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The Last Kefsen by jardyn39

The Last Kefsen


The Last Kefsen by Jardyn39

Chapter 21: An Accident

Scrambling through the portrait hole, Harry quickly took in what was happening. Dark scorch marks were to be seen on the ceiling, walls and floor carpet and there was an unfamiliar burning smell that hung in the air. Over to one side, Hermione was yelling at an ashamed looking group of Third years who were cowering before her wrath. By the fire, a small group of girls were huddled around a chair, surrounded by others who stood wearing concerned expressions.

Harry went over to the fire and found Jen holding Lavender's hand. She was shaking terribly and had been crying.

Harry knew she must have had a serious shock. She had assumed Hermione's form, something Jen had promised never to do unless they were alone.

"Really, I'm fine. I'll be okay," she was saying in an uneven voice, looking into the flames of the fire.

"What happened?" asked Harry quietly and at once the group around her parted slightly.

Parvati, sitting next to Jen with her arm around her, spoke first. "It was those idiots," and she nodded over towards the Third years. "They decided to practice some duelling here in the common room."

Lavender continued, "Yeah, except of course they didn't use wands. We think they had some fireworks that they had improved."

"The first one they set off had a small flash and a louder bang. The others, well, you can see they weren't as good."

"And their aim was as bad as their improvements. Kim tried to stop them and got one lobbed at her when her back was turned. Jen jumped in front of it just in time. She caught the full blast. Kim could have been really hurt," finished Parvati, clearly trying to remain calm.

Harry knelt down and faced Jen. "Are you hurt?" he asked with concern.

"I'm fine. I just need some rest and I'll be as right as rain." Then she said seriously, "It was an accident, Harry. No harm was intended."

Harry frowned slightly, but nodded.

"Come on. Lets get you upstairs where it's quiet," said Lavender.

Jen stood and as she did so, transformed into Parvati. The entire group guided Jen up to the dormitories, several of them alternatively giving gentle words of encouragement and shooting dark looks over to the Third Years. Hermione had stopped berating them and allowed them to see the procession pass before continuing her reprimands.

The dull pain in Harry's side intensified.


Harry woke in the middle of the night. He was worried about Jen. She had looked so shaken and had been looking tired even before the events a few hours ago.

As he lay unable to get back to sleep, he felt a familiar tear within him. Jen must be in pain, Harry thought. At that moment the pain in his side intensified yet again.

As the pain subsided, Harry leapt from his bed and staggered down to the common room.

The room was dark, lit only by the dying embers of the fire. Harry was relieved to find Jen in her arachnid form on the rug in front of the fire. Harry went over to her and she instantly took Hermione's form. She was very pale and still shaking, her face damp with perspiration.

"Hi," she said warmly, and at once her face distorted as a spasm of pain went through her. Harry felt the same spasm, deeper and longer than ever before. Ignoring his own pain, reached out and gently held her shoulders in his hands.

Tears welled in Harry's eyes and his voice failed him as he looked into her eyes.

"Harry, it's high time we had another fireside chat," she gasped with a small smile. "This time you must listen. You have to believe me. We don't have time …"

Harry shook his head. "No. You'll get better. You just need to rest."

"I also need you to promise me a couple of things. You have to tell her. Promise me-" Jen stopped as she wretched with pain.

"I so wanted to be brave, Harry," she gasped, "but I'm so scared."

Harry wrapped his arms around her and whispered, "You are brave."


A short while later, Harry stood outside Hagrid's cabin, having gently placed on the ground a small packing crate that he had transfigured from a log by the common room fire.

There were no lights on and the only sound was the rustling of the leaves in the nearby trees.

For a moment Harry had considered not disturbing Hagrid, especially at this time of night. He was going into the forbidden forest and needed Hagrid, not so much for protection but as a friend.

Hagrid would understand. Hagrid would help him.

Harry wiped his face and approached the door. Harry raised his arm and was about to knock when he heard something move behind him.

"'Arry? Wot you doin' out this time?"

Harry let go his breath.

"Hagrid, I need your help. Jen was hurt this afternoon and now she's… she's…"

Hagrid looked over at the crate and stepped close to Harry. He placed a large hand gently on Harry's shoulder. When Harry looked up Hagrid nodded in understanding.

"It was awful, she was in so much pain. She died in my arms, Hagrid. The pain was so intense but it went when the connection was finally broken. She transformed back into a small spider form after."

Tears were falling freely now.

He wiped his face and began again. "She wanted to be buried in the forest." After a moment he explained, "I couldn't leave her… let anyone see her …"

"I understan'. Give us a mo'. Grab a couple of spades from roun' back will ye?"

Harry nodded and watched as Hagrid entered his door. Harry couldn't express how grateful he was to Hagrid at that moment.

Harry went around the side of Hagrid's cabin where he knew he kept an assortment of tools. He managed to find one enormous digging spade another smaller one he thought he could handle.

He met back with Hagrid as he emerged with a large lantern and closed his door quietly.


As the early dawn of a new day broke over the forest, Harry and Hagrid stood silently before Jen's newly dug grave.

Hagrid stood back while Harry finished back-filling the earth. They had gone a little into the forest into a clearing and Harry had chosen a spot under the branches of a large tree that would shade the grave. Harry just felt it was the right place.

No magic had been used and Harry and Hagrid had taken turns to dig. They had spoken very little through the night.

Hearing a noise behind them, they both turned quickly, each automatically raising a spade in self-defence.

Approaching them into the clearing were Albus Dumbledore and Hermione. As soon as he saw them, Harry realised that Hagrid must have got a message to the Headmaster before they left the cabin.

They lowered their spades.

"I'm so very sorry, Harry," Dumbledore said sombrely and he stood for a moment beside Harry looking down at the grave. He then took out his wand and without words conjured a large roughly hewn headstone placed neatly at the head of the grave.

Harry noted that there were no markings or inscription on the stone.

After a long moment, while all four stood before the grave in silent thought, Dumbledore looked up said, "Hagrid and I will meet with you both back at Hagrid's house. If you stick to this clearing and the path that we came along you will not be in any danger. None of the forest's inhabitants will disturb you while you are here."

Hermione nodded and smiled weakly.

When Dumbledore and Hagrid were almost at the edge of the clearing, Harry heard Hagrid's low deep carrying voice answer, "Yes, Professor," in answer to something inaudible the Dumbledore had said.