Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pieces of Us by Twitch E. Littleferret

Pieces of Us

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter 5: Alternate Universe

Sun is shinin' in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin' ev'rybody's in a play
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day hey,hey

Runnin' down the avenue
See how the sun shines brightly in the city
On the streets where once was pity
Mister blue sky is living here today hey, hey

(Mr. Blue Sky-Electric Light Orchestra)

Harry walked into his room after his shower to find an owl he didn't recognize on his bed holding a note. He had slept in a little more after he had gotten home and finally woke up around eleven. He gave the owl a treat before it left the room leaving the note behind. Only a few select people had the password to deliver owls to him, for privacy purposes of course, so it was a surprise to read who the note was from.


Meet me at McCullough's at 1pm. Please come.


What in the hell? What was Oliver doing here in London and why does he want to talk to him? He hadn't spoken to Oliver in well over two years.

He contemplated this further as he walked downstairs a few minutes later. He heard voices coming from the living room, Sirius and Lupin in deep discussion.

"…nothing here. Not a word or anything," he heard his godfather say.

"I've been trying to reach Molly, but her floo is blo-Hello there Harry!" Lupin said cheerfully, his head peering at him from the fireplace.

"Hello," Harry answered politely, suspicious of the men's behavior. He walked into the kitchen to find something to eat.

"I'll talk to you later and let you know if I hear anything," he heard Sirius say.

"Same here," Lupin answered.

"What's that all about," Harry asked when Sirius entered the kitchen. Harry sniffed out a muffin to see if it might be edible.

"Nothing important," Sirius said dismissively. "You look better than you did this morning," he teased.

Deciding the muffin was questionable, Harry threw it away making a big CLUNK! sound as it landed in the bin. It was a hazard of living the bachelor life with his godfather, the food was always questionable in edibility.

"Don't want to talk about it," Harry muttered as he searched the cabinet for a mug instead.

"Don't you ever get tired of it?" Sirius asked, sitting down at the table.

"Tired of what?" Harry sniffed the coffee pot, shrugged and poured himself a cup.

"Don't you get tired of waking up in a strange bed, a strange room, a different woman each time?"

Harry eyed his godfather carefully. His love life was not a topic he was comfortable discussing with anyone.

"I mean I've never met any one of them, you never bring them here," Sirius continued. "Have you even been out with one longer than a night?"

"I really don't want to talk about this," Harry said, taking a sip of the coffee.

"A relationship with someone is not that bad, it can be quite nice," his godfather teased.

"Do you have the paper?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

"Er…I'm not done reading it."

"I'm going to get something to eat," Harry said as he dumped the rest of the coffee in the sink. "I'll be back later."

"Don't forget about dinner at the burrow tonight."

"Me? Miss a home cooked meal?" Harry grinned then walked out the door.

Walking down Diagon Alley was a bizarre experience. He was used to people gawking and staring at him but he found that he wasn't bothered once for an autograph or a picture. People were sitting down quietly reading the paper. Even when he passed by Aphrodite's Beauty Parlor, the women inside were completely engrossed in the paper or a magazine, gossiping away excitedly.

He walked into the twins' joke shop to find them behind the counter huddled over a paper.

"Bit quiet in here isn't it?" Harry asked.

"Hello there Harry!" the twins shot up and smiled. Fred tossed the paper behind him.

"Come to check out your investment?" George asked.

After an hour in the more than usual bizarre behavior of the twins going over earnings, losses, market research and product development, Harry was completely famished. He headed back to the Leaky Cauldron for a bite, ordering a large sandwich and chips then sat in a corner table. Starving he dove into his meal stopping only when the occupant in the next table left. The paper was on the table. Curiosity getting the best of him, he reached over and nicked it. He unfolded the paper and took a swig of his drink.


Harry sprayed the front page with pumpkin juice then coughed a few times. Right there on the front page was a picture of Hermione and Oliver with the headline "Trouble in Paradise". Harry forgot his food as he read the article.

McCullough's was a muggle pub that Harry and his friends used to go to when they didn't want to be harassed by other wizards. It was nothing special, just had great pints and played football continuously on the television. Harry was just about to open the door when he heard his name called from across the street.

"Harry!" Oliver yelled as he ran over. "Thank you for meeting me here. I didn't think-OW!" Harry had punched him hard in the face.

"What the fuck, Oliver?" Harry seethed over the sprawled form of Oliver Wood. "It's in all the fucking papers and Witch Weekly!"

"I know, I found out this morning," Oliver said clutching his bleeding nose. "You think I wanted this? I had no idea how anyone found out."

"Is it true?" Harry asked angrily. Oliver just hung his head and sighed. "Bloody fucking hell," Harry groaned.

"Look, can we talk inside…Please?" Oliver asked.

"How is she?" Oliver asked after they ordered their pints.

"How the hell would I know?" Harry answered bluntly.

"You mean she hasn't been to see you?"

"Why would she come to me?"

"Well, I figured," Oliver paused then changed direction. "Sorry, I just assumed she…"

Harry didn't say anything, just took a slow sip of ale.

"She's not at her parent's house, you haven't seen her, where else could she…wait, is she at the burrow?"

Harry took a sip and didn't answer. He was thinking back to Sirius' and Remus' mysterious conversation earlier this morning.

"If she is," he began slowly. "I don't think it would be a good idea for you to go over there. Molly is there, I assume Ginny might be too, as well as Ron."

"God, this is awkward, what with the deal with Ron and everything. I doubt she'll take any of my owls," Oliver said glumly. "Would you talk to her for me? Convince her to see me?"

"I don't think so," Harry replied. He fiddled with the coaster on the table, he could feel Oliver's questioning gaze on him. He sighed. "I haven't spoken to Hermione in over two years," he said quietly.

Oliver looked away, an awkward silence falling between them.

"Can I ask you something, Oliver?" Harry spoke up. "Why did you ask to see me?"

Oliver took out his billfold to pay for their drinks. "Honestly?" he replied. "I thought she would go running to you." Harry didn't answer; he just continued to fiddle with the coaster. Oliver continued, "You know, to--."

"No, I get it," Harry cut him off.

"Yeah, well, I guess things really do change, huh?" Oliver said vacantly as he got up out of his seat.

"What a prick," Harry muttered to himself when he left. He lifted the pint to his lips in deep thought. He thought of his past. He thought of that fateful day so many years ago…

(Summer before seventh year)

"Come on! Would you guys hurry up?" Ron shouted back at the girls who were lagging behind.

Harry and Ron had taken off ahead of the group as soon as the Quidditch pitch came into view. They raced each other up the stairs and into the top box where their seats were reserved.

"These seats are great!" Harry exclaimed.

"They really are unbelievable! Thanks Sirius," Ron said when the others had joined them.

"We made it just in time to!" Sirius said as the announcer began to announce the teams.

Lavender sat down next to Harry and he put his arm around her shoulder. Ron sat next to him, Hermione, Ginny and Sirius sat directly behind them.

"I really don't know all the Quidditch maneuvers, could you explain them to me Harry?" Lavender cooed.

Harry could hear a cluck of disapproval from behind him but he ignored it and went on explaining things to his girlfriend. Things had been going great with Lavender so far, they had hooked up at the end of last year and really stepped up their relationship over the summer. He thought he was super stealthy in keeping his rendezvous with Lavender a secret, but he knew his cover was blown when his godfather cornered him one afternoon to give him the dreaded TALK. It was too late by then, the status of his virginity had already gone from thriving to non-existent. Sirius had lectured him to be respectful to women and Harry right now was downright worshipping the female form. He grinned at the thought of last night's party…yeah, bathrooms could be fun. How many bathrooms did Hogwarts have?

The gang stomped and cheered when Puddlemere's seeker caught the snitch, ending the game 350 to 140.

"Harry!" called out a voice in surprise. Oliver Wood, Puddlemere's keeper flew up to the box. "Harry, it's good to see you! How have you been?"

"I've been doing alright. Great game you played," Harry answered.

"Thanks! Listen, would you and your friends like to meet the team?"

Harry hated big crowds, people gawking at him, and he especially hated reporters. He was therefore very thankful that the Puddlemere clubhouse was devoid of this. Well almost, the select few guests and the players did give a brief pause when Harry and his friends walked in. Oliver was most gracious however.

"Glad you guys could make it!" Oliver greeted them. He, like the other players, had changed out of their uniforms and were celebrating their win with friends and family. He introduced the members of his team, Harry and Ron a little star struck at meeting the subjects of their posters in person, they in turn a little star struck to have Harry Potter in their clubhouse.

"So, who'd you bring with you?" Oliver asked when he was done with his introductions.

"Oh, right! This is my Godfather Sirius, and you remember my friend Ron, Fred and George's little brother. And this is Hermione, she--," but he was cut off by Oliver who suddenly had a strange expression come over his face.

"You're the one who came up with that brilliant charm to keep the rain away from Harry's glasses," he said.

For a moment, Hermione looked too shocked to answer but she quickly recovered. "Yes, that's right. I can't believe you remember that. That was ages ago!"

"Has it really been that long?" Oliver said vacantly.

"And this is Ginny," Harry continued. For some odd reason, the look on Oliver's face began to annoy him. "And Lavender," Harry finished.

"Harry's girlfriend," Lavender volunteered but Oliver merely greeted the rest with a nod and turned back to Hermione.

"Where did you learn that?" he asked her.

"Oh, well I…," she began but Harry didn't hear the rest of the conversation as Puddlemere's seeker sought him out.

Harry was having a great time talking to the players and he couldn't wait to get back home and try out some of the moves he had seen today. He had almost forgotten about Oliver until he looked across the room and saw that he was still talking to Hermione. What on earth could they be conversing about? He eats, breathes and sleeps Quidditch, and she really didn't have a clue about the sport. Wait a minute…did she just blush? Harry walked over to investigate.

"So with N.E.W.T.s coming up, I just don't know what I'll do," she was saying.

"There's really nothing to be afraid of. If you would like, I could fly you around the pitch. Then after that, we have some extra broomsticks you could practice on," Oliver offered.

"Wow, thanks. That's really nice of you, I-"

"She hates to fly," Harry said in a voice that was a bit edgier than he meant.

He had come up behind Hermione and had startled her with his comment that her drink that she had been holding ended up on Oliver's shirt.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed.

"That's okay," Oliver smiled as he grabbed some napkins nearby and began to wipe his shirt.

"Oh, here, let me help," Hermione offered frantically.

"I think he can handle it, Hermione," Harry interjected. But with a flick of her wrist, her intent to help Oliver clean his shirt made the entire thing disappear. Hermione's eyes grew as big a saucers and her face turned scarlet as she covered her mouth. For a second, Oliver and Harry stood there in shock before Oliver began to laugh. Catcalls and teasing came from his fellow teammates. Hermione didn't say a thing, she just turned around and fled the room. Sirius walked up to the two of them.

"Yeah, well, I think it's time we headed out anyway," Sirius said diplomatically as Harry transfigured a nearby napkin into a shirt.

"Right, well it was great catching up with you," Oliver replied as he took the shirt from Harry.

"Thank you for letting us join you here. We all had a great time," Sirius said as he shook Oliver's hand.

"Hey, Harry, could I have a moment?" Oliver asked, stopping Harry from leaving the room with the others. "Could you give this to Hermione for me?" he asked handing Harry a piece of paper. "It's my address so she can owl me," he explained.

"Sure," Harry said casually.

"Thanks mate." Oliver smiled and waved Harry goodbye as he left the room. He put on the shirt but stopped suddenly. Harry had made the shirt too small.
