Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pieces of Us by Twitch E. Littleferret

Pieces of Us

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Thanks so much for the great reviews. And thank you for your patience with the updates. Holidays make everything crazy, don't they? I wrote another flashback chapter (not to be mean! I know I left Harry and Hermione in an awkward situation). Hope you guys like this one. I think you will. (wink, wink)

Chapter Fourteen: Ain't Love Grand?

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

(L-Nat King Cole)

(London 1998: Summer after leaving Hogwarts)

"Okay, I'm done," Harry said, exhausted he collapsed on the floor.

Ron had already given up long ago and was sprawled on the couch. Hermione was sorting through a box in the kitchen and looked at the two men.

"Come on, you two, we'll be at this all weekend if we don't finish," she scolded.

Harry, Ron and Hermione had found a large flat just a couple of blocks from Diagon Alley. They moved into it in the beginning of July after taking a nice summer vacation to the South of France, courtesy of Hermione's parents. The place had a large great room, a decent kitchen, two baths and three bedrooms. The third bedroom was mostly to appease Hermione's parents' minds that their daughter was not sexually active, very active, with her boyfriend. Hermione was planning on spending a lot of time in Harry's large bedroom. They had even went out and bought a king size comfy bed together and sheets! Although, Hermione was in charge of that department, Harry really hadn't a clue. Though, he had to put his foot down on some white ones with ruffle thingies on it.

"Hermione, we've been at this all day! I'm hungry," Ron whined.

"Ugh, me too," Harry added rubbing his grumbling stomach.

Hermione rolled her eyes and walked over to them. "I swear you two can't go two hours without food."

Harry reached up to his girlfriend and brought her down on the floor with him. "I'm sure there are things even you can't go without," Harry said in a low voice.

Hermione gaped at her boyfriend while a blush creeped over her face. "Harry…"

"I was talking about cracking open a book. I don't know where your mind was," he teased her.

"Oh, you're impossible," Hermione said in a mock angry tone as she got up from the floor and walked back into the kitchen. She sighed and picked up the phone.

"I hope you're ordering a large pizza!" Harry called out to her.

"Make it two!!" Ron added.

A few weeks later, two couples walked down the street enjoying the summer breeze in the night air. Luna arrive a couple of weeks earlier to see Ron and ended up planning on staying until she had to leave for Hogwarts at the beginning of September. They had missed each other so much.

Hermione sighed contentedly as she snuggled closer to her boyfriend, who wrapped an arm around her, hugging her close.

"Do you guys want to get some coffee?" Ron asked Harry and Hermione.

"No, I think we're going to turn in for the night," Hermione sighed.

"We'll catch up with you guys in the morning, I'm not ready to go back yet," Luna snuggled in closer to Ron.

"Take care, guys," Harry said as Ron and Luna walked away.

"God, he's going to be so heartbroken this September," Hermione said quietly as they watched the couple distance themselves from them.

Harry took her hand in his and they walked to their flat. They talked about the upcoming training in September, how messy a flatmate Ron was, and Luna and Ron's lack of knowledge for silencing charms.

"Luna is in Ravenclaw! She knows how to do them!" Hermione admonished.

"I'm sure that in the heat of the moment, you're really not thinking about these things," Harry smiled at his girlfriend as he let them into the flat. "I know for a fact that we have forgotten to put up a charm or two."

Hermione smiled and pulled her boyfriend to her. "Yes, well we'll be sure to remember to put one up tonight."

"Will we?" he asked before he brought his lips to hers.

Harry sat on the bed, waiting for Hermione who was in the bathroom. He reached over to Hermione's side and pulled a book off the nightstand. It was one of their books they were going to study while they were in Auror training. Go figure, Harry thought. The bathroom door opened and Harry's jaw dropped, along with the book in his hands.

Hermione stood in the doorway wearing a black bustier with satin laces up the middle, a black satin thong, a garter belt whose straps held in place the sheer black nylons and black fuck-me heels.

"Happy Birthday, Harry," Hermione said in a sultry voice.

Harry couldn't speak, all the blood had left his brain and went down south. She walked over to him, swaying her hips and stood in front of him, between his legs. She slowly began to unbutton his shirt, taking it off and slowly running her hands across his chest then down his abs before she began to work on his jeans. Harry lifted his hips allowing her to pull them down his legs. His brain suddenly decided to work as he drew Hermione onto his lap. She brought her lips to his, kissing him passionately as Harry's hands wandered over her body. He kissed her neck, her chest then leaned back onto the bed rolling her under him.

"This is a very happy birthday, indeed," he smiled as he undid the laces on her bustier.


"Run through it again!" Kingsley Shacklebolt's voice boomed out.

The class of ten auror trainees were exhausted and sprawled out on the lawn. Harry was on one knee panting while Hermione lay on the ground breathing heavy. Poor Neville emptied the contents of his morning breakfast further down the lawn. Hermione groaned and rolled over, slowly getting to her shaking legs and walked to the starting line of the mile long obstacle course. Shacklebolt's whistle pierced the air and the class took off.

They were halfway through their first year of training whose days consisted of the morning workout regimen, followed by lectures on defense, then lunch, then another lecture on procedure, followed lastly by practical training in cloaking and stealth, defense, etc. Harry, Hermione and Neville were the three trainees from Hogwarts, there were two from Durmstrang, two from Beauxbatons and three from the States. Not everyone was going to make through to the end of the program and become full-fledged aurors, some would be cut and some would quit. It was unanimous amongst them that Harry would be the leader of this division.

Harry was, again, the first to cross the line, breathing heavy and bending over to rest his hands on his knees. Tobias, from Durmstrang was next, followed by Hermione then Neville. They lay on the lawn, gasping for breath and trying to cool down as the others filtered in.

"Hit the showers!" Shacklebolt's voiced boomed out.

Hermione let out a small moan. She didn't know if she had enough energy to make it back to headquarters, let alone stand and take a shower. Harry's figure loomed above her, holding out a hand.

"Come on, Granger," Harry smiled as he helped her to her feet.

Harry walked out of the locker rooms to find Marie, one of the Beauxbatons, waiting outside the door. She was on the petite side, with blond hair and lovely blue eyes.

"Harry, could I have a word with you?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure," Harry answered and she led him further down the hall and spoke in a low voice.

"I need your help," she said. "I'm having trouble with the practical part of the training."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Marie sighed. "Yesterday, in Stealth, I set off every alarm. I'm terrible, I'm going to fail, I'm never going to be an auror," her voice began to crack at the end. She really did do terrible, it was actually kind of painful to watch, Harry had thought.

"Look," Harry sighed. He didn't' want to see anyone fail, he liked the group of people he was training with. "Maybe we can set aside some time so we can practice. I'll ask Kingsley-"

"No!" she spoke out then quickly looked around to see if she disturbed anyone. "I don't want him to know that I need extra help. He'll cut me out of the program for sure."

"He won't cut anyone. Trust me, I'll talk to him," Harry smiled.

"Okay, thank you, Harry," she smiled back.

Kingsley was okay with Harry using the training room for extra practice. It really didn't hurt anyone if they did that. He let him use the room after the training day was over and if other aurors weren't using it.

"He's letting you do that?" Hermione asked Harry as they lay in bed.

"Yeah, he says the extra practice couldn't hurt anyone," Harry answered sleepily.

"So, you'll be helping Marie?" Hermione asked thinking about the pretty blond witch.

"Mm-hmm. But don't tell anyone, she's really embarrassed about it," Harry murmured. "Good night, Hermione." He leaned over, kissed her then lay back on his side, falling asleep quickly.

Hermione let out a deep sigh, listening to Harry's deep breathing. Deep down she had an uneasy feeling about this situation.

Two days later, Harry and Marie had the training room all to themselves.

"Okay, maybe we can start by having you run through the course," Harry said as the set up the room for the Stealth training. "That way, I can see where your weaknesses are."

"Okay," she agreed then proceeded through the course.

Bzzzt! She set off the first alarm.

"Shit," he heard her say to herself setting off another alarm.

"Don't…don't say anything if you mess up. You'll set off the sound alarm," Harry advised.

Marie nodded in understanding then proceeded along her way. Bzzzt!...Bzzzt!....

Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. It was going to be a long night.

They got to use the training room again two days later, then for three days the next week. Harry walked into the training room one day during the third week to find Jacque, the other Beauxbaton and Kaleb, one of the Americans, joining them.

"If you don't mind, Harry, I told them how you were helping me. They need help, too," Marie told him.

"No it's not a problem at all," Harry said. After all, it wasn't like he wasn't used to teaching others about defense.

Harry opened the door to the darkened flat and placed his keys and wallet on the table. Quietly he walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was a small plate of spaghetti in there with a note from Ron.

Hermione made this. It was good. I saved you some.

Harry looked at the small plate.

"Thanks Ron," he grumbled softly, heating the food with a warming charm and diving in.

He rinsed the plate and put it in the sink when he was finished then headed up to bed. He got ready for bed in the dark, he had mastered it by now. He slid into the bed and felt that there was no one in there with him.

Hermione had gone to bed in her own room.


He had been coming home late for some time now. At first, Hermione, tried to stay up for him and he would find her asleep on the chair or sofa. He would gently wake her up and bring her to bed. Then, she stopped waiting up for him and just went to bed without him. It seemed she now progressed to sleeping in her own room.

Harry sighed and got up. He walked over to her room and opened the door. She was fast asleep, curled up in her bed. He closed the door behind him and slid into bed next to her.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," he whispered to her, kissing her ear then her neck softly. Spooning against her soft nightgown combined with the fact that they hadn't made love in a long while, stirred feelings of arousal in Harry. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, her back. His hands caressed her waist, her hips, crossing down to her belly then up to gently cup her breasts. Hermione responded with deep steady breathing. She was fast asleep. Harry sighed and gave up, turning away from her and wrapping himself in her blanket, hoping sleep would catch him soon. Hermione opened her eyes.

She had been awake the entire time.

"Perrin! You're up next!" Shacklebolt boomed over the class.

The blond witch suddenly stood up a little straighter and walked to the starting line. They were doing the obstacle course for stealth.

"This'll be good," Hermione heard Brandon, one of the Americans mumble under his breath.

Kingsley held a timer in one hand and held his wand in the air with the other. "Start!" he barked and away she went.

Hermione almost felt sorry for her and the snickering she heard behind her. Almost felt sorry for her. Until she saw how intense Harry was watching her through the course, he never took his eyes off her, barely breathing. Hermione felt a strong wave of jealousy course through her. Harry had been faithful to her so far, but she remembered that he was a bit of a playboy before they got together. And he had been spending many nights with her "training" if that's what it was they were really doing. Hermione looked at the witch as she made her way through the course. She was a bit shorter than Hermione, and a bit skinnier Hermione grudgingly admitted. She did have nice hair too and big blue eyes that her fellow classmates seemed to get lost in. Ugh!! She hated her. Hermione absolutely hated her.

Marie finished the course and looked up expectantly at Shacklebolt.

"Perfect," he announced. "Not an alarm was set off."

"Yes!" Harry exclaimed aloud causing Hermione to jump and look very annoyed.

Marie let out a shriek of excitement herself as Harry, Jacque and Kaleb all ran up to her in some sort of cheesy group hug. Whatever, Hermione thought rolling her eyes and leaving the training room in a huff.

Harry was in a good mood that night. He had successfully trained Marie, Kaleb and Jacque to go through the stealth obstacle course without setting off an alarm. He was coming home on time today and whistled through the street. He stopped by a flower stand and bought Hermione a bouquet of wildflowers, then he stopped by another store and bought a few candles.

No one was home when Harry got there so he took this opportunity to set the evening up. He put the flowers in a vase, placed the candles around his room. He even opened a bottle of wine and set it on ice while it breathed. Next, he went into the kitchen to make a wonderful dinner for Hermione, Chicken Parmesan, one of her favorites. He set up a table for two in his bedroom, it was going to be a private night for him and Hermione. He took a few of the flowers out of the bouquet and charmed them to hover in a path from the front door to his room. He looked at his watch, then sat down on the bed and waited.

And waited.

Then waited some more.


The sound of a door closing woke Harry up. He must have dozed off for awhile because the candles he had lit were nearly burned down. He looked at his watch and saw that it was around 2 am. Harry opened the bedroom door and saw a small light coming from the kitchen. He walked over and saw his best friend standing in front of an open fridge.

"Did you just now get home?" Harry asked Ron.

Ron looked up at his friend, nodded and closed the door.

"Have you seen Hermione?" Harry asked.

"She went to bed," Ron answered plainly.

"Oh," Harry said quietly, then brightened. "You should've told me where you guys were at, I would've joined you."

Ron looked at his friend. "Hmpf, like you would've cared," was all he said then he walked past him.

"What?" Harry asked, a little perplexed by his friend's behavior. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ron turned around. "When's the last time we all hung out? In fact, when's the last time you took Hermione out?"

Harry was caught off guard by his friend and just stood there.

Ron smirked. "That's what I thought." He proceeded down the hall to his room.

"Well, wait!" Harry caught up to his friend. "Where did you go? Did you have a good time?"

Ron sighed. "As much as I love our friend's company, Harry, I'm getting a little tired of being the default date. You are her boyfriend, Harry. Don't you think you should start acting like it?" Ron walked into his room and closed the door leaving his friend in the hallway to his thoughts.

Harry blinked then walked into his room and took the flowers out of the vase. He then walked over to Hermione's room and knocked softly on the door.

She didn't answer so he turned the knob to let himself in.

It was locked.

Harry slumped his shoulders and sighed, leaning his forehead against the door.

"Hermione," he whispered softly to himself.

Hermione woke up the next morning thinking of ways she could fill her day so she could avoid being home. When she and Ron got home last night, she saw the flowers leading to Harry's door but she was too pissed off with him and didn't bother to investigate. It was very early and she had only gotten a few hours of sleep in. She got up and dressed, she was going to headquarters to get an early workout in.

After an hour long workout, she showered then went to her parents' house to spend a couple of hours with them, catching up. Next, she went to a muggle theater to catch the latest release. After the movie, she took a walk around a nearby park then decided to head home. When she got there Harry was sitting in the armchair.

"You've been avoiding me, haven't you?" he asked quietly.

Hermione sighed and put her purse on the table. "No more than you've been avoiding me."

Harry stood up. "I haven't been avoiding you, Hermione. I've just been staying late so I could help-"

"Train," she finished for him. Everything she had been wanting to say to him was threatening to erupt. She walked to the kitchen and reached for glass.

"I'm only trying to help our classmates out," Harry followed her into the kitchen. "I don't want to see anyone get left behind."

Hermione yanked open the fridge a little hard as she thought of Marie. "I'm sure you don't Harry," she said coolly. "I know you enjoy helping others." Warning sounds went off in Harry's head. "It looks like Marie is really doing well under your tutelage."

Harry let out a little laugh. "Oh so that's what this is about," he smiled. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say, as Hermione slammed the fridge door a little too hard. He heard something break in there.

"I wonder if Jacques and Kaleb are getting as much out of you as Marie is," Hermione said bitingly.

Harry's smile slid off his face. "Hermione…" his voice became serious but Hermione continued on.

"Because I certainly am not." She shoved her way past Harry.

"Look, I know I've been coming home late but nothing's going on-"

Hermione whirled around. "Don't tell me nothing is going on! I'm not stupid and I'm not blind, Harry!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you yesterday, watching her, the way you looked at her, the way you ran up to her and wrapped your arms around her."

"Of course I was watching her. I was nervous about how she would do on the course. I was really proud and relieved that she did so well. Jacques and Kaleb thought so, too."

"I can't believe you are going to stand there and lie to me!"

"I'm not lying to you, Hermione!"

"You stay late "training" every night, you ignore me, we haven't had sex in two months!"

"Hermione!" Harry's patience was wearing thin. "Nothing is going on between me and Marie!"

"Yes, well you don't exactly have a reputation of monogamy, do you?"

Harry blinked and looked at her like never had before.

"What is THAT supposed to mean," he snarled at her.

Hermione didn't back down. "It doesn't take a genius to put it all together," she narrowed her eyes.

"I can't believe you would think I would do that to you, to us."

"You haven't given me a reason not to."

"Trust, Hermione, trust. You know me, Hermione."

"Yes, you're the guy who pops into the flat once in awhile, claiming to love his girlfriend."

Harry shook his head. "I love you. I'm so in love with you. Doesn't that mean anything?"

"What does it mean to you, Harry? I'm sure all the other girls loved you, too."

Harry looked like Hermione had stabbed him through the heart. He couldn't even look at her. He just turned around and walked out of the flat.

Hermione was inconsolable that night. She missed him so much. She didn't mean to say horrible things like that. Of course, she trusted Harry. The way he had looked at her before he left just confirmed that he was right, that nothing was going on between him and Marie. He did love her, she just needed him to make her remember that. Now, she might have blown it.

He didn't come home all weekend. He was just too hurt by Hermione's accusations. He stayed with his godfather, pining away for her and at the same time entirely way to pissed off at her. Although, he did admit to himself that he was partially to blame. If the roles were reversed and Hermione was spending late hours with some bloke, he would've come to the same conclusion. He knew that he was staying out late, too often, he was just banking on the hope that Hermione would see past that.

It really hurt, when she saw him during training. He didn't even acknowledge her presence, wouldn't look in her direction. Hermione just prayed and prayed that the day would end soon. But then she'd go home to a flat without Harry. She went into Harry's room one day and took a shirt from his closet, wearing it to bed that night, just because she missed his scent so much.

Harry hated going to training every day. It was just too painful to see her. He just tried his best to ignore her, for his resolve was teetering on a thin line. He had yet to go home and went to bed each night, dreading the next day when he would have to see her and not be able to hold her. He was going to drive himself mad.

A small sound woke Hermione from her sleep. A week had gone by since Harry had left. She opened her eyes to see his face looking into hers.

"Am I dreaming?" she asked softly.

Harry nodded slowly. He wasn't going to wait any longer. He came home and went directly to her room.

"Harry, I know that you love me. And I'm sor-"

Harry cut her off with a kiss that grew more and more passionate. Hermione lifted the covers letting Harry back into one of his favorite places that he liked to share with her.


The end of the first year of training came without anyone dropping out. They had a month off before they had to go back and begin their second year, which was about the same as the first, but they got to do some field work this time. Luna graduated from Hogwarts and spent her time working for her father. He wanted to retire soon and wanted to hand the paper over to his daughter. Although she still technically lived at home, Luna spent an awful lot of time at the Trio's flat. Mostly with Ron of course.

Hermione joined Ginny and Luna for lunch one afternoon in February for a start of a Girls Day Out of some sort. Hermione sipped her drink, listening to the gossip of their fellow witches and wizards.

"So, Hermione," Ginny began. "Any idea what Harry's getting you for Valentine's Day?"

"Oh, I don't know. I know he's taking me somewhere really nice for dinner. He told me to find something dressy to wear."

"Rumor has it he's been haunting jewelry stores lately," Luna said dreamily.

Ginny and Hermione looked at each other and raised eyebrows.

"Some photographer claimed to have pictures of him in some muggle jewelry shops," Luna explained.

Ginny's mouth dropped open and Hermione looked away blushing.

"It probably isn't what you think," Hermione said setting down her drink.

"Oh why not, Hermione?" Ginny exclaimed. "You guys have been together for awhile. Don't you think that thought has crossed his mind?"

"He and Ron have been whispering to each other lately, taking off together. I think they're up to something," Luna added.

"I bet you it's going to be a gorgeous ring with an obscenely large diamond," Ginny sighed.

"You guys!" Hermione admonished.

"Oh come off it, Hermione! You can't tell me that you hadn't been thinking about it."

The truth was that she had been thinking about it. Thinking about where they were headed, where the relationship was going. She loved Harry with all her heart and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She was sure he felt the same way. Right? It's just that they never really talked about it. Ever.

"You look beautiful tonight," Harry said as he tucked Hermione's seat to the table. Harry had taken her out to a very expensive muggle restaurant in the heart of London. It was by the window and gave a breathtaking view of the city lights. Hermione couldn't really concentrate, she was feeling very nervous. She had even thrown up this morning with anticipation. She was sitting on pins and needles.

They had ordered their food and were making small talk while sipping the champagne Harry ordered.

"Look, I really can't wait any longer. I really want to give you your gift now," Harry said. He looked like a kid waiting for Christmas.

"Oh!" Hermione said. "Well, okay then." She took a large drink out of her glass downing the rest of the champagne.

Harry looked at her a little funny. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Huh? I'm fine!" she said putting her hands in her lap, clattering her silverware against the china plates as she did so. "I'm fine," she said more calmly as she straightened out her place setting.

Harry grinned at her and reached into his jacket drawing out a small velvet box. Hermione's heart began to race.

"I wanted to get you something that would show you how much you mean to me. How much I love you," Harry said as he slowly flipped open the box.

"Oh my God, Harry!" Hermione gasped as she looked at her gift.

"I know that diamonds are the most precious gems, so I decided to give you two of them."

Hermione stared at the two diamond earrings resting on the black velvet. "They're beautiful," she whispered.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you," Harry grinned. Hermione looked up at Harry and smiled. They really were a gorgeous gift, but she couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit disappointed that it wasn't just one diamond, resting on a beautiful ring.

Harry wined and dined her, then took her out dancing. They didn't return to their flat until one in the morning. Hermione stepped through the door to hear a loud squeal then get bowled over by an overly-excited blond.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED!!" she squealed at Hermione.

"What?" Hermione asked, regaining her bearings. Luna held out her left hand, revealing a gorgeous diamond on a single gold band. Hermione's mouth dropped open.

"Congratulations, Ron," Harry said, shaking his best friend's hand.

"Nice job, Ron! Oh, congrats Luna!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Well, I can't have all the credit. Harry helped me pick it out," Ron said as he hugged Hermione.

"You knew about this?" she asked Harry.

"I've been planning this with him all week," Harry smiled.

A look of realization flickered over Luna's face and she looked at Hermione. Hermione smiled back and her and hugged her.

"I'm so happy for you, Luna. Really I am," Hermione said cheerfully.

Harry and Hermione lay awake and bed that night. Hermione promised Luna that she would join her and Ginny for dress shopping the next day.

"Wow, I can't believe Ron is getting married," Hermione sighed.

"Yeah, I know," Harry answered, predicting the next thing that would come out of Hermione's mouth.

"You don't think…someday…we…we will…get married. Do you?" she asked timidly.

Harry sighed. "Someday, maybe. But it's not like we have to rush or anything."

"Oh, of course I was just asking," Hermione recovered quickly. "Good night, Harry."

"Night, Hermione."

The truth was, Harry had thought about it. Thought about it a lot. Even Ron had brought it up when he was ring shopping for Luna.

"You'd better get on it," Ron said. "She's not going to wait around forever."

What Ron and Hermione didn't know was that Harry already had the ring. He bought it some time ago and was safely keeping it in his vault at Gringott's. He was going to give it to Hermione after they finished training, maybe even a little bit after that when he was sure that the world was a safe place to spend with her.


Hermione shot out of bed the next morning. She had overslept and was supposed the meet the girls in a little under an hour. She stood in front of the mirror brushing her teeth when it suddenly hit her. She dropped to the floor and vomited into the toilet. She let out a small groan as a second wave hit her. Then a third. She flushed the toilet and lay her face on the cool tile. Dear God make it stop. When the queasiness finally subsided she got back to her feet and finished getting ready. She knew she would pay for eating that funny looking pudding last night.

"Oh, Luna that one's beautiful!" Ginny exclaimed as she gazed at Luna in another wedding dress. What started out as the quest for the perfect dress turned into a session of make-believe dress up at the bridal salon.

"I like yours Ginny," Hermione said, looking at the wedding dress Ginny was wearing as she rifled through the dresses on the racks.

"Ooh! Go back a couple, Ginny!" Luna said and Ginny pulled out a GORGEOUS white gown. "Hermione! You would look great in that! Try it on!"

Hermione took the dress and went into the fitting room to try it on. Her stomach was still a little uneasy, but she prayed that everything would stay down.

"Oh my God, Hermione," Ginny said in awe when Hermione walked out of the changing room.

"That's beautiful on you Hermione," Luna said reverently.

Hermione walked over to the mirrors and she too was momentarily taken away by the sight. The dress fit her beautifully. Its white satin layers covered by a thin sheer material that had a select, few crystals in it to make it glitter. She felt like a princess in it. If she was ever going to get married, THIS was the dress she was going to wear.

"Are you okay, Hermione?" Ginny asked as Hermione suddenly got very lightheaded.

"Yeah, I just need to go to the bathroom," Hermione said.

"I'll go with you."

Hermione stood in the stall waiting for the dizziness to go away. Maybe she needed something to eat. She'll just suggest to the girls that they should get something to eat.

"Oh, bugger!" she heard Ginny say in the next stall. "Hermione, do you have an extra tampon or anything that I can use?"

"Yeah," Hermione answered and searched through her purse, finding one and passing it to Ginny under the stall.

Suddenly something clicked in Hermione's brain.

Today was the fifteenth of February. Okay, think. You bought a box of tampons at the drugstore when you found that ridiculous hat for Harry that had reindeer antlers on it. That was before Christmas. December. Okay, what happened in January? January….


"Is everything alright, Hermione?" Ginny asked. Hermione had sworn aloud.

"Uh, yeah," Hermione tried to hide the panic in her voice. "I just realized I forgot to…check out my parent's home." Which really wasn't a lie. Her parents had gone away for a Valentine's Day trip to the States and had asked Hermione to keep an eye on the house.

"I'll talk to you guys later. I'll tell Luna on the way out," Hermione said in a rush as she washed her hands and left the bathroom.

"Okay," Ginny answered a little unsurely at her friend's odd behavior.

Hermione stopped by a drugstore on the way to her parent's house and bought three pregnancy tests and a large bottle of water. She placed the tests on a counter by the bathroom sink and read the instructions for the hundredth time.

"Okay…place the absorbent end...then lay on a flat surface…" she mumbled as she read. "Wait five minutes…one blue line…two blue lines…Okay, I can do this," she said to herself as she uncapped the tests.

Each box had two test, so when she was done, she lined all six of them in a row on the counter and waited.


Each second seemed to take forever. She yanked open the bathroom door deciding that she just couldn't stand to be in the room. She walked around the house, straightening things up, cleaning here and there. Finally she looked at the clock. Five minutes had passed.

She stood outside the bathroom door and reread the instructions one more time.

"One blue line, not pregnant. Two blue lines…pregnant," she read and looked up. "Okay then." She opened the door and walked in.

The folded piece of paper with the instructions floated to the floor as Hermione gasped and brought her hands to her mouth. She fell back against the wall and slowly sank to the floor.

All six tests had two blue lines on them.
