Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pieces of Us by Twitch E. Littleferret

Pieces of Us

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Geez, okay! Here it is! Put down those pitchforks!


Four Years Later…

"Harry, it's been a pleasure having you here," Li Chen says as he shakes my hand. "I really hate losing you but it is a great opportunity."

I smile and offer my gratitude as he shakes my hand. He leaves my office and I continue to pack up my desk. Today is my last day of work here. Remus is leaving his position as the DADA professor at Hogwarts in order to go into business with Sirius. Sirius had to grow up anyway, Victoria made him after they had their child, a young boy of three. Dumbledore offered me the position and I gladly jumped at it. I've been Head Auror of this department for the past four years. I feel kind of sad, the kind of sadness anyone would feel leaving the familiarity of a workplace. This has been my home away from home and I've grown to like and care about the people that work here. That's okay, we'll keep in touch as much as we can. I'm actually excited. I'm going back home to the UK.


Ron Weasley was anxiously waiting at the arrivals area staring at the clock. Harry will floo in around three o'clock. Ten minutes to go.

"Gemma! Please sit still!" Luna pleads to the lost cause of her toddler daughter.

Gemma is bouncing around the benches, doing what a toddler does best, testing her boundaries with her parents. Her activity is rousing her younger brother, Ron Jr., who is now fighting to be free of his mother's lap. Ron sees his wife's struggles and picks his son up.

"I'm going to laugh if she's late," he mutters to his wife.

"Hermione won't be able to help it. Sirius and Victoria are bringing her," Luna says as she gets a hold of her daughter.

Ron chuckles to himself. He's done well for himself and he's now Head of Magical Games and Sports. They still live at the burrow. He and Luna have two children, Gemma who's four and Jr. who just turned two and are contemplating a third. Well, he wants another child but Luna, a stay at home mom with two toddlers, is a little hesitant.


I gaze outside my office window. It's funny, I've only been here for four years but I'm really going to miss this town. It's grown on me. My office has been cleaned out and is ready for my replacement. My work has been distributed. And we've already had a small goodbye party. The house is all packed and empty ready for delivery at a home I've been building in Godric's hollow, perfect for my wife and I to raise our family. Yes, my wife. I'm married now. I saw her one day walking down the street and I knew the moment I laid eyes on her that I was going to marry her. I thought the love I had shared with Hermione was great but this, whew, this really blows my mind. We've had a good life here but she's excited to move as well.


The group waiting for Harry's arrival has grown to include all the Weasley's and it's not a small bunch considering all the spouses and children. Draco couldn't be here, he's in the States opening up a new casino in Las Vegas. Ginny snuggles into her husband's arms as he rubs her very pregnant belly.

"Only a few more weeks love, then you'll have your body back," Neville assures her.

"Thank God," Ginny mutters and Neville laughs.

Although his wife has never been more beautiful, she hates being pregnant. Well at least, hates the tail end of the pregnancy when she's peeing every ten minutes, constantly eating, waddles, and swells in areas that she'd never want swollen. He can't wait, he's excited to be a father.

Neville has done well also. He's still an Auror and even had the pleasure of throwing Rita Skeeter in Azkaban after a certain vengeful witch let it slip that she was an unregistered animagus.

As for Oliver, well sadly he still contested the divorce with Hermione. It was getting a little out of hand until one day, papers showed up on Hermione's doorstep. He had finally signed the papers. Harry and Neville were a little curious since Oliver made a hasty departure from London, so they did a tiny investigation before Harry left. They never figured out what exactly happened but somehow Draco Malfoy came into the picture. It was a cold trail so they had to drop it. But Oliver is still making headlines. He's currently going through a nasty divorce again with his second wife.

She was cheating on him.

"There we go!" Fred says, pointing to a floo gate that has just opened. People start whooshing out.

"And here she comes!" Ginny says, looking over her shoulder. Hermione, Sirius and Victoria just arrived carrying three children.

"Just in time!" Ron teases and Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Not now, Ron," she says out of breath.


I stumble out of the floo, not too gracefully. I always hated doing that and I don't think I'll ever get used to it. I dust myself off and pick up my bag. My friends and family are waiting for me and boy what a crowd they are!


The spitting image of me only a quarter of my height, jumps out of Sirius arms and runs at me. I bend down and wrap my arms around him as he collides into me.

Wait a moment, I should back up a bit.

I told you I was married but I didn't tell you whom I was married to. Can you guess?


She, Ron and Sirius came to visit me a month after I moved to Hong Kong. Seeing her made me realize just how much I missed her. Although the three of us did a lot of sight seeing the two weeks they were here, Hermione and I really got acquainted with my bedroom. Really acquainted.

It killed me when they had to leave. I had returned home after dropping them off at the airport, but I couldn't stand being in an empty flat. I had to get out. So I went for a walk. Lo and behold, two blocks away, I spot a familiar head of bushy brown hair. I couldn't believe my eyes. She couldn't go back home, she explained, because home was where I was. Because Hermione and I never really left the bedroom, she didn't pay attention to any maps around the neighborhood and ended up getting lost trying to find my place.

I asked her to marry me right there in the middle of the street. After a shameful and not very family friendly display of PDA, we dropped her luggage off at my place, which was necessary anyway because I had ring to get. I had bought it after we left Hogwarts and I kept it all these years, it was hers and hers alone. We were married that night in a small and private ceremony.

It was a good thing we made honest people of one another because two weeks later, after days of praying to the porcelain god, Hermione discovered she was pregnant. Nine months later, my son James was born. Like I said earlier, I thought the love I shared with Hermione was great but it's nothing compared to the love we share now. We are finally a family.

I pick James up and go to greet the rest of my family waiting for me. After many hugs and kisses, I greet my beautiful wife and my daughter, Lily Jane. Lily arrived thirteen months after James, she looks like her mother. A bit bossy liker her too, but I'm not going to say that in front of Hermione. She has me wrapped around her little finger.

The kids were too young to floo so Hermione left for London ahead of me. A week away from her has been too long. I was terrified that she would go into labor while we were separated. Yes, she's pregnant…again. Believe me, we already got a lot of ribbing from the family. She's carrying twins this time, her due date is the same as Ginny's. Are we done having kids? I don't know, it's up to Hermione really. But I'm trying to get in as much sex as possible. After the twins are born, I don't know if she'll let me or my penis come near her. Can't blame her, James and Lily are a handful.

"Oh, how I've missed you Mrs. Potter," I say to her as I give her a big hug and kiss. She smiles and looks up at me warmly.

"And I missed you Mr. Potter," she replies.

I wrap an arm around her shoulder as the entire group heads out, noisily chatting away. A big feast is waiting for us at the burrow.

"What?" I ask, curious at the look Hermione is giving me. I see her eyes moisten slightly as she stands on tiptoe to whisper in my ear.

"Welcome home, Harry Potter."

A/N: You didn't really think I'd pull a Kevin and Winnie on you? ;)
