Unofficial Portkey Archive

Pieces of Us by Twitch E. Littleferret

Pieces of Us

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this one out. I've also been working on my new fic, The Lost King. I hope you all enjoy this long awaited chapter, I hope it's worth the wait.

Chapter Twenty: Cheated

You give your hand to me

Then you say hello

And I can hardly speak

My heart is beating so

And anyone can tell

You think you know me well

But you don't know me

Ooh no

You don't know the one

Who dreams of you at night

And longs to kiss your lips

Longs to hold you tight

I'm just a friend

That's all I've ever been

Cause you don't know me

(You Don't Know Me-Harry Connick Jr.)

The snow continued to fall through the night as Harry and Hermione sat on the sofa talking. It was nearing two o'clock in the morning.

"I felt horrible. I felt like I was the one responsible for the safety and wellbeing of our child, and I failed. I never failed at anything before and I took it out on you. It was wrong, I know it. But I was so devastated inside. I didn't take into consideration that you had lost a child as well," Hermione sniffed and brushed away a tear that fell down her cheek.

Harry didn't say anything, just let her talk about this painful subject between them. Hermione continued on.

"I didn't mean to say all those awful things to you. I regret it to this day. I was just so hurt and angry. I took it out on you. It was wrong for me to do so."

Harry spoke softly. "I did feel partly responsible. I was the one who set up the whole plan. I should've seen a loophole somewhere. And Bellatrix was trying to hurt me by taking away the ones I loved."

"No, Harry, don't. It wasn't your fault. You had no idea they would attack the train. You did everything you could."

"But I should've been on that train with you." There was a hint of anger in his voice.

"I wouldn't have let you. I know why you didn't want that."

They lapsed into silence, watching the view out the window in front of them. Finally, Harry spoke up.

"How did you find out about Oliver?" he asked.

Hermione let out a long sigh. "He really made me feel like an idiot didn't he?" She laughed quietly to herself. "I'd been coming back from an interview and I saw him on a street corner snogging some blond."

"Of all the street corners in all the world," Harry mused.

"Exactly. Well I went home, rummaged through his things and found some rubbers and a credit card receipt to a muggle hotel in the city. Naturally, I went to investigate and found him thigh deep, shagging the brains out of the same woman."

"I'm sorry, Hermione," Harry said.

"Oh, there's no need for you to apologize. I married the wanker."

She almost said that she had just divorced him as well, but she held that information back. Another silence fell between them. Harry had been wrestling with the urge to ask her the one question he'd wanted to ask for some time. Since she'd come back to England, really. Finally, he worked up the nerve.

"Hermione," he began, still a little unsure. "Why did you marry him? Why didn't you wait for me?"

Hermione looked at Harry. It was an odd question to ask.

"I wanted a fresh beginning…Harry it hurt when you rejected me. I know I was a complete jerk to you and I completely deserved it. But you said no. And I did love Oliver in some way. And he loved me, he offered to me what you told me you couldn't…or wouldn't."

It was Harry's turn to be confused and little angry. His voice raised a little as he sat straight up. "Were you so angry at me that you didn't even bother to read my letter?"

Hermione reacted to his angry tone. "What letter are you talking about, Harry?"

"The letter I sent to you the night before your wedding!"

"I didn't receive a letter the night before my wedding."

Harry stood up. "I'm not kidding Hermione. I'm talking about a letter that I sent to you by Owl Express."

Hermione was completely bewildered by this information. Had Harry gone mad?

"Have you gone mad? I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry!"

Harry paced the floor in front of her, running a hand through his hair. Then he picked up his wand, transfigured back his clothes and put on his jacket.

"Harry, what's going on?" she asked.

"I've got to go, Hermione," he said as he opened the door and left her flat.

Hermione sat there on her sofa, jaw dropped trying to process what in the hell just happened.

Harry had left Hermione's to confront her husband. Harry wanted answers and he wanted them right now. He pounded on the door of the town home he knew Oliver was staying at. He did this for a couple of minutes before a light flicked on in the house and he could here the groggy stirrings of the man inside, pissed off at the late night visitor. Oliver swung the door open ready to yell at the person who woke him from his slumber, but quickly moved to shut it when he saw who it was. Harry blocked him with his body and shoved his way into his home.

"This is trespassing, Potter. I'm calling the Ministry," Oliver sniffed.

Harry drew his wand and pointed it at him. "You will do no such thing." His voice was deadly. "Sit down," he nodded with his head to the sofa in the living room.

Keeping a wary eye on his wand, Oliver moved to the sofa and sat. Harry looked livid.

"Did you see the letter?" Harry asked coolly.

"What letter?" Oliver spat, he knew damn well what Harry was talking about.

"Don't play stupid with me. You know what letter I'm talking about."

"Oh, yes. The letter you wrote to my fiancé, the night before our wedding? How dare you come here and ask me about that."

"Why didn't you show her? It wasn't yours to read." Harry jabbed his wand at him.

"It didn't matter anyway. She married me!"

"You never gave her a choice!!"

"Do you honestly think she would've chosen you?" Oliver laughed.

"Obviously you thought she would. That's why you hid it," Harry snarled. He lowered his wand and tucked it into his jacket. He looked down at Oliver, his tone was softer now. "She did love you. You had her. You had the most perfect woman in the world as your wife. And you threw it all away." Harry shook his head then left the house.

Oliver sat there in a rage. Potter obviously hadn't told Hermione about the letter…yet. He knew Potter was going to try and make a move on his wife, it was just a matter of time. He was going to put a stop to that. It was time to call in a favor.

Harry walked away from the house, he wanted to be alone. He took a walk through the streets, thinking. All this time he had thought Hermione had chosen Oliver. She never got the letter from him. Would she have waited for him? Every fiber in his being told him that she would've. Harry laughed softly to himself at this folly. All this time they had wasted, all the time that was robbed from them. Where would they be now if she'd only read that blasted letter? A stupid comedy of errors that robbed them of each other. But wasn't that the way it was for him? He was going to have to tell Hermione about it. But should he tell her about the letter? What would come of it? Would it make a difference now? What did he hope to accomplish by telling her? He needed to think on it for a couple of days.


Hermione walked into the lively Burrow, Christmas Eve, alone. She hadn't heard from Harry for a few days, he didn't return any of her letters. She was still puzzled by the way he had left her flat. What letter was he talking about?

"Hermione!" The greetings from the Weasley family brought her out of her thoughts. The smell of Mrs. Weasley's cooking made her salivate and she looked at the table to see a HUGE ham ready to be eaten. Closely guarded under Ron's watchful eye of course. Another table held desserts that would make you put off that holiday diet. The children ran around the enormous Christmas tree in the living room, while the twins and their father talked animatedly about their newest inventions. Molly, Angelina, Katie and Fleur doted on Luna and her swelling belly.

Ginny came up to Hermione. "Need a hand?" She lifted some of the packages off of her arms and set them under the tree. Hermione hung up her coat.

"Have you seen, Harry?" she asked.

"No, not yet. I think he's coming. Sirius and Victoria are on their way here," Ginny answered, then looked slyly at her. "Why?"

"No reason at all. Just curious," Hermione picked some lint of her jumper to avoid looking at Ginny. She was saved by little Ava, Fred and Angelina's little girl, who stole Ginny's attention.

"Lookie! I made it for you!" she exclaimed proudly, holding out a piece of parchment with crayon colorings on it.

"Thank you! It's lovely!" Ginny said and Ava skipped away. "She's been doing that all evening. Everyone's got a portrait, you'll get yours soon."

Hermione laughed and joined in the festivities. Sirius and Victoria arrived a short while later, gifts in hand. Everyone was just about to tuck in for dinner when the door opened and the kids went running.

"Harry! Harry!"

"Harry's here!"

"It's Uncle Harry!"

Relief flooded Hermione as she looked at him. His eyes immediately sought out hers, giving her a soft smile before tending to the children around him. Hermione flushed and looked away. Ron watched his two best friends, a small smile grew on his face. Harry sat down next to Hermione, giving her a soft smile.

"You look lovely," he said softly.

Hermione beamed and replied, "you're not looking too bad yourself, Harry."

Dinner was lively with the twins providing most of the entertainment with hilarious stories. Ron, Harry and Hermione retold some of their own.

As dinner was cleared away, Harry draped his arm casually on the back of Hermione's chair. Sirius looked at his godson and saw for the first time, in a LOOOONG time, he looked happy. Truly happy. And he knew the reason why was sitting next to him, laughing and looking radiant. Something must have happened between them, a subtle change. He was hoping they were smart enough to get their heads out of their arses and figure it out for themselves.

Desserts made their way onto the tables, reminding Harry of the gluttonous festivities at Hogwarts. Luna's growing appetite nearly rivaled her husbands as everyone partook of the delectable treats.

"Look mummy! Look at me!" one of the children called out.

"Oh my God!!" Fleur exclaimed.

One of her children had grown long ears and a pointy noise, resembling a house elf, dressed in a tacky red and green suit. Little Ava laughed next to him before a loud pop and she turned into a mini Santa. More pops ensued as all the children had indulged in the red and green sprinkled cupcakes on the table, provided by the twins of course.

Harry and Ron each took one and dared each other to take a bite. Hermione and Luna rolled their eyes as they dug in. With a loud pop, Ron sported reindeer antlers that made everyone laugh. Harry stopped laughing immediately when he heard a loud pop above him. Hermione looked up and her laughter ceased as well. They looked back down and caught each other's eyes.

Mistletoe appeared above Harry.

Hermione blushed then bravely leaned into Harry, giving him a soft kiss…on his cheek. It was Harry's turn to turn a shade of red. He looked at her and she gave him a small smile.

Ron's antler's disappeared after a few minutes and he tapped on the glass with his fork. The room quieted as he stood.

"I just want to say how wonderful it really is to have everyone here this Christmas, especially you, Hermione," he said.

"Here, here," Sirius said, seconding the motion.

Hermione blushed and Harry smiled at her.

"I also want to say that I am looking forward to this New Year. A year that I'm hoping will bring this family good luck, good health," he looked down at his wife, "new beginnings," he looked over at Harry and Hermione, "and second chances."

Harry raised his glass. "To second chances."

Hermione raised hers. "And to new beginnings."

"Cheers!" Everyone toasted, clinking their glasses together. Luna, Molly and Ginny had tears in their eyes.

Soon the children's interest in food was lost to the prospect of opening a few gifts on Christmas Eve. Everyone gathered into the living room, joined in conversation as the kids darted about handing out gifts.

"Here Uncle Ron! I drew it for you!" Ava toddled to Ron, handing him a scrap of parchment. It was a drawing of him with antlers. She had apparently run out of parchment and was now drawing on any piece of paper she could find.

"Thank you," Ron said and Luna sniggered.

Remus howled in laughter at the gag gift from Sirius. A movie called An American Werewolf in London. Harry sat by Andre, helping him to put together his mini broomstick that he had given him. Hermione leaned against a wall and watched him. He looked up and gave her a child like grin. She looked down when she felt a small tug on her jumper.

"I made this for you," Ava said, handing her a piece of parchment.

"Thank you sweetie," she said as she looked at the picture. There were two stick figured drawings, one with bushy brown hair, the other had messy black hair and glasses. They were holding hands as little hearts surrounded them. Hermione held drawing up, something catching her eye. She turned the paper around and looked at what looked like a photocopy.

"Ava, where did you get this?" Hermione knelt in front of the small child.

"Uncle Harry's jacket," she said simply and skipped away. Hermione stood up and read the letter.

"Harry are you sure it's safe?" Fleur asked.

"Of course it is. I wouldn't buy it for him if I didn't think it was." Harry finished the broom and handed it to Andre who took off with it, some of his cousins in tow. "He's been begging me everyday to take him up on the broom."

"Stay in the yard!" Fleur shouted after them.

"Are you okay, Hermione?" Luna asked.

Harry looked up at her. Hermione was pale, the palest he'd ever seen her, her eyes wide. Her hand covered her mouth and she was shaking. She was on the verge of some sort of breakdown. To Harry's horror, he recognized the paper in her hand. In a flash he was on his feet and at her side just as her legs gave way. Harry caught her and snatched the parchment from her hand.

"Hermione!" Ron exclaimed and got to his feet.

Harry waved him off. "I've got her, she's okay," Harry said distractedly.

Just then Hermione let out a strangled wail which quickly escalated into hysterical sobs.

"Harry?" Ginny questioned.

"Everything's fine! Everything's just fine!" Harry said falsely and gave a forced smile as he moved Hermione up the stairs, she was now hyperventilating.

Everyone listened to the commotion she was making until they heard a door close and then nothing at all. Harry must have put up a silencing charm.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked a bewildered room.

A door opened above and they could hear Hermione in complete hysterics, Harry must've broken the charm.

"Could someone get me a Calming Draught?" he called out below. "A really powerful one?"

Molly walked over to her cupboard where she kept various potions under lock and key. She poured some Firewhiskey into a glass then pulled out a small vial of blue liquid.

"I'll take it up there," Ron said, as he stood beside his mother. She poured in a few drops of the liquid then handed the glass to her son.

"On second thought," she said, stopping him and handing him the entire flask of Firewhiskey. "Take this to him, too."

Ron walked up the stairs and knocked on the door to his old bedroom. Harry opened it a crack to see who it was, Hermione's sobs filled the air. Harry saw that it was Ron and opened the door a little more, just enough to take the glass and bottle from him. Ron peeked into the room and saw Hermione on the bed, hugging her knees and rocking back and forth. She was sobbing hysterically.

"What the hell is going on?" he asked quietly, although Harry barely heard him above Hermione.

"Huh? Nothing," Harry said nonchalantly. "Everything's fine," he smiled and shut the door in Ron's face.

Harry set the glasses down on the bedside table, drew out his wand and recast the silencing charm over the room. He sat down on the bed, next to Hermione who was inconsolable at the moment.

"Hermione," he called out to her. She kept rocking and crying. "Hermione," he said a bit more firmly, then again as he put his hands on her arms to steady her. He put his hands on either side of her face, forcing her to look at him.

"Hermione," he said firmly. "Look at me. You have to calm down. Drink this," he said, holding the glass of Firewhiskey to her lips. Hermione took small sips in between hiccups. Harry reached over and grabbed the bottle of Firewhiskey, taking a swig for himself. Slowly, Hermione calmed down. She was still shaking and hiccupping but at least she wasn't wailing anymore.

"Harry…explain…letter," her voice was rough and scratchy.

Harry sat down in front of her and brought out the parchment, holding it in front of her.

"I never meant for you to find it like that," he began. "Hermione…," he paused a moment to gather his courage. "Hermione, this is a copy of a letter that I sent to you a long time ago." He spoke slow and firm. "See the date? It's dated the day before your wedding. I sent it to you that day."

Hermione began to get hysterical again. "No you didn't. No you didn't. I didn't get a letter."

"Hermione, yes. Yes, I did send the letter."

Hermione began to cry. "No, no, no!"

Harry was adamant. "Yes, Hermione. I did send the letter. You received it the night before your wedding. I know. I sent it Express."

Hermione sprung away from him, off the bed. She stood accusing him. "I didn't get a letter, Harry!! You didn't send me a letter!!"

"Hermione, I did send the letter. It arrived that night at your hotel room, but you didn't get it. Someone else got to it first."

"What?! Someone was in my room that night?" she asked, bewildered.

"Think, Hermione. Think!"

Hermione stood and thought back to that night. She had left the room to go to the dinner, but there wasn't an owl there. But she forgot the gifts and she had to go back. No, she didn't go back. Oliver did and…oh!

"Oliver," Hermione whispered. She didn't trust her legs and she sank on the bed. She couldn't breath, suddenly.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, alarmed. She began to hyperventilate again. "Put your head between your knees. Breathe, Hermione," he knelt in front of her.

"He…wedding…moved," she mumbled in between breaths.

"What?" Harry asked, not understanding her. She grabbed his arms and looked straight at him.

"He moved up the wedding, Harry. He moved up the wedding an hour! He knew you were coming! He never told me! He moved up the wedding!" She was getting hysterical again.

"Okay, okay Hermione. Take it easy. Breathe," Harry himself felt a little shocked at this piece of information. His anger at Oliver grew exponentially, but was now overshadowed by trying to calm Hermione down.

It took him nearly an hour but she drifted off to sleep, the potion finally kicking in. He quietly left her side and the room, closing the door softly behind him. He joined everyone downstairs.

"Is she alright?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, she's asleep. She just got some unexpected news. Threw her off, that's all," Harry explained, giving Ron a look that said they would talk later. "Ginny, do you have anything that she could wear tonight? Any pajamas?"

"Yeah, sure," Ginny walked out of the room and up the stairs.

"Well, it's a bit crowded in here tonight. But I'm sure we have room for you at our house," Luna offered.

"Thank you Luna. I'll take you up on that," Harry replied. Sirius told him to get lost tonight, he had something special planned for Victoria, so he was planning on staying at the Burrow anyway.


Harry tossed down his overnight bag on the chair beside his bed. He sighed and sat on the bed. It was past midnight and he was exhausted, mentally exhausted. He had spent the night, telling Ron all that had happened between Hermione and him that evening, over some butterbeers in his kitchen. Harry reached over to the nightstand and turned off the lamp. He stayed there a moment, his eyes wandered over to the burrow, in particular the window of Ron's old bedroom, where Hermione was currently sleeping. Making up his mind, he put his shoes back on and quietly left the house.

Hermione had awoken some time in the night, Harry had left the room. She lay there in the bed thinking. Thinking of the past, the stupid mistakes that she made, what could've been different if she made other choices in her life. How different her life would be right now if she never went to that fateful job interview in the States.

She sighed and got out of bed, standing by the window. It pained her to think about that. She would still be the oblivious wife, not knowing that her husband was cheating on her, not knowing that she'd missed her chance with her one true love. A creak of the door caught her attention and she turned to see Harry standing in the doorway.

Harry's breath was momentarily taken away by the sight before him. She gazed at him from the window, her hair down, dressed in a white nightgown, the lost look on her face. He stepped into the room and quietly closed the door behind him.

"I have to know, Harry," she whispered. "Were you there?"

Harry walked slowly toward her and softly said, "Yes."

Hermione sighed and closed her eyes. "Did you see me?"

He stopped in front of her, brushing a strand of hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. "You were the most beautiful thing, I'd ever seen," he whispered.

Hermione smiled and a tear fell down her face. Harry brushed it away with his thumb.

"Hermione?" he began to ask but she silenced him with her fingers on his lips.

"I would've waited for you, Harry. I would wait forever for you," she said.

Harry leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, taking in their familiar softness, gathering her in his arms to him. She held him close, parting her lips to deepen the kiss. The kiss quickly intensified. Harry couldn't get enough of her. She moaned as his lips left hers to fall upon her neck, igniting fires within her that he and he alone could set off. The heat and wetness swelled between her legs as she felt his hardness press against her.

Harry was a man drowning, trying to lose himself in her but his conscience pulled him back. He wasn't going to do this to her. She was still a married woman, doing this with her, no matter how badly he desperately wanted to, made her no better than Oliver. And he would not do that to her.

Harry moved away from her and slowed down his kisses.

"I have to go, Hermione," he said to her.

"Don't, she protested.

"I have to." He kissed her on the forehead. "I'll see you in the morning." He gave her a small smile which she returned.

"I love you," she said.

Harry stopped at the doorway and turned around. "I know."

He closed the door behind him and started down the stairs. He mentally scolded himself, other parts of his body scolded him. But he kept walking saying to himself that she was married.

Married alright. Married to that wanker of a husband who cheats on her. He won't even divorce her, just keeps her like a pet or a prize or something. Didn't give her a chance to see the letter, because he knew, KNEW, that she would've left him at the altar without a second thought. Why? Because she loved me. And he knew it!! She loved me and she still loves me!

Harry stopped in his tracks, turned around and marched back into the house and up the stairs. He walked into the room, drawing his wand and casting a silencing charm. A powerful one.

"Harry?!" Hermione was startled, "What are you…?"

But Harry cut her off with a kiss. A kiss of lovers now reunited, escalating quickly into a passionate fire that desperately needed to be put out. He took off his robe and Hermione quickly lifted his shirt off, revealing his naked torso. Harry swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed, lowering her gently, settling himself between her legs. His hand slid up her thigh, fingers brushing aside her knickers and plunging themselves into the warmth that she was. Their kissing was frenzied, hands and lips moving all over, reexploring, rediscovering each other. She managed to undo his jeans, reaching in and grasping him. Harry let out a low moan at her touch, removing his fingers from her and drawing the nightgown over her head and off of her. He quickly stripped himself of his jeans and boxers as she took off her knickers. Harry took a brief moment to take the sight in front of him in before claiming her, his lips claiming her breasts as his fingers picked up where they left off. Her moaning became a little louder, her breathing erratic before she became slicker and he felt her walls tighten.

"Harry," she moaned when his fingers left her at the beginning of her climax. He kissed her deeply as he plunged himself into her, bringing her back, finishing her orgasm. He groaned. How long had he waited for this? How long had he been wishing for this moment?

With every thrust into her he thought of that night they shared before Voldemort attacked. The night she came to his room at Grimmauld place. She moaned his name and he could feel her walls tighten around him. The familiar tension settled in his lower abdomen as he whispered in her ear.

"I'll love you forever, Hermione. Forever and ever."
