Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pieces of Us by Twitch E. Littleferret

Pieces of Us

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Twelve: Old Habits Die Hard

Moon river, wider than a mile
'm crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker,
you heart breaker
Wherever you'
re goin', I'm goin' your way

Two drifters, off to see the world
's such a lot of world to see
're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' `round the bend
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me

(Moon River-lyrics by Henry Mancini)

Hermione came home from a long day at work to a house filled with a wonderful aroma of food. Curious, she walked into the kitchen.

"How did you get in here?" she asked. "And more importantly, what are you doing here?"

"Making dinner." Her husband stood in the kitchen wearing an apron, stirring the pot on the stove. "The answer to your first question is on the table."

Hermione walked over to it, picking up a parchment and scanning it.

"Are you serious?" she asked.

"Since the deed to the house is in both our names, we both equally have the right to be here. I checked the books. You should be proud of me, I was in a library." Oliver began to set the table and lit the candles in the centerpiece.

"I'm not hungry," Hermione stated.

Oliver sighed a sigh of frustration. "Hermione, whether you like it or not, we are going to have to discuss this situation sooner or later."

"This situation is apparently taking care of itself. You should be a little more discreet when announcing you have gotten a lawyer," Hermione snapped.

"I got one to help with the deal with the Cannons," Oliver explained.

Hermione grudgingly sat down and Oliver smiled. He poured her a glass of wine then placed a plate of spaghetti in front of her. Hermione took a sip of her wine and pushed her food around her plate with a fork.

"What are we doing Hermione? How did things get so bad?" Oliver asked quietly.

"If I recall correctly, you were still sowing your wild oats," Hermione replied smartly.

"Dammit, Hermione!" Oliver threw down his fork. "I apologized for that. I don't even see that woman anymore, in fact, I'm seeing nobody. I made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes! But it doesn't change the fact that I still love you."

Hermione sighed and massaged her temples. "I feel like a complete idiot, Oliver. I feel so stupid and so blind. Why didn't you tell me you were so unhappy in our marriage?"

"You're one to talk. I could ask the same of you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I think you were having second thoughts about marrying me on our wedding day."

Hermione scoffed. "What are you talking about?"

"I think you were still in love with Harry."

Hermione threw down her napkin and picked up her plate. "I don't believe this," she muttered, leaving the table. Her husband followed her to the kitchen.

"In fact, all of your friends were against our marriage," Oliver said.

"What? They were happy for us, if they were so against us like you say, they wouldn't have come." Hermione angrily scraped her food off her plate and into the disposal.

"They all wanted you to marry Harry."

She spun around to face her husband, tears were in her eyes. "It didn't matter what everyone else wanted! It mattered what I wanted and I loved you, I married you!" She turned away from him. "We had a marriage, Oliver, for crying out loud. Why would you throw it all away?"

Oliver stood behind his wife and put his hands on her shoulders, burying his face in her hair. "I'm so sorry, Hermione. I love you so much, I'll do anything you want," he whispered.

"I just don't know if I can trust you anymore. And isn't that what a marriage is built on? Trust and love?" she sniffled quietly.

Oliver sighed and stepped away from his wife. "Do you want a divorce?" he asked quietly.


Harry read the paper, sipping his coffee as he walked to his office. Thank God it was Friday, he was looking forward to a long and peaceful weekend. He opened his office door to find a pair of long legs capped with black high heels resting on his desk.

"Cho Chang," Harry mused as he shut the door behind him.

"Hello, Harry," she sang back.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" he asked, setting the paper and his coffee on his desk. Cho got out of his chair and walked around his desk to him. "I'm in town and I just wanted to say hello to an old friend. Are you busy tomorrow?"

"As a matter of fact, I am."

"Can't you spare a little of your time for little old me?" she pouted then kissed Harry slowly on the lips. Harry thought back to the last time she had "visited" him.

"Well, maybe I can squeeze you in tomorrow night," he replied and she deepened the kiss.

"Harry, are you ready to-oh shit! I'm sorry," Neville had barged into his office and quickly looked away.

"No, Neville, it's okay," Harry assured, removing himself from Cho's kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Harry," she cooed and left his office.

"I'm so sorry, mate. I didn't know she was in here," Neville apologized.

"It's no big deal," Harry said as he wiped her lipstick off of him with a tissue. "God I hate this color. What's up Nev?"

"Recon work today, remember? He's in town."


"Oh my God. So did he stay the night last night?" Ginny asked as they walked down the street. It was crowded with people making their way to work that morning.

"I put a stinging hex on the door in case he tried to pull anything. I swear Ginny, I can't stay another night there," Hermione complained.

"No problem, you can stay with me tonight."

"Thanks Ginny, I-Ow!" Hermione just collided with someone on the street sending their things flying all over. "I'm so sorry!"

"No, I apologize, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No, it's my fault, I wasn't paying…attention," her voice died away on her lips as she looked into the strangers face. He was a handsome gentleman, a little bit older, maybe in his early forties. He had dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. The stranger looked equally stunned. Hermione quickly gathered the last of her things and stood up. Ginny's mouth hung slightly open as she looked at the stranger and Hermione nudged her friend. The stranger slowly stood up and smiled.

"Uh, well…sorry about that," Hermione forced her composure. "Um…have a nice day," she said and she dragged Ginny quickly on their way. When they were safely a few blocks away Ginny turned to her friend.

"Oh, my God! He was gorgeous, to die for!" she squealed. Hermione laughed at her friend and shook her head in agreement.

Hermione was sitting at her desk, writing away, when a breathless Luna came up to her.

"Hermione, I need your help. Robert called in sick today and we have a big important interview today, with Antonio DeMarco."

"Who?" Hermione asked.

Luna yanked Hermione out of her chair, leading her to the reception area. "Antonio DeMarco, wizard billionaire, he owns dozens of casinos and is opening his new one just outside of London."

"Luna! I can't do it! I'm not prepared, I haven't researched, I have no notes," Hermione protested.

"It's all taken care of. Robert owled all his stuff on this guy, along with the questions he was going to ask and Colin Creevey is doing the photos." Luna stopped in front of the doors to the reception area and took a deep breath. "Good luck, I know you can do this." She opened the doors.

Hermione's jaw nearly dropped to the floor when she saw the blue eyed stranger from this morning standing in the reception area. He seemed equally shocked, hesitating only a moment before getting out of his chair. He was accompanied by two other wizards. Luna walked up to him extending her hand.

"Good morning Mr. DeMarco and welcome to the Quibbler, I'm the editor-in-chief Luna Weasley, this is Hermione Wood. She will be doing your interview."

"Hermione," Antonio smiled extending his hand to her and shaking it, "a pleasure to meet you."


Harry and Neville sat in the lobby of Antonio DeMarco's office inside the Milanio Casino. It was paneled with dark wood, carpeted in a pattern of burgundy and furnished with the plushest of chairs. The two aurors stood up as Antonio walked through the doors accompanied by two gentlemen.

"I apologize for being late, I was caught up in some business elsewhere. Things are pretty chaotic around here, getting ready for the big opening."

"It's no problem," Harry nodded.

Antonio walked over to his secretary's desk and pulled out a business card. "Send two dozen red roses to this person and address, I want them boxed. Also, send an invitation to the opening and a car to pick her up. This way gentlemen," he guided the two aurors to his office then doubled back to his secretary. "On second thought, add her to the VIP list. I want to be notified immediately when she arrives." He rejoined the men. "My casino manager should be here any moment, please have a seat. Now, you wish to search the casino?"

"We've had some evidence of dark magic that has led to this establishment," Harry began.

"How can that be? We have been under construction, we haven't opened yet," Antonio questioned.

"We aren't accusing you of anything. This is just a cautionary measure," Harry assured him.

"Very well, you are welcome to search. I must tell you that I do not tolerate that kind of behavior from my employees."

"I understand," Harry said. The doors opened behind him and he and Neville turned around. Harry immediately tensed but did his best to hide his shock.

Antonio stood up. "May I introduce to you my casino manager, Draco Malfoy."


The bright sun shone down warmly in the backyard of the Burrow. Everyone decided to sit outside and enjoy the last of the sunshine as fall was here, turning the leaves of the trees red, gold and yellow. Harry arrived a little late since he forgot Molly's present and had to go back and get it then wrap it. He set his gift down on the pile that had accumulated on the table and surveyed the party.

"She's out in the back," his godfather came from behind.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Hermione. She's out in the back," Sirius repeated.

"I wasn't looking for her," Harry hissed. He didn't care if she was here. Well, not really.

"Sorry, my mistake," Sirius apologized and walked away, a smile in his eyes. As soon as Sirius was out of his sight, Harry walked to the window and gazed out into the yard. He just wanted to see who else was here, right? And everyone seemed to be gathered in the back. It was just a coincidence. Really.

She was standing by the swings pushing Pierre, one of Bill and Fleur's children, while Ginny pushed Luna gently on the other swing. Hermione was wearing jeans and a long sleeved red t-shirt, her curly brown hair moved gently in the breeze.

"Oh, I wish I could've seen the look on his face. So what did he say?" Ginny asked.

"Well, he wasn't too happy about it." Hermione was currently telling her friends about the unexpected gifts she received when she went home yesterday to pack an overnight bag. "I mean, who would send a married woman roses?"

"Correction there, dear Hermione, currently separated woman," Luna interjected.

"Whatever, the point is Oliver was furious. He actually accused me of having an affair. Honestly!" Hermione sighed.

"Two dozen long stemmed red roses," Ginny said dreamily.

"In a box," Luna added. "God, what I wouldn't give to have Ronald give me something like that."

"Well, there was more," Hermione continued quietly. Ginny and Luna looked at each other then at their friend. "I have an invitation to his casino opening next week. He's sending a car to pick me up." Ginny and Luna's mouths fell open. "I don't know if I want to go."

"You're going," Luna and Ginny demanded at the same time.

"Going where?" a smooth voice asked. Hermione spun around.

"Harry! Umpf!" She had momentarily forgotten that she was pushing Pierre on the swing and was knocked to the ground when he swung backwards.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked with concern in his voice. Ginny giggled and stopped Pierre's momentum on the swing.

"Oh hush up, Ginny," Hermione said lightly as Harry helped her to her feet.

"I think you might get a bruise if you don't put some ice on that right away," Harry advised. He cupped Hermione's chin with his left hand, brushing her cheekbone with his right hand thumb. Hermione's stomach flipped and her breathing momentarily stopped. Harry's eyes darkened. Hermione snapped out of it and stepped away from him. At the same time, Harry quickly took his hands off of her as if she were made of fire.

"You should, uh, pay a little more attention to what you're doing," Harry began awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

"Yes, well, you startled me. Do you always sneak up on people?" Hermione retorted then began to walk back to the house.

"I'm an auror, I can't help it," Harry followed her.

Ginny sighed and took over pushing Pierre on the swing.

"I swear those two should just get it over with and shag each other senseless," she said looking at the two of them as they continued to argue all the way to the house. Luna laughed.

The two tables groaned with the amount of food that was on them. The family had sat down and were currently indulging themselves in the delicious food that Arthur had ordered from Molly's favorite restaurant. Harry sat directly across from Hermione.

"So, Luna tells me that you've been invited to the opening gala at the Milanio," Harry began. Hermione looked at her friend, who was currently hiding behind a large cup of water she was gulping down.

"Yes, yes I was," Hermione answered.

"He put you down on the VIP list you know. I read your article on Mr. DeMarco this morning and I put two and two together."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked.

Harry stopped midmotion of bringing food to his mouth, realizing his mistake in almost revealing that he was at DeMarco's office yesterday with Neville.

"You're not thinking of going by yourself are you?" he asked, hoping to deter the conversation.

"Actually, I don't know if I want to go," Hermione said politely.

"You are going," Luna demanded. "As your boss, I need someone to cover this event and seeing as you've got an invitation, it just makes it more convenient." She finished with a cheshire grin on her face.

"I don't know. It's a black tie event and I don't have anything to wear, I don't have time to find something," Hermione protested.

"I'm sure you'll find some time to do some shopping," Harry said dryly earning a glare from Hermione.

"Shopping? Hermione hates shopping," Ron said with a mouth half full with food.

"Oh, no Ron. Shopping is one of Hermione's favorite new hobbies," Harry said brightly. Hermione kicked him under the table.

"Don't worry about that, Hermione, leave the little details to me," Ginny said proudly.

Pierre had come up to Harry, tapping him on the arm.

"Yes, Pierre?" Harry indulged the small child.

"Aunt Ginny said you and Her…Hermi…Herminny should just get it over with and shag each other senseless," Pierre stated proudly.

The entire table went silent. Sirius sprayed out his drink. Hermione looked down at her plate, her face hot with embarrassment, determined to not look at Harry.

"Ginnerva Weasley!" Molly scolded, starting an uproar at the table.

"What?! I didn't mean…" Ginny's voice was lost among the voices.

"Um, I've got to get going," Harry said awkwardly to no one in particular. Hermione could barely make out his voice above the din, no one was really paying attention to what he was saying. "I've got a prior engagement that I, um, must attend to. Well then," he got up from the table and left.


Sirius picked up his cloak and walked outside in the chill night air.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked the young woman sitting on a bench.

Hermione looked up at him, quickly wiping away the tears in her eyes. "Uh, sure go ahead."

She moved over, making some room for him. Sirius wrapped the cloak around her shoulders then sat down next to her. Laughter could be heard from inside the house, as Molly's birthday party began to wind down.

"How are you holding up, kiddo?" he asked.

Hermione laughed through her tears. "Considering I'm going through a very public divorce, being called a raving madwoman by the Prophet and Witch Weekly, currently homeless then absolutely mortified at dinner tonight. I'm doing just peachy."

Sirius chuckled and wrapped one arm around Hermione as she leaned into him.

"How did I become such a mess?" she sniffled.

"You're not a mess, this situation is a mess, divorce is messy," Sirius comforted her.

"I've never failed at anything in my life. I haven't even drawn up the divorce papers because it would just confirm that I failed my marriage."

"Have you ever considered that you didn't fail at your marriage, that it failed you?" Sirius asked.

Hermione sighed. "Oliver said that everyone was against our marriage."

"Hmm," Sirius murmured in thought.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing. Listen, how about I take you out on the town tonight?" Sirius offered.

"I don't know," Hermione sighed.

"I know just the thing you need right now," he grinned, taking her hand and getting her off the bench.


Harry rested above Cho, kissing her lips as she began to work on his shirt. He had met her for dinner after the birthday party. She was staying at a very nice hotel in Diagon Alley and they were currently continuing their date up in her hotel room on her bed. Harry kissed her neck and she sighed contentedly. Harry stopped suddenly.

"Shit!" he swore under his breath, getting off the bed.

"Harry what's wrong?" Cho asked as she watched him pace the hotel room.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong," he jumped back on the bed and she let out a squeal of excitement as he pulled her on top of him. She kissed his lips, then his neck and continued downward past his chest, down his abs…

"Fuck!" Harry sat up quickly, knocking Cho to the floor.

"Harry!" Cho said impatiently. Harry put on his shirt then grabbed his jacket. "Harry, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Cho. I can't do this. I'm sorry." Then he left her room.

The air was cool and crisp and he wrapped his jacket closer around him. He didn't feel like going home so he began to walk around muggle London. He couldn't do it. Cho was ready and willing and he wasn't in the mood. Well, it wasn't that he wasn't in the mood, it's just that his thoughts were occupied by another woman. Damn it, he swore that he wouldn't let her get to him. But she had a way of doing that, occupying his every thought. Hermione. Why did she have to come back? He was perfectly content with her far away in the States.

Were you?

Harry shook his head at that tiny little voice in the back of his mind. The voice that had been blissfully silent for over two years. They had stayed out of each others lives for this long. Besides, she was just going through a rough patch in her life. She and Oliver will sort things out and go and live happily ever after.

Do you really want that?

"Argh!" Harry said aloud, startling a group of people walking opposite him. "Sorry," he muttered to them. His wanderings had led him to a pub. It's door swung open letting a few patrons out. The warm breeze that Harry caught invited him in and he sat at the bar, ordering a drink.

Yes, they would work things out. Live happily ever fucking after, reunited and happy, maybe pop out a couple of rugrats. Then he could go back to his carefree life, the life of a bachelor, a happy bachelor.

If you really say so.

He didn't care. Hermione could work things out with Oliver or not. It was her decision, her life. It didn't matter to him what she did. He. Did. Not. Care. Really, he didn't. He would not get involved. Nope. Under no circumstances, he would not get caught up with her again.


Victoria helped Sirius unlock the door to his flat, his arms were currently busy carrying a very inebriated Hermione. He had caught up with the woman at the Hog's Head, where he took Hermione. Victoria was Sirius' girlfriend of two years, a spritely woman with dark hair and lovely hazel eyes. It took Sirius three tries before she finally consented on going out with him on a date, they had been inseparable since. Sirius was no fool and knew he had a good thing going, and this Christmas he was putting an end to his bachelorhood. He had bought the ring last week in Hogsmeade. Harry, of all people helped him pick it out.

"Harry isn't going to like this," Victoria whispered as Sirius plopped Hermione onto the bed.

"Harry isn't here and I have a feeling he won't be here this weekend anyway," Sirius whispered back.

"Find an old t-shirt or something, I'll get her ready for bed," Victoria whispered as she took Hermione's shoes off.

Harry was surprised that he found his way home. He was soooo pissed. He fumbled with the door knob and stumbled through the door. He carelessly tossed his jacket onto the couch, missing it entirely. He noticed Victoria's purse on the table. At least someone's getting some tonight, Harry thought to himself. He opened the door to his room, he was exhausted and dizzy, he just wanted to sleep like the dead. He didn't bother turning on the light. His eyelids shut and he barely managed to undress himself and kick his shoes off before he fell back onto his bed.

"Mm, Harry, you're late," he heard a familiar voice sigh, then familiar arms wrapped around him as her head rested on his chest. Automatically he wrapped his arms around her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, Hermione," he murmured in his sleep.

"It's okay," she said sleepily. And they both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Victoria tied the knot of her robe tighter and walked into the kitchen where Sirius was making breakfast. She greeted her boyfriend with a kiss and poured herself a cup of coffee. Picking up the paper, she made her way to the table…then her coffee cup crashed to the floor. Sirius walked over to her to see what was the matter, frying pan still in his hand.

"You didn't borrow Harry's jacket last night, did you?" she asked her boyfriend. Sirius looked at the jacket, then the wallet and keys on the table. He dropped the frying pan.


A sound caused Harry to stir in his sleep. He could feel a major headache coming on and he could tell the room was lighter, through his eyelids. He felt a pressure on his chest and the familiar scent of vanilla and honey, her body pressed against his. If they were lucky, they would be able to get a quick shag in before they headed off to training.

"Come on, Hermione. We have to get up. We've got training to go to," he said blearily, still half asleep. Hermione snuggled even closer to him.

"Just five more minutes," she replied groggily.

Harry's eyes shot open.

Training? Hermione? What the fuck??!!

Apparently, she came to the same abrupt conclusion and they scrambled away from each other. Hermione yanked the bedding around her causing Harry to fall off the side of the bed. Harry got up and reached for the closet thing to him, a pillow, to cover himself up.

"What the hell are you doing here?" they both yelled at the same time.

"This is my bed, what are you doing in it?" Harry yelled.

Hermione looked confused around the room. "Well…you should've noticed I was in it!" she yelled back. "Or are you just used to having another body in the bed?!"

Harry pressed the pillow tighter to himself. It didn't help that it was the morning, and the fact that he had a very fiery Hermione, half-dressed in one of his button down shirts, and that the quilt wrapped hastily around her left a very nice view of one of her legs.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he demanded. Hermione looked everywhere around the room but at him. She avoided looking at a very undressed Harry, his body lean and toned by Quidditch and auror training, thankful for that pillow that covered him.

"Look, this obviously was just an accident. I had a little too much to drink last night," Hermione began to feel a little dizzy, her mouth was very dry. She sat on the bed.

"I did too," Harry said, still standing with a pillow in front of him. "Are you alright?" he asked a pale Hermione.

"Where's your bathroom?" she asked quietly.

"Over there," Harry nodded to a door.

Hermione immediately ran to it yanking it open then fell to the floor, heaving the contents of her stomach into the toilet. Harry ran in to help, holding her hair back away from her face.

"Oh, Hermione," he sighed. "You never could hold your alcohol."

"Harry," she gasped in between heaves, "this really isn't the best time for a lecture."
