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Orange nail varnish by Rid

Orange nail varnish


a/n: Thanks to My beta reader bshelofer who always supports me in this endeavor. Thanks to all my regular reviewers and readers too.

The next day arrived, bringing along with it very little sunlight and lots of snow.

"Snow? When did it start snowing?" asked Ron, yawning loudly as he drank the mug of tea set before him.

The entire family had gathered round the dining table for breakfast. Everyone was still in their night clothes and Draco Malfoy was still asleep.

"Probably sometime yesterday. The rain really set it in motion," said Ginny.

"How do you know?" asked Luna, trying to figure out how overnight the entire ground around the house was covered in white snow.

"Draco started sneezing yesterday night. He gets like that when it snows," replied Ginny. "And don't you dare tease him about it," she said, turning to every brother at the table.

"Don't take your honeymoon anywhere north," said Molly, distributing gloves to everyone.

"So, when is the honeymoon due anyways?" asked Luna, trying to get a conversation going.

"Well, we would have been married long ago, but Ron here was busy with work," replied Ginny sarcastically.

"I'm free now. Go wake up your fiancé, he needs to get ready if you guys are going to get married," said Ron, shaking his head.

"Ron, behave," warned Arthur. "So Luna, what do you want to do today?" he asked.

"Well it's Molly's birthday," replied Luna.

She had been awakened by Ron sometime early in the morning. Embarrassed at being found in her underclothes, Luna had ducked under the duvet, asking him to come back later. Clearing his throat, he had told her to simply get dressed and come out. The Weasley children had then gotten together and wished their mother, who had still been fast asleep, a happy birthday.

"I know what mom would want to do, open all those gifts," said Fred pointing to a pile next to one window. Luna's own little package rested next to Ron's.

"Yeah and hope that there is a book by Lockhart somewhere amongst them," added George.

"Didn't he lose his memory?" asked Luna.

"Yup, thanks to Ronald here. Anyways, these publications were before he lost his marbles," replied Ginny.

"So what are we going to do?" asked Ron, trying to change the subject.

"Let's go have a snow fight," shouted Eric and ran out.

"What are we waiting for, you heard the kid," said Ron, and everyone quickly ran behind the child.

As they all rushed out, the spirited Weasley's quickly divided themselves into teams. Luna ended up in the different team from Ron. She tried hard to duck the million snow balls thrown her way, but failed sometimes. The end result was a very red nose, and a flushed face.

In the spirit, she hauled a big snowball in the direction of Fred, but he ducked and it hit Ron in the face. Turning, he saw Luna and gave a growl. "I'll get you Lovegood," he bellowed.

Laughing loudly, she ran in another direction, scooping up snow as she ran. Blindly making a ball out of it, she threw it over her shoulder. She kept running, laughing loudly, and heard Ron laugh too. He eventually reached her, and picked up lots of snow and put it inside her coat. Feeling incredibly cold, Luna fell down, trying to remove the snow. Confident of his win, Ron landed on top of her.

Both continued laughing. Suddenly, as they realized that they couldn't hear anybody else, Luna looked around. In their little game, they had ended up far away from the burrow. Ron was still on top of her, and Luna shifted a little uncomfortably.

"Are you alright?" asked Ron, aware of their bodies fused together.

"Yes, are you?" asked Luna.

"I'm good," said Ron, a small dimple appearing on his left cheek. "I don't want to move," said Ron, spreading his arms above Luna's head.

Her eyes widened as she took a breath. The smoke from her mouth seemed to draw Ron's attention towards it. His eyes focused on them and he licked his lips nervously. Both knew what was going to happen next, as Ron bent closer. Luna closed her eyes, craning her neck a little.

"Ron, Luna where are you guys?" came a shout from the other end. Their reverie broken, Luna opened her eyes. "We have to get up," she said urgently.

Ron nodded his head, and helped her up. Soon Ginny appeared round the corner and stopped. "Is this a bad time?" she asked.

"No, what are you talking about," replied Ron, shrugging.

"Well Draco's up and mom wants to cut the cake, so how did you get here?" asked Ginny, mischief in her eyes.

"I slipped and Ron helped me get up," replied Luna, not meeting Ginny's eyes.

"Well come on then. Mom doesn't like to wait, unless you want me to tell her you've lost your way?" said Ginny.

"Shut it, go mind your own business. Don't you have a sneezing fiancé to look after?" asked Ron, as they trotted behind Ginny towards the house.


As the Weasley's got together and cut the cake, Luna felt awkward. What had just happened? Were they about to kiss? How did that happen? When did they come to this situation?

Confused, Luna paid very little attention to everything. Molly seemed to notice this, and put it down to her being uncomfortable. Good intentions to settle her down, led Molly to insist Luna sit near Ron. She even made a scene when Luna declined, saying she knew Luna was uncomfortable.

Simply unable to eat anything, forget cake, while sitting close to Ron, Luna excused herself. She went to the back of the house and found herself in the cloak room washing her face. It was here that Ginny found her after ten minutes.

"What are you doing here?" asked Ginny.

"Just washing my face," replied Luna.

"What is the matter with you? Why are you behaving so odd around Ron?" asked Ginny.

Luna felt the color rush to her cheeks, infuriating her. How dare she question her motives! "Look Ginny, I'm not comfortable discussing this," said Luna, turning away from her.

"Listen," said Ginny, halting Luna in her steps. Luna turned back, "What?"

"I think Ron really likes you, and I just want him to be happy," she said softly.

"What makes you say that?" asked Luna.

"The fact that you're here," replied Ginny.

"But I'm all wrong for him. He should be with someone like Hermione," said Luna.

"Please. Hermione is all wrong for him," replied Ginny.

"But they were happy together," she said.

"Yeah, and then they were fighting always, pulling each other's hair".

"But he loved her," said Luna, turning away.

"And yet he's here with you, and Hermione is with Harry," said Ginny. "Luna if you seriously think that you're here because Ron is confused about whom he should be with then you're wrong".

"I am?"

"Yes, very wrong. Ron was heartbroken after Hermione, and he was looking for meaningless relationships. Do you know you're the only girl he has brought home after Hermione? My brother doesn't invite just anyone to his mother's birthday. Obviously you're important to him," said Ginny.

"You don't understand. I have to get away from here," said Luna, and rushed past Ginny outside.

"Not if I can help it," muttered Ginny.

A/n: Thank you to everyone who has read. I love all your wonderful reviews, keep them coming.
