That's the kind of love that is too good to be true,
And all I gotta do is thank you girl, thank you girl.

By this time, many other couples were dancing with them, Neville and Ginny one of them, as well as Dean and Parvati and Oliver and Katie.

Oh, oh,
You've been good to me, you made me glad when I was blue,
And eternally I'll always be in love with you,
And all I gotta do is thank you girl, thank you girl.

Finally, Harry and Hermione parted, and went to dance with the bridesmaids, Harry, and the groomsmen, Hermione. She was dancing with Oliver.

"I'm really happy for the two of you. I hope I and Katie will have a love like yours" he whispered her.

"I know, I'm really lucky. I love him so much" she replied.

In the meantime, Harry was dancing with Ginny. She was smiling at him.

"You know, Harry, I always knew you and Hermione were soul mates. It was obvious, you always were able to finish the other's sentence…I really wonder why it took so long to both of you to see it."

Harry looked at Hermione dreamily.

"I would like to know it, too, Ginny" he replied.

After the dance, the guest slowly went away, and finally Harry and Hermione were alone in the house. Remus and the Weasley left to give them privacy. Harry took her in his arms and carried her to their bedroom. There, they consummated their wedding. The Potter family was birthing.