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Coming To Salem by HarryandHermionesLoveChild

Coming To Salem


Coming to Salem

Chapter 9


Harry and Hermione stood at the doors of the palace great hall after King James and queen Lily had requested their presence at dinner. Everything was fine until they got to the door, where Hermione was overcome with a fresh batch of nerves. Harry smiled as she shook her head and took some deep breaths.

"Are you sure you're ok?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," Hermione replied squeakily.

Harry reached out to stroke her upper arms. "Hermione, you're worrying over nothing. We're not exactly what you would call traditional royals."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Is that why they arranged for you to marry Cho Chang?"

"Ok, I'll give you that one," Harry said. "But honestly, leaving that part out, my parents are really chilled out people."

"They must be if they allow you to use words like 'chilled', she said grinning.

"Exactly," Harry said taking her hand in his. "Also, going back to your original question, they may have arranged for me to marry another but as it stands I'm now marrying you. And that is largely down to them I might add, although I do like to believe that we would have found each other eventually."

"Me too," Hermione said softly.

"So, are you ready?" Harry asked.

Hermione took one last deep breath. "Yes."

Harry opened the doors and found his parents at the table waiting for them. He gave Hermione's hand a little squeeze to reassure her that this first meeting was going to be fine. As they approached the queen, Lily raised from her seat, her eyes immediately falling on Hermione.

"You must be, Hermione," Lily said with a warm smile.

Hermione curtseyed slowly. "Yes, your majesty."

Lily held out a hand for Hermione to take and lead her to a seat beside her. Hermione was grateful when Harry sat on the other side of her. The queen certainly appeared to be a lovely lady but Hermione was still feeling nervous, she was just so glad that she had Harry there for support.

"So, Hermione," Lily said, turning her back a little to her husband in order to give Hermione her full attention. "Was my son's grovelling adequate?"

Harry shook his head as Hermione smiled, she was starting to feel more comfortable already. "Yes, your majesty."

"Hermione, while I find your etiquette towards me flawless, I have to insist that you call me Lily?"

Hermione looked surprised. "Of course…Lily."

"That's better," Lily said happily. "So, things between the two of you are…well?"

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and smiled.

"Actually mother," Harry said covering Hermione's hand with his own. "We want to get married."

Lily clasped her hands in delight while her husband smiled widely. "Oh darling, that's wonderful news. Isn't it James?"

"It sure is," he spoke for the first time. "Congratulations son, and to you too Hermione."

"Thank you," Harry said sincerely. "Really, thank you." Harry emphasised the last two words, something that wasn't lost on his father. Harry knew James played a huge part in getting him and Hermione together and he was sure he'd never find a way to repay the favour.

"This really is exciting," Lily gushed. "My only baby is getting married and to someone he actually loves James!"

James simply rolled his eyes before Harry and Hermione shared a tender look.

"I really am looking forward to getting to know you better, Hermione," Lily said. "And what better way to do that than while we plan the wedding?"

"Well, um, I'm sure whatever you decide will be lovely," Hermione said with a smile.

Queen Lily raised her eyebrows a tad and looked at her son, who then focused his eyes on his fiancée. "Hermione, this is our wedding," Harry told her gently. "We get to make the decisions."

Hermione frowned with embarrassment. "I see…you'll have to excuse me I'm always making assumptions.."

"I understand that this entire situation must be very…surreal for you shall we say," Lily said, trying to make her feel better. "I'm sure Harry has made you aware that we are not like most Royal families." Hermione nodded, instantly feeling better hearing the queen's words. She felt Harry give her hand a squeeze and was treated to a wink when she glanced at him.

This whole thing situation was going to take some getting use to. She didn't mean to put her foot in it, but she honestly didn't think that she was going to get any say in how her wedding to Harry would be organized, but she was overjoyed knowing that she could make some choices. Hermione was excited at the prospect of planning the big day, she too like many women had dreamed about how her wedding day would play out, and it appeared that she really was going to get her fairytale ending after all, no matter how much she thought she wouldn't over the years. The queen was right, this situation was surreal, Hermione struggled to get a date growing up and now here she was, engaged to Prince Harry of Gryffindor. Every witch's dream.

"Hermione," Harry said interrupting her thoughts. "I was thinking after dinner, you and I could go for a walk."

"I'd like that," she said softly.

"Where do you plan in taking her, darling?" the queen asked her son. "It certainly is a nice day for it."

"I have somewhere in mind," Harry said secretly.


After dinner, Harry lead Hermione out of the palace grounds. Twenty minutes into their walk and Harry still wouldn't let Hermione know where they were going.

"Not even a little clue?" Hermione asked.

"No, I want it to be a surprise," Harry said wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I think I've had enough surprises over the last few months to last me a lifetime," she said

"Trust me you're going to love this one."

"Are we nearly there yet?" Hermione asked as they neared the top of the hill they'd been climbing.

"Oh stop," Harry laughed. "You actually just said that."

"Gosh, I though I was in shape," Hermione commented short of breath.

Harry stopped walking and looked her up and down. "You look in shape to me."

Hermione blushed. "Is that appropriate talk coming form a prince?"

"I'm not like most princes," Harry said in a husky voice.

"Clearly not," Hermione smiled.

Harry leaned in and gave her a soft kiss against the lips. "It's not far now I promise. I never thought I could have brought you up here on my broom."

"Oh no," Hermione laughed. "Walking is fine."

When they just about reached the top of the hill Harry stopped and turned to his fiancée. "I hope you're not disappointed."

Hermione was curious as to where he was taking her and followed closely. She was relieved when the finally reached the top.

"So what do you think?" Harry moved aside and let Hermione take in the stunning view before her.

She took a sharp intake of breath as she came face to face with a most beautiful scene. Below her were valley's, lakes and beautiful green hills stretching as far as the eye could see. Then as she looked to the right, she saw it. There in front of her, perched high on a cliff side, was Hogwarts castle. "Oh Harry, it's beautiful."

Harry smiled feeling very pleased with himself. He looked at Hermione and gestured to the floor. "Would you like to sit down for a while?" Hermione nodded and sat down on what she thought to be the softest grass she'd ever felt. Harry ever the gentleman, waited for to get settled before sitting down next to her. "So what do you think?"

Hermione shook her head in wonder. "It's perfect."

"I use to come here a lot when I was at school," he told her softly. "I love how peaceful it is up here."

"I bet you found it hard to get time by yourself growing up," Hermione said. "I imagine that's not changed much since you've gotten older either."

"Oh I had time alone, lots of it. Just not the kind of time one enjoys."

"I can't imagine what it must have been like for you, Harry."

"It wasn't all bad, I rather enjoyed the time I spent right here in this spot."

"I can see why," Hermione said as she admired the scenery. "This place could help put the most troubled mind at ease."

"So what do you think of the castle?" he asked, looking at his old school.

"Just how I imagined," Hermione replied. "Maybe just that bit better." The two sat in silence for a while simply being content with each other's presence, before Hermione spoke again. "It's weird to know that we could have met years ago when we were younger, that is if my parents had never moved to France."

"Or if I knew what a weasel Pettigrew was from the beginning," Harry said with an edge to his voice.

"You trusted him," Hermione said, as more of a statement than a question.

"I did," he said sadly. It was obvious Harry was still sore after what Peter had done to him and his family. "Hermione, I'm so sorry for what he did to you."

Hermione cocked her head to one side. "Are you accustomed to taking the blame for other people's actions?"

"But I should've--"

"Coulda, woulda, shoulda," Hermione giggled.

"Excuse me?" Harry laughed.

"Loosely translated as forget about it," Hermione said with a smile still on her face. "He can't hurt either of us anymore."

"My life feels so…easy when I'm with you," Harry said softly.

"Well, that's one of my responsibilities as your future wife isn't it, to make things easy for you."


"What hmm?"

"Nothing," Harry smirked. "Only I was always the impression that wives made their husbands lives harder."

Hermione tapped him playfully against the arm. "Don't think I'm going to let you get away with everything just because you're a prince."

"Your swift kick in my crown jewels made me well aware of that fact from the beginning," Harry said with a grin.

Hermione was mortified at the memory. "Oh Merlin, I shouldn't have--"

"Couldn't a, wouldn't a, wouldn't a, shouldn't a," Harry said proudly, only to find Hermione looking at him strangely. "Or something to that effect."

A small smile made its way to Hermione's face. "How rude, using my own phrase against me."

"A slightly abridged version," he said, playfully nudging her. Another silence followed only to be broken when Harry cleared his throat. "You know, there was a particular reason that I bought you up here today."

"Oh, what was it?"

"Well there were two reasons actually. One, because I never bought anyone here before and I wanted you to be the first person I shared it with."

Hermione looked touched by his comment but managed to hold it together enough to ask, "What was the other reason?"

Harry took a deep breath. "Because I wanted to give you this," he said, and held out a red velvet box. Hermione raised a hand to her mouth to prevent a gasp from escaping.

"Surely this isn't too much of a surprise?" Harry asked amused, then opened the box not once taking his eyes off of his fiancée. He watched Hermione's reaction carefully, as the sun made the sparkling diamond ring reflect into her face.

"Oh my," Hermione gushed.

"Do you like it?" Hermione was speechless and could only manage a brief nod. "I know that the way I proposed to you wasn't all that romantic--"

"I thought it was," Hermione said finding her voice. "It was the most romantic moment of my life."

"Really?" Harry asked sceptically.

"You were irresistibly sweet."

Harry looked at the ring. "This is where I'm supposed to tell you that the ring belonged to my mother, and that it's been in our family for generations."

"Is that true?"

"No," Harry chuckled. "I bought it especially for you."

"It's exquisite, Harry," she said still admiring the ring.

Harry took the ring out of the box and held it between his thumb and forefinger. "I sometimes think that my mother had wanted a daughter."

Hermione narrowed her eyes in confusion, it seemed like a very odd thing for him to say at a time like this. "Why would you think that?"

"One of my mother's most favourite things to do when I was growing up, was to tell me love stories." It was true. Queen Lily use to tell Harry stories of kings and queens, prince and princesses, and magical fairytales from a very young age, so much so, that her husband James started to worry about the affect it could have on their son. As Harry got older, he understood that love stories were seen as a girlie thing, but didn't have the heart to ask his mother to stop talking to him about something she enjoyed so much. He'd never admit it to any other male but he actually remembered being quite taken in by some of them. What Harry did remember was how one in particular made him feel. "I didn't believe any of the stories my mother told me, I know how they work. They're suppose to inspire people to believe that everyone in the world can find that one person that they're looking for."

"You don't believe that to be true?" Hermione asked quietly.

"No," Harry replied honestly. "I don't."

"Oh," Hermione said a bit put out. She didn't exactly believe it either, that was until she fell in love with him.

"But then my mother told me one story that made me have my own belief," Harry said looking at the ring. "She told me how she and my father met and fell in love, and it didn't freak me out like I expected. Instead the minute she finished I started looking for something."

"What was that?" Hermione asked intrigued.


"Me?" Hermione whispered.

Harry took Hermione's left hand in his. "The first time I heard my parents story, I started looking for you not knowing how blind that was. Then I realised, soul mates don't just finally meet somewhere, Hermione. They're in each other all along," Harry told her softly. "It's the only way I can explain, how I could love you the very first second that I laid eyes on you." Hermione couldn't prevent the few tears that escaped her eyes, as Harry slowly slipped the ring on her finger. "I know that you're the one, and while I can't promise you that your life with me is going to be easy, I can promise you that I will love you for the rest of my life."

Harry raised Hermione's hand, the ring he just placed on it sparkling in all it's glory, and gently brought it to his lips.

"You really are a prince," Hermione said happily. Harry scooted closer, cupped one side of her face and kissed her softly. When he pulled back, Hermione raised her hand and began gently tracing his facial features. "That stubble makes you look hot."

"My mother wasn't very impressed when she saw it, but when I told her that you approved she agreed that I should never get rid of it."

"You and your mum are very close aren't you?" she said while tracing his jaw.

"Yeah we are," Harry smiled. "She likes you very much."

"She's only spent an hour with me," Hermione pointed out. "How can you tell?"

"Like I say we're very close," Harry replied. "It's taken years but I usually know what my mother's thinking, especially when it comes to me and the company I choose to keep." Hermione was trying her best to keep focused on her fiancé and their conversation, but couldn't help sneaking peeks at the rock on her finger, something that didn't go unnoticed by Harry. "I made the right choice then yes?" he grinned.

"Oh Harry, I'm sorry," she said, embarrassed at being caught. "I'm the least materialistic person on the face of this earth, but--"

Harry put a fingers to her lips. "Don't apologize, it's the exact reaction I was hoping for. You're allowed to enjoy your engagement ring, Hermione." Harry said leaning in towards her, pausing just before he reached her lips. He let his mouth quirk into a sexy little grin, something that made Hermione immediately smile back at him, along with causing her heart to flutter. Not being able to wait any longer, Harry glued his lips to her. The kiss was much more firm than the one he'd given her after slipping the ring on her finger, and it didn't take long for Hermione to respond it. When Harry put his hand on her waist, she felt her body begin to ignite from his touch.

Harry wondered if she had any idea of the effect she was having on him. He slid one hand up her side and slowly explored her curves, the other hand cupping the back of her head as he kissed her harder. Hermione cooed quietly when his fingers brushed against the side of her breast. She felt a little cautious when she suddenly became aware of how much she wanted him to go further, to touch her more intimately. Hermione didn't have any experience when it came to physical intimacy, it all of a sudden felt like the floodgates had been opened and all her repressed desire had awoken with a vengeance when the man she loved touched her the way he was doing at that moment.

Harry kissed the corner of her mouth and moved down to her neck, nibbling the tender skin beneath her ear. Hermione had not realised that it was a such sensitive spot there until now, it seemed her whole body was an erogenous area under his touch. Harry was really struggling to keep a lid on his desire, he wanted nothing more than to physically show her how much he loved her, but he knew it would be a mistake. Despite the fact she was responding to his kisses and caresses, they still had not talked about this part of their relationship in any great detail. He had no real idea how Hermione felt regarding the matter and he had no intention of sabotaging it before they had talked about the subject. Hermione was a lady, and she deserved to be treated like one. That in mind, he regretfully pulled away.

Hermione looked at him quizzically. "Is something wrong?" she asked, now feeling embarrassed at how she reacted to his touches.

"No, of course not," Harry smiled, sensing she was unsure about what was happening. "I just think it would be a good idea to talk about some things is all."

"Oh, I see," Hermione blushed crimson, knowing exactly what he was referring to.

"It just occurred to me that we've never really talked about…you know…that," Harry stuttered, as he gestured between the two of them.

"Do you not want to--"

"NO!" Harry said quickly, only realising how bad that sounded when he saw a hurt look flash across Hermione's face. "I mean yes, of…of course!" His own embarrassment obviously made Hermione feel better about hers, she laughed when she saw that he was as nervous in talking about this as she was. "I have no idea how to start such a conversation," he admitted.

"I've never actually found myself in a situation when it's been needed?" Hermione said, her cheeks flaming red.

"No?" Harry asked pleasantly surprised.

"I'm not really wise in those ways of the world," Hermione said blushing furiously.

"I see," Harry said with a smile. "Would it help if I was to tell you that, I too, am a stranger to…those ways of the world as you say?"

Hermione was temporarily taken aback. "You've never…you know?"

"No, Hermione," Harry answered amused. "I've never, you know."

"How is that possible?" Hermione asked him in wonder, her question making the young prince smile and blush. "Have you seen you?" she asked humorously.

"It appears you have made assumptions about that aspect of my life also," Harry pointed out playfully.

Hermione's mouth bobbed up and down. That was exactly what she had thought before she met him, that he was a playboy with no morals. He was surprising her all the time the more she found about him, still not comprehending how wrong she could be about someone. "I don't know what to say."

"That's a first."


"Joke, joke," Harry said raising his hands in mock defence.

"I'm just surprised that's all," Hermione said playing with some blades of grass. "You're gorgeous."

Harry wanted to laugh at what she said but decided to have a little fun instead. Leaning back on his hands, he took a deep breath and sighed. "Yeah, I know."

Hermione looked and pointed at him. "Now that, was how I imagined you."

Harry smiled widely, then quickly wrestled her to the ground playfully. Hermione squeaked loudly at his sudden action, then began to laugh. Her laughter began to subside when she realised what position they had gotten themselves in. Harry was lying on top of her, his eyes boring into hers. "Seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and I'll be yours forever," Harry said huskily, his voice not once faltering.

"Huh?" Hermione mumbled breathless.

"No one has made me want to give up either one," he said softly. "Until I met you."

Hermione said nothing as she gazed lovingly at him for the longest time. She didn't have any idea how to respond to what he had just said to her, so decided to do the only thing she could think of at that moment. She reached up cradling his face in her hands, and kissed him as if her world would come to an end if she ever let her go.


"She certainly seems a lovely girl," James commented, as he watched his wife look through various pieces of parchment in their overly large living room

"She certainly does," Lily agreed wholeheartedly. "I'm so happy that our son has found her. I may have only spoken to her for an hour but I just have this feeling, that she'll take great care of him."

James rolled his eyes. "Lily, he doesn't need someone who will baby him."

"I know that, James," Lily sighed. "He needs someone who will love him."

"Which Hermione does," James said confidently. "Even I can see that."

Lily smiled at her husband, he was a softy when he wanted to be. "Come here and have a look at these will you?"

James walked over to Lily , who was standing over a table spreading parchment and moving pictures. "What is this?"

"Wedding plans."

"Wedding plans?" he repeated picking up one of the pictures. "Why can't we just go with the same plans that we had before, and let Hermione and Harry choose attire and flowers?"

Lily clasped her hands together dramatically. "Oh that's a wonderful idea, James," she said with sarcasm. "I'm sure that Hermione would be thrilled at the idea of having her wedding in the exact same setting we planned for Harry and Cho's!"

"I just don't see what all the fuss is about, you were never this excited when Harry was to marry Miss Chang."

"That's because everything involving that engagement was treated as if it were a business deal," Lily said flatly. "This time it's about true love."

James didn't dare argue with his wife when it came to matters of the heart, or her romantic notions. "Fine."

"Good," Lily said returning her attention to the table. It was then she remembered something else. "We'll have to announce the engagement to the kingdom soon, James. Our subjects have been very curious since Harry's engagement to Cho was cancelled, and we haven't offered them any explanation."

"Yes you are right, dear," James agreed. "We'll have a chat with Harry and Hermione about it when they return from their stroll."

"That would be best," Lily said, then began tapping her chin in thought. "I think I shall have Remus go to Madam Malkin's, I suspect the robe design's here wont be to Harry's taste."

Before James could respond to his wife's thousand thoughts a minute, Harry and Hermione appeared at the living room doors looking slightly dishevelled. James gestured to the two of them. "Harry, please do come in here your mother is going slightly mental."

"James," Lily hissed warningly. Her husband just smiled at her in return. "Did the two of you enjoy your stroll," Lily asked her son and soon to be daughter-in law.

Harry and Hermione turned to each other then nodded slowly towards the queen.

A smirk began to surface on James's face. "Something I've always found fascinating, Lily."

"What's that, dear?" Lily asked not knowing what he was talking about.

"Just seems that when couples go out for walks and talks, they always come back with grass stains on their clothes and their hair all over the place," he explained smugly. Harry and Hermione looked at each others hair and clothes, then began to blush furiously. They had a good idea that he king knew exactly what had been going on. "Strong winds, Harry?" James gestured to his son's hair, desperately trying not to laugh.

"James," Lily scolded gently. "Do leave them alone, you're making the poor kids blush." Harry needed to remember to thank his mother later. "Well, I'm glad that you're both here there is something that we need to discuss with you."

"Yes, mother?" Harry said, thankful to be getting on to another subject.

"Why don't the two of you sit down?" James said, stopping his teasing.

Harry and Hermione took a seat on a large sofa near a window that looked out onto the palace grounds, as his parents sat opposite them.

Lily saw the worry on Hermione's face. "There is nothing to worry about, Hermione," she told her warmly.

Harry hearing this turned his to Hermione and saw how worried she looked. Taking her hand in his, he winked at her which immediately made her relax.

"The thing is," James said seriously. "We need to come to a decision on what we believe will be the best way to announce your engagement." James focused his attention on Hermione. "We realise that things are happening at a fast pace, but Harry is the prince of Gryffindor, and the kingdom are becoming rather anxious after hearing that his previous engagement has come to an end."

"I've not even told my parents yet!" Hermione said, horrified that she hadn't thought of that before. "Everything happened so quickly."

Harry could sense that his fiancée was becoming upset. "Hermione, you mustn't worry about that We won't be announcing anything until we've told your parents, I promise."


James was cut off by his wife.

"Of course we won't," Lily said looking pointedly at James. "But I agree the sooner you do the better."

"You can invite them to the palace, we can have them apparated over tonight?" Harry suggested.

"Harry, my parents still think I'm in Salem. If I call them and ask them to meet me at the Gryffindor palace, I'm not sure they'd take me very seriously."

"Well, we'll go to Salem tonight," Harry told her. "That way they can get use to the idea of us before the whole royalty situation is thrown on them."

James spoke up. "I think that is very productive idea. That way we can announce your engagement tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Hermione repeated shakily.

"I sympathise with your situation, Hermione," James said truthfully. "We fully understand yours and Harry's desire to be alone without hassle at this time. But Harry is the Gryffindor Prince, and he has responsibilities, as will you when you become his wife. You'll be expected to conduct yourself admirably, so that you may be a impressionable role model for the youth of our kingdom. You will be the princess of Gryffindor, their future queen, after all."

Hermione listened intently as James spoke to her. She wasn't stupid and naive enough to think that her relationship with Harry was going to be private. He was the prince after all, something that king James seemed to be going out of his way to remind her of, and then it hit her, she was going to be the princess of Gryffindor. Of course she knew that when she accepted Harry's marriage proposal, but she was just so happy to be in love that she never really understood the implications of what saying 'yes' to him was going to have. Hermione believed Harry when he told her that him and his family weren't like most royal families, but surely they were going to stick with some traditions, like having control over her life to some extent. It was only at that moment did everything become real. Would she be expected to give up her dream of becoming a teacher? Would she be expected to produce heirs straight away?

Harry looked worriedly at Hermione, she was starting to turn pale. "Hermione, are you alright?"

"I have to get some air," she said struggling to breathe.

"Are you alright, my dear?" Lily asked, her concern mirroring her son's.

"I'm so sorry," Hermione said standing up. "Please do excuse me."

Hermione bolted out of the room with Harry following closely.

Lily narrowed her eyes at her husband. "Well done, James."

"What?" he asked innocently. "I didn't mean to scare her, I just wanted to make sure she was aware--"

"Couldn't you have approached it more subtly?" Lily asked. "You've made it sound as though her whole life with Harry will be about nothing more than responsibility! The poor girl must be horrified. Merlin, you really can put your foot in it sometimes!"

James knew his wife was right, but said nothing as he stared in the direction Harry and Hermione had gone. He hoped that Hermione understood he was only trying to help, no matter how much it seemed he wasn't.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, there is plenty more to come of course. Please read and review! Until next time.