Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pieces of Us by Twitch E. Littleferret

Pieces of Us

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Fifteen: Tossing In The Towel

It's, oh, so quiet

It's, oh, so still

You're all alone

And so peaceful until...

You fall in love

Zing boom

The sky above

Zing boom

Is caving in

Wow bam

You've never been so nuts about a guy

You wanna laugh you wanna cry

You cross your heart and hope to die

'Til it's over and then

It's nice and quiet

But soon again

Starts another big riot

You blow a fuse

Zing boom

The devil cuts loose

Zing boom

So what's the use

Wow bam

Of falling in love

(It's Oh So Quiet-Bjork)

(Present Time)

Harry stood outside on the balcony, watching the twinkling lights of the city spread out before him. He sipped on the coffee he had in his hand. He could see his breaths in little puffs of clouds that emanated from his mouth. He thought of the awkward, very awkward Sunday morning he had shared with Hermione. Falling asleep with her, waking up with her, just like old times, right?

"She's not as strong as you think," a voice came from behind. Sirius joined his godson on the balcony. "She's going through a confusing time right now. She needs the support and love of friends and family."

"Her parents are in the Bahamas. They have no idea what their daughter is going through. She's too proud to tell them," Harry said quietly.

"She hates failing. She hasn't drawn up the divorce papers because she's afraid to admit she failed at her marriage."

"She didn't fail at it. Oliver was just a lousy fucking husband to her," Harry said bitterly.

"I told her that," Sirius stood next to Harry. "But I don't think I'm the one she needs to hear that from." He looked at Harry. Harry sighed and looked down. "Harry," Sirius began, "have you thought that maybe this is a second chance for you two? That maybe fate hasn't turned its back on you both?"

Harry didn't say anything, he just stared out at the city lights. Sirius sighed next to him.

"Right then. Don't stay up too late," Sirius said and turned to go back into the house.


"Harry," Neville whispered. "Harry!" he whispered more forcefully, nudging his friend who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.

Harry blinked and sat up straight, the other aurors sat around a table looking at him as Kingsley Shacklebolt stood at the head of the table.

"Well?" he asked Harry.

"Oh, right!" Harry said, bringing himself back to the table. "Um, Longbottom and I did meet with Mr. DeMarco and he graciously gave us a tour of his casino. Interesting fact here," Harry said shuffling the papers in front of him. "Draco Malfoy is his casino manager," he announced causing some murmurs at the table. "With permission, Longbottom and I would like to conduct a further search of the casino. We have a feeling we were shown only half of it."

"Very well, permission granted. Keep in mind, Potter, that we must not let DeMarco know that we are continuing this investigation."

"Yes sir."

"Do you have a plan on how you would do this?"

Harry cast a look sideways at Neville. "I have an idea," he said cryptically.


"Soooo, did you have a nice weekend?" Luna's voice interrupted Hermione from her thoughts. "I was just wondering if you had a nice weekend. Saturday's dinner was quite amusing wasn't it?" Luna chided and Hermione blushed a little.

"Ginny needs to learn to keep her mouth shut," Hermione said tartly and Luna laughed.

"Don't hold your breath on that one my dear Hermione."

"How are you feeling?" she asked Luna.

"The morning sickness is a bitch. I have to duck out of here at lunch time. The aroma of the food is way too powerful," Luna sighed.

"Try crackers and ginger ale," Hermione advised. "That's what muggles do," Hermione added quickly.

"Hmm, I think I'll try that. I'm not too sure about those potions that they sell to pregnant witches that claim to put an end to the queasiness. Huh, maybe I should write a story on that," Luna said thoughtfully as she looked up around the room.

"You seemed a little distracted when I walked over here. Mr. Potter occupying your thoughts?" Luna asked Hermione.

"Why would I be thinking about him?" Hermione answered a little too quickly.

"You're drawing snitches on that piece of parchment," Luna said nodding to her desk.

Hermione looked down and saw that she was in fact doodling snitches.

"I was just drawing…it doesn't mean anything," Hermione muttered.

"Me thinks the lady doth protest too much," Luna smiled. "Anyway, how embarrassing would it be if Harry saw that on your desk?"

"Oh, for crying out loud. I wasn't thinking of Harry! I have better things to do with my time than think of that arrogant, swaggering…prat," Hermione ranted. "And furthermore, I don't care what he sees on my desk, I could care less what he thinks about anything."

"So, if he came over and saw you doodling snitches, you wouldn't care?"

"I would just explain to him, that I was merely doodling nonsense. People do it all the time, it doesn't mean anything."

"Well, then. Here's your chance," Luna smiled then called out, "Hello Harry!"

Hermione looked up sharply and saw Harry heading towards her desk. The female (and a couple of males) population of the Quibbler had all their eyes on him as he walked over.

"Shit," Hermione muttered as she crumpled up the piece of parchment and threw it under her desk.

"Hello, Luna," Harry greeted as he reached the two ladies, "Hermione."

"Morning Harry. Did you have a nice weekend?" Luna asked.

"Let's just say it was full of surprises," he answered, tossing a look to Hermione, who looked away.

Luna looked between the two of them. "Well, I must be off. I'll just check on…someone," she said as she walked away, leaving the two of them alone.

Harry looked down at Hermione. "So…how's my favorite little lush this morning?"

Hermione tutted and blushed. "Really, Harry."

He laughed. "Relax, Hermione. I brought a peace offering," he said as he held out a coffee cup and a paper bag.

"I'm not interested," she said, turning away from him.

"What a shame. I guess I'll have to give this Caramel Macchiato and this delicious cheese danish to someone else," Harry sighed.

Hermione snatched the bag and cup out of his hands. "Well, it's the least you could do," she said, taking a sip of one of her favorite drinks.

Harry chuckled. Leaning towards her he said, "I missed you this morning. I woke up alone."

Luna had been walking by that moment and raised an eyebrow at Hermione before continuing on her way.

Hermione watched her friend then turned sharply to Harry who was laughing. "What are you doing here, anyway?" she hissed.

"Besides torture you?" he asked.

"You're doing a hell of a job."

Harry smiled and picked up the paper on her desk which had the article of DeMarco on it. "So, are you going to go?"

"To the gala? I have to, Luna wants me to do a report on it. Why?"
"Just curious. Are you going alone?"

"If you're thinking of an invitation, you're not going to get it."

"I already have my own. I was just wondering if Mr. Woods would be making an appearance."

"No, I'm going alone. Although, I shudder at the thought of whatever arm candy you decide on bringing," Hermione said scathingly.

"Pretty feisty for a Monday morning, aren't you?" Harry smirked. The smile in his eyes died as he looked over Hermione's shoulder.

"Harry! What are you doing?" Hermione asked as Harry dove under her desk.

"Shh! Hide me!" he whispered to her.

Hermione shoved his head under the desk then scooted her chair after him. Harry let out a silent grunt as Hermione's knees rammed into his chest.

Cho Chang stopped at the receptionist's desk, who pointed towards Hermione.

"Hermione Wood," Cho greeted Hermione coldly.

"Cho Chang," Hermione's reception was just as warm.

"Pretty ironic that you're working for a newspaper. If that's what you'd call the rubbish that you print," Cho mused.

"No, that would be the Daily Prophet," Hermione shot back.

"How embarrassing that must have been for you. But you must be used to that by now, having your love life in the limelight. I don't know how Harry put up with you."

A loud thump came from under Hermione's desk.

"What are you doing here, Cho?" Hermione asked coldly.

Exactly, what the hell is she doing here? Harry thought to himself as he rubbed the back of his head. He shifted his position and found that his hand was resting on a piece of crumpled paper. He moved to pick it up.

"I'm here representing my client, your husband," she announced.

Harry froze.

Cho reached into her robes pulling out a packet of papers. "He is requesting that you both go to marriage counseling as a last attempt at reconciliation. Your lawyer has contacted me to let me know that you have been considering drawing up papers to begin the dissolution of your marriage. My client has stated that he will be contesting the divorce and is offering you this opportunity to think this matter over carefully."

Hermione took the papers from Cho. "Are you always the bearer of such good news? I thought Oliver was using you for his deal with the Cannons."

"He did use me for that, but contacted me again when he received the papers that would begin your dissolution. I sincerely hope you take up his offer. I would hate to tear you up in the courtroom."

Hermione glared at her. "I'm sure you would."

Cho smirked and turned to walk away but turned back to Hermione on a second thought. "If you see Harry, please tell him I had a wonderful time with him Saturday night in my hotel room," she boasted then swaggered away.

Harry shut his eyes and mentally swore.

Hermione watched as Cho left the office then wheeled away from her desk. She reached underneath the desk and yanked Harry out by his robes. She didn't let go of him as she led him, like a child to be scolded, into one of the empty conference rooms. She shoved him into the chair and slammed the door shut behind her, casting a silencing charm around the room.

"You're sleeping with my husband's lawyer?" Hermione rounded on him.

"I didn't know she was Oliver's lawyer!" Harry stood up and protested in his defense. "And I didn't sleep with her!" Well, not that night at least.

"How could you?" she ranted. "You know what," she said tossing her hands up in the air, "I don't care! I don't care what you do with that…bitch!" she shouted then she rounded on Harry. "But I swear to God, Harry, if you interfere with this matter," he backed away from her as she neared him, "in any way, I will make sure that the next woman who will touch your balls will be the mediwitch who has to reattach them after I'm through with you." Harry backed away, plonking onto the chair behind him. "Are we clear?" she threatened. Harry gulped and nodded.

Hermione left the room, slamming the door. Merlin, she's sexy when she's angry, Harry thought to himself. He sighed and took out the crumpled piece of paper in his hand, straightening it out. He smiled to himself as he looked down at the snitches drawn on the paper.

Oh, sod it all. He promised himself that he wouldn't get involved with Hermione. He would most likely lose if he did. But, damn it all to hell, if he was going to fall in love with her again, he was going to go down like a champ.

Hermione was fuming. She was so angry at Harry. She sat down at her desk in a huff.

Who does he think he is? Shagging the entire wizarding female population, he probably made a considerable dent in the muggle one as well. Honestly! What is wrong with the male population, do they have some sort of biological urge, the inability to keep it in their pants. And to be with Cho! What's so bloody fantastic about her?

She blew a piece of hair out of her face, then drew out a piece of parchment and a quill and began scribbling away.

Harry Potter: Male Slut. No, no, no. She scratched that out. Harry Potter: Lover Extraordinaire. No, that gave him too much credit in the bedroom. Harry Potter: The Boy Who Shagged…A Lot. Hermione grinned and continued. Known for his defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort, he has become one of the wizarding world's most infamous heroes. Regarded as one of the best aurors, well respected by many members of the ministry, he has all the makings of an upstanding citizen of the wizarding community. She chewed the end of her quill to gather her thoughts. But there is a darker side to this tragic hero, one the wizarding world has yet to know. This hero has plowed through the female population, leaving behind him a trail of broken hearts. It seems our hero is a bit of a playboy, using his fame and fortune as a means to get into the skirts of many unsuspecting females.

Hermione continued on to two more pages before she suddenly stopped and looked up. The article had been a means to channel her anger at Harry, but it was mostly untrue. This made her no better than that wretched beetle Rita Skeeter. There was no way that Hermione was going to publish this article, it was only a stupid rant.

She crumpled up the piece of paper and tossed it into the rubbish bin. Why was it that only Harry could get her all worked up like this? She wasn't even dating him and the mention of him sleeping with another woman just threw her into a tizzy. Maybe it was the fact that she was so sensitive about the issue of monogamy since her husband seemed to have a real problem with it. Yes, maybe that was it. She was just reflecting her feelings onto Harry and his actions. It has nothing to do with the fact that she was jealous of Cho. Not in the least.

Not at all.


Okay, maybe she was a little jealous of Cho. But only just a tiny bit.

Really tiny bit.

All right, she was jealous of the stupid bint. But it wasn't because she was with Harry Saturday night. She didn't care one bit about Harry's love life. Who cares if Harry stayed the night with stupid Cho in her stupid hotel room?

Hermione suddenly sat up.

Wait a minute. Harry came back to his own place that night, totally smashed. They woke up together. Was Cho lying?

Hermione shook her head. What was she doing? She shouldn't care if Harry spent the night with Cho or not. She had her own problems to deal with.

Like finding a place to live. She had an appointment tonight to view a flat in a building across the street from Ginny's. She saw a sign Sunday afternoon and had called to set up an appointment. Sharing a home with your separated spouse ranked on the fun meter up there with going to the gynecologist. And sleeping on your friend's sofa wasn't that great either. With any luck, this place could be livable and most important, affordable.


"So which lovely lady will be accompanying you tonight?" Neville asked Harry. He was sitting in Harry's office wasting away the final minutes of the work day.

"Actually, I'm going to go solo for this event," Harry replied. It had been a long work week. The device he ordered was supposed to be delivered today and without it, he could just scrap his entire plan. He had tried to find out from Ginny what Hermione would be wearing but she was very vague. Ideally, if he had the device he would just have to break into her flat and plant it, but now he had to come up with a plan B, and very quickly.

"You going dateless would have nothing to do with a certain Mrs. Wood, would it?" Neville asked, smiling.

"Not at all. Who are you going with?" Harry replied quickly, changing the subject.

"Ginny Weasley," Neville said, blushing slightly.

Harry looked surprised at his friend. "Well, finally worked up the nerve? Good for you," he said smiling. "But if you try and pull anything, I'll kill you."

One of the assistants walked in dropping a parcel on Harry's desk. Harry opened it and emptied its contents revealing a small black smooth stone the size of a button.

"A Mapper?" Neville asked, looking at the object.

"I was hoping I would get it before I left this evening," Harry said, examining it.

"So, that's how you're going to map out the Milanio."

"Nope, not me," Harry answered, grinning.


Hermione sat in the car, nervously watching the crowd of photographers stationed at the entrance to the casino. The driver stopped and got out of the car. Hermione gave herself one more once-over in the mirror. She wasn't sure about the dress that Ginny had picked out for her. It was a strapless black dress that fit her nicely, it was floor length and had a long slit on one side, revealing a glimpse of the long, creamy leg underneath. Ginny and Luna had styled her curly hair straight, letting it fall to the middle of her back. She wrapped her wrap around her and grabbed her clutch, as the driver opened the door for her.

"Some party isn't it?" Ginny asked Harry, when she and Neville finally found him in the crowd. He was looking very nice in a black tuxedo, nursing a glass of rum and coke. His appearance did not go unnoticed by the female guests in the casino.

"Any luck out there?" he asked Neville.

"I won 10 knuts," Neville answered, shrugging.

"Nev's been playing it safe on the machines. I, on the other hand, am going to have a shot at that roulette table," Ginny playfully nudged Neville.

Harry laughed and brought the glass up to his lips to take another drink. But he stopped halfway as he gazed across the room.

Oh. Good. God.

The very alluring Hermione had managed to render Harry Potter absolutely primal.

"Over here, Hermione!" Ginny called out, waving to her friend.

Harry broke out of his stupor and took a long drink out of his glass emptying it then grabbed two champagne flutes off a passing hostess.

Hermione had barely managed to keep her composure when she saw how delicious Mr. Potter looked in a tux. There's always something about a tuxedo that can elevate a man's status, making him a gentleman, the man you fantasized about. Harry Potter always wore one well.

"Mrs. Wood," Harry greeted her, handing her a flute.

"Mr. Potter," Hermione answered, smiling and taking the flute from Harry.

"Truce," he said, tapping her glass with his.

"I suppose we can have a cease fire for just one night," Hermione sighed and took a drink of the bubbly.

The band finished a jazzy little tune then started up on a new one that always reminded Hermione of her grandparents. Harry took Hermione's hand and led her to the dance floor as Moonlight Serenade filled the room. It was like riding a bike. They fell into step seamlessly, their feet remembering the dances they shared long ago. Hermione sighed and rested her head gently on his shoulder. Harry closed his eyes. Long ago he had wished for one thing and one thing only: To hold Hermione in his arms once more. But it was bittersweet, he could hold her in his arms for this dance and possibly the next one, but at the end of the night he was going to have to let her go. Again. Hermione blinked back the tears that began to form in her eyes. Being in Harry's arms reminded her of the last time they danced together, the last time he held her in his arms nearly three years ago.

"May I cut in?" a voice spoke up, yanking them both back to reality.

"Of course," Harry said turning to Antonio DeMarco. He kept one hand resting on the small of Hermione's back. "Lovely party, thanks for the invite," Harry said, making conversation as he slipped the Mapper into Hermione's dress, the one place he hoped DeMarco would not have access to tonight.

"You look lovely tonight," DeMarco said to Hermione, kissing the back of her hand, deliberately ignoring Harry. Fucker, Harry thought.

Hermione flushed. "Um…Thank you," she said. "May I introduce my…friend Harry Potter?"

"We've met," DeMarco said, acknowledging Harry's presence with a glance.

"I just asked the lovely Hermione here to join me on the dance floor. Nice band," Harry said trying very hard to control what he really wanted to come out of his mouth.

"Will Mr. Potter be joining us for the rest of the evening?" he asked Hermione.



They both spoke at the same time, looking at each other then looking away. DeMarco smiled at Hermione, offering his arm to her. Harry grabbed another drink from a nearby tray as he watched Hermione walk away with Antonio.

He walked over to the casino floor, changing a few hundred galleons for chips. He undid his bowtie and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt as he sat at a nearby blackjack table.

"Twelve. Sixteen. Dealer shows twenty one."

Harry tossed out a couple of chips onto the table as the other players grumbled, tossing theirs onto the table. He had been playing for thirty minutes and he was ahead twenty galleons.

"Pressing your luck there, Potter?" a familiar voice drawled.

"I always was a gambler," Harry replied and Draco smirked. "Impressive place you have here. Took only a year to build."

"I see you did your homework," Draco said lazily. "I always thought that was Granger's department. Sorry…Mrs. Wood." Draco never outgrew his need to taunt Potter mercilessly.

"Dealer shows twenty. Win to Mr. Potter."

Harry collected his winnings from the dealer leaving half on the table. "So you practically built this place from the ground up. Must be hard having the boss come in and run the show."

Draco smirked again. "He was always behind the scenes. It's not everyday we get a second chance in life."

"Is that what this is? Huh, I guess I would've figured being the son of a well known Death Eater would put a bit of a mark on this place."

Draco laughed and flagged a hostess down. "I, too, am a bit of a gambler, Potter. Bourbon?" he offered Harry a glass as he took one himself. Harry obliged, looking across the room as Hermione and Antonio caught his eye. They walked through the casino floor. Draco followed his line of sight.

"Speaking of second chances, I heard Granger's, sorry, Wood's marriage is on the rocks," Draco said looking at Harry who went back to his card game. His face gave nothing away.

"I'm surprised Malfoy. Of all people, you would be the least interested in her love life," Harry said flatly.

"Normally, I wouldn't but she really is making the Daily Prophet something to look forward to in the morning. DeMarco sure has taken an interest in her so I hope you didn't have any grand ideas of a reunion in your head."

"Malfoys always have a way of finding the big fish in the pond, don't they?" Harry said bitterly.

"It certainly is a big jump for the mudblood. I saw you dancing with her earlier, don't get any hopes up, Potter."

"Is that a warning from you or your boss?"

"Just stay away if you know what's best. There's nothing you have that DeMarco can't give her."

Harry collected his chips and stood up. "I never was one for the rules," Harry said, tucking a card into the front pocket of Draco's jacket and walking away.

Draco took the card out of his pocket. It was a king of hearts. He laughed to himself as he watched Potter disappear in the crowd.

Hermione freshened herself up in the powder room. Antonio had treated her to a lovely dinner and was in the middle of giving her a tour of the casino. She pulled up the dress, adjusting it then reached behind her to check on the zipper of her dress. She stopped when she felt a tiny bulge in her dress. She grasped it and brought it to her face. It was a Mapper. She recognized it from her Auror training.

"Harry," she whispered. Harry must have planted it on her.

She left the ladies room and joined Antonio on the casino floor.

"Would you like to try one of our tables?" he asked gesturing to the room.

"Actually, I was hoping to see more of your casino," she said, linking her arm through his.

"More?" he asked.

"I'm sure there are places you haven't shown me, yet," Hermione said as she looked demurely up at him.

Antonio caught her message. "Yes, there is more to this casino," he said, leading her away.


Hermione closed the door to Ginny's flat, letting out a loud sigh as she leaned against it. It had been a very long night. She had managed to fend off DeMarco long enough to call it a night, thankfully they only got as far as kissing. She had to do something to get into his home, his room. Yeech, she would definitely have to brush her teeth at least three times tonight.

Knock, knock, knock.

Hermione smiled to herself. Didn't take him too long. She opened the door.

"What is it, Harry? I'm really tired."

Harry pushed his way into the flat. "Just wanted to make sure you made it home alright."

"I did. Thank you very much."

"Okay then, good night Hermione," Harry said as he wrapped her into a hug. He felt for the Mapper on her back. Shit! It wasn't there.

Hermione smiled to herself breaking from the hug. "Well then. Good night Harry," she said, holding open the door.

Harry closed it. "Maybe I should make you some tea. It will help you sleep."

"Oh, that's so sweet of you, Harry. I'll just go ahead and sit myself down," she walked over to the sofa.

"No! Um…," he was floundering, "you'll wrinkle your dress. You should take it off and hang it up."

Hermione looked up thoughtfully. "No, it's no big deal. I know an ironing charm."

"Surely, you probably want to get more comfortable. That dress looks…restricting."

"No, I'm fine."

"You should take it off," Harry insisted.


"Take off your dress!"

"It's not in my dress, Harry!" Hermione reached into her clutch, drawing out the Mapper.

"How did you know?" he asked.

"You might want to put it in a less conspicuous place."

Harry walked over to her and reached for it but she got out of her chair and held it away from him.

"Give it to me, Hermione," he demanded.

"Why did you put it on me?"


"No. Not unless you tell me why. Are you investigating Antonio?"

"That's classified."

Hermione narrowed her eyes, then tucked the Mapper into the front of her bra, sticking her chin out at Harry.

"Don't think I won't go for it," Harry threatened.

"You. Wouldn't. Dare."

Harry and Hermione stood, facing each other. Finally, Harry lunged for her. Hermione dodged him and ran for her clutch that had her wand inside but Harry tossed it out of her reach. Harry reached for his wand but Hermione knocked it out of his hand. He took that opportunity and grabbed her wrist and yanked her to him. Her back pressed against his body as his free hand slid up the front of her dress. A familiar heat settled between Hermione's thighs as she struggled against him. Harry turned her around and pinned her against the wall, his lips grazed her neck and she let out a soft moan as she felt his hardness press against her. His eyes were dark with desire as he gazed into hers that were full of lust. Her chest heaved with deep breaths that she needed to steady herself. Her hands fell limply on his shoulders as he wrapped one of her thighs around his waist and lifted her slightly against the wall. Her skin was hot against his hand as he led it under her dress, past her waist, up her belly. Hermione inhaled sharply as his hand brushed over her breasts. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"Thank you, Hermione."

Hermione put her leg down as Harry moved away from her. She looked at him, puzzled, as if being shaken from a dream. Lust was still in his eyes as he grinned wickedly at her. He held up his hand triumphantly, the Mapper between his thumb and forefinger.

"Ugh! You are such a jerk!" Hermione scolded pushing him away as he laughed.
