Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pieces of Us by Twitch E. Littleferret

Pieces of Us

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Sixteen: Telling Harry

Rock a bye baby on the tree top,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock,
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all.

There's was only one person in the medical field that Hermione trusted, one who would keep this information confidential. Her family doctor, Dr. Wisefield. She had been going to him since she was younger, he treated both her parents, as well. Since he was a muggle, he had no clue who Harry Potter was to the wizarding world. And, due to patient confidentiality, he didn't have to share this information with anybody. Especially, her parents.

"Well, I'd say you are around eight weeks," Dr. Wisefield peered at her over his chart.

Hermione took in the information, thinking back on what the hell happened eight weeks ago. Well, she knew what happened, but she took in a play-by-play of the evening trying to pinpoint when she and Harry had somehow forgotten any precautions.

As soon as those tests yielded positive results, she immediately called her family doctor and scheduled an appointment to see him right away. Luckily, she was able to get in early Monday. She had yet to tell Harry, and boy was that a long weekend. She had made excuses to Harry, claiming to have a bit of the flu, when she emptied her stomach for what seemed the millionth time. She told him she was going to see the doctor on Monday, which really wasn't a lie, she did have an appointment. Besides, it was a solid excuse to miss training that day.

"Have you given any thought to what you might do?" Dr. Wisefield asked her.

"I'm sorry?" Hermione asked, shaken out of her thoughts.

"The pregnancy. Have you given any thoughts about what you are going to do with this pregnancy?"

Hermione shook her head. "It's a lot to take in, right now," she answered honestly.

The doctor nodded in understanding. "Well, until a decision is reached, I want you on prenatal vitamins," he said, scribbling down on a piece of paper. "I'll ask the nurse to give you some pamphlets and leave you a reference on an excellent OB/GYN. Take care, Hermione."

She decided to walk back to her parents' house, her mind filled with thoughts. No matter what decision she made, she would have to tell Harry first. She honestly didn't know how he would react. She knew, deep down, that he did want a family since he had been deprived of one of his own. The miserable Dursley's hardly qualified as care givers. But did he want one now, they were only two years out of Hogwarts, smack in the middle of training and not even married or engaged.

She passed by her favorite sushi place and stopped in to take a bite. She got as far as the counter to order when she suddenly realized she shouldn't eat raw fish, it could harm the baby. She opted for a rice bowl with teriyaki chicken instead. She ate her food, watching people walk by. It never occurred to her, how many children lived in the area. Maybe they always did but until now she never noticed. Suddenly, it came to her. She was already thinking of the well being of the child inside her; the right foods, the right schools, would the child be magical? She was going to keep the baby, no matter what Harry thought of it.


Harry surveyed the wreckage in front of him. The house was charred, an explosion had occurred, possible dark magic was involved. It was a lovely cottage before, now it was just a ruin of burnt wood and the smell of smoke. He followed the auror in front of him, taking notes. It was field practice and he was learning the protocol of a crime scene. It was scenes like these that made Harry question why he wanted to be an auror. He would have to deal with this from time to time.

"That's it for now. We have to go back to headquarters to identify the bodies," Marcus Jones, the auror that was training him spoke up.

Harry's stomach turned slightly at the sight before him. He and Jones stood in the observation room, behind a small glass that looked into the morgue. Two bodies lay covered up before him, an adult sized one and a small bundle lying on the table next to it. Harry had been disgusted to learn that the bodies were a young woman in her late twenties and a small child, only two years old. They were found outside of the house, most likely AK'd as they ran from their destroyed home. Harry slammed the file shut, this scene was eerily familiar to him. This could've easily been his own demise when Voldemort murdered his parents.

The door to the morgue opened and Harry watched as Shacklebolt entered the room accompanied by man who looked like he aged fifty years in a few moments. The mad staggered to the woman's body first as the morgue's wizard lifted the cover. All color from the man's face drained away and he had a vacant look on his face as he nodded, confirming the woman's identity. The wizard then moved to the child's body. The man reluctantly followed. The wizard uncovered the body but the mad did not look down. Harry could see that he was fighting the reality in front of him. But the man did look and immediately picked up the small child and let out a cry of anguish. Cries that Harry had long forgotten, but brought back the memories of pain and suffering caused by a raving madman of a wizard. The man held the small child's body to him rocking him back and forth then dropping to his knees. Shacklebolt and the other wizard immediately went to him to take the child out of his arms but the man refused. Sobs wracked his body and tears streamed down his face as he kissed the child's face. Shacklebolt and the other wizard left the room, leaving the man to grieve his lost family.

Harry and Marcus left the room as well, meeting Kingsley in the hall.

"Jones, I need you to check this information out," Kingsley ordered handing the auror a manila file. This left Harry alone with him and as soon as Jones was out of sight, he pulled Harry into an empty room, closing the door behind him.

"He's been here all day. He wanted protection but his wife and child were hit seconds before the aurors got there," Kingsley told him.

"Death Eaters?" Harry asked, dreading the answer. Kingsley nodded and Harry sighed, leaning forward his hands resting on the back of a chair. "They're back, Harry. The man saw Bellatrix LeStrange, he ran right over here."

"Why weren't the aurors dispatched soon enough?" Harry asked with and edge in his voice.

"I sent them as soon as I heard. We did the best we could."

"I'm sure that man shares the same sentiments," Harry said bitterly.

Kingsley reached into his robes and pulled out a manila file, similar to the one he gave Jones earlier. "Here's the file, read it over. I'd ask Dumbledore to gather the Order again." He placed the file in front of Harry and left the room. Harry reluctantly sat down to read.

He read the report over and over again, burning every detail into his memory. It was late in the evening. Most of the aurors had left a couple of hours ago. Harry sighed and looked at his watch, it was getting late and he wanted to get home to Hermione. He needed to hold her right now, needed her to remind him of the good in this world. He left the room and walked past the morgue again and noticed that the man was still inside. Harry looked up and down the hallway, no one was around. Harry opened the door and walked in.

The smell of ammonia hit Harry's nostrils, a clean smell that reminded him of his childhood at Aunt Petunia's. The two bodies were back on the table and covered with a tarp. All the lights in the room were off except two of them that cast eerie yellow circles of light around the two bodies. The man lingered at the body of his wife, holding her hand uncovered by the tarp. Harry wasn't sure if the man acknowledged he was there until he spoke up.

"She was a muggle," he said softly looking up at him. "I met her at King's Cross when I finished my last year at Hogwarts. I walked through the barrier and saw her across the way, sitting on a bench. She was reading a book, waiting for her train but I knew from the moment I saw her, that I would marry her."

Harry stepped into the circular beam of light. The man looked up at him.

"Of course it took her a couple of years for me to convince her," the man let out a soft chuckle and Harry gave a small smile. The man's eyes did the familiar searching of his face, his eyes flickering upward to Harry's scar. Harry didn't move to cover it as the man's face lit with recognition. "I have nothing to lose, now. I don't care if they come after me or not. I saw her, Bellatrix LeStrange. It was an accident really, a chance passing but I saw her and the others. I should've gone home first, should've taken my wife and son to a safe place first." The man's voice broke a little and he looked down at his wife's covered body. Harry walked over and stood next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. It was moments like these that reminded Harry why he became an auror in the first place.

"Their deaths will not be in vain," Harry spoke softly.

The man looked up at Harry, anger and grief in his eyes. "I want her dead, Harry. I want LeStrange dead."

"I'll hand you her wand, personally." The man nodded and put a hand on Harry's shoulder.


Hermione sat on the sofa, anxiously awaiting Harry's arrival. She looked up at the clock, it was a little past eight. He had field training today, usually everyone got home late on those days, but as Hermione was anxious, it made the minutes go by that much slower.

Thankfully, Ron was out with Luna and wouldn't be back until late, leaving the two of them alone. Hermione made a nice dinner, setting up a candlelit table setting. Then disassembled it, thinking it was too cheesy and cliché, reminding herself that she had no idea how Harry would react to this news.

At the sound of the click of the door knob, Hermione sprung from the couch. Her face fell as she saw the look on Harry's face.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Uh…long day," Harry replied.

"Listen, I have some news."

"We need to talk."

They spoke at the same time.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Harry, we need to talk," she dragged him over to the sofa.

"Hermione…" he began but she cut him off.

"This is important, Harry."

"I need to te-"

"I'm pregnant."

A look of shock went over his face.

"Harry," Hermione said after awhile, "say something."

Harry found his voice. "Um…are you sure?"

Hermione slid to the floor, kneeling in front of him. "I'm eight weeks along. I…"

Harry got up from the sofa and stood in front of the window, gazing out at the view of the city in front of him.

"Harry," Hermione called out to him. "Harry!" she repeated and he turned around to look at her. "Say something. Say anything other than are you sure? Tell me how you are feeling? Tell me what you're thinking?" She shot all this out to him and once.

Harry held up his hands, "Hermione, you have to be fair and give a moment to take this in. You've just told me a few moments ago, how much time have you had to take this in? I just have a lot on my mind right now."

Hermione's jaw clenched as she got up from the floor. "Fine!" she said tensely.

"Hermione…" Harry said placatingly.

"I'm so sorry to bother you with some piddley news that I'm pregnant when you have soooo much on your mind!" She left the room in a huff.

She slammed her bedroom door behind her and plopped onto her bed, letting the tears fall down her face. She knew she wasn't being fair to Harry, she had three days to mull over this situation. She had only told Harry five minutes ago. What was she expecting? Harry to sweep her up in his arms, twirl her around then plop a diamond ring on her finger? She heard the sound of the floo, guessing that Harry had flooed himself somewhere to think things over. She had a long day and an even longer one tomorrow. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

She woke earlier the next morning, hoping to arrive at headquarters ahead of schedule so she could talk to Kingsley Shacklebolt about her training. The building was cold, as the heating charms were just placed, the offices quiet waiting to be filled with the sounds of the workday yet to be started. As predicted, the light in Shacklebolt's office was on, indicating his presence. She knocked on the door briefly waiting for an answer.

"Come in," Shacklebolt replied.

Hermione opened the door and was shocked to see Harry in the office with him. He looked like he didn't get much sleep either and Hermione wondered just how early Harry had gotten here.

"Good morning, Granger. I expected to see you here early this morning," Shacklebolt acknowledged her presence.

Hermione looked at Harry questioningly but his face gave nothing away. Her gaze then wandered to a file with photographs lying open on Shacklebolt's desk. With a small panic within her, she saw a picture of what looked like Bellatrix LeStrange. Harry's hand closed the file then slipped it into his robes. He gave Shacklebolt a look of an unspoken conversation then headed out the door stopping briefly by Hermione to wish her a good morning.

"Have a seat, Hermione," Kingsley gestured toward a chair in front of his desk. Hermione obliged him. "You're here pretty early. Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Well, you see…the thing is…," Hermione was finding it a bit difficult to go about this situation. "I don't think I will be able to do the physical part of our training anymore."

"Did you sustain some sort of injury?" he asked.

"Uh…no, not exactly…I'm…I'm pregnant," she said quietly.

Kingsley sat back in his chair, Hermione wasn't sure what the expression on his face was. It was no secret that she and Harry were a couple so the child's paternity wasn't in question.

"Potter came in to see me early this morning asking a most unusual request," he looked at Hermione. "He asked that you be removed from training and escorted by a few aurors to Hogwarts as soon as possible."

Hermione looked shocked.

"At first I thought that that was a most unusual thing to ask, but now learning the possible motive behind it. I can perfectly understand why."

"Why would he ask that?" Hermione was a little bugged by this.

Shacklebolt looked as if he was debating whether to tell her this next bit of information or not. "Bellatrix LeStrange was spotted in London yesterday," he said and Hermione gasped. "We have a feeling she's not the only Death Eater to make an appearance."

"Harry knew about this?" she asked and sat back in thought.

She emerged from Shacklebolt's office half an hour later and headed towards the locker rooms for training. She found Harry just outside talking to Tobias.

"May I have a word with you, Harry," Hermione interrupted. She pulled him aside and spoke in low hushed tones.

"Why did you ask Kingsley to remove me from training?" she asked.

"So, he told you," Harry answered.

"You're doing it again. You're pushing me away."

"No, I'm just looking out for you."

"I know about LeStrange," she said and Harry hung his head and sighed. He looked up and around to see if anyone was nearby then gently lead Hermione into an empty room.

"The Death Eaters are back, Hermione. You are so important to me, I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you…or our child." Hermione looked up at him. "I'm going to be a father and the first priority for me is your safety and the safety of the baby. I asked Dumbledore as a special favor to me, to keep you safe at Hogwarts until this thing blows over. They're going to make a move and you know I'm a target. Until they're caught, I don't want to even entertain the chance that something could happen to you. I don't want our child to grow up parentless, and I'm not going to give the Death Eaters a chance to hit two birds with one stone. This is important to me, Hermione. And I'm asking you, no begging you to do this."
Hermione had tears in her eyes as Harry finished. She gathered him into a hug.

"Oh, Harry. I love you," she sniffled.

Harry held her tight. "I love you, too, so much," he placed a hand on her lower belly, "you and our baby."

"Okay. I'll do this for you," she said as she smiled.

"Us. I want you to do this for us."

That night, Harry lay awake next to a sleeping Hermione. Their lovemaking was gentle yet still full of passion. He thought about the future, about being a father. He thought of the man yesterday and how he lost everything, his family, his love, his future. History would not repeat itself. Their child would grow up with his mother and father, Harry was adamant about that.


The train whistle of the Hogwarts Express, pierced the crisp morning air. It had been a week of careful preparation and planning. Four aurors accompanied Hermione to the train and would be riding with her until she arrived at the front doors of Hogwarts and Dumbledore personally laid eyes on her. She and Harry had said their goodbyes the night before, he would be joining her for a visit this coming weekend. Dumbledore made special accommodations at the castle for her, where she would stay for the rest of her pregnancy under the watchful eyes of Madam Pomfrey. Harry had made it a point to be seen going about his day of training as if nothing were out of the ordinary.

Hermione leaned her head against the window pane, watching the landscape pass by. It was going to rain soon, the dark grey clouds made sure of it. The lights were on in the train, casting a soft glow in the compartment. Tonks sat across from her.

"You alright, Hermione?" she asked.

"I think I need to use the toilet," Hermione said, getting to her feet.

"Wait a moment," Tonks stopped her. "Smith, check out the bathrooms," she ordered.

Hermione finished off her crackers and ginger ale, staving off another attack of morning sickness. The light in the bathroom flickered as she opened the door to exit.

"You alright?" Tonks asked her, meeting Hermione in the hallway.

"Yes, just getting over a bout of the flu," she answered.

The overhead lights flickered again then went completely out, plunging them into semi-darkness.

"I'll go see what's going on," one of the aurors said, heading toward the front of the train.

Suddenly there was a horrible screeching sound of metal against metal as the train jerked violently sending everyone to the floor.

An auror came dashing up the cabin from the front of the train.

"Hold on everyone!" he yelled out. "The tracks are out up ahead!"

Hermione's mind flooded with terror as she realized that the train was on a bridge, suspended meters above a very deep gorge. She managed to get to her feet and cling for dear life to a pole. They were still going too fast. She could see the conductor in the cabin ahead. He scrambled out of the engine room and into their cabin.

"She's going to go over!" he yelled out.

Hermione fled the cabin with the others going into the next compartment. Tonks was behind her, searching through a duffle bag. There was another violent jerk and Hermione clung to another pole. She could no longer hear the screeching brakes, the sound was replaced with another horrific sound, twisting and groaning metal. Then it seemed that the train began to pick up momentum. The engine had gone over and was now taking the rest of the train with it.

"Go! Go! Go!" an auror shouted out as everyone scrambled for the next compartment. Hermione heard a grunt behind her and she turned to see that Tonks had tripped, spilling the contents of the dufflebag.

"Find the portkey!" another auror shouted as they all fell to their knees, searching in a panic.

"What does it look like?" Hermione asked.

"An aluminum can," Tonks answered, swearing at herself under her breath.

Everyone stopped suddenly as the familiar tinkling of a rolling aluminum can hit their ears. The lone can rolled to the far end of the cabin, slowly. With dread in her stomach, Hermione looked up at the end of the cabin, and saw nothing but air through the window. She looked at Tonks who had the same look of horror on her face. Hermione grasped at a pole as the world was turned on its side.

She was going to die.

It was true what they said. Your life does flash before your eyes. She thought of her parents, Harry, Ron, her friends, Crookshanks. She looked over at Tonks who had her eyes scrunched shut. Then she felt the freefalling slow down. Tonks opened her eyes and looked back at Hermione. They stopped.

The train had half its compartments dangling midair, being held by the other compartments that were still on the track. They knew they were far from safe, though. By the creaking and groaning of the metal, the train was going to separate any time now. Hermione weighed their options. They couldn't apparate due to the anti-apparition wards on the train, the portkey was lost, her wand was in her pocket.

"Potter gave me another portkey, an emergency one, just in case," one of the aurors spoke up quietly.

"Where is it?" Tonks asked.

"A couple of compartments above us," he replied.

No one needed telling twice as they all began to climb up slowly, the creaking of the train filled their ears. There was a sudden jerk and everyone froze, Hermione let out a cry of surprise, clinging to a railing. Nobody moved for several seconds.

"Well…," Tonks began. "I think we'd better pick up the pace."

They were halfway through the compartment above them when one of the aurors called out.

"Wands at the ready! We've got company!"

Hermione looked out one of the windows and saw robed figures flying toward the train. She shut her eyes, her stomach dropping.

Death Eaters.

She knew instantly that they were coming for her. In a panic for her life, she picked up the pace and began to scramble up the compartment.

"Hermione! Wait for me!" she heard Tonks cry out. But she didn't slow down. She needed to find a way to get off the train, to find that stupid portkey. Suddenly, the sound of glass breaking filled the compartment. Jets of wand blast ricocheted off the walls as she scrambled into the next compartment. She could hear the shouts of the wizards below her and suddenly felt very alone. This might have been a stupid thing to do, but she kept climbing to the other end of the compartment, where some of the aurors' bags rested.

She stopped suddenly when she heard someone enter the compartment. She ducked into one of the seats. Whomever entered wasn't an auror, they didn't call out for her. She slowly drew her wand from her pocket, heart thumping in her chest. As soon as the hood of the intruder appeared she sent out a blast sending the Death Eater to the ground. The weight of the body hitting the ground made the compartment jerk violently and Hermione clung to one of the seats. The compartment swayed ominously. She stuck her wand between her teeth, darted off the seat and began her ascent for the bag when she heard a familiar voice cry out.


The blast hit a piece of railing that she was holding on to and Hermione came crashing down. She flung out her hands helplessly, desperately reaching for anything that would stop her descent. Her hands finally connected with something and she clung for dear life. What had stopped her fall was the robes of her attacker. And her momentum caused them both to tumble down a bit. She stopped her fall and heard the small clatter of wood falling to the floor.

"You wretched little mudblood!" Bellatrix LeStrange shouted at her.

She clung to a pole as Hermione clung to another one just above her. Hermione glared at her and looked past her to ground below. A single wand lay on the floor. Not hers. Hermione lost hers when she fell, that wand had to be Bellatrix's. Bellatrix followed her gaze and saw her wand on the floor. The two women looked at each other. The math wasn't that hard, it was just a matter of who would get to it first.

Hermione kicked out and her opponent and began to scrambled back down towards the wand. Unfortunately, Bellatrix desperately wanted to get to it first. She let go of the pole she was holding onto and Hermione heard a sickening CRACK! as she hit the floor. She must have broken her leg. Bellatrix let out a scream of pain and rolled on the ground. The compartment shuddered again, it's metal creaking.

Hermione looked down. She couldn't fall the way Bellatrix did, she could do much worse damage to herself in her delicate state. Hermione had no option but to try and scramble down quickly before Bellatrix recovered from her fall.

Unlucky for Hermione, Bellatrix had a high tolerance of pain and recovered more quickly than Hermione would like. She lunged across the floor, her hands reaching for the wand. Hermione had no choice at this point, if she could aim just right, she could minimize the damage. Bellatrix cried out in pain as a sudden weight landed on top of her. The train groaned in protest and plunged down a few meters. Hermione gasped out in disbelief, Bellatrix completely cushioned her fall. Hermione rolled off of her and scrambled for the wand, but her head was painfully jerked back as Bellatrix grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked. Hermione reached out to try and swat Bellatrix's hand away as she reached out. Bellatrix punched Hermione in the face and she was blinded with pain. Hermione kicked Bellatrix on her already broken leg. She screamed out in pain. Hermione was just about to dart for the wand, when the compartment door she was standing on gave way. She had heard a horrible screech of metal just before that and she realized as she dangled mid air that there was nothing below her. The compartment below had given way and was dropping to the ground. Hermione heard the sounds of screams inside the train. She pulled herself back up into the compartment, trying to block out the horrible sounds. There was a loud explosion as the train hit the ground and Hermione braced herself as the shockwave hit, shaking the already precariously hanging compartment.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment," Bellatrix said coolly.

Hermione, who had been leaning against a wall opened her eyes slowly. Bellatrix stood opposite her, across the gaping open doorway, wand trained on her.

"Don't do this Bellatrix," Hermione said.

"Ooh! Are you going to beg for your life?" she answered, a wicked smile grew across her face.

"Harry will hunt you down. You'll never have a moments peace in your life."

"I just want to make you all pay for what you did."

"What? Rid the world of an insane second rate wizard?" Hermione shot back. "Voldemort was…"

"Don't you dare speak his name from your filthy little mouth!" Bellatrix shrieked. "You have no idea what he meant to me."

"Bellatrix," she hissed when Hermione spoke her name, "don't do this."

"Potter took more than our leader away, he destroyed my life…my love," Bellatrix's eyes welled with tears that spilled onto her cheeks.

"But your husband is still alive," Hermione said stupidly. Bellatrix tossed back her head and laughed maniacally, taking her wand off of Hermione.

"My heart was already taken long before I married my husband."

"Voldemort was incapable of love, you know this."

"I do know this."

"Then why avenge his death if he didn't love you?"

"Even though it was unrequited it still hurts, probably more than if he did love me back. I want Potter to feel what I'm feeling. The pain of losing someone you love."

"He has already felt that, all his life," Hermione said patiently.

"Not this type of pain," Bellatrix said softly then looked up at Hermione. "What would you do in my shoes? If I was the one who took away the one you loved, would you spare my life? If I murdered Harry, would you show the same compassion?" Hermione blinked slowly and looked away. Bellatrix slowly raised her wand at Hermione again.

"Bellatrix, I'm begging you," Hermione shut her eyes as tears fell down her face. "I'll go away forever, you can fake my death, we can make any body look like mine. I swear no one will find me."

"Why would you do that?" she asked.

Hermione turned to look at her. "We'll be even. Just don't, I'm begging you as a woman to another woman, please don't take my life."

Bellatrix tilted her head and looked at Hermione. Comprehension grew on her face as she lowered her wand.

"You're with child," Bellatrix said softly.

Hermione dropped to her knees. "Please."

Bellatrix didn't speak for a long time. "I'll spare your life," she whispered softly.

Hermione's body sagged with relief. "Thank you."

"I said I'd spare your life," Bellatrix repeated, raising her wand.

Nymphadora Tonks had been in the other train compartment when it had given way. She had been trying to reach Hermione in the other compartment and had opened the door when the compartment suddenly gave way. She was falling through the air and in a panic thought about the train tracks above.

CRACK! She had apparated on the tracks, just before the bridge. The halved train rested just ahead of her. She ran for it, with any luck she could still reach Hermione and grab the portkey. She had just reached the last remaining compartment when she heard a voice cry out.


Then a horrible scream pierced the air. Hermione's scream. Tonks burst through the door disarming and stunning the Death Eater. She climbed down to Hermione.

"Hermione, are you alright?" she asked her.

Hermione had her eyes clenched shut, her body curled in the protective fetal position. Tonks reached out to her.

"Oh, God, help me!" Hermione cried out. "Harry! I need Harry!"

"Shh! Hermione calm down," Tonks tried to sooth her.

"Somebody help me! Oh God it hurts!" she writhed on the floor

Tonks looked down at Hermione and panicked, blood began seeping through her jeans.

"Oh, Merlin, hang on Hermione!"


The doors of St. Mungo's flew open at Harry burst through running. Sirius ran to meet him.

"Where is she?" Harry asked. His heart raced as panic seized him. Kingsley notified him immediately about the attack. "Where is she? How is she? SOMEBODY TALK TO ME, DAMN IT!!" he roared.

"Harry, calm down," Sirius said.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down!" he saw Ron come out of a room, a grim expression on his face. "Is she in there? Is she alive?"

"She's alive," Ron said blankly when he reached him.

"Oh, thank God! Can I see her?" Harry sighed in relief.

"Harry…I…we need to…I have to tell you something," Ron stammered. "Privately," he looked at Sirius.

"I'll just go and get some coffee," Sirius said, walking away.

He filled up a Styrofoam cup with coffee and watched as Ron spoke quietly in hushed tones to his godson. Then he saw all the blood drain from his face.

"Oh, no!" he heard Harry cry out. "Oh, no. Oh God no!"

Sirius ran over as Harry crumpled to the floor crying out in anguish.
