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Stories by Cassie Valentine

  1. In The Pale Moonlight by Cassie Valentine

    A little bit of first time lovin's for our heroes. Hopefully, a few laughs and some tenderness will be found with in. An OLD challenge I found, issued to me by tome_raider.

  2. Ancient Ritual by Cassie Valentine

    Another one from LJ land. We all know that Hermione takes her research very seriously. Much to his amusement, Harry finds out just how serious.

  3. New Beginnings by Cassie Valentine

    Some I found in my Livejournal. Harry and Hermione embark on a new adventure together.

  4. Warm Water Wash, Tumble Dry by Cassie Valentine

    For tome_raider. Some things should only be put in a warm water wash and tumbled dry.

  5. Like a Bad Teen Movie by Cassie Valentine

    No real spoilers. "Looking back on things, she supposed one could say it was all like one of those bad teen movies. It had all started out innocently enough. Ron was getting married and she had needed a date. Well, hadn't needed a date, but she didn't particularly want to go stag and have to depend on Harry or the other Weasley boys or any of the boys for Hogwarts for dance partners."

  6. Ladies and Gentlemen by Cassie Valentine

    And that, ladies and Gentlemen, is that.

  7. Sealing Wax by Cassie Valentine

    Companion, not sequel (remember that) to Letters. Their lives at Hogwarts seemed to be a sealed letter that we couldn't get into and this, this was the sealing wax on the envelope.

  8. I'm Haunted By You by Cassie Valentine

    "I'm haunted by you," he whispered to her. "Even when you're here, but not with me, I'm haunted by your memory." A little smutt, a little angst and a little plot.

  9. Letters by Cassie Valentine

    They were only 16, far too young to understand what love was, she thought.

  10. Study Break by Cassie Valentine

    tome_raider, from LJ land, wanted this posted here. Hermione decides to give Harry a little reward for studying and gets more than she bargined for. Minimal plot. I had to get them int he library somehow.

  11. Unexpected Freedoms by Cassie Valentine

    Harry draws some conclusions about life and Hermione on their last night at Hogwarts.

  12. First Time by Cassie Valentine

    Post-Hogwarts. Their first time with each other. No plot anywhere to be found.

  13. The Eighteenth Year of Christmas by Cassie Valentine

    A little out of season fluffy Christmas angst for y'all. A look back at Harry's last 18 years through his experiences at Christmas.

  14. Colour Me . . . by Cassie Valentine

    Reply to the Bring Me To Life challenge. Harry needs some help finding himself and Hermione is forced to examine some of her own deamons at the same time.

  15. Just a Little Lesson About Life by Cassie Valentine

    Not really any spoilers. Written in response to the "Where did I come from?" challenge. Harry encounters the dreaded question, but skillfully handles it.

  16. Thoughts by Cassie Valentine

    Hermione does some thinking about Harry after he's brought to the medical wing in Goblet of Fire. Note: Re-uploaded to cure formating problems.