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Harry Potter and the Power the Dark Lord Knows Not by AJ Potter

Harry Potter and the Power the Dark Lord Knows Not

AJ Potter

Chapter 2: A Plan of Attack

July 5 - 5:00pm - Riddle House

"Master, everyone is waiting," Bellatrix Lestrange spoke softly to the man in front of her as she bowed before him.

"Step aside, Bella. You are fortunate that I have allowed you to live after you failed me so miserably." Bellatrix moved aside immediately, still keeping her head down. The man moved past her without a second glance and left the room. This next room was twice the size of the room he'd just left, but then it needed to be to accommodate his Death Eaters. Only his most loyal knew of this place and even they would not be able to reveal its presence.

He had spent many hours contemplating his next move. He had been thwarted in his attempt at obtaining the prophecy and hearing the rest of it. However, now that even the Ministry and Daily Prophet were acknowledging his presence, he figured it was time to begin a more public campaign of terror. And if he started his campaign through a strike against Potter and that old fool Dumbledore all the better. He almost smiled at the thought. He approached the twenty black clad figures standing in a close semi-circle.

"Xavier, you will lead Parkinson, Jennings, and Dover, on an attack at the mudbloods," Xavier nodded, and Voldemort continued, "Bulstrode, you shall lead Kerrington, Lang, and Mulcifer. Your target is the Weasley's. O'Malley, your team of Donovan, Derring, and Fenton will attack the Lovegoods. Zambini, you and the rest are wrecking havoc on Potter. Now that we have the locations for all of these targets, I want them to suffer. Kill as many as you can and use that new curse to cause maximum damage. If the shields we detected around Potter hold, bring the house down around him. Now go!" The others dutifully filed out as no one could apparate into or out of the mansion other than their master himself.

Voldemort returned to his inner room where Bellatrix and Peter Pettigrew were standing just as he'd left them. His eyes glowed eerily red but the two faithful followers barely noticed. "Leave us," he ordered to Pettigrew. The short, rat-like man bowed then left quickly. "Now, Bella, what shall we do while we wait?" He questioned moving closer to Bellatrix.

"Whatever you want, master," Bellatrix answered keeping her voice low and even.

"Exactly, Bella," Voldemort stated in his usual cold voice. "Crucio!" Bellatrix collapsed in pain whimpering. Voldemort held the spell for several minutes enjoying the way the woman twisted and writhed on the floor, moaning and crying out in pain. Torture was so much fun.

* * * * * * * * * * *

July 5 - 5:30pm - Number 4 Privet Drive

Severus Snape couldn't believe his luck. When his mark had burned earlier, he had notified Dumbledore before leaving Hogwarts to answer the call. He had expected an announcement of when the upcoming attack would occur. He had not expected that the small group of followers would be sent out directly from that meeting to carry out five simultaneous attacks. He would have to try to warn the Order somehow. Although both Potter and Granger's homes were being watched by an Order member at all time, the Death Eaters involved in each of the attacks this evening were some of the best.

Snape barely listened as Beatrix Zambini outlined their groups plan for attacking Potter. He had bristled when the dark lord did not choose him to head a team. He wondered briefly if this was a sign that he did not trust him. Did he suspect anything? He knew it was a mistake to underestimate the dark lord. He would tread very carefully. Zambini had finished her instructions. Snape had to admit her plan sounded adequate. He had no doubt he could do better. The group disappeared with several distinct cracks before reappearing in an empty play park near Privet Drive.

"Crucio!" Zambini cried pointing her wand at Snape. Snape fell to the ground shocked. After a moment, Zambini released the curse. "You would do well to pay attention, Severus," Zambini ground out, "Or perhaps you've just been too busy wondering when you would slip away to tell that insufferable old fool. Crucio!" Snape again found himself sprawled on the ground his body convulsing in pain. When she finally released the curse this time, Snape found that his body would not stop trembling.

"Rollins, Gerritt, move as close as you can to the house and begin the attack. Remember the plan. I'll join you in a few moments. I have a few more things to say to Severus." The other two men nodded. They were not certain what had happened between Snape and Zambini but they weren't about to interfere and risk being cursed themselves.

Snape stared up at the blonde haired woman who looked much like a more feminine version of her son Blaise. She stared down at him, her gray eyes like pieces of flint. Several moments passed as she stared down at him. Finally, she spoke, "Go!" Snape did not have to be told twice. He disappeared with a crack. Beatrix sighed before going in search of Rollins and Gerritt. She trusted them to have begun the attack as ordered. Severus must be losing his touch, she thought, as she had read his mind easily that he wanted a way to warn Dumbledore of the attacks. She had suspected for some time that Snape might be playing the part of a spy, but had enjoyed watching him fool the Dark Lord, taking notes for her own deception. She just hoped that Severus would be able to get help in time to avoid the massacre that could result from this evening's attacks.

* * * * * * * * * * *

July 5 - 6:00pm - Number 12 Grimmauld Place

Remus Lupin looked around at the many people seated at the kitchen table of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Dumbledore had called an emergency meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. Lupin was thankful he had only had to drag himself downstairs from his room to make the meeting. Since Sirius's death and Harry's return to Privet Drive, Lupin had found himself almost drowning in his grief and loneliness. His last friend was gone. And Harry, Harry was back with his evil relatives who hated him. He had begged Dumbledore to let Harry come to Grimmauld Place, but Dumbledore had reminded Remus that Harry needed to return to Privet Drive to renew the blood protection put in place by Lily. Remus had finally given in, but made Dumbledore promise that they would fetch Harry as soon as possible.

At that moment Dumbledore swept into the room. "Ah, I trust that everyone is here. Good." Dumbledore looked around the room as Remus had done earlier. "We have received word that Voldemort is plotting something. We believe it is an attack, but we do not yet know who the target or targets are." At his words, a hush fell over the crowd.

"So soon, but several of his followers are still in Azkaban." Arthur Weasley interrupted. Dumbledore looked at Arthur for a moment before continuing.

"I had expected that he would withdraw and allow things to settle down some before he attacked again. Unfortunately, he seems to have decided to surprise us. After all, even the Ministry of Magic has now accepted that he has truly returned. An attack now would likely increase people's fear. It would also allow him to flex his strength to attract more followers."

"Who are the likely targets?" Remus spoke up. "Other than Harry, of course." At this Dumbledore looked even more somber.

"Unfortunately, Remus, that is the one thing we do not know." The room fell into a deep silence.

"But we cannot possibly protect everyone who might be a target. What if he goes after an entire town?" Hestia Jones had spoken the words that everyone had been thinking.

"Unfortunately, that is our fear. It is most likely that he will go after those who he knows are loyal to Harry and myself. However, it is just as likely that he might attack an entire area to get at a single family. All of you must be extra vigilant." A loud crack prevented further questions, as Severus Snape appeared.

"It has begun." With those words the potions master fell to the ground unconscious the torture and the apparition being too much all at once. Poppy Pomfrey immediately went to the fallen Hogwarts teacher. "He's been tortured, most likely the Cruciatus."

"Return to your homes and warn your families. Lupin, Moody, get to Privet Drive now, Tonks, Arthur, Kingsley to the Granger's. Fetch them back here at the slightest hint of trouble. Minerva please warn the Longbottoms." Within moments the only ones left at Grimmauld place were Poppy Pomfrey and the unconscious Severus Snape. She levitated him into a bedroom on the first floor of Grimmauld transfiguring it a bit to make it larger. With attacks happening, she could very well see more patients before the night was through. She poured a couple of potions down the unconscious potion masters throat knowing that he would curse her tomorrow for giving him a sleeping draft, but he needed his rest, and as a healer she intended to see that he got it.

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