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Orange nail varnish by Rid

Orange nail varnish


A/n: Merry Christmas to everyone. I know this is after Christmas, just consider it my belated gift to everyone. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Thanks to my beta reader bslehofer.

As Luna opened her eyes the next morning, the first thing that struck her was that she was in the Weasley house, sleeping in Ron's childhood bed, while Eric and his sister Julie slept in the bed next to hers. She was trying hard to settle the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. What had she been thinking coming to the Weasley house? How could she love Ron, when she didn't know whether he reciprocated her feelings? Could Ron fall in love with her? Could he ever accept her? Could his family accept her?

These thoughts were still going through her head, as she climbed down the stairs for breakfast. Not too many people were up, and the dining table was occupied by a few kids, Fred and Charlie. Unsure of what to do, Luna decided to climb down anyway and she moved towards the table.

"Ah, now if it isn't the girlfriend of Ronny" said Fred, a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Fred," warned Charlie. "Come join us Luna".

Luna nodded and sat down next to Charlie. Pouring herself a glass of juice with nervous fingers, Luna raised her head looking anxiously for Ron. She didn't know how long she'd be able to make small talk with either Charlie or Fred.

"So, you and Ron leaving today, right?" asked Charlie.

"Yes," replied Luna. "I have to get back to work".

"I never got round to asking you this, how's the article coming along?" asked Charlie.

Luna choked on her juice, as it lodged itself in some part of her throat, refusing to go the rest of the way down. "Article?"

"Yeah, the reason why you've been hanging out with Ronny boy," said Fred.

"Yes, it's coming along fine," replied Luna. Fact was, in the past few days, all she had thought of was how much fun she was having with Ron. She had completely forgotten about the article. She didn't have much to write about Ron, that the world didn't already know. What was she going to tell her father?

"Are you all right?" asked Charlie. "You look a bit pale".

"Yes, I'm fine," replied Luna.

Suddenly not feeling too keen on having anything, Luna pushed her half consumed glass of juice away and rose. "I think I should go get packed," she said, and hurried past the Weasley's before someone could stop her.


Carefully folding away her clothes, Luna was interrupted by Ron, who suddenly barged into the room. "What are you doing?" asked Ron.

"Getting packed. Did you forget, we have to leave today," replied Luna.

"No, I didn't forget, I just thought maybe I could persuade you to stay for dinner," he said.

Luna shook her head. "Ron, I told you I wouldn't be able to stay for long. I have a deadline to meet, and I still haven't started on the article," replied Luna. "I'm sorry but I can't stay".

"Luna is something wrong?" asked Ron, concern evident in his voice. "Has someone said something? What happened?"

Luna stopped what she was doing, and looked Ron in the eyes. She felt the emotion rising within her chest. Oh, she loved this man! "Nothing happened alright. Everything's fine, nobody said anything," she said. "I have to just get back to work".

He nodded in understanding. "Luna, I wanted to say something to you," said Ron, hesitantly.

Putting the last of her clothes in her bag, Luna settled down on the bed, and patted the space next to her. "What?"

Ron looked slightly pale as he sat next to her. The next moment, he rose again, uncertainly, and occupied a vacant chair kept in one corner of the room. Confused at his discomfort, Luna asked again, "What happened Ron?"

"Ah, I wanted to tell you something very important," he started.

Before he could continue, Ginny walked into the room, with Draco in tow. "Hello love birds," waved Draco, nodding his head at both of them.

"Hello yourself," said Ron, irritably.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," said Ginny. "And you dare taunt me in return," she added as Ron opened his mouth to say something. He closed it but not before sticking his tongue out at his little sister.

"Well people, we've got to go, Mom's calling everyone down," said Ginny, pulling Draco out of the room.

"I guess we'll talk later," said Ron, quietly moving out of the room.

Sighing loudly, Luna followed him out.


Molly Weasley had given each one of her children bear hugs, followed by apple pie's, as a snack for later, for everyone. Luna had also been at the receiving end of some really amazing photographs from their snow fight together and dinner the previous night. Overcome, Luna only nodded and blinked happy tears.

Closing her eyes tightly as Ron escorted her back to her house on the broom; Luna remembered how they had actually reached the Weasley house in the first place. That day seemed so far away. So did the chance meeting several days ago, which had brought her and Ron closer. Taking a deep breath to inhale his smell, Luna recalled the many shared breakfasts, trying hard to find a trace of emotion, a flicker of a gaze, a softening of the eyes or a lucky touch that could convince her that Ron loved her as much as she did him.

As the past few days ran through her head, Luna recalled many moments that led her to believe that Ron felt for her the same way she did for him, but the fact was that until he told her so, she couldn't do anything about how she was feeling.

"We're here," said Ron, as he brought them back down, and Luna sighed in regret. The magic was over. Climbing off the broom, Luna was about to turn and walk away, when Ron held onto her hand. Hope surfacing instantly in her heart, Luna turned and raised her eyes to his.

She searched his face for any signs of the indulgence that marks the face of two people who are in love, but all she could read was nervousness.

"I've been meaning to tell you something, but I don't know how to," he said, his voice quavering.

"Yes," said Luna, encouraging him to go on.

"I- I" he said. "I"

"Yes," said Luna, "Go on".

"I had a lovely time. Thank-you," he finished.

Luna felt her heart skip a beat of disappointment. "Yes, so did I. Well, good night," she said and turned. She quickly made her way to her doorstep, before Ron could say anything else. Bolting the door, Luna slipped down to her knees and buried her head in her hands. What was she going to do?

A/n: Inspite of lot of Public demand, I couldn't get Eric to come join us today, but Samantha has something to say. So I'll let her take over.

"Hello people. You know me as the friends, philosopher and guide of Luna in this story, Samantha. Now tell me, don't you think both these people are acting absolutely stupid. I mean how will you know that someone loves you or not unless you tell them how you feel. They are not going to dream of your feelings, right?

So for everyone who agrees with me, learn to confess your true feelings to those you love. And never, never, never say Thank-you to someone you love. Ciao!"
